Wednesday 25 April 2018

Curso de administração de forex em kolkata

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Fazendo a escolha certa: 10 cursos de gerenciamento mais quentes.
Escolhendo um programa de MBA pode ser uma proposta muito difícil. Os aspirantes têm muitas perguntas: qual curso será mais adequado para eles? Como seriam seus pacotes salariais? Seus trabalhos seriam emocionalmente satisfatórios? Com tantas preocupações, temos a certeza de que eles encontrarão o nosso guia de cursos de gestão popular a coisa certa.
Bilhete para o mundo das empresas.
Estudantes de administração estão em grande demanda. Os empregadores estão à procura de formados em escolas de negócios e isso tem se mostrado forte em 2015, com 84% das empresas em todo o mundo planejando adicionar novos MBAs à sua força de trabalho - mdash; de 74% em 2014 e 62% há cinco anos, de acordo com a Pesquisa de 2015 para recrutadores corporativos, conduzida pelo GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council).
Enquanto isso é definitivamente uma boa notícia para aqueles interessados ​​em uma carreira de gestão, muitos podem enfrentar um dilema de escolher o programa certo.
O caminho certo para fazer isso é escolher algo que você tenha uma aptidão para além de verificar a popularidade do curso e o que você provavelmente vai sair dele.
Para ajudá-lo em sua busca, a HT Education realizou uma pesquisa on-line sobre cursos populares de gerenciamento. Obtendo informações de cerca de 200 alunos de escolas de segundo grau em todo o país, a pesquisa revelou que cerca de 60% dos graduados que selecionam um curso de administração escolheram finanças ou marketing, as especializações mais antigas oferecidas na maioria das escolas de administração.
Negócios internacionais foi a próxima escolha, seguida por gerenciamento de operações, gerenciamento de recursos humanos, gerenciamento de varejo e gerenciamento de mídia.
Surpreendentemente, 81% dos participantes da pesquisa disseram que escolheram um programa porque estavam interessados ​​nele e queriam explorá-lo seriamente como uma rota de carreira.
Outros escolheram um programa com base nos registros de colocação, os próximos na fila foram os que ficaram impressionados com os pacotes salariais, seguidos pela reputação de uma escola B. Qualidade do corpo docente, muitos disseram, também desempenha um papel significativo.
Sobre o motivo pelo qual eles queriam fazer um curso de administração, 55% disseram que ajudaram em seu autodesenvolvimento e 30% disseram que os ajudaram a conseguir um emprego lucrativo. A educação gerencial também ajudou as pessoas a se relacionarem com especialistas da indústria e acadêmicos; consegui as primeiras posições no trabalho; permitiu-lhes gerir melhor a sua vida profissional e, melhor de tudo, ajudou as pessoas a melhorar a vida dos outros.
Cerca de 45% dos entrevistados disseram que a melhor coisa sobre seu curso era conteúdo interessante, 30% gostaram do fato de terem permissão para interagir com a indústria.
Dos benefícios, 80% afirmaram que seu curso os ajudaria a aplicar seus aprendizados em situações da vida real no local de trabalho.
Preferências de emprego para 73% dos entrevistados estavam com multinacionais. Aqueles que queriam trabalhar em empresas indianas vieram em seguida, seguidos por outros interessados ​​em suas próprias empresas iniciantes.
Salário por ano Rs. 3 lakh para Rs. 35 lakh.
O marketing é um componente crucial para qualquer empresa ser capaz de fazer uma marca em um mundo competitivo. Um graduado em marketing treinado pode desempenhar um papel fundamental na análise da concorrência, identificando os comportamentos do cliente e suas necessidades e, consequentemente, pode desenvolver estratégias de negócios de maneira mais eficiente.
Os programas de marketing visam incutir uma abordagem orientada para o cliente nos estudantes e introduzi-los a habilidades gerenciais relevantes através de cursos eletivos sobre publicidade e promoção de vendas, gestão de marcas, gerenciamento de produtos, marketing business to business, estratégias de negócios baseadas em clientes, negócios internacionais, branding global e pesquisa de mercado e sistema de informação.
& ldquo; Tendo trabalhado por dois anos em um papel de vendas e marketing para uma grande unidade do setor público, decidi assumir o marketing como um dos principais para a obtenção do meu MBA. Marketing é um curso que dá uma grande compreensão da administração de empresas e não importa quantos anos as teorias são, os novos desafios nos empurram para sair com enigmas criativos para resolvê-los, & rdquo; diz Sanidhya Narain, estudante da Faculdade de Estudos de Gestão, Delhi.
Alunos de escolas de negócios também participam de vários projetos ao vivo que são exibidos por várias corporações e professores, onde eles podem aplicar seus conhecimentos de uma maneira mais prática. A pedagogia inclui basicamente estudos de caso, discussões e atividades em sala de aula, palestras, trabalhos de conclusão de curso e inclui um trabalho real no mercado para que os alunos tenham uma compreensão holística de todos os conceitos de marketing.
Fast-moving bens de consumo e empresas duráveis ​​de consumo são os maiores recrutadores. Algumas dessas empresas incluem PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Samsung, Vodafone, Philips, Google, Dell, HP, Star TV e MakeMyTrip.
A tomada de decisões financeiras constitui o cerne das operações comerciais em qualquer organização. Os cursos do núcleo são projetados para equipar os entusiastas financeiros com a experiência para lidar com o processo de tomada de decisão financeira, um conjunto crucial de todas as funções de negócios. Aqueles que estudam contabilidade financeira aprendem a lidar com comunicações externas com acionistas e outras partes interessadas; A contabilidade gerencial apresenta aos alunos questões relacionadas ao controle de perspectiva interna e técnicas para lidar com informações dentro da organização e verificar a eficácia das operações e serviços. O financiamento corporativo abrange as decisões de investimento e introduz os porquês e os riscos financeiros.
Uma especialização em mercados financeiros ajuda os alunos a entender o papel dos mercados financeiros, suas operações e instrumentos de gerenciamento de risco. Finanças faz parte dos cursos básicos obrigatórios para os principais programas das mais renomadas escolas de negócios. & ldquo; A maioria dos graduados começa como associados ou analistas, dependendo de sua experiência e perfil de trabalho anteriores. No entanto, dentro de cinco anos, os bons desempenhos podem se tornar vice-presidentes ou associar os vice-presidentes do segmento, " diz o professor Ajay Pandey, reitor (programas), Instituto Indiano de Administração, Ahmedabad.
Graduados recém-formados são responsáveis ​​por fazer análises sistemáticas e coletar informações para facilitar as decisões de qualquer empresa. Recrutadores gostam de contratar pessoas com experiência que são boas em fazer negócios, que é tudo sobre como lidar com clientes e entender modelos de negócios. Bancos globais e domésticos são os maiores recrutadores que incluem o Goldman Sachs, o Morgan Stanley, o Barclays e o ICICI Bank.
3. Negócios Internacionais.
Empresas como a Goldman Sachs, a Deloitte, a Pricewaterhouse Coopers, a Cognizant e a Amazon figuram entre os empregadores dos sonhos da maioria dos graduados em MBA. Um curso de gestão em negócios internacionais pode ser um passaporte para várias dessas empresas. De fato, várias empresas nacionais têm se entusiasmado em se tornar global nos últimos tempos.
& ldquo; Hoje, todos os profissionais de negócios são afetados por influências internacionais de alguma forma. O curso me ajudou a entender os meandros dos negócios internacionais e a desenvolver uma visão do arcabouço político, econômico e cultural do fazer negócios, & rdquo; diz Amita Khurana, uma aluna do Instituto Indiano de Comércio Exterior (IIFT) Delhi, que lidera as exportações da divisão de ferro-ligas e minerais, a Tata Steel.
& ldquo; Existe uma enorme demanda por gerentes com potencial internacional entre os recrutadores em todo o mundo, & rdquo; diz o Dr. Surajit Mitra, diretor do IIFT, Delhi.
4. Gerenciamento de operações.
O gerenciamento de operações constitui o núcleo de qualquer atividade de negócios. A partir de um contador ou gerente de recursos humanos (RH) para um operador de transporte e logística, quase todas as funções de negócios precisam ter um bom conhecimento das operações.
A maioria das principais escolas de negócios oferece operações como especialização. O gerenciamento de operações é muito crucial para os setores de produção e produção de serviços.
Os currículos para esses programas compreendem numerosos componentes quantitativos, exigindo que os alunos tenham boas habilidades analíticas. É aconselhável, portanto, que os estudantes que desejam ingressar no gerenciamento de operações tenham bons conhecimentos matemáticos. Estudantes de engenharia, contadores credenciados e alunos da BCom têm uma vantagem sobre os outros no curso, já que isso requer muita análise de números.
Alunos versados ​​em matemática básica, habilidades analíticas e conhecimento de modelos de otimização e simulação em análises estão em alta demanda na indústria, & rdquo; diz o professor Samir K Srivastava, presidente do comitê de estratégia e política de pesquisa e professor de administração de operações do Instituto Indiano de Administração (IIM) Lucknow.
5. Gestão de RH.
Contratar, treinar e re-treinar são fundamentais para a sustentabilidade de uma organização. É aqui que o papel de um gerente de recursos humanos (RH) é importante. Um programa de educação de gestão perene, o RH é preferido pela maioria dos formandos, dada a constante demanda por profissionais treinados em todos os setores. & ldquo; A idade de hoje é de RH estratégico e espera-se que traga resultados comerciais diretos. Isso faz com que seja crucial para um graduado entender as funções do negócio com mais detalhes e é exatamente isso que o curso nos equipa ”, disse. diz Nishant Agarwal, um recente Instituto Indiano de Administração (IIM) Ranchi distribuído na ICICI Prudential, Mumbai.
O currículo apresenta aos alunos a mudança do papel dos profissionais de RH e os aspectos básicos da aquisição de talentos, planejamento de recursos humanos, gerenciamento de compensações e recompensas, gerenciamento baseado em competências, gerenciamento de talentos e engajamento dos funcionários. O ensino baseado em casos é muito comum em cursos de diferentes institutos.
& ldquo; Graduados com interesse de cargos de RH podem optar por cursos de estratégia, porque a compreensão da estratégia contribui para esses perfis. Estratégia lida com questões relacionadas com a direção geral de uma empresa, & rdquo; diz Manoj Thomas, professor assistente de gestão estratégica da XLRI School of Business e Recursos Humanos, Jamshedpur.
Gestão de recursos humanos, desde a sua criação, tem transformado maciçamente. & ldquo; As organizações que operam globalmente exigem profissionais habilidosos e talentosos para lidar com cargos-chave e tarefas desafiadoras. Isso aumentou a demanda de funções de RH entre vários setores. Com a perspectiva positiva nas atividades de contratação, a demanda de graduados em RH aumentou ”, acrescenta. diz a professora Sumita Rai, presidente do PGP-HRM, Instituto de Desenvolvimento Gerencial, Gurgaon.
O varejo é um dos setores que mais crescem no país, em grande parte impulsionado pelo crescimento do comércio eletrônico, pela consciência do consumidor sobre marcas de luxo e pelo acesso à Internet. De acordo com a CRISIL, uma empresa analítica global, a indústria de varejo on-line da Índia cresceu rapidamente nos últimos cinco anos em torno de Rs. 15 bilhões (1.500 crore) em receitas em 2007-08 para Rs. 139 bilhões (13,900 crore) em 2012-13. & Rdquo;
O gerenciamento de varejo, um ramo relativamente novo no espaço, ganhou popularidade entre os estudantes, mais por causa de sua baixa aplicação de habilidades quantitativas.
& ldquo; Os clientes estão aumentando e agora eles têm mais conhecimento sobre os produtos e novos serviços, juntamente com a disposição de adotar novas coisas. O curso me ajudou a entender o comportamento dinâmico e volátil do cliente, que me ajudará a ajudar qualquer organização a escalar novos patamares, & rdquo; diz Aadhar Prasad, estudante, K J Somaiya Instituto de Estudos e Pesquisa de Gestão, Mumbai.
O gerenciamento de varejo oferece uma perspectiva completa desde a aquisição de produtos ou serviços até a entrega final, combinando-se ainda mais com a estratégia de marketing para entender as preferências do cliente e o comportamento do consumidor final.
O curso ajuda os alunos a aprender sobre os fundamentos das habilidades gerenciais necessárias no negócio de varejo.
A especialização inclui cursos sobre comportamento do comprador, merchandising visual e gestão da experiência do cliente, habilidades de vendas no varejo, varejo industrial, merchandising e compras no varejo, lojas de varejo e gerenciamento de operações, franquias no varejo, finanças de varejo e análises e varejo eletrônico.
FMCG, empresas de varejo, consultores de varejo e varejistas de serviços financeiros são os maiores recrutadores. Empresas populares incluem o Landmark Group, a Capgemini, a Wipro, o Future Group, a Aditya Birla Retail, a Infosys, a Reckitt Benckiser, a ICICI Bank, a GSK, a Hewlett Packard, a Flipkart, a Snapdeal, a Amazon e a Groupon.
7. Gerenciamento de mídia.
Com o boom no espaço de entretenimento, o influxo de agências digitais e mais filmes sendo apoiados por empresas corporativas, a indústria de mídia está em busca de profissionais treinados que possam lidar com as operações do dia-a-dia.
É um dos poucos cursos de gestão que podem ser frequentados por graduados, independentemente das suas qualificações anteriores. “Eu era extremamente apaixonado pela indústria cinematográfica e com formação em sociologia da BA, precisava de mais clareza sobre como esta indústria funciona juntamente com o perfeito equilíbrio de conhecimentos práticos e teóricos que este curso me serviu”, diz Raisa Ghosh, uma aluna do Instituto Prin L N Welingkar de Desenvolvimento Gerencial e Pesquisa (WeSchool), Mumbai, que atualmente trabalha como executiva de marketing na Yash Raj Films.
O curso é o mais adequado para graduados em bacharel em mídia de massa ou bacharel em ciências da mídia, como eles já estão familiarizados com o funcionamento da indústria e foram introduzidos aos fundamentos dos estudos de mídia. O programa de gerenciamento de mídia oferece aos alunos uma visão geral do campo através de gerenciamento de marketing, pesquisa de mídia, RP, gerenciamento de eventos, entretenimento por rádio, televisão e mídia impressa, arte e cultura, mídia rural, conceitos básicos de pós-produção, leis de mídia e comportamento de compra do consumidor. e planejamento de campanha. Um graduado aspirando a entrar no campo deve ser enérgico e ter a capacidade de constantemente reinventar, inovar e estar em seus dedos, pois todo dia é um novo dia para os profissionais. & ldquo; É preciso ter idéias novas para garantir que o produto permaneça interessante o suficiente e receba atenção constante das pessoas. Graduados recém-formados no curso podem desempenhar funções de executivos de contas em empresas e agências, analistas de pesquisa de mercado, planejadores de mídia e redatores de conteúdo, & rdquo; diz o professor Aditya Vinay Bhat, chefe do programa de mídia e entretenimento, WeSchool, Mumbai.
8. Vendas e marketing.
Não há negócios que não requeiram profissionais treinados em vendas e marketing.
& ldquo; Essa especialização dá maior profundidade e cobertura ao processo de vendas e à comercialização do marketing business-to-business e business-to-consumer, que geralmente ficam truncados na especialização de marketing, & rdquo; diz o Dr. Umashankar Venkatesh, professor de marketing do Instituto Great Lakes of Management, em Chennai. No entanto, com a intervenção da tecnologia, a indústria tem visto muita mudança na demanda pelo tipo de habilidade que se busca.
Embora a demanda por graduados com valores essenciais de marketing e vendas permaneça em constante alta entre a maioria dos recrutadores, muitos começaram a procurar conjuntos de habilidades de um candidato em comércio eletrônico, marketing digital, marketing móvel e aplicativos de software.
& ldquo; O marketing está fazendo um movimento distinto de estar associado à antiga etiqueta de venda de apenas sabonetes e detergentes. Agora, envolve muitas combinações de tecnologias de e-commerce, marketing digital, marketing móvel e aplicativos de software, & rdquo; diz Vishal Goyal, chefe de grupo, relações corporativas, Instituto de Tecnologia de Gestão, Ghaziabad e Dubai. Um curso de vendas e marketing é ideal para pessoas com boas habilidades analíticas e habilidades de comunicação. As funções de trabalho oferecidas a recém-formados no curso são as de estagiários gerentes, gerentes assistentes, gerentes, gerentes seniores ou gerentes de vendas da área, dependendo da experiência de trabalho e do perfil do curso.
Os jogadores do setor de bens de consumo duráveis ​​e de FMCG são grandes recrutadores nas colocações no campus. Os gigantes do comércio eletrônico e os bancos privados também recrutam um bom número de graduados dos IIMs, dos institutos de nível II e III em todo o país. Entre os principais recrutadores estão a Coca-Cola, a Hindustan Unilever, a ITC, a PepsiCo, a Dell, a Amazon, a American Express, a Google, a Microsoft, a Vodafone, a HP, Videocon, Snapdeal, Colgate-Palmolive, Asian Paints, Citibank, HSBC, Titan, Perfetti Ban Melle e Kellogg & rsquo;
9. Empreendedorismo social.
Com o crescimento acelerado de empresas iniciantes no país nos últimos anos, tornou-se de fato importante para os fundadores aprenderem os truques de torná-lo grande na indústria. Como o investimento de impacto está crescendo na Índia, a demanda por graduados de empreendedorismo social começou a crescer.
"As cláusulas obrigatórias de RSC deram um impulso aos empreendedores sociais, já que as empresas estão prontas para investir em ONGs que estão desenvolvendo soluções baseadas no mercado para abordar questões de educação, saúde, energia, subsistência, entre outros", acrescentou. diz a professora Meena Galliara, diretora do Centro Jasani de Empreendedorismo Social e Gestão de Sustentabilidade, do Instituto de Estudos de Administração Narsee Monjee (NMIMS), em Mumbai.
Empreendedorismo social, que é uma especialização importante para a execução de iniciativas de RSE em empresas e atividades em ONGs, também é popular entre os aspirantes a MBA. & ldquo; O curso ajudou-me a apresentar as minhas ideias de forma mais profissional, seja na elaboração de uma proposta de projeto ou na implementação de sistemas de monitoria e avaliação, & rdquo; diz Erita D souza, aluna, NMIMS, Mumbai.
O curso inclui módulos como desenvolvimento social e introdução ao empreendedorismo social, estrutura legal para os empreendimentos sociais, gerenciamento e organização de empreendimentos sociais, compreensão de culturas globais e gerenciamento de projetos de desenvolvimento social internacional, captação de recursos, responsabilidade social corporativa, avaliação de impacto social e avaliação de políticas.
ONGs, empresas de investimento de impacto, empresas, organizações governamentais e instituições de microfinanças recrutam graduados de empreendedorismo social.
Os principais recrutadores incluem a Mckinsey, a Tata Motors, a Taj Hotels, a Tata Power, a Leonard Cheshire Disability International, a Swadhar Fin Access, a International Resources for Fair Trade, a Tech Mahindra e a Ambuja Foundation.
10. Cadeia de fornecimento com operações.
Com o advento dos gigantes do e-commerce, o conhecimento da gestão e das operações da cadeia de suprimentos é crucial para que a indústria sobreviva. O gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos, juntamente com o gerenciamento de operações como especialização, é uma combinação interessante para esses recrutadores.
& ldquo; Com o aumento do número de empresas de comércio eletrônico, tem havido uma crescente ênfase em tornar sua cadeia de fornecimento eficiente não apenas para conter seus custos, mas também para atender às expectativas dos clientes e, portanto, conquistar sua confiança. Dado este cenário, este campo oferece amplas oportunidades para explorar e criar impacto diretamente nos negócios, & rdquo; diz Shiva Jyothi, estudante do Instituto Indiano de Administração (IIM) de Calcutá. A entrega antecipada é um fator importante para essas empresas. A ideia de um curso combinado de gestão de cadeia de suprimentos e gerenciamento de operações é equipar um aluno para analisar problemas e obter boas soluções quando confrontado com um problema na cadeia de suprimentos. Hoje em dia, a maioria das empresas reúne várias entidades, como fornecedores, fabricantes, transportadores e revendedores atacadistas para suas funções cotidianas. A boa coordenação com cada um desses departamentos é a chave para a entrega oportuna de um produto aos consumidores.
Enquanto um graduado em gerenciamento de operações é bem informado sobre as operações entre departamentos e processos de produção, um curso de gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos os equipa com a ética da coordenação e gerenciamento, questões de medição de desempenho, logística partidária e estratégias de aquisição.
& ldquo; Operações são um pré-requisito para a especialização em gerenciamento de cadeia de suprimentos. Os gigantes do comércio eletrônico, os recrutadores predominantes de graduados com especialização, buscam a conscientização de um estudante sobre os conceitos de gerenciamento de operações em um curso de pós-graduação, & rdquo; diz o professor Balram Avittathur, diretor do programa de gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos, IIM Calcutta.

Índia vs Austrália, 2º ODI Eden Gardens, pontuação total de críquete: IND bater AUS por 50 corridas, vai 2-0 para cima.
Kuldeep Yadav criou a história ao se tornar o terceiro jogador indiano a fazer um "hat-trick", enquanto a Índia derrotou a Austrália em 50 corridas no Eden Gardens, levando uma vantagem de 2 a 0 na série de cinco jogos. Bhuvneshwar Kumar pegou 3/9 para rasgar a primeira ordem. Para a Austrália, Steve Smith e Marcus Stoinis tiveram notas de cinquenta anos. Obter pontuação total de críquete da Índia vs Austrália aqui.
Hindustan Times, Nova Deli.
Kuldeep Yadav criou a história ao se tornar o terceiro jogador indiano a fazer um "hat-trick" para colocar a Índia no caminho da vitória contra a Austrália no Eden Gardens. Kuldeep se juntou a Chetan Sharma e Kapil Dev como os outros jogadores indianos para ter conseguido este feito. Marcus Stoinis lutou pela Austrália com 50 agressivos, enquanto Steve Smith também marcou com 50, mas Bhuvneshwar Kumar pegou seu terceiro wicket para ajudar a Índia a vencer o Kolkata ODI em 50 corridas e liderar por 2x0 na série. Anteriormente, Virat Kohli's 92 e Ajinkya Rahane fizeram 20 anos e ajudaram a Índia a alcançar 252 pontos. Esta é a primeira derrota da ODI na Austrália, no Eden Gardens, e ela se estende para longe de casa, onde perdeu 10 de seus últimos 12 encontros no exterior. A Índia terá como objetivo selar a série no próximo ODI em Indore a partir de 24 de setembro. Obter pontuação completa de críquete da Índia vs Austrália, 2 ODI, aqui. (ATUALIZAÇÕES) (STREAMING INFO)
Se você é incapaz de ver o scorecard completo de críquete da Índia contra a Austrália, 2º ODI, clique aqui.

Curso de administração de Forex em kolkata
Você pode recarregar seu número de celular pré-pago on-line através do Banco Corporativo.
Para detalhes por favor.
Shri. Jai Kumar Garg.
Diretor Administrativo & amp; CEO.
Shri. Jai Kumar Garg,
Diretor Administrativo & amp; CEO.
Shri Jai Kumar Garg assumiu o cargo de Diretor Executivo e CEO do Banco Corporativo em 1º de fevereiro de 2016. Antes de assumir o cargo de Diretor Administrativo & amp; CEO, ele foi diretor executivo no UCO Bank.
Ele é um revisor oficial de contas e também um membro associado certificado do Instituto Indiano de Banqueiros (CAIIB).
Shri Jai Kumar Garg juntou-se à indústria bancária como um revisor oficial de contas em 1986 no banco de corporação e serviu em várias filiais including as filiais de finança industrial em Mumbai, em Nova Deli e em Pune. Ele também trabalhou em vários escritórios administrativos, como o Zonal Office em Ahmedabad, Nova Delhi, e Pune & amp; Kolkata e também na sede. Como Gerente Geral, ele dirigiu os Circles of the Bank em Kolkata e Delhi. Ele é um banqueiro experiente com mais de 30 anos de experiência variada no gerenciamento das principais responsabilidades em filiais, escritórios de zonais, escritórios da Circle e matriz, cobrindo um vasto espectro de operações bancárias, incluindo administração de créditos, recuperação, operações de câmbio, varejo bancário e administração.
Ele foi nomeado Diretor Executivo do UCO Bank em 05.08.2013, onde foi responsável por muitas responsabilidades importantes, incluindo Crédito Corporativo, Finanças, Informação e Tecnologia, Auditoria e Inspeção, Banking Internacional, Tesouraria, Recuperação, Direito, Monitoramento de Crédito e Gerenciamento de Risco. .
Ele passou por muitos programas de treinamento em institutos de prestígio como o NIBM (Pune), o BTC (Mumbai) ISB (Hyderabad). Ele também viajou ao exterior para programas de treinamento na Alemanha, França, Itália, Tailândia e Vietnã.
Shri. Gopal Murli Bhagat.
Shri. Gopal Murli Bhagat,
Shri Gopal Murli Bhagat assumiu o cargo de Diretor Executivo do Corporation Bank em 24 de agosto de 2016.
Antes de assumir o cargo de Diretor Executivo, ele foi Gerente Geral do Bank of India.
Shri Gopal Murli Bhagat é pós-graduado, um associado certificado do Instituto Indiano de Banqueiros (CAIIB) e possui um diploma em Tesouraria, Investimento e Gerenciamento de Risco. Ele é um banqueiro experiente com mais de 32 anos de experiência rica em várias capacidades administrativas e funcionais em filiais, Zonal Office e também no nível de matriz. Ele começou sua carreira bancária como Diretor em 1984 e subiu para se tornar Gerente Geral - Tesouro no Bank of India. Ele também estava gerenciando & amp; monitorar as subsidiárias nacionais e as jointventures do Banco. Ele também foi diretor indicado no conselho de algumas empresas.
Ocupou vários cargos importantes ao longo de sua carreira, tendo em vista sua especialização em varejo, crédito, tesouraria e banca internacional no Overseas Centre (Cingapura).
Shri. PVBN Murty.
Chefe de Vigilância.
Shri. PVBN Murty,
Chefe de Vigilância.
O Sr. PVBN Murty assumiu o cargo de Diretor de Vigilância do Banco Corporativo em 11 de abril de 2016.
O Sr. Murty ingressou no State Bank of India como Probationary Officer em 1981. Depois de trabalhar nas áreas gerais de bancos e crédito em várias filiais no nordeste da Índia por cerca de nove anos, o Sr. Murty trabalhou como gerente de filial em duas agências metropolitanas em Hyderabad durante No início dos anos 90, depois disso, ele trabalhou como Diretor de Pesquisa no Apex Training System da SBI. Posteriormente, ele chefiou a Divisão de Forex e a Divisão de Crédito Corporativo em duas das maiores filiais da SBI em Mumbai e Chennai. Ele também trabalhou como chefe do Foreign Office da SBI em Los Angeles nos EUA por mais de quatro anos. Ele era o chefe do Departamento de Tributação no Escritório Corporativo da SBI em Mumbai. Antes de ingressar no Corporation Bank como CVO, ele foi Gerente Geral (Departamento de Ações e Obrigações) na SBI Headquarters em Mumbai, onde foi responsável, entre outros, pela captação de Capital.

Curso de administração de Forex em kolkata
Nimesh completou sua contabilidade fretada. Antes de se juntar a nós, Nimesh foi gerente geral sênior do ICICI Bank e tem mais de 2 décadas de experiência no setor de serviços bancários e financeiros. No ICICI Group, ele lidou com muitas responsabilidades, incluindo financiamento de projetos, serviços bancários corporativos e bancos internacionais.
Ramakrishna entrou para a ICICI Prudential AMC em setembro de 2004.
Ramakrishna é um Revisor Oficial de Contas e também fez sua Contabilidade de Custos. Ele tem cerca de 25 anos de experiência rica em setores como o FMCG e o setor bancário & amp; serviços financeiros.
Na ICICI Prudential AMC, Ramakrishna é o guardião das funções de finanças, conformidade e tecnologia. Ele desempenha um papel fundamental na condução da agenda de rentabilidade chave por meio de finanças e finanças. planejamento corporativo, controle orçamentário e finanças corporativas.
Ramki, como é carinhosamente chamado, adora viajar e é um apaixonado por críquete e música.
Raghav ingressou na ICICI Prudential AMC em dezembro de 2006.
Raghav é um Revisor Oficial de Contas e também é formado em Contabilidade de Custos. Ele tem uma experiência de trabalho geral de cerca de 19 anos em toda a Banca & amp; Indústria de serviços financeiros. Ele também foi associado ao ICICI Prudential AMC de 1998 a 2000.
Na ICICI Prudential AMC, Raghav é responsável por conduzir os objetivos de negócios através de vendas e distribuição de varejo, vendas de canal e investidores institucionais / corporativos. Seu papel é um fator essencial no fortalecimento das relações de distribuição e na facilitação do crescimento de ativos. Ele também é responsável por identificar áreas potenciais de expansão e facilitar o crescimento dos negócios.
Raghav adora viajar e visitar novos lugares. Ele adora ler livros e gosta de jogar tênis com seu filho.
A Suresh é associada à ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company desde 2007.
Em sua função na ICICI Prudential AMC, suas responsabilidades incluem a construção de excelência operacional e escalabilidade na área de operações e serviços de investidores para atender à agenda de crescimento organizacional.
Suresh tem mais de 17 anos de experiência pós-qualificação no campo de finanças, tributação e gestão de ativos. Suresh é Revisor Oficial de Contas, Contabilista de Custos e Bacharel em Comércio pela Universidade de Mumbai.
Vivek entrou para o IPAMC em 1999.
Em sua função atual, ele é responsável por impulsionar os objetivos de negócios no segmento institucional, na Índia. O seu é um fator-chave no fortalecimento das relações institucionais com clientes e na facilitação do crescimento de ativos.
Vivek iniciou sua carreira na IPAMC como executivo na Retail Business, Baroda e faz parte da organização desde então. Em 2004, ele se tornou o chefe do negócio de varejo - Gujarat & amp; Madhya Pradesh post que ele liderou o Retail Business-Mumbai. Em 2010, ele liderou os negócios institucionais da Zona Oeste.
Ele tem uma experiência de trabalho global de mais de 15 anos. Suas qualificações incluem PGDBA do ICFAI.
Amar iniciou sua carreira na ICICI Prudential AMC como Trainee em Administração em 2001. Durante sua passagem pela empresa, ele foi um membro sênior da equipe de vendas que levou a organização a uma posição de liderança. Ele era responsável por gerenciar os principais clientes da Institutional e impulsionar o crescimento geral dos negócios.
Após um breve período afastado, ele voltou para a ICICI Prudential AMC em fevereiro de 2013. Em sua função atual na ICICI Prudential AMC, Amar é responsável por conduzir os objetivos de negócios no segmento de varejo, a Índia. As vendas no varejo & amp; A equipe de distribuição é uma unidade integrada de entrega de negócios (vendas e serviços), principalmente voltada para distribuidores e fornecedores. investidores individuais & rsquo; necessidades.
Ele tem uma experiência de trabalho geral de cerca de 13 anos em toda a Banking & amp; Indústria de Serviços Financeiros. Suas qualificações incluem B, R. A. Podar College of Commerce & amp; Economia, Mumbai e Mestrado em Estudos de Gestão (Finanças), Instituto de Estudos de Gestão Narsee Monjee, Mumbai.
Supriya ingressou na ICICI Prudential AMC em setembro de 2006.
Em sua função atual na ICICI Prudential AMC, ela é chefe de conformidade e equipe jurídica. Ela tem uma experiência de trabalho total de mais de 20 anos em liderança em auditorias operacionais, financeiras e de conformidade de grandes empresas multinacionais nos setores de Engenharia, Construção, FMCG, Serviço e Bancos.
Antes da associação com a IPAMC, ela trabalhou com empresas como Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) e Ernst & amp; Jovem Internacional. Ela é uma Contadora Especialista e graduada em Bacharel em Comércio.
Abhijit ingressou na ICICI Prudential AMC em julho de 2014.
Em sua função atual, ele é responsável por impulsionar o crescimento da organização, através de um marketing eficaz & amp; estratégia digital e melhor experiência do cliente.
Ele tem uma experiência de trabalho total de mais de 14 anos no setor bancário & amp; Indústria de serviços financeiros em setores como Experiência do cliente, Canais alternativos, Vendas e amp; Distribuição e Marketing Direto. Antes de ingressar na IPAMC, ele trabalhou com empresas como Citibank N. A., ING Vyasa Life Insurance e Standard Chartered Bank.
É pós-graduado em marketing pelo Instituto de Estudos de Gestão Narsee Monjee (NMIMS).
Amit ingressou na ICICI Prudential AMC em abril de 2014.
Ele é responsável por conduzir as funções de risco de crédito e investimento no AMC. A Equipe de Crédito é responsável por conduzir a devida diligência e documentação de todos os créditos subscritos nos fundos de dívida e crédito da AMC. Ela se esforça para gerenciar o risco de crédito de contraparte através de uma seleção apropriada de clientes, segurança adequada e monitoramento mais rigoroso. A Equipa de Gestão do Risco de Investimento é responsável por garantir a adesão ao mandato do fundo, estipulando limites à exposição a sectores / stocks, revisão dos factores de desempenho e monitorização da liquidez dos instrumentos investidos.
Amit é especialista em gerenciamento de risco e possui uma rica experiência de 17 anos no total. Prior to his association with ICICI Prudential AMC, he worked as the Director, Financial Institutions Credit Risk at Bank of America, N. A. In the past, he also worked with ICICI Bank Limited in the Credit Risk Management Group.
His qualifications include Masters in Management Studies (Finance) from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (University of Mumbai) and Bachelor of Engineering (Production) from Fr. Agnel College of Engineering (University of Mumbai).
Nikhil joined ICICI Prudential AMC in January 2008.
In his current role, Nikhil spearheads the entire human resources function & strategy for the organization.
He has a total work experience of more than 13 years across several HR disciplines. Prior to joining IPAMC, he has worked with firms like WNS Global Services, eFunds International and Peopleone Consulting.
His qualifications include a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA) in Human Resources from Indian Education Society’s Management College and Research Centre (IES’s MCRC) and Bachelors of Commerce (B) from Mithibai College.
Adil joined IPAMC in October 2007.
In his current role, Adil drives the Public Relations and Communication function for the organization. At IPAMC, Adil has anchored several functions like Product Communications, Product Development and Management.
He has 15 years of experience across Investment Management, Financial Services & Banking, and Auto in Asia, Europe & África.
His qualifications include MSc in International Banking & Finance from The University of Salford, UK and MBA from AMU.
Lalit joined ICICI Prudential AMC in January 2008.
Currently, he spearheads technology and Information Security for IPAMC. His role encompasses to use the technology in an optimal way to enhance customer experience, increase the digital usage, improve productivity and ensure security of company’s intangible assets i. e. data.
He has an overall work experience of more than 21 years across industries in areas of technology management, integration, strategic planning, process and profit centre management to name a few. He has worked with ICICI Group, Centillion, Gulf Computers and Siemens Ltd in the past.
His qualifications include Masters in Commerce (University of Mumbai) and Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Indo-German Training Centre).
Lalit loves to read and has written a book on iPad usage.
Gestão de Investimentos.
Naren joined ICICI Prudential AMC in October 2004.
At ICICI Prudential AMC, Naren oversees the entire investment function across the Mutual Fund and the International Advisory Business. He is instrumental in overall investment strategy development and execution. He also directly manages the ICICI Prudential Dynamic Plan and the ICICI Prudential Top 100 Fund.
Naren has rich experience of around 23 years in almost all spectrum of the financial services industry ranging from investment banking, fund management, equity research, and stock broking operations. His core competency lies in being involved in the entire gamut of equity market space with extensive knowledge of Indian equities and the economy.
After obtaining a B. Tech degree from IIT Chennai, Naren finished MBA in finance from IIM Kolkota and worked with financial service organizations like Refco Sify Securities India Pvt. Ltd., HDFC Securities Ltd. and Yoha Securities in various positions prior to joining ICICI Prudential AMC.
Naren has many laurels to his credit. He is a leading voice on the Indian economy/ equity markets across the investment and financial services fraternity.
Rahul has re-joined ICICI Prudential AMC now as CIO of Fixed Income.
He has been earlier associated with the AMC for the period July 2004 to October 2009 as Co - Head - Fixed Income. In his earlier he was responsible for managing 8 debt funds with primary responsibility on Govt. Bonds and Corporate Bonds trading and involved monitoring of the factors like key economic developments, market liquidity, forex movement etc. He has been a key contributor to our success on the fixed income side in the past.
He has an overall work experience of around over 17 years. In his previous role with Standard Chartered Bank, he was a Senior Rates Trader & Head of Primary Dealership Desk.
Rahul currently manages 8 funds at ICICI Prudential i. e. ICICI Prudential Liquid Plan, ICICI Prudential Flexible Income Plan, ICICI Prudential Floating Rate Fund, ICICI Prudential Banking & PSU Debt Fund, . ICICI Prudential Medium Term Plan, ICICI Prudential Gilt Fund(All Options). ICICI Prudential Multiple Yield Fund, ICICI Prudential Capital Protection Oriented Fund,
Rahul hold a Bachelors degree in Science and an MBA from Bhopal University. Besides Standard Chartered Bank he has worked with various other organizations like Franklin Templeton, UTI Bank, SMIFS Securities, Khandwala Finance Ltd and RR Financial Consultants.
Rahul loves reading and is a keen follower of Formula 1 and tennis.
Rahul joined ICICI Prudential AMC in Nov 2010.
At ICICI Prudential AMC, Rahul is responsible for anchoring the Real Estate Business and driving team synergies.
Rahul has an overall work experience of around 20 years. His expertise and core competency has been in the in depth understanding of the real estate segment and evaluating and investing in real estate projects. He has also managed one of the largest and first FDI transactions that happened in the Indian real estate space in 2004.
Rahul, is a Chartered Accountant, and has also completed the Cost Accountancy and Intermediate level Company Secretary Course. Prior to ICICI Prudential AMC, he has been associated with companies like Arthur Anderson Corporate Finance, Ernst and Young Transaction Advisory Services, RSM Advisors Private Limited and till recently was associated with Sun Apollo Real Estate Advisors.
Rahul believes that his strong technical and analytical skills help him as a decision maker. In his leisure he likes reading fiction and watching movies & sports.
Mrinal joined ICICI Prudential AMC in June 2008.
Mrinal currently manages several funds including ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund, ICICI Prudential Midcap Fund, ICICI Prudential Technology Fund, and the ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Fund.
Mrinal has an overall work experience of around 14 years across industries like Financial Services, Auto and IT. His core competency lies in portfolio management and sector analysis.
Mrinal is a Bachelor of Engineering and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Management from SP Jain, Mumbai. Prior to joining ICICI Prudential AMC he was with Wipro Ltd and Robert Bosch GmbH.
Board of Directors: Asset Management Company.
Ms. Chanda Kochhar is the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of ICICI Bank Limited.
She began her career with ICICI as a Management Trainee in 1984 and has thereon successfully risen through the ranks by handling multidimensional assignments and heading all the major functions in the Bank at various points in time.
In 1993 when ICICI decided to enter commercial banking, she was deputed to ICICI Bank as a part of the core team to set up the bank. When ICICI set up the Infrastructure Industry Group in 1996 to create dedicated industry expertise in the areas of Power, Telecom and Transportation sector, she was handpicked and made in-charge of the Infrastructure Industry Group. Further in 1998, when ICICI created the ‘Major Client Group’ to handle relationships with the top 200 clients of ICICI, she was promoted as General Manager and was made the head of the Major Clients Group. In the year 1999, she simultaneously started handling the strategy and E-commerce divisions of ICICI.
In July 2000, Ms. Kochhar was chosen to head the Retail finance division of ICICI and has been instrumental in scaling up the business. In April 2001, she was promoted as an Executive Director, heading the retail business in the Bank. Having joined it during its nascent stage, her strategic thinking and skills to convert challenges into opportunities ensured that within a short span of around five years, ICICI Bank emerged as the largest retail financer in India. In the process of transforming a small bank into the largest private sector bank in the country within a decade of its inception, the various steps taken by her also shaped the retail finance industry in India.
In April 2006, she was appointed as the Deputy Managing Director with responsibility for both Corporate and Retail banking business of ICICI Bank and from October 2006 to October 2007 she handled the International and Corporate businesses of ICICI. Once again, under her leadership, International banking, which catered to the cross-border needs of clients; was the fastest growing businesses within the Bank.
In October 2007, Ms. Kochhar was appointed as the Joint Managing Director & CFO. She was heading the Corporate Centre, was the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and was also the official spokesperson for ICICI Bank. In addition to finance, planning and communications; her responsibilities included the global treasury, principal investments & trading, risk management and legal functions. She was also responsible for day-to-day guidance and administrative matters relating to the compliance and internal audit functions.
She was elevated as Managing Director & CEO of ICICI Bank in 2009 and is responsible for the Bank’s diverse operations in India and overseas. She also chairs the boards of the Bank’s principal subsidiaries, which include India’s leading private sector life and general insurance companies.
Under the leadership of Ms. Kochhar ICICI Bank has won The Asian Banker – ‘Best Retail Bank in India’ award for five consecutive years from the year 2001 to 2005. As recognition of her contribution to establish ICICI Bank as a leading player in the banking industry Ms. Kochhar has also been:
Ranked 2nd in Fortune’s list of Most Powerful Women of Asia – Pacífico. She is the highest ranked woman from India, on this list. 2014 Ranked the most powerful businesswoman in India by The Economic Times and is the only woman CEO to be featured in their list of Top 10 CEOs in India, 2014. Ranked 43rd in the Forbes list of ‘The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women’, 2014 Conferred with the ‘Best CEO – Private Sector’ at the Forbes India Leadership Awards, 2013 The only Indian to be featured in the Dow Jones list of Most Influential Female Executives in the World of the last decade. She is ranked 12th in the global list. 2013 Awarded the Businessperson Of The Year 2012 by Business India. She is the first woman recipient of this award in 31 years.
Ms. Kochhar was conferred with the Padma Bhushan, one of India's highest civilian honours, in 2011.
Born in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, she joined Jaihind College in Mumbai for a Bachelors Degree in Arts and after graduating in 1982, completed her MBA and Cost Accountancy. She did her Masters in Management Studies (Finance) from the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai and topped her batch and received the Wockhardt Gold Medal for Excellence in Management Studies. In Cost Accountancy, she received the J. N. Bose Gold Medal for highest marks in that year.
After graduating from the Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics of the University of Bombay with a Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) degree in 1971, Mr. Suresh Kumar completed a post-graduate Investment Management Programme conducted jointly by the Stanford University and the London School of Business. He then went on to pursue an Advanced Management Programme at the Columbia Business School. In commendation of his academic achievements, he has been the recipient of many prestigious awards including the Rotary International Scholarship (1977) tenable in California (U. S.A.), the Lord Aldington Banking Fellowship (1978) and Fellow of the Indian Institute of Bankers.
Mr. Kumar began his long and illustrious career in banking as Probationary Officer and Manager at the Iron Ore Division (Overseas Branch) of State Bank of India, Mumbai in 1972. Later he took on the role of Senior Treasury and General Management positions with the Government of Dubai, after which he became Member of the Senior Management and Executive Committee (ExCo) of the Emirates Bank Group. While with the Group, between 1985 and 2012 he successively headed the corporate banking, remedial credit management, treasury & capital markets, asset management and investment banking companies as the General Manager / CEO.
Mr. Kumar is currently a Member on the Boards of a number of offshore private equity firms. He regularly writes for English and Arabic newspapers in the UAE and has addressed several symposia on financial and non-financial subjects in print, television and other media.
Mr. N. S. Kannan is Executive Director of ICICI Bank. His responsibilities include Finance, Treasury, Commercial Banking, Corporate Legal, Risk Management, Secretarial, Corporate Communications and Corporate Branding. He also has the responsibility for day to day administration of the Compliance and Internal Audit functions. Mr. Kannan was Executive Director & CFO of ICICI Bank from May 1, 2009 to October 25, 2013. Prior to this assignment with the Bank, Mr. Kannan was an Executive Director of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company. Mr. Kannan was earlier the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of ICICI Bank.
Mr. Kannan has been with the ICICI group for over 23 years. He joined the group as a project officer. During his tenure at the ICICI group, he has also handled project finance operations, infrastructure financing, structured finance and treasury operations.
Mr. Kannan is a postgraduate in management from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore with a gold medal for best all-round performance. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst from the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India and an Honours graduate in Mechanical Engineering.
In 2013, Mr. Kannan was awarded the Best CFO in the Indian banking/financial services sector at CNBC TV 18 CFO Awards for the second consecutive year. In 2013, Mr. Kannan was also voted the Best CFO in India in a poll conducted by Finance Asia.
Mr. C. R. Muralidharan was a Whole-Time Member of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, Hyderabad (IRDA) and was looking after the compliance by the insurers of the regulations on investments, analysis of financial statements of insurance companies, on and off-site supervision of insurance companies as well as other regulatory issues including the registration of new insurance companies.
Prior to joining IRDA, he worked in RBI for more than three decades in various capacities. He was heading the Department of Banking Operations and Development (DBOD) of RBI, which is responsible for laying down a regulatory framework on a wide range of operations for Indian commercial banks to promote a sound and competitive banking system consistent with the emerging international best practices. He assisted IMF in two overseas assignments and was associated with several High Level Working Groups on Banking Regulation.
Besides, he was also actively involved in the role of promotion of rural credit as well as in the development of HR for the central bank.
Nimesh joined ICICI Prudential AMC as its Managing Director & CEO in July 2007.
Nimesh has completed his Chartered Accountancy. Prior to joining with us, Nimesh was Senior General Manager at ICICI Bank and has over 2 decades experience in the banking and financial services industry. At ICICI Group, he has handled many responsibilities including project finance, corporate banking and international banking.
Nimesh has been associated with one of the first batches of senior managers selected to lead the foray of ICICI Bank into the international arena. He also led ICICI Bank’s foray into the Middle-Eastern region and Africa and helped establish the brand presence of ICICI in these geographies.
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited has made a remarkable turnaround in fortunes under the leadership of Nimesh Shah. Today most of the schemes of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund are top performing funds across categories based on risk adjusted performance. The story of ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited is often spoken as a rare case of an AMC completely undergoing a transformation post the global financial meltdown and for good.
His focus has been always on being investor centric, maintaining high levels of transparency and disclosures besides sticking to basics. This has helped the Company to establish itself as a credible brand and gain leadership in the industry.
Guy Strapp is Chief Executive of Eastspring Investments, the asset management business of Prudential Corporation Asia, part of Prudential plc of the UK. He joined Eastspring Investments (previously Prudential Asset Management) in 2007.
In this role he oversees the management of about US$134 billion of assets (as at June 30, 2015) on behalf of retail and institutional investors. Guy is a member of Eastspring Investments Executive Committee and sits on the Board of Prudential Corporation Asia.
Since joining the company, Guy has held several senior roles including Chief Investment Officer where he played a key role in the expansion of the investment team's capabilities to cover a broad range of asset classes. Guy has held senior executive positions at JP Morgan Investment Management, Citigroup Asset Management and the BT Financial Group. His professional experience in Asia is extensive. Among other roles, he has served as the Chief Investment Officer of Samsung/JP Morgan ITMC in Korea and President of Cititrust in Japan. He began his fund management career in Australia.
Guy holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Sydney Society of Investment Professionals. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Melbourne and a Diploma of Applied Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia.
Ms. Lakshmi Venkatachalam held the office of the Vice President for Private Sector and Co-financing Operations in the Asian Development Bank 2010-15 where she was responsible for leading and managing ADB’s private sector investment operations and its official co-financing activities. She was ADB’s first vice president assigned with this responsibility, and was instrumental in realizing the broad objectives to be relating to private sector development and operations, as enshrined in its Strategic Plan (Strategy 2020).
Prior to her stint at the ADB, she had a career in public service, spanning for more than 30 years, where she held various positions in Government the most recent one being as a Director General of Shipping and ex-officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Shipping, in capacity of which, she was the head of the Maritime Administration, implementing the Indian Merchant Shipping Act, which regulates shipping activities under the aegis of the International Maritime Organization.
Her previous extended assignments were in the field of industry and urban development. She worked as a director in the Ministry of Steel, Government of India from 1990 to 1995, following which she was Commissioner of the Bangalore Development Authority from 1995 to 1999. During her stint as Chairperson of the Coffee Board of India, (a statutory body, under the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India) between 2000 and 2005, she represented the Government of India at the International Coffee Organization, located in London. She was also Chairperson of the International Coffee Council in 2001-02, the first Indian to hold the position. Between 2005 to 2008, Ms. Venkatachalam held the position of Principal Secretary to the Government of Karnataka in the Departments of (1) Commerce and Industry, (2) Urban Development and (3) Planning, Program Implementation, Economics and Statistics, respectively.
She graduated from the Convent of Jesus and Mary, Baroda. She continued with her college and university education in Kolkata, where she graduated with a Master’s Degree in English in 1975, from Jadavpur University. Later, in 1988, she obtained two Post-Graduate Degrees in Economics and in Business Administration, from Boston University, USA. She is recipient of a diploma in French from the Alliance Francaise.
She is a frequent speaker at international events - addressing topics such as infrastructure finance, public-private partnerships, inclusive business, affordable housing, the financial sector, renewable energy, agribusiness, clean technology, etc.
Mr. Naren has been associated with the Company since October 2004. He oversees the entire investment function across the Mutual Fund and the International Advisory Business of the Company. He has overall experience of around 27 years across the financial services industry and investment management. After obtaining a B. Tech degree from IIT Chennai, Mr. Naren completed his MBA in Finance from IIM-Kolkata.
During his career, he has also worked with organizations such as Refco Sify Securities India Pvt. Ltd, HDFC Securities Ltd, and Yoha Securities in various capacities.
He currently manages some of the flagship schemes of the ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund.
the respective companies.
Directors of the Trustee Company.
Mr. Gopinath is a career banker who continues to be associated with the banking sector as a Director of Punjab National Bank. He joined Bank of India as a Probationary officer in 1970 and served them for 25 years, including 5 years at their New York Branch. He gained valuable exposure to all facets of banking including Treasury, International Banking, Merchant Banking, Retail Banking, Rural Banking, HR etc. At New York Branch he served as Vice President – Treasury, Vice President - Operations and Comptroller of US Operations consisting of three branches.
In 1995 he was invited by ICICI Bank Limited to join them as Senior Vice President in charge of the Mumbai Zone which accounted for 90% of the business of the bank which was just about 6 months old. He was part of the initial senior management team which stabilised and grew the bank. He organised the Retail Banking Group apart from taking the initiative to centralise operations which helped the bank to grow rapidly in a cost effective manner. The NPA management group too was set up by him. He is credited with managing the smooth merger of Bank of Madura with ICICI Bank Limited within a brief period of 10 months despite the merger process starting with protests by the Employees Union of Bank of Madura. Developing a scalable model of Micro Finance, namely the Partnership Model, which has been adopted by all banks and MFIs is another notable achievement.
In 2005 after he retired from ICICI Bank Limited as Senior General Manager, Mr. Gopinath was invited by Bank of India to join their Board. His contributions during the first term of 3 years were well appreciated by the Bank and he was reappointed for a second term of 3 years in Oct 2008. Subsequent to his retirement from the Board of Bank of India he was invited by Punjab National Bank to join their board in March 2012 for a three year tenure. He has served and continues to serve on many board level committees including Audit Committee, IT Committee, and Credit Committee etc.
Mr. Gopinath has served as a Nominee Director of ICICI Bank Limited on the boards of ICICI Home Finance Ltd, ICICI Webtrade Ltd and Stock Holding Corporation Ltd. He was also the Chairman Loyalty Solutions and Research Ltd till the company was acquired by a German entity. He is also associated with DISHA, the credit counselling agency supported by ICICI Bank Limited as a member of its Advisory Committee.
Mr. Gopinath has been a member of the SEBI Advisory Council for MFs since 2012.
He was associated with the setting up of Institute of Finance Banking and Insurance (IFBI), a joint venture of ICICI Bank Limited and NIIT, which was started to provide well trained staff to the finance sector and at the same time improve the employability of fresh graduates. IFBI has provided thousands of well trained personnel to various banks, insurance companies and NBFCs. Mr. Gopinath was responsible for developing the syllabi and courseware and he continues to be an advisor to the institute.
The association with IFBI prompted Mr. Gopinath to publish a text book on banking, titled “Banking Principles and Operations”.. The fifth edition of the book was published in Aug 2014. In a review of the book published in the Journal of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) the reviewer had commended the book as follows, “Since M L Tannan’s publication, Banking Law and Practice, there has been no such exhaustive book on the subject”. M L Tannan’s book was first published in 1926 and revised from time to time.
Mr. Gopinath has provided advice on organisational and HR development to Bank Turan Alem of Kazaksthan, Timir Bank of Kazaksthan, Federal Bank and ICICI Bank Limited. At present he is an Advisor to Oxigen Services Ltd, a Prepaid Payment Instrument Issuer.
He started his career as a Tutor in Loyola College, from where he got his B Com degree in 1968. He served them for two years teaching B Com and Pre University classes.
Mr. Gopinath is a B Com, MBA by qualification and is also a Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB). He lives in Mumbai.
Armed with a law degree from the University of Delhi and a Master’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Allahabad, where he was conferred several awards, Mr. Vinod Dhall commenced his career as an officer of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), which he joined in 1966. He retired as Secretary, Government of India.
While in Government, Mr. Dhall developed special expertise in Finance, Corporate Affairs, Industry and Commerce, areas which dominated his professional life for a better part of 27 years. He also garnered experience in the banking and insurance sectors and was involved in insurance reforms, economic and capital market regulation, competition law and policy, industrial development and investment promotion, corporate governance and corporate law reforms. Mr. Dhall was the first acting Chairman of the Competition Commission of India (CCI).
Mr. Dhall also had direct management experience as CEO of two PSUs and has been Chairman /Member of Board of Directors of public sector banks/ development banks / financial institutions / insurance companies / Joint Sector undertakings. In addition, Mr. Dhall has considerable experience working with international agencies.
After demitting office at the CCI, Mr. Dhall set up his Competition Law Practice and is currently the Executive Chairman of the Vinod Dhall-TT&A Competition Law practice, which is regarded as a leading competition law firm in India. He also advises on corporate governance issues and lectures on competition law and policy and corporate governance.
Mr. Sandeep Batra has been a founder member of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance team and worked with the company till 2006, after which he moved to ICICI Bank. He joined back ICICI Prudential Life Insurance as Executive Director in January 2014. His current role encompasses the functions of Investments, Business Intelligence & Strategy, Enterprise Risk Management, Actuarial, Finance & Accounts, Taxation, Internal Audit & Compliance, Legal & Secretarial, Operational Risk, Policy Affairs & Comunicações corporativas.
Prior to moving back to ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, he served as the Group Compliance Officer & Company Secretary of ICICI Bank. In his last role, he was responsible for regulatory compliance for the ICICI Group including its Banking, non-Banking subsidiaries and overseas offices. He was also responsible for Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (SOX) and the Payroll Administration unit. He also serves as a non-executive Director on the Board of ICICI Prudential Trust Ltd.
Academic Career and Awards.
Chartered Accountant (1987) - All India Rank Holder. Company Secretary (1993). Awarded a National Scholarship by NCERT at an all India Competition (1983).
He has nearly four decades of experience in banking industry, securities market regulation and insurance sector regulation. As a career banker he joined Corporation Bank as an Officer Trainee in 1976 and rose to become General Manager in 2003. In 2005 he was deputed to SEBI as Executive Director. In 2010 he joined IRDA as member [F&I] and completed his tenure in 2015.
He has rich and varied experience in branch, regional and corporate banking apart from treasury management and foreign exchange management. He was the Managing Director of Corpbank Securities Limited Between 1999 to 2003, a Primary Dealership, licensed by RBI. He was member of the IOSCO sub-committee on Investment Management, Investor Compensation and Protection, Private Equity 2008 to 2010. At the IAIS he was the nominee on Sub-Committees on accounting, auditing, governance, group supervision, insurance standards and financial stability.
He was SEBI nominee on NACAS 2005 to 2010, Investor Protection and Compensation Committee (MCA) and IRDA nominee on the RBI Technical Committee on Money, Government Securities and Foriegn Exchange Markets, SEBI COBOSAC 2010 to2015.
Mr. Lakshman Kumar is an MBA in Finance and holds post graduate qualification in commerce and public enterprise management. He is a Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and Indian Institute of Bankers.
He joined Prudential in 1998 and was Senior Vice President-Finance and Compliance, and Company Secretary at ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited (India).Between September 2001 to June 2006,he was Head-Risk Management and Compliance at Prudential Corporation Asia, Hong Kong, where he was responsible for overseeing the implementation of robust risk management and compliance processes and controls across the business.
From July 2006 to October 2013, he was the Regional Head of Risk Management, Compliance and Corporate Governance for Eastspring Investments, the asset management business of Prudential Corporation Asia, where he was responsible for overseeing all matters relating to regulatory Compliance, Operational Risk and Corporate Governance.
Mr. Kumar is currently a Member of Audit Committees of Eastspring Investments at Dubai and Malaysia and a Senior Consultant at Maroon Analytics Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
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© 2013 ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company. Todos os direitos reservados.

Company Secretary Course Details | How to Become a CS.
Career as a Company Secretary is not only prestigious and financially rewarding but also carries with it a high level of job satisfaction . There are 3 stages in Company Secretary Course i. e. Foundation, Executive and Professional. So if you want to become CS, you should complete these 3 stages.
[box] The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is a premier National Professional body established by Act of Parliament to develop and regulate the Profession of Company Secretaries. ICSI imparts training in Company Secretaryship by Distance Learning (by correspondence) enabling students to qualify Company Secretary Course. The Institute provides “Company Secretary Course Material” for all the subjects at the time of Registration. There is also provision for Optional Oral Coaching classes.[/box]
A Company Secretary or a Qualified CS is:
An in-house legal expert; a compliance officer of the Company. An expert in corporate laws, securities laws & capital market and corporate governance Chief adviser to the board of directors on best practices in corporate governance Responsible for all regulatory compliance of company Corporate planner and strategic manager.
Company secretaries (CS) are responsible to look after Company law, corporate strategies, security market, and other similar issues. Needless to say is a company’s compliance with regulations and its smooth running is dependent heavily on company Secretaries. If you have an inclination towards challenging job profiles and want to make a career as a company Secretary, CS qualification is the degree to look forward to. CS qualification can be obtained by giving the CS exam organised by The Institute of Company Secretaries (icsi. edu/). The ICSI membership plays a vital role in job openings in the corporate world and for recruitment in state and central government posts.
How to Become CS | Company Secretary Course Details.
Phases to become a Company Secretary.
Foundation program: Students looking to do CS after 12 th need to go through this stage. Executive program: This course is for Graduates of all streams with the exception of Fine Arts. Professional program: One can Complete this after completing the intermediate exam of the CS course.
1. The student who would like to join this CS Course after 10+2 has to undergo three stages to pursue the Company Secretaries Course i. e.
Foundation Program Executive Program.
2. In addition, the student has to undergo Practical Training for about 15 months, which a student may opt to start after passing the Executive Program.
3. The Student who would like to join the Course after passing the Graduation (Example: B) has to undergo two stages of the Company Secretaryship i. e.
Besides, the student has to undergo Practical Training for about 15 months.
4. Foundation Program, which is eight months duration can be pursued by 10+2 pass students of Arts, Science or Commerce stream.
5. Executive Program can be pursued by a Graduate of all streams except Fine Arts.
6. Professional Program can be pursued only after clearing the Executive Program of Company Secretary Course.
7. Training: A Student has to undergo 15 months Management Training in Companies sponsored by the Institute after passing the Executive or Professional Program or under the guidance of a Company Secretary in Practice.
8. After qualifying Professional Examination and on successful completion of training a candidate is admitted as an Associate Member of the ICSI and can use the letters ACS after his/her name i. e. Associate Company Secretary.
Note: Admission to the Company Secretary Course is open throughout the year. Examinations are held twice a year in June & December.
How to Register For CS Foundation | Company Secretary Course Details.
There are 4 subjects in CS Foundation.
CS Foundation Registration is open throughout the year. Candidates registered up to and including the month of March are eligible to take the Foundation examination earliest in December in the same year and those registered up to and including September can take up the examination in June next year subject to satisfactory completion of coaching. Assim.
If you want to write CS Foundation exam in Dec 2015, you should register before 31st March 2015.
If you want to write CS Foundation exam in June 2016, you should register before 30th September 2015.
CS Foundation Registration Fee Details:
CS Foundation Registration Fee.
To know what are the Documents Required For CS Foundation Registration and CS Foundation Registration Online Process Click Here.
How to Register For CS Executive | Company Secretary Course Details.
There are 2 Modules in CS Executive. Module - I contains 4 subjects and Module – II contains 3 subjects.
Company Accounts and Auditing Practices Capital Markets and Securities Laws Industrial, Labor and General Laws.
Candidates registered as students up to and including May in a year are eligible for appearing in any one Module only of the Executive examination held in December of that year and those registered up to and including the month of November in a year are eligible for appearing in any one Module only in the June examination of next year subject to completion of coaching, computer training & other requirements (as per the guidelines of the Institute) in the Module they intend to appear.
For CS Executive Registration Fee Details, Click Here.
How to Register For CS Professional | Company Secretary Course Details.
There are 3 Modules in CS Executive. Module - I contain 3 subjects, Module – II contains 4 subjects and Module 3 contains 2 subjects and 5 elective papers.
Advanced Company Law and Practice Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management, and Due Diligence Corporate Restructuring, Valuation, and Insolvency.
Information Technology and Systems Audit Financial, Treasury and Forex Management Ethics, Governance, and Sustainability.
Advanced Tax Laws and Practice Drafting, Appearances, and Pleadings.
Direito e Prática Bancária Direito e Prática de Seguros, Commodities e Mercado Monetário Direito de Propriedade Intelectual - Direito e Práticas de Direito e Práticas Comerciais Internacionais.
CS Professional Registration Last Date:
CS Professional Registration is open throughout the year. A student is admitted to the Professional examination only after a minimum period of nine calendar months has elapsed since his passing the Executive examination.
If you want to write the CS Professional all Modules in Dec 2017, You should register before 28.02.2017.
If you want to write the CS Professional any single Module in Dec 2017, You should register before 31.05.2017.
CS Professional Registration Online Process: Click Here CS Professional Course Details.
The Institute allows the facility for students to appear in examination in English as well as in Hindi. (Except Business Communication subject of Foundation Program)
A candidate is declared to have passed the Foundation / Executive / Professional examination if he/she secures at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each paper and 50% marks in the aggregate of all subjects.
Time limit for completing CS Examination.
A student is required to complete the Executive and the Professional examination within the registration period. However, on payment of requisite fees, the validity of registration may be renewed/extended for the further period subject to fulfilling the applicable guidelines.
ICSI Oral Tuition Guidelines / PPP Guidelines.
Salient features of the Oral Tuition Guidelines & PPP Guidelines: Under the revised guidelines 30 lectures of 2 hours duration for each subject of Foundation / 035 lectures of 2 hours duration for each subject of Executive / 40 lectures of 2 hours duration for each subject of Professional Program has been made mandatory.
Existing Practical experience and training requirements.
The students are required to undergo the following trainings:
7 days Student Induction Program (SIP) – within six months of Registration in Executive Program or exempted therefrom for becoming eligible to seek enrolment to appear in Executive Program Examination.
70 hours compulsory computer training program - for becoming eligible to seek enrolment to appear in Executive Program Examination.
8 days Executive Development Program (EDP) – after passing the Executive Program and before commencement of 15 months training.
25 hours of Professional Development Program (PDP) during 15 months training.
15 months training after passing the Executive Program or Professional Program on completion of the Student Induction Program and Executive Development Program with companies and Company Secretaries in Practice registered with the Institute for imparting training.
3 months practical training is required to be undergone by the student if the student completes the professional program examination and exempted from undergoing at least 12 months training on the basis of Company Secretaries Regulations,1982, as amended on submitting the documents to the Institute and fulfills the requirement of Regulation 48. This training will be exempted to the students who have undergone 15 months training.
15 days training in a specialized agency such as the Registrar of Companies (ROC) / Stock Exchange / Financial and Banking Institution/Management Consultancy Firm can only be commenced if the student completes SIP, EDP, 15 months training and having passed professional program examination.
15 days Management Skills Orientation Program (MSOP)- after Professional Program and on completion of Executive Development Program and 15 months training.
1. The students can be exempted from undergoing training totally or partially depending on the practical experience possessed by them on fulfilling the requirement of the Company Secretaries.
2. Regulations,1982, as amended, on submitting the relevant documents.
After a student passing the Professional Program may enroll as ‘Licentiate ICSI’ at his/her option until completion of training requirements.
After qualifying the CS Professional Program and on completion of training as provided under the CS Regulations, a candidate is enrolled as an Associate Member of the Institute and he can use the descriptive title “ACS” after his / her name.
The Company Secretary Course is recognized by the various Universities for admission to Ph. D Course. Utilization of services of members by various professional/educational bodies for academic activities ICSI conducts Post Membership Qualification (PMQ) Course in Corporate Governance.
The Headquarters and Regional Offices offer placement services to the Members of the Institute:
Names of candidates are sponsored by prospective employers on request Members looking for a job may register online on the Institute’s Website: icsi. edu for availing Placement assistance. Vacancies received from companies are also displayed on the website icsi. edu Campus Interviews are conducted to assist members for a job and students for 15 months training.
Financial Assistance/ Scholarship.
Prizes, Merit Scholarship and Merit-cum-Means Assistance.
The Institute awards Prizes, merit scholarships to the meritorious students Merit-cum-Means Assistance is granted to the economically weaker students.
Advantages of CS career option:
Being a professional course, students after completion of the course get a professional designation With the introduction of Companies Act,2013 people with CS qualification are always in demand One can prepare for CS exam along with graduation Cs professionals can traverse into many fields after acquiring the CS qualification like Management, Chartered Accountancy, Insurance, Stock Markets, Law, Financial analysis etc Being a Company Secretary you will get a chance to interact with higher authorities. You will always be up to date with new changes that are taking place in the corporate sector.
Roles of a Company Secretary:
To report to the Board about compliance with the provisions of the company’s Act. Make sure that the firm complies with the applicable secretarial standards; Provide guidance to the directors of the company, as they may require, with regard to their power, duties and responsibilities. Collaborate and advise the Board in ensuring good corporate governance and encouraging the firm to follow healthy practices Responsible for all regulatory compliances of company.
Today, Demand for Company Secretary is on a rise in India. According to a report in Hindustan Times, there is a demand of approximately 7,000 company secretaries in India and the demand is only expected to increase in years to come. The greater demand for company secretaries is also because of the focus on good governance amongst the new-age companies and the next generation corporate leaders.
Company Secretary Pay Package.
1. The Placement Cell set up at the Institute’s Headquarters, its Regional and Chapter offices, has been making constant efforts in helping the members in getting suitable placement. In recent campus interviews, the meritorious students, having become fresh Company Secretaries, were picked up by regulators and reputed companies at very attractive salaries ranging between Rs.3 lacs to Rs.5 lacs per annum.
2. Company Secretaries have been working in various positions such as Company Secretary and Executive Director or Company Secretary and Vice President or Chief Compliance Officer or Asstt. Company Secretary or Legal Officer or Company Secretary and Finance Officer etc. In the large corporate and multi-national companies they are attracting huge pay packages ranging between Rs.25 lacs and Rs.1 Crore per annum. Salary packages, of course, depend upon the capabilities and capacities of a person and vary from sector to sector. Company Secretaries also work in public sector companies in Central and State levels and also in the Union, State and Local Governments, charities and non-profit organizations.
Query Relating to Company Secretary Course Details | ICSI.
We shall be pleased to clarify specific queries of students related to academic contents of study material between 2.00 p. m. to 3.00 p. m. on all working days (Monday – Friday) at 011-45341074.
Students may also write their academic queries to academics@icsi. edu.
ICSI offices across India.
The ICSI has its Headquarters at ICSI House 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi and Regional offices at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai & New Delhi and 69 Chapters located in various cities in India. ICSI has 66 Examination Centers scattered all over India, including one overseas center in Dubai.
Employment Prospects.
A qualified Company Secretary has openings in Employment and as Practicing Independent Professional Company Secretary in Employment.
Companies with a paid up share capital of Rs.5 crore or more are compulsorily required to appoint a whole-time Company Secretary under section 383A of Companies Act,1956. All companies seeking to list on the Stock Exchange are required to appoint a whole-time Company Secretary Membership of the Institute is recognized for appointment to superior posts and services under the Central Government Membership of the Institute is a recognized qualification for recruitment from Grade I to Grade IV in the Accounts branch of the Indian Company Law Service. Almost every kind of organization whose affairs are conducted by boards, councils or other association, federation, authority, commission or like, find it useful to appoint a person who holds the qualification of Company Secretaries in key administrative position.
Self Employment (Practice)
After obtaining a ‘Certificate of Practice’ from the Institute, Members of the Institute can go for Independent Practice.
Every company having a paid-up share capital of Rs. 10 Lakh or more but less than Rs. 5 Crore, is required to engage the services of a Secretary in Whole-time practice to obtain a compliance certificate. Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, Practicing Company Secretaries has been authorized to issue Certificate regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the Clause. Practicing Company Secretaries have also been recognized to appear before various Tribunals such as the Company Law Board, Securities Appellate Tribunal, Competition Commission, Telecom Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal, Consumer Forums, Tax Tribunals etc., Recently the Reserve Bank of India has recognized the Practicing Company Secretaries to undertake Diligence Report for Banks.
Company Secretary as an independent professional.
A Company Secretary in practice is recognized to issue certificates and attest documents inter alia under Companies Act, 2013 SEBI Act, SCRA and regulations made there under Depositories Act, 1996 Exim Policy etc.
Company Secretaries in Practice also render services in the following areas:
Legal, Secretarial and Corporate Governance Corporate Restructuring Foreign Collaborations and Joint Ventures Arbitration and Conciliation Financial Management Project Planning Capital Market and Investor Relations Due Diligence Corporate Advisory Services.
The Company Secretary Course is:
Recognized by the various Universities for admission to PhD Course Appointment of Lecturers in Commerce & Gestão.
If you need help with CS preparations, contact SuperProfs‘ CS Exam Expert. Also, you may begin your preparation with CS Demo Classes. Agora, estudantes de toda a Índia podem aprender com os professores mais experientes da Índia on-line e obter a carreira de seus sonhos.
Click Here To Watch CS FREE Demo Classes.
sir I need cs course deatials and carrier future and job.
give me detail for cs cour after 12th.
whom to contact and how to registrr for course. any office to contact in noida.
sir i need cs course information after 12th class with collage study.//??/??
sir give details from c s after b.
hi sir am prabhu completed mba hr and finance …how to apply the acs course and details give me.
hi sir am Ramakrishna completed BA…how to apply the acs course and details give me.
Dear sir I want to do cs course pl give me cs details that how could i cs course b com s. y complet 2016 b com final mumbai.
Dear sir I have to do M, I want to do cs course please give me cs details.
sir give details from c s after b.
Dear sir give information about C S after BBA.
if arrears happened, what is the time limit to complete the course.
Satisfactory article easy to understand….Thanks.
After PhD in Engineering, if a person wants to do CS, in module he can enter the Program.
After PhD in Engineering, if a person wants to do CS, in which module he can enter the Program.
Please confirm whether cpt paasef out students who are appearing in ipcc exam are eligible directly to appear in cs executive courses.
Dear sir I have to do M, I want to do cs course please give me cs details.
Hello sir I am completed my MBA with finance stream and i would like to become CS how to apply for cs.
hello sir i m babita i want details abt cs after b how to apply.
after Hsc can i take admission for cs.
Hi..i am shivani joshi..i want the deatil information about cs..
how to join in cs cource and give me complete details.
Sir cs ke bare me details cahiye.
thank you for giving details. please instruct the good coaching centers.
Your comment …dear sir please help me . I want to do cs with bcom.
after doing cs, is mba required?
Sir I need information about cs after bcom.
Sir/Mam I need information about cs after Bcom.
Hi Sir/mam my name is priya. I am TY. Bcom student. Please give a advise for cs course.
Sir / Mam please give me a detail info about cs course.
Following article has enough information on CS certification.
Is there is any age limit to do this course.
sir i have done my B. Sc.
How can i apply for cs, give me full details.
hello sir i m gratuated from b(hns) i want to know about cs course…how to apply it.
There is no maximum age limit to apply for company secretary course.
Minimum age : not less than 17 years of age can apply for the Intermediate course.

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