Wednesday 18 April 2018

Melhor estratégia de negociação de jogos pc

Spice Road - Jogo de estratégia para PC.

Sobre Spice Road.

Spice Road é um novo jogo de estratégia de construção de cidades para PC. O último jogo do estúdio Indie Aartform Games permite que você jogue como governador na época colonial, usando suas habilidades estratégicas para explorar novas terras e construir o seu império das cidades.

Divirta-se fazendo as melhores cidades enquanto luta com bandidos e indo à guerra com facções opostas. Use táticas militares e econômicas inteligentes para aperfeiçoar sua rede de comércio e se tornar um Warlord Tycoon!

No fundo das montanhas e dos desertos da Ásia central, onde a vida é dura e a morte é repentina, finas trilhas de ouro, seda e especiarias trazem uma teia entre as forjagens industriais do Ocidente e os climas exóticos do Oriente.

Você é um governador colonial no século 18, construindo uma cidade na Spice Road em um momento de guerra e descoberta. Mais do que spice viaja suas estradas - os exércitos de mosquete, filosofias e jogos de poder que abrangem o globo estão sob seu controle. De palácio a monastry, posto de comércio a contrabandistas den - sua cidade é inútil, sem os nobres, monges, comerciantes e rogues que escolheram viver nele - e mantê-los felizes ao mesmo tempo nunca é simples.

Simulação econômica e comercial avançada. 3 camadas da indústria fornecem bens e serviços para populações de cidadãos, escravos e nobres com total controle sobre salários e impostos. Construa uma rede de fazendas, minas e rotas de caravanas. Explore o mapa para encontrar mercadorias raras e exóticas para exportar para terras distantes. Derrote invasores Bandit, ou pague-lhes tributo para manter suas rotas pacíficas. Competir contra rivais corporativos astutos. Escolha a diplomacia ou ataque suas caravanas e faça guerra contra suas cidades. Conheça as necessidades sociais e religiosas do seu cidadão. Atraia exploradores ou peregrinos visitantes desenvolvendo o entretenimento ou o lado espiritual de sua cidade.

Edifício de cidade, jogo de simulação social e econômica para PC.

Os melhores jogos de cartas no PC.

Quais são os melhores jogos de cartas? Não é uma questão que teríamos perguntado há alguns anos atrás, quando algumas portas básicas de sistemas baseados em papel e alguns minigames em títulos maiores eram tudo o que tínhamos acesso. Agora, há montes de candidatos para os melhores jogos de cartas no PC - é um dos gêneros que mais crescem no setor.

Táticas e planejando sua coisa? Confira os melhores jogos de estratégia no PC.

O que isso significa é que alguém (nós) precisa estabelecer a verdade objetiva (opinião subjetiva) sobre quais são os melhores jogos de cartas no PC (aqueles que mais gostamos). Nós vamos cobrir tudo, desde o maior jogador do gênero hoje (você nunca vai adivinhar qual é), os melhores portos do papel, os novatos que você pode não ter ouvido falar, e alguns dos melhores jogos de cartas grátis. há.

Jogos de cartas e jogos de estratégia baseados em turnos são um jogo feito no céu, e os desenvolvedores da Duelyst, Counterplay Games Inc., não são a única equipe que conseguiu emparelhar os dois gêneros. No entanto, Duelyst ganha o seu lugar nesta lista dos melhores jogos de cartas, porque as cartas de grid de cinco por nove são convocadas, o que dá aos jogadores muitas opções para colocar cartas e fazer jogadas estratégicas.

As cartas são usadas apenas para convocar unidades também, então Duelyst frequentemente se sente mais como uma batalha tática do que com uma batalha de cartas, e com 400 cartas / unidades diferentes, as possibilidades táticas são virtualmente infinitas. No topo de tudo isso Duelyst possui um belo estilo de arte que é uma reminiscência da linda apresentação de 16 bits do Hyper Light Drifter, algo que você não encontrará em outro lugar nesta lista de melhores jogos de cartas.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends.

Tomando a maioria de suas dicas visuais e de design de Hearthstone, The Elder Scrolls: Legends adiciona o suficiente de seus próprios sistemas e mecanismos para evitar quaisquer acusações de que é apenas mais um clone do imensamente popular CCG da Blizzard. E de qualquer forma, o que há de errado em tentar imitar um dos melhores jogos de cartas de todos os tempos?

A diferença mais notável é a adição de um sistema de faixa que divide a placa bem no meio. A faixa do lado direito (a Shadow Lane) oferece ocultação por um único turno, a faixa da esquerda (a Field Lane) não tem efeito. Parece uma característica insignificante, mas ter que decidir em qual pista colocar uma determinada carta ou começar a montar um ataque adiciona uma enorme quantidade de profundidade a Legends. A ocultação oferecida pela Shadow Lane, por exemplo, oferece proteção para cartões mais fracos que, de outra forma, poderiam ser apagados instantaneamente do tabuleiro.

TES: L também está sendo desenvolvido por Dire Wolf Digital, que possui um número de jogadores de alto nível de Magic entre suas fileiras. Isso significa que eles conhecem o gênero, e isso realmente mostra no TES: L, que joga como um jogo de cartas de puro-sangue com um casaco de Elder Scrolls pintado nele.

Os melhores jogos de cartas também têm as comunidades mais ativas, e a Bethesda e a Dire Wolf Digital fizeram um trabalho louvável ao aumentar sua base de jogadores e manter esses jogadores envolvidos com eventos regulares, competições e complementos narrativos. The Elder Scrolls: Legends também recebeu sua primeira grande expansão de cartas, trazendo 150 cartas com o tema Skyrim para o jogo para aumentar seu conhecimento e sua mecânica ainda mais.


O creme da colheita, o topo da pilha, e um dos mais amigáveis ​​livres para jogar jogos de cartas lá fora. A melhor lista de jogos de cartas provavelmente não existiria sem Hearthstone, pois impulsionou a popularidade do gênero depois de alguns anos de popularidade passiva e rapidamente se tornou um dos jogos mais jogados do mundo.

Mas por que isso é tão bom? Simplicidade, fluxo e expansões regulares de cartões, mesmo alguns anos após o lançamento. Qualquer um pode pegar e jogar Hearthstone e isso fará sentido para eles. Talvez eles não entendam totalmente o que estão fazendo ou façam as melhores jogadas táticas, mas há um prazer imediato em arrastar seus homens pelo arenoso campo de batalha, observando-os colidirem uns com os outros e números grandes e amigáveis ​​surgindo. Graças a isso, ele também funciona em praticamente tudo, incluindo tablets e telefones.

Talvez o melhor de tudo, existe uma comunidade competitiva próspera. Jogar de perto não é tarefa fácil depois de tantos lançamentos (é por isso que fizemos uma lista dos melhores decks de Hearthstone para iniciantes), mas a Blizzard está procurando maneiras de aliviar essa luta por novos jogadores. Também é muito fácil jogar de graça se você usar o seu ouro de forma inteligente e acompanhar as recompensas diárias, mesmo que você não seja particularmente bom.


Se a alta fantasia, World Of Warcraft styling de Hearthstone não é a sua taça do proverbial, então Shadowverse é uma alternativa sólida. Ele compartilha a maior parte de sua mecânica de jogos de cartas com o Hearthstone da Blizzard, mas sua herança japonesa lhe confere um estilo visual distinto. É também incrivelmente profundo, com uma mecânica de evolução que incentiva o polimento e a transformação de minions. Facções de cartas em Shadowverse também superam o resto do gênero quando se trata de traços específicos do personagem, levando a algumas jogadas e decks ultrajantes. O Shadowverse é um dos melhores jogos de cartas para construtores de convés.

Faeria é um CCG perfeitamente normal com uma notável reviravolta: você tem que construir o tabuleiro sozinho. O resultado é um dos melhores jogos de cartas que não tem nada como a maioria dos jogos de cartas - Faeria é mais como um jogo de estratégia. Isso significa que não há jogadas simples ou movimentos óbvios, garantindo que nunca haja um momento de tédio para os que pensam taticamente.

Você começa um jogo de frente para o seu inimigo através de um mar de telhas vazias que estão esperando para serem construídas. Com a opção de construir dois ladrilhos padrão, ou um ladrilho especial por turno, você pode ir direto para o seu oponente ou procurar os poços de Faeria espalhados pelo mapa - esses são os recursos mágicos do jogo, e controlá-los é fundamental se você quiser jogar cartões de maior custo. Isso significa que você pode tentar tirar o seu oponente de recursos ou causar dano direto para uma vitória antecipada.

A Faéria também possui uma das mais versáteis mecânicas de construção de deck do gênero, e é especialmente útil para novatos em jogos de cartas. Em vez de o jogador tentar fazer mudanças cegamente em um baralho inicial, a Faeria incentiva os jogadores a construir seus próprios decks a partir do zero escolhendo códices - uma coleção de três cards que se combinam entre si. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é continuar escolhendo códices até ter um baralho completo e, como muitos deles compartilharão o mesmo tipo de terreno ou efeito de carta, sempre há muita energia que pode ser extraída de sua mão.

Hex: Fragmentos do Destino.

O Hex é parecido com o Magic Duels de várias maneiras, até porque seu sistema de jogo é tão similar ao da Wizards of the Coast que houve uma longa batalha legal sobre ele. No entanto, o Hex tem um ângulo mais competitivo e, não tendo um equivalente real para alimentar, não tem limitações sobre quais cartões estão disponíveis.

Enquanto muitos dos blocos básicos do jogo são os mesmos, o Hex tem efeitos muito mais poderosos a custos mais baixos e explora sua natureza digital. As cartas individuais também são altamente modificáveis, permitindo que você use gemas nelas que alteram seu efeito. Muitos são capazes de se transformar em múltiplas formas, ou os adversários serão capazes de embaralhar cartas no seu baralho, sendo que ambos são difíceis ou impossíveis de se fazer em um jogo físico.

Hex tem um componente single-player de estilo manopla que dá mais recompensas quanto mais você conseguir e uma série de modos multiplayer. Não é muito fácil entrar sem gastar um pouco de dinheiro, mas há uma progressão óbvia de um modo para o outro e algumas aberturas de sorte podem ser transformadas em moeda do jogo através da casa de leilões. Toda essa complexidade garante que o Hex: Shards of Fate esteja entre os melhores jogos de cartas para os veteranos do gênero.

O que começou como um minigame humilde destinado a ser tocado em tavernas através de Temeria é agora um dos melhores jogos de cartas no PC. Por quê? O Gwent é muito mais acessível do que o seu CCG médio. Você coloca suas cartas em três fileiras, cada carta tem um valor, a pontuação alta ganha. Mas é claro, afaste-se das pistas do berçário e há muito o que aprender. Quase tão importante quanto as cartas que você joga é quando você as joga, e você frequentemente se verá perdendo uma rodada de propósito para ganhar a partida.

Várias alterações foram feitas para a versão independente. O tabuleiro de jogo e as próprias cartas foram enfeitadas, e quase todas as cartas que você joga agora têm um ou mais efeitos adicionais. Ele eliminou parte da serenidade do clássico Gwent, mas isso é necessário para tornar o jogo funcional como uma proposta de PvP. Dito isto, se você não é uma pessoa do povo, há também uma campanha de dez minutos para um jogador para trabalhar.

Magic Duels.

Magic Duels é uma coisa estranha para recomendar. É bom e funcional, com um componente single-player robusto que durará algumas horas sem qualquer investimento e dá-lhe um leg-up para alguns pacotes de cartas. Há um punhado de modos on-line e ouro é distribuído bem, além disso, há um máximo que você pode pagar antes de todas as cartas serem desbloqueadas, que é aproximadamente o preço de um jogo normal. Essas são as coisas que o tornam um dos melhores jogos de cartas no PC.

Infelizmente, também está um pouco quebrado - faltando recursos de jogos anteriores e não deixando os jogadores construírem seus próprios decks para completar as missões diárias de recompensas. Então, por que está aqui? Porque é o melhor porto de magia ao redor, e Magic é um jogo incrível.

Negociando parte dessa simplicidade de Hearthstone em uma estratégia mais profunda, o Magic é facilmente um dos melhores jogos de cartas que já jogamos. Há tanta coisa a considerar em todos os momentos em um jogo de Magic - e até mesmo antes de pensar em como construir decks - e tem um sabor maravilhoso em suas cartas.

As mudanças de Duels na fórmula de Magic: The Gathering facilitam a compreensão e são claramente consideradas pela Wizards of the Coast como uma droga de acesso à própria rachadura de papelão. Magic: The Gathering Online é uma porta mais exata de todos os sistemas e cartões, mas é difícil endossar a menos que você já seja um fã. Ele usa a mesma estrutura de preços da versão física e também é um cliente mal projetado e difícil de usar. Os duelos, por outro lado, pegam e jogam da melhor maneira e têm ótimos tutoriais para ensinar cada parte do que é um jogo altamente complexo.

Se você alguma vez pensou que os melhores jogos de cartas eram todos similares, então adivinhe novamente, Ascension é um construtor de baralhos em vez de um batalhador de cartas. Mas o que, você pode perguntar, é um jogo de construção de baralhos? Os construtores de convés são um subgênero de jogos de cartas em que cada jogador começa com um baralho idêntico e, em seguida, um conjunto de cartas que pode comprar usando vários recursos gerados por esses cards iniciais. Essas cartas entram na pilha de descarte, que é embaralhada no baralho sempre que ficam sem cartas. Você começa cada turno com cinco cartas e descarta qualquer uma que você não use - geralmente não será nenhuma delas - no final.

É um foco completamente diferente, movendo a parte estratégica do jogo para o centro das atenções, mas mantendo as preocupações básicas, como o seqüenciamento de cartas e o gasto de recursos. Ascension está entre os melhores jogos de cartas no PC, se você é o tipo de pessoa que gosta de jogar decks de combinação com grandes turnos individuais.

Poder e runas são seus dois recursos, runas que permitem que você compre novas cartas para seu baralho e poder, permitindo que você derrote monstros por pontos de vitória. Cada card em seu deck no final do jogo também tem um valor, mas empilhar seu deck com porcaria não será efetivo. Em vez disso, trata-se de encontrar maneiras eficientes de gerar esses recursos, comprar mais cartas do seu baralho e garantir que você esteja jogando o máximo possível de cartas poderosas. Você pode fazer isso mantendo seu baralho pequeno ou usando cartas que permaneçam em jogo ao invés de serem embaralhadas de volta - há uma enorme quantidade de variedade e incontáveis ​​conjuntos para misturar e combinar as cartas.

Bela arte, atualizações regulares e jogos muito rápidos completam como uma grande coisa para perder um pouco de tempo com. Sim, Ascension é um dos melhores jogos de cartas por aí, e um dos poucos construtores de deck disponíveis no PC.

Esses são os melhores jogos de cartas no PC para o nosso dinheiro, mas se perdemos alguma coisa, por favor, diga-nos nos comentários abaixo.


Magic Duels.

Hex: Fragmentos do Destino.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends.


Embora não seja o mesmo tipo de jogo presente neste artigo, gostaria de mencionar também o Hand of Fate. É mais um jogo como um trapaceiro, mas as cartas estão lá. Além disso, é ótimo, então tem isso.

Eu tenho vontade de jogar isso por um tempo. Parece muito legal.

É incrível e não envelhece muito rápido.

Novamente, não é um CCG, mas outro jogo de cartas que é bem charmoso é o Guild of Engineering. O Win 10 limpou todo o meu progresso, mas estou feliz em começar de novo.

Não se encaixava bem no molde que estávamos indo, mas com certeza um jogo muito merecedor.

Boa lista Ben. Pode valer a pena notar para os leitores que a partir de ontem, o processo do hex mtg foi resolvido :)

Mais alguns jogos que você pode adicionar à lista:

Spectromancer - co-desenhado por Richard Garfield, o homem que criou o M: TG.

Duelyst - Projetado por Eric M. Lang, um dos melhores designers de mesa por aí.

Shadow Era - Começou como um jogo digital, mas agora você também pode obter cópias físicas dele.

Star Realms - Rápido e divertido jogo de construção de deck.

Magia a reunião on-line poderia destruir a competição se eles apenas modernizar a interface e experiência de jogo. Depois de 15 anos, ainda é basicamente o mesmo.

Você é DONN DAMN DAMN direito. Eu parei de jogar o MTGO apenas porque sua interface arcaica e design de cartão!

Nem mesmo uma menção de Might & amp; Magia: Duelo de Campeões? E glorificando Hearthstone, um jogo em que você nem precisa pensar.

Por favor, escreva o artigo novamente.

M & M: Duelo de Campeões & gt; TES: Legends & gt; Hearthstone

Você também deve adicionar o Krosmaga a esta lista.

7 revisores responderam 8 perguntas.

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PC Gamer.

Vá para a fronteira final e mais além com os nossos melhores jogos espaciais.

Bem-vindo à nossa lista dos melhores jogos de espaço no PC. Com falta de treinamento para se tornar um astronauta ou pegar uma carona em uma sonda espacial, seu PC de jogos é a melhor maneira de deixar a Terra para trás e viajar pelo cosmos. Quer você esteja negociando ou pirateando pela Via Láctea ou sendo caçado por um alienígena monstruoso em uma estação orbital afetada, esses são os melhores jogos espaciais que você pode jogar no PC agora mesmo. Do survival horror e da estratégia 4X aos simuladores profundos que permitem que você viva outra vida entre as estrelas, há algo aqui para cada aspirante a astronauta.

Coleção Remasterizada Homeworld.

Software Developer Relic / Gearbox.

Uma das melhores campanhas RTS para um único jogador de todos os tempos, e lindamente remasterizada pela Gearbox. A visão de milhares de seus navios atravessando as paisagens vivas e coloridas do jogo é extremamente dramática. E as batalhas são tensas e táticas, com muitos tipos de navios para comandar, incluindo colossais navios de guerra. A Remastered Collection fica bem em PCs modernos e vem completa com o Homeworld original e sua sequência.

A tripulação misteriosamente abandonou a estação de transferência lunar de Tacoma, e você foi enviado para investigar e recuperar sua preciosa IA, Odin. Este mistério atmosférico de ficção científica dos criadores de Gone Home é maravilhosamente escrito, com um elenco de personagens ricos e cheios de nuances contando uma história convincente através de gravações AR interativas. Explorando a estação hiper-detalhada é uma delícia graças à extraordinária atenção ao detalhe do jogo, e quanto mais você aprende sobre Tacoma, mais profundo fica o mistério.

Elite Perigoso.

Desenvolvimentos Frontier do desenvolvedor.

Uma galáxia inteira é seu playground neste simulador espacial. Começando com uma nave básica e um punhado de créditos, você molda seu próprio destino. Você se torna um pirata temível? Um comerciante mestre? Um explorador? A beleza de Elite é poder jogar de uma forma que lhe agrade. De brigas emocionantes a exploração delicada, há algo para todos. E seus navios são um sonho absoluto de voar, seja um caça ágil ou um caminhão de carga pesado.

EVE Online.

Viva outra vida - no espaço! Não há nada mais como o EVE Online no PC, um RPG multiplayer onde tudo é controlado pelos jogadores. É uma galáxia viva na qual milhares de capsuleiros lutam, trocam, exploram e exploram juntos. Fique longe da relativa segurança de seu sistema de patrulha policial e você encontrará um cruel e cósmico Wild West, onde pirataria, espionagem e golpes são abundantes. Se você está lutando em uma guerra espacial maciça, onde milhares de dólares do mundo real estão na balança, ou apenas explorando o Novo Éden por conta própria, EVE é uma experiência inesquecível.

Guerra nas Estrelas: Império em Guerra.

Desenvolvido pela Petroglyph, um estúdio fundado por veteranos da Westwood, esta estratégia em tempo real é um dos melhores jogos de Star Wars no PC. A interface simplificada e os sistemas acessíveis podem desativar alguns fãs hardcore de estratégia, mas no meio de suas caóticas e emocionantes batalhas terrestres e espaciais, o jogo é irresistível - especialmente se você é um fã de Star Wars. E as unidades de heróis como Darth Vader e Luke Skywalker apenas aumentam a excitação.

Apesar de ser visto inteiramente através de uma interface de computador retro-futurista, Duskers é um dos mais assustadores, mais tensos jogos de terror sci-fi no PC. Nele você pilota uma frota de drones em busca de naves espaciais abandonadas em busca de combustível, atualizações e pistas sobre por que a galáxia é tão misteriosamente destituída de vida. Os navios que você embarca estão rastejando com criaturas estranhas, o que torna a busca de pistas nesses corredores escuros e estreitos uma experiência especialmente estressante.

Uma missão para desviar um asteróide rumo à Terra dá errado, enviando um grupo de astronautas para um mundo distante e aparentemente abandonado. Alguns dos enigmas são enlouquecidamente obscuros, mesmo para uma aventura de apontar e clicar da LucasArts, mas o planeta colorido e bizarro parece genuinamente estranho. Ótima voz agindo também, com a estrela de X-Files Robert Patrick interpretando o personagem principal.

Caixa de areia do universo 2.

Este simulador espacial permite que você se torne uma divindade cósmica todo-poderosa, manipulando réplicas de galáxias reais e sistemas solares e testemunhando os resultados (muitas vezes catastróficos) de sua interferência. Aumente a massa de Júpiter e você verá o resto do nosso sistema solar sendo sugado, ou apagará o Sol e observará a Terra e os outros planetas se afastarem confusos.

Desenvolvedor Ocelot Society.

Encalhada sozinha em algum lugar perto de Júpiter em uma velha nave de luxo, sua única esperança de voltar para casa é uma IA que tem sérios problemas emocionais. Você interage com o Kaizen usando seu teclado e, às vezes, estará disposto a ajudá-lo. Mas então ele mudará de idéia e decidirá que a melhor coisa a fazer é fechar a câmara e prendê-lo fora da nave até ficar sem ar. Uma aventura inteligente com o humor discreto de um filme de ficção científica dos anos 70.

Efeito de Massa 2.

Se você sempre sonhou em ser o Capitão Picard, no comando de sua própria nave, explorando a galáxia, encontrando estranhos alienígenas, sendo confrontado com dilemas cósmicos, então Mass Effect 2 é aquele em forma de jogo. É parte da ópera espacial de Star Wars, parte brilhante episódio de Star Trek e um dos melhores jogos de ficção científica no PC. Ela não tem a liberdade de Elite e é em grande parte uma experiência linear, mas leva você a uma viagem inesquecível pela galáxia, visitando planetas bizarros e se envolvendo na vida dos alienígenas que vivem neles. Nós amamos toda a série, mas todos concordamos que este é o nosso favorito.

Desenvolvido por Paradox, de Crusader Kings e Europa Universalis fama, este épico sci-fi coloca o & lsquo; grand & rsquo; em grande estratégia. Explore o universo, forme alianças com facções alienígenas e participe da estranha batalha espacial em grande escala. A multiplicidade de sistemas faz de Stellaris um poderoso gerador de histórias, e você nunca sabe que seres estranhos você encontrará entre as estrelas.

Estrangeiro: isolamento.

Montagem Criativa do Desenvolvedor.

Amanda Ripley, filha de Ellen, é caçada através de uma estação espacial dilapidada por um xenomorfo neste incrível horror de sobrevivência. Tomando as dicas do filme original de Ridley Scott de 1979, é uma obra-prima da tensão de queima lenta. E a estação propriamente dita, Sevastopol, é um ótimo exemplo de ficção científica, com tecnologia retro-futurista pesada e luzes tremeluzentes sinistras. Uma das adaptações cinematográficas mais fiéis de todos os tempos e um grande jogo de terror por si só.

Céu de ninguém.

Este é um dos mais impressionantes universos sci-fi no PC, e ser capaz de fazer a transição do espaço para a superfície de um planeta é uma impressionante façanha técnica. A adição de recursos como construção de base e um sistema de missão em atualizações recentes oferece muito mais para você realmente fazer quando você toca nesses mundos, e o algoritmo de geração de procedimentos foi ajustado para criar superfícies de planeta mais bonitas e mais estranhas.

Star Wars: TIE Fighter.

Uma rara oportunidade de ser o cara mau na amada ópera espacial de George Lucas. Com uma variedade de missões com temática do Império - brigas de cachorros, escoltas, navios de ataque ao poder - e uma história a seguir, é um dos melhores jogos de Guerra nas Estrelas da LucasArts já publicados. Claro, você pode substituir esta entrada por Star Wars: X-Wing, se preferir jogar como a velha e chata Aliança Rebelde.

FTL: mais rápido que a luz.

A FTL mistura estratégia baseada em turnos e em tempo real para capturar a experiência de capturar uma espaçonave estilo Star Trek. É um forte roguelike, também, com um cenário de um universo sci-fi familiar, mas divertido, que vem com sua própria tradição semi-humorística e um conjunto de batidas narrativas que tornam a jornada ao seu final infinitamente emocionante. Ser capaz de nomear seu navio e tripulação torna ainda mais doloroso quando eles morrem juntos no espaço inimigo.

Comandante da asa: corsário.

Sistemas de origem do desenvolvedor.

Os fãs da série discutirão indefinidamente sobre qual Wing Commander é o melhor, mas nós amamos a sensação mais sombria do Privateer. É uma caixa de areia rica na qual você pode ser um mercenário, um pirata, um comerciante ou uma mistura dos três. Você pula entre sistemas que procuram recompensas para caçar e navios para roubar, e os combates em primeira pessoa são uma emoção. Há uma história linear, mas a verdadeira alegria está em fazer sua própria coisa e esculpir seu próprio caminho através das estrelas.

Véspera: Valquíria.

Se você tem um fone de ouvido VR, este é o jogo para jogar nele. Em Valkyrie você começa a vivenciar as famosas batalhas espaciais do EVE Online a partir da perspectiva mais íntima de um piloto de caça individual. A sensação de estar preso em um cockpit, voando pelo espaço a velocidades imensas, é visceral. E o combate foi ajustado especificamente para a realidade virtual.

Programa Espacial Kerbal.

Lute com a gravidade e as leis da física ao construir sua própria espaçonave e tentar explorar o cosmos. Uma caixa de areia robusta e atraente que é tão divertida quanto inteligente. Fugir da atmosfera de Kerbin e aterrissar no Mun (sem explodir) pela primeira vez com um navio que você construiu é tão satisfatório quanto um jogo para PC.

Tome em Marte.

Desenvolvedor Bohemia Interactive.

Se você gosta de seus jogos espaciais um pouco mais aterrados, experimente o desenvolvedor da Arma Bohemia, Take On Mars. É um simulador de exploração espacial e colonização largamente baseado em astro-ciência real. Você pode construir um rover estilo Curiosity e explorar a superfície do planeta vermelho ou construir sua própria colônia marciana. Um jogo para pessoas que querem o sci sem muito do fi.

Pecados de um Império Solar.

Desenvolvedor Ironclad Games.

Misturando estratégia em tempo real com elementos 4X, Sins é um jogo de conquista galáctica. Escolha uma facção, reúna recursos e torne-se um poderoso senhor do espaço. Comandar suas guerras em tempo real é emocionante, mas o combate não é sempre a resposta: você pode usar a diplomacia para conquistar os sistemas também. Um RTS refrescantemente lento com algumas batalhas espaciais verdadeiramente massivas para olhar de boca aberta.

Engenheiros Espaciais.

Desenvolvedor Keen Software House.

Colha asteróides para materiais de construção, em seguida, construa-os em bases flutuantes, naves espaciais voáveis ​​e muito mais. Você pode passar o mapa com um jetpack ou construir um gerador de gravidade para andar com segurança na superfície de asteróides maiores. Um dos melhores co-op build-ups em-ups no PC.

Desenvolvedor Chucklefish Games.

Terraria-esque sobrevivência com um toque de ficção científica. Hop entre planetas gerados aleatoriamente em uma nave, caçar criaturas alienígenas para alimentar, construir colônias e bases subterrâneas e tente não morrer no processo. Uma caixa de areia sci-fi brilhante com um estilo de arte encantadora. As raças jogáveis ​​incluem robôs, seres feitos de energia solar, criaturas semelhantes a macacos e pássaros sem asas.


Desenvolvedor Vladimir Romanyuk.

Você gosta de se sentir pequeno e insignificante? Em seguida, jogue SpaceEngine, que apresenta, incrivelmente, todo o universo. Ou pelo menos o pouco que sabemos. Concentre-se na Terra, em seguida, puxe para trás em velocidade máxima, e de repente você se torna consciente de como você está em uma pequena mancha de poeira atravessando um vazio sem fim. A tecnologia é notável, permitindo que você viaje sem esforço entre galáxias e terras em planetas. Mas além de explorar, não há muito mais do que isso.


Um novo mapa PUBG será revelado em março.

A unidade de estado sólido de 30 TB da Samsung pode suportar uma tonelada de jogos.

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Os melhores jogos de estratégia no PC.

Qual é o melhor jogo de estratégia de PC? O gênero foi inventado pela primeira vez em 1938, quando Winston Churchill olhou pela janela de um avião sobre a França e pensou: "Ei, isso daria um ótimo videogame, seja lá o que for."

A dominação mundial começa com o conhecimento das últimas novidades sobre jogos para PC, e onde é melhor dar o primeiro passo do que a página inicial do PCGamesN?

Desde então, tem havido cerca de cem milhões de jogos de estratégia diferentes, simulando tantos tipos diferentes de lutas quanto os humanos que tiveram motivos para lutar uns contra os outros. Desde os abrangentes traços gerais da série Civilization até os blades individualmente renderizados dos jogos Total War, para não esquecer a tecnologia de fantasia distante de StarCraft - os jogos de estratégia são tão diversos quanto surgem.

Mas quais são os melhores jogos de estratégia no PC? Bem, basta arrastar uma caixa de seleção sobre nossos corpos e clicar com o botão direito do mouse no horizonte, e todos estaremos a caminho de descobrir.

Aqui estão os melhores jogos de estratégia no PC:

Total War: Warhammer 2.

Com Total War: Warhammer, a série icônica da estratégia mergulhou um dedo experimental na fantasia. A diversão alegre de dragões e magia (para não mencionar uma licença popular) fez apelo de massa e registro de vendas, mas Creative Assembly não se esqueceu de como fazer um bom jogo de estratégia. O personagem das facções de Warhammer foi canalizado para mecanismos de campanha envolventes que variaram pela primeira vez, encorajando a capacidade de repetição, e listas de unidades que permitiram um melhor simulador de batalha do Senhor dos Anéis do que qualquer outro jogo lá fora.

Tudo isso é ainda mais verdadeiro na sequência e vê a CA se tornar ainda maior, tornando-se um dos melhores jogos de estratégia nos últimos anos. Novamente, porém, essa ambição é temperada com habilidade: a nova condição de vitória do Vórtice pode parecer uma indulgência fantástica, mas serve ao jogo mantendo a pressão até o fim, quando você estaria anteriormente em uma vitória fácil. As facções são mais ricas e vibrantes do que nunca, no entanto, os High Elves com sabor de baunilha são uma presença de senso comum em meio a todo o bombast. Portanto, não se deixe enganar pelos dragões e dinossauros - este é o melhor que o Total War tem feito com as antigas e analíticas métricas, bem como com as novas e divertidas.

Civilização VI.

Se o Civ V foi o mais aerodinâmico que a série já foi, o Civ VI é o mais comemorativo - uma iteração de 25 anos que elimina a esterilidade dos lançamentos anteriores em favor de uma trilha sonora emocionante e de um visual novo e caricato. Encontra Firaxis lembrando que o poder de um jogo 4X reside tanto em sua atmosfera quanto em seus sistemas.

É um testemunho da atenção de Sid Meier e seu estúdio, no entanto, que eles também não negligenciaram esses sistemas. O Civilization VI exumou várias das melhores adições do Community Balance Patch de seu antecessor, enquanto avançava para frente e para cima com algumas novas ideias inusitadas - construtores que expiram depois de três turnos, por exemplo, e cidades que se espalham por vários blocos.

Não é isso que Civ é tudo? Empurrando para frente e para cima, alcançando as estrelas? A Firaxis certamente continuará a fazer exatamente isso, construindo sobre essas bases sólidas com remendos de equilíbrio e expansões como Rise e Fall. E os jogadores farão o mesmo que concebem mods Civ VI que mudam o jogo. Mas até o jogo que existe agora é um clássico Civ. Não apenas uma experiência introdutória maravilhosamente colorida, mas também uma reviravolta intrigante em algumas das mecânicas mais profundamente enraizadas da série que manterão os veteranos voltando para mais um turno.

Companhia de Negociação Offworld.

A Offworld Trading Company está bem na outra ponta do espectro de jogos de estratégia da Civilization, embora seu designer, Soren Johnson, também tenha trabalhado no Civ IV. Enquanto Civ abrange a história e parte do futuro da humanidade, narrando o progresso da humanidade, a Offworld Trading Company tem tudo a ver com a fortuna explorando nosso pequeno vizinho vermelho, Marte.

É um RTS sem microgerenciamento, e no qual a vitória não é conseguida jogando tanques nos inimigos ou demolindo suas bases. Em vez disso, suas armas são recursos e dinheiro, que você usará para manipular o mercado não apenas para ficar rico, mas para estragar completamente seus concorrentes. Isto é, se você não tiver feito uma aliança temporária com um de seus rivais, é claro - embora você possa acabar fechando negócios com uma mão enquanto segura uma adaga na outra.

Você pode não esperar que um jogo de estratégia econômica seja muito agressivo, mas a Offworld Trading Company o incentiva a ser tão hostil quanto um belicista. Quando você está olhando para os menus e planejando o que construir em seguida, o que vender, se é hora de começar uma aquisição hostil de outra empresa, é tão emocionante como quando você está enviando infantaria através de campos artilheiros ou lançando ataques aéreos contra uma fortaleza inimiga em Company of Heroes ou StarCraft II.

E lembre-se de Baba Yetu? Provavelmente a maior peça de música em jogos de estratégia? Bem, seu compositor, Christopher Tin, criou a trilha sonora da Offworld Trading Company. E sim, é muito bom.

O Stellaris, o híbrido de estratégia grandiosa 4x da Paradox, torna o espaço novamente surpreendente graças às cadeias de eventos que, a princípio, evocam o Crusader Kings II, mas acabam indo muito além. Espere rebeliões mutantes, rebeliões robóticas e a descoberta de textos alienígenas que fazem seus cidadãos questionarem seu lugar na galáxia.

Não é apenas um jogo 4X; é um jogo de RPG galáctico e um sim de império, oferecendo uma vasta gama de opções aos jogadores, permitindo-lhes criar espécies únicas, excêntricas e de espaço. Você pode jogar como uma sociedade fundamentalista construída sobre as costas de escravos, ou lagartos hiper-inteligentes que dependem de robôs, estejam eles lutando ou cultivando. The robust species creator and multitude of meaningful decisions mean that you can create almost any aliens you can imagine.

And underpinning all of that is the game’s focus on exploration. While most space 4X games stick with one method of interstellar travel, Stellaris gives you three to choose from, each with their own strengths and counters. In one game, the galaxy might be a network of hyperlanes, but in the next, you might find yourself building wormhole stations and blinking across the galaxy.

Stellaris multiplayer is not to be overlooked either, transforming decent human beings into Machiavellian alien tyrants at the drop of a hat. It is easily one of the best strategy games of recent years.

XCOM 2 is one of the all time greats of the tactics genre. Already. It takes the best bits from the series so far - the savage struggle, the ragtag group of heroes, the devious aliens, the tight tactical battles - and throws improvement after improvement on top.

Once again, you are sending up to six soldiers into the breach, but this time as a group of struggling survivors fighting against a tyrannical alien regime. It is all guerilla tactics, covert missions, and dissidence. You need to learn to make sacrifices, leaving men and women behind so you can save the rest, and you need to learn to swallow loss and failure.

The battles are challenging and varied, full of horrific adversaries with tricky, surprising abilities, but the biggest changes are found at the strategic layer - why else would it be on a list of the best strategy games on PC?. You will travel all over the world, setting up cells, infiltrating black sites, hunting for more resources so you can field more powerful weapons and tools - it is compelling, rather than an afterthought.

And XCOM 2 mods are already great. You can download a corgi gun. A corgi gun.

Quero mais? Here's our XCOM 2 review.

Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault.

Company of Heroes 2 was great but it did not quite match the magic of its predecessor. Then Ardennes Assault came along, one of the best RTS games that helped consolidate the series’ place at the forefront of the genre. The US forces and German Oberkommando are fighting over control of the Ardennes, in a campaign inspired by The Battle of the Bulge. What sets it apart from both Company of Heroes and the sequel is the non-linear campaign that plays out across a strategic meta map. The Germans are dynamic, being reinforced by retreating forces, changing the challenges posed by both story missions and the dynamic skirmishes.

While the campaign is only played from the American point of view, the US forces are split into three companies, all with unique specialties covering air, support, and mechanised roles. These companies all have special officer abilities and upgrade trees, and any can be used to tackle a mission. Even if you focus on one, the other two will still be on the map, and can provide assistance by blocking the enemy retreat out of a captured province.

This is the first time the battles in Company of Heroes have had real weight. Previously, winning was all that mattered. Finish the mission and you move on to the next one, starting fresh. Ardennes Assault is a persistent campaign, though, and losses in battle can bring down a company's veterancy and manpower. There is even a risk of it being wiped out entirely, leaving the other two companies to face the Germans alone.

Total War: Shogun 2.

Total War's second trip to Japan, the sequel to the very first Total War, is the greatest game in the historical series, which puts it among the best strategy games ever made. Yes, better than the beloved original Rome or the ambitious and very pretty Attila. It is a more thoughtful and scaled back Total War, in contrast to its massive, very flawed predecessor, Empire.

Lessons had obviously been learned from the more focused Napoleon: Total War. Shogun II’s map is diverse and full of interesting tactical problems due to the prevalence of mountains, but it is also small by Total War standards, and more manageable. This is very, very good, because it means one important thing: more battles!

Total War: Shogun II is undoubtedly the prettiest game in the series to boot. Its newer siblings might be younger and firmer, but Shogun’s got a style they could only dream about, where battles are peppered with floating cherry blossoms and individual warriors duke it out in tense duels.

There is a lot to recommend beyond the base game, too. Check our guides to the best Shogun II mods, Shogun II DLC, and Shogun II user-created maps. The excellent Fall of the Samurai expansion is also a must, particularly if you want to see gunpowder warfare done right, or at least better than in Empire.

Homeworld: Desertos de Kharak.

With Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Blackbird Interactive have done the seemingly impossible: transpose the elegant, minimalist space wars of the original Homeworld games to a single planet, making one of the best RTS games in the process. Somehow it works. Really well.

It is a journey, across a never-ending desert, on a mission to save a civilisation. Each battle is connected to the last as well as the ones yet to be played. Every unit that survives will live to fight another day in another mission in a persistent war for survival.

Kharak itself, despite just being one giant desert, is a fantastic planet-sized battlefield. The addition of terrain and elevation replicates the three-dimensional battles of the previous games, with the sand dunes providing cover, hiding spots, and high ground from where you can unleash devastating attacks.

Like its predecessors, Deserts of Kharak is also blessed with some of the best art design you could hope to find in an RTS, accompanied by incredible sound design, and a genuinely interesting narrative.

Endless Legend.

Whenever Endless Legend comes up in conversation, it is hard not to gush about it, which is what we are about to do here. It easily earned itself a place as one of the best strategy games of all time.

Endless Legend is a 4X game that blends fantasy and science fiction seamlessly, throwing stranded spacemen against magical dragon people in absolutely the most striking hex-based world. Diverse, gorgeous, it looks almost tangible, like you could reach out and pick up one of the elaborate cities and cradle it in your hands. "Don't worry, citizens. We won't let the horrible man-eating insects devour you and your families."

What makes it most notable are the fascinating factions that vie for dominance over the pretty but slightly apocalyptic world, each blessed with unique and interesting mechanics that set them apart and inform how they're played. You have got the horrible aforementioned flesh-eating insect race, the Necrophage, for instance, who are so foul they cannot make alliances with other factions, forcing them to always be the opposition. And there is the bizarre Cultists, a faction of peculiar zealots that can only construct one city, and must rely on swallowing up other factions if they want to expand.

Surprisingly, it is also blessed with a strong narrative that lends the game a tangible sense of place. Every faction has a unique set of story quests that will inform a lot of your decisions without backing you into a corner, and there is an abundance of side-quests and stories that makes it feel like you are managing a world where a roleplaying adventure is taking place.

Crusader Kings II.

Crusader Kings II is a murderous bastard of a grand-strategy game. You play a medieval ruler trying to gain more power, influence, and territory in a historically authentic medieval Europe. It is a game of intrigue, war, politics, and religion, played out on a stunning, detailed map of the known world and in countless, complex menus. Really, though, Crusader Kings II is a strategy game about people: your dynasty, your vassals, your lovers, enemies, and family members.

It is this personal element that makes Crusader Kings II so compelling. You are in charge of a family, not an abstract nation. You will marry and have kids, you will die, and then your heir will take over and the whole thing begins again. In between all this, you can use intrigue or brute force to increase your holdings, but the key is that you develop a real personal connection with your characters, your avatar. You will mourn their death and cheer their every triumph.

Usurp thrones, create politically advantageous marriages, murder your wife, and if it all gets too much for you, there is always the occasional jousting tournament or day of hunting to keep you in good spirits. As long as they do not kill you.

StarCraft II.

StarCraft II is a sci-fi strategy game about armoured cowboys versus xenomorphic aliens and space elves - what is not to love about that? It is also a classic base-building RTS where you gather resources, build armies, and kill your enemy before they kill you with quick decisions and even quicker mouse clicks.

Multiplayer is a huge part of Starcraft II. Your enemies are human; they will be able to click faster than you, issue orders quicker than you. You will probably lose a lot, but you will get better the more you play, making this one of the best RTS games if you have a competitive streak in you - or if you would rather watch there is a small but dedicated competitive player-base at the esports level.

The PvE campaign is also interesting - Blizzard have combined frantic action with an RPG-like backdrop as you follow the exploits of Terran mercenary Jim Raynor. You will fight through a series of missions, many of which will have unique objectives - like trying to harvest resources on a map that periodically fills up with lava, or defending against waves upon waves of Zerg for a set period of time. In between missions you will explore an RPG-ish hub, where you can talk to people, research new techs, and decide where your next destination will be. Story is hard to do in RTS games, and many resign themselves to cutscenes or in-mission dialogue, but StarCraft II actually makes you interact with the world outside combat, and so it is a more interactive story.

2015 saw the game conclude with the launch of Legacy of the Void, one of our best RTS games of of the past few years, so if you want the whole experience, you will be wanting to get all three entries in the series.

Supreme Commander.

Supreme Commander was the game that broke PCs, such were the demands it placed on processors. This future war robo-RTS simplifies resource management and focuses more on creating the perfect war machine. You start off with a single irreplaceable command unit, and from there you build factories that will churn out units to wage war on your enemies.

Nothing genre-breaking there, but it is the sheer scale that puts Supreme Commander up there with the best RTS games - years later, Supreme Commander does not so much break PCs anymore as it breaks minds. A player’s army can potentially reach up to 1,000 units separated out into land, sea, and air. You have to orchestrate a careful ballet of production, movement and attack, grinding down your opponent while keeping your command unit safe, and your factories powered and supplied so that they can create more machines of death. It is brilliant and mind-boggling all at once.

This was one of the few games to officially support dual monitors, which means you can have a zoomable map up on the second screen. It’s a godsend, as it allows you to keep an eye on the big picture a lot easier. Few games are blessed with the same scale as Supreme Commander, and when you take the war online that is where the real challenge begins. Titles like StarCraft demand quick thinking and quicker reactions, but they only deal with a couple of dozen units at most. Supreme Commander demands all of that, and deals in the thousands.

There we are, the best strategy games on PC. But we almost certainly missed some of your favourites, so let us know what you would pick in the comments.

Civilization VI.

Crusader Kings II.

Starcraft 2: Asas da Liberdade.

Total War: Shogun II.

Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault.

Supreme Commander.

Homeworld: Desertos de Kharak.

Endless Legend.

Companhia de Negociação Offworld.

Command and Conquer helped create the modern strategy game, I would say that makes the game relevant, and should have a spot on this list.

I think the list is more "What is the most fun right now.", they say "Here are the 15 best strategy games that I think you should all play right now." I love command and conquer but I don't think it has aged as well as some other titles.

Nothing wrong with lists of the most important titles, I just don't think this is that kind of list.

He is right, you know. The title of the article says "The best strategy games on PC" so i think C&C quialifies. Certainly not all of them are great and some have dated gfx and gameplay but the one i would definitely put on this list, and the best in the series, is C&C 3. Great gfx, gameplay, 3 playable factions, awesome superweapons and ALIENS that invade teh Earth. What more could you want in a sci-fi RTS?

Nope Dune brought it to life but the real player in land based rts was total anhilation, wich set a milestone wich games based on till this day.

Although, Dune came before C&C.

There were these games called Dune 2 and Warcraft, young fella. But keep spewing garbage, it's what you do best.

No love at all for any Commander and Conquer games makes me sad. but I can understand why. It is a series that hasn't really been relevant since Red Alert 2, and some would say Tiberian Sun was the last great C&C. Also some might say that the strategy is thinly veiled as you can just churn out masses of units and steam-roll the enemy for the most part. Lacks the nuance of Starcraft.

Joe tried to add a C&C game. Can't remember which, I think it may have been Red Alert 2. Or maybe it was whatever was the most recent. I vetoed it for the reasons you list, and because we already had RTS games well-represented here.

I loved C&C when the series was young, but it just failed to grow. It loved its own campiness too much, the designs got more and more over the top, and yeah, that core game didn't really get more interesting. SupCom ate its lunch from the visual spectacle standpoint, and it really wasn't a good enough RTS to stand alongside any of its contemporaries.

i been playing rts games for a long time to not have WC3+exp nor ANY command and conquer games is a massive slight to rts hell they didnt eve mention dune between dune and c&c thats the heart of rts. now to be fair the last goood c&c game was c&c 3 tibrium wars as much as i love geerals i still have to say c&c 3 was my fav but its such a hard choice i was i could say there where both the best.

No love for Homeworld(s), GalCiv or Masters of Orion?

Homeworld redefined RTS for 3D space and the GalCiv games are solid, worthy 4X.

Haven't played a MoO since MoO 3 though. That was dense as **** to get into…

For me, the series peaked at C&C: Generals. They moved away from the kitsch videos (which I did love in the original games but the sheen wore off when they started spending so much on producing B-movie cutscenes) and simply created a fun, explosive RTS.

I'm hoping the C&C Victory Studios are working on taps into the Generals style of game.

Satiellite Riegn sould be in here.

Does Armello count? No? I'm terrible at this, as I have been with every other list.

I'm not so good at strategy, really. Glad those games exist though as it can be a joy to watch someone play them, and sometimes you have to have a mind like steel tacks to outwit the AI or whomever you're playing against. And when such a person is a good winner/loser on top of that? Well, you're probably looking at quite the admirable human being.

I never could get anywhere beyond the likes of Shining Force, FEDA, and Vandal Hearts. Or was it Vagrant Story? I always get those two confused. No, pretty sure it was Vandal Hearts. Terrible at Disgaea, though, but I find it so engaging as I'm fond of NIS's sense of humour. The only developer to have made a visual novel that I not only completed, but played more than once.

If you've not heard of it, look up Disgaea Infinite. It's a PSP game, but you people seem too civilised to go for all that 'console peasant' brainrot. Good for you!

Ah, Shining Force. It had an armadillo in steampunk powered armour. Unforgettable. We need a Shining Force remake that's actually good, so I can vote that in for one of these articles. Though it might not end up on PC, so I'd probably fail at the whole concept of these lists all over again.

It's almost like someone seen me talk about this.

We aim to please.

I can jibe with this list.

Personally I'd remove World in Conflict and replace it with Dawn of War 2. Because for me, WiC is better covered by Airland Battle if we're talking cold-war RTS, and DoW2 is probably the RTS I've played most of over the years. Probably the first RTS to REALLY suck me into playing online.

With regards to Supreme Commander, it still has an active community given that Forged Alliance Forever dropped a few months ago. Probably more active than SupCom 2. And all in all, it's still conducive to some epic large scale battles. I'd recommned Gyle's casts if you want to check it out:

i must say that even though this is an "old post"

there is 1 game i miss on the list..

one of the very first RTS games, along with C&C that defined RTS games.

even though games like Dune 1 came back in 1992.

i would trade WiC for total anihilation or the original C&C :D.

but thats just me.. im old enough to remember the good old games.

to bad the newer computers are to "heavy" to play the old classics.

I miss Stronghold: Crusader from this list :( With it's HD remake it's playable and Crusader 2 is about to release in 3 weeks time. It's meant to stay true to the original.

Either way, the first one should've made it to the top 20 list.

This is a great list:

I would personally add, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, Homeworld and these days I'd rather have Rome 2 or Attila over Shogun.

Regarding Empire at War, I recall the reviews of the time giving me the impression that the ground battles were pretty terrible. Can I assume from its entry here that they're not as bad as I thought? I've not played a decent strategic Star Wars game since Supremacy so my interest is piqued.

The ground battles arn't great, although I personally feel the more scripted engagements in the single-player are alright. Considering Supremacy/Rebellion didn't even have ground battles though, it's a step up from that.

If you liked Supremecy, you should like this. It may not be the best RTS ever as far as mechanics and design (again, re ground battles), but it's a pretty kick-ass star wars game. You get to summon in Star Destroyers and see them blast away, the expansion adds in the SSDs, you can build and use Death Stars. it's an experience, and not one to sniff at. That's why I included it, anyway.

I never would have thought about saying this 6 months ago, but Rome II has been polished up so well its better than Shogun for combat and depth. But the Shogun era is much more fun just to bask in.

It deserves a revisit.

One of my personal favorite strategy game is Lord of the rings: Battle for middle-earth 2 :P.

It's a shame someone hasn't updated Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour so that it can be played on Windows 8.1. It's a classic game, and deserves to be mentioned in this list IMO. I used to love playing the GLA and steamrolling over the Americans *evil laugh*! ("Thank you for the new shoes!" :-D )

Another game that I bought only four days ago is Rise Of Nations, and I'm really enjoying it. It's great fun to start a game with spearmen and slingshot warriors, and end up planning missions using fighter and bomber aircraft. And of course if you want to go really crazy, you can develop nukes too. Great scope for varied strategy and tactics.

Apart from those omissions I think this list is very interesting. I own 10 of the 20 games mentioned, so there are a few that I'll be checking out and possibly buying, especially if they're in a Steam sale. Thanks for updating the list!

When I was updating the list, I actually had a chat with Rob in regards to Rise of Nations, especially since there's the Extended Edition now. But having not played the new version, and since it's been many, many years since I played the original, I decided that I wasn't as comfortable adding it to the list as I was with the other new additions.

Of course, we'll no doubt be updating the list again at some point, and by then I might have had time to play the Extended Edition. So it could appear down the line.

Don't know how about you, but I have C&C Generals: Zero Hour on Origin and it works fine on Win 8.1.

No love for the Dominions series? For shame.

The fact that neither Victoria nor Hearts of Iron made the list, but CK2 and EUIV (EU being the worst of them..) did, makes me quite damned sad.

that said, for the most part it's a good list.

Wasnt World in conflicts multiplayer shut down?

Shouldnt that be stated in the "buyers guide"?

Where the f is Homeworld?

I'm really happy to see Starcraft 2 isn't on here. That boring trash killed the RTS genre. Blizzard is good at killing genres.

No Mount and Blade? Mesmo?

Mount & Blade: Warband is in both our top sandbox and top RPG lists.

You know what? I also missed the strategy part in the title, my bad.

A lot of "The Best" lately.

I feel like Dawn of War 2 should be on here as well, it was different from the original but good - well, alright, I feel like the last expansion fell flat.

Other than that, perfect list.

I also feel like SupCom should be on the list twice. Just because.

SupCom really is brilliant.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of Dawn of War 2, though. It can be fun, and the progression of your squad is neat, but as a strategy game I think it's severely lacking. We're also picking the best from franchises rather than listing the franchise or listing them separately, and I think most would agree that the original is still the best.

Me, I really loved DoW2's squad level control. It made perfect sense with the context of Space Marines. Sadly, they never got terribly creative with the level or mission design, but moving from one end of the map to the other setting up kill zones and dealing with enemy units in different ways was fun enough, almost like a RTS'y X-Com (Nu-Com). No other game has quite emulated it's style and thats a shame.

This comments section is getting confusing. I would recommend simply starting a new post come 2015 instead of continuing to update this one.

Glad to see Infested Planet make the list. It’s a pretty awesome strategy game, and very different from most other RTS's. You regularly see yourself battling back and forth with the bugs on each map, losing the advantage one minute and being pushed back, then suddenly having a breakout moment as you adapt and change to the circumstances, or pull off a risky raid that takes the pressure off your flank, or even just remember an ability you had been forgetting about until now.

There’s a heavy emphasis on on-the-fly strategy, with the battles ebbing forwards and backwards as you advance, gain ground, the aliens adapt, force you back, and you desperately try not to loose too much whilst they counter-attack and frequently circumvent your previous strategies. You can gain momentum, but so can the enemy, and the game has a lot of scope for turn-arounds from dire circumstances with the right play (which applies just as much to the enemy).

All in all, I definitely recommend it, especially if you’re looking for something a little different from the standard RTS or squad level tactical game.

I'd personally put Men of War: Assault Squad 2 on this list. Sure it's rough around the edges but it has a certain charm for a WW2 RTS I haven't felt since the late 90s/early 00s.

Has no one mentioned Age of Mythology?

I've only played two of these games: Civilization V and Age of Empires. I really liked both of them, so maybe I'll have to try these other games. What's age of mythology? Is it more like civilizations, but with added mythological creatures. That sounds like a pretty interesting game. gameofwarrealtips.

I will always maintain, that Warcraft 3 is one of the best strategy games ever made, and it does deserve a place on this list. A game that's only downfall wasn't even in the gameplay, but it was let down by the devs, who left it in the mercy of hackers. A HD remake with cheat-secure official servers would put it back on the map, even after 10+ years. Also, I agree with some of the comments here about the C&C series, my vote would go to Generals, that was a lot of fun to play, both the core game and the expansion, Zero Hour.

Home World or one of the 2 Home World sequals along with Command and Conquer or one of the 16 Comand and Conquer sequals should have a right to be on the list;)

The Emissary should be on the list to , I play it for days ( not that I recommend it ) , it's available for free ( I played it on Linux )

Check it out here stratmontclanstrategies. blogspot/

I agree on Command and conquer , spent days on it.

I can't believe this list doesn't have Warcraft III.

I would make a list as well, I can respect most. See the supreme commander as the revival of total annihilation :) the old dune and Warcraft are pas their prime but the only title I am really lacki is any title in the heroes of might and magic series?

If you haven't played it I recommend A. I. War which is absolutely the best co-op strategy game I have ever played. Nothing else even comes close.

Great list. However, Endless Legend and Homeworld would be on my list also.

There's a few games I want to comment on:

World in Conflict - multiplayer may be shut down, but its singleplayer campaign is so good that it should probably be mentioned regardless. It's one of few strategy games that I'd point to as having good singleplayer campaigns.

Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War - I think you should make this more specific and point directly at Dark Crusade. It's easily the best version of that game.

Dawn of War 2 - is underrated. The singleplayer is only fun if you enjoy clicker-RPGs like Diablo, but multiplayer is surprisingly good. Team matches in particular are very fun and different from the norm.

Best licensed strategy game - should still be Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, but Empire at War is a great second ;)

Best strategy game campaign - where is it?

I get that CoH 2: Ardennes Assault has a nice dynamic campaign, but that's all it is: interestingly dynamic. To be blunt: CoH's mission design is terrible, its storytelling is weak, it doesn't have much variety and its presentation is poor.

There are strategy games that do try to tell a story and actually manage to present it rather well and within an interestingly varied, but structured, campaign. Think of the C&C games, StarCraft 2, World in Conflict, Battle Realms, Homeworld, etc.

Strategy games may not traditionally be the best vehicles for story, but World in Conflict outshines most story-driven shooters and Battle Realms likewise trounces most fantasy RPGs. As for StarCraft 2: that presentation, that mission design, wow.

A good test for RTS games is to think how popular or enjoyable the game would be if it had basic graphics (think 1995). In some cases (like Civilization or Starcraft) it would be just as good, in other cases (like the XCOM remake) it would make it pretty obvious that they're just a basic RNG hiding behind pretty 3D models. To call that thing a strategy game is an insult to the word "strategy". At best it involves some tactics, and (given how bad the AI is) you don't even need much of that.

Look, I LOVE Sins of a Solar Empire, I do. buuut I don't think it's better than Homeworld or Galactic Civilizations 2.

What about Warcraft?

SWEAW is definitely a good one, but I didn't like the population cap on it though - especially in space skirmishes. Still, glad it's here.

Master Of Orion not in here?

FYI the concept of a war game was concieved by H. G. Wells in his 1913 guide "Little Wars" for use with toy soldiers.

I could argue that C&C isn't one of the best strategy games, not anymore: Slow gameplay, bad AI, spam to win and so on.

I also don't get it why people feel entitled to add their own favorites to other peoples lists?

Civilization is best from this list according to me.

But I think you should also mention Lords of Midnight.

I know this is an update, but don't forget XCOM now has an expansion, Enemy Within. It's a cracker, and I would recommend people get that, rather than "just" the vanilla game.

God, I was so happy it was so good. (Do you see my avatar? DO YOU?)

I do NOT recommend war game series. Horrible quality. T-55 tanks can take out M1A2's with no issue while M1A2's can sit their and shoot and do no damage, vehicle and weapon models are just bad. Game play is closer to arcade then it is strategy.

Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun has a special place in my heart.

I think Age of Wonders III is a great game.

There are just too many unbelievably good games out there now and with XCom2 and Warhammer on the horizon, the dilemma of what to spend precious time on is only going to get worse.

I wouldnt consider the wargame series strategy games.. more like arcade RTS. Not even close to realistic.

What about Warcraft?

wargamer is one of the worst wargames out their. Unrealistic and unfair scenarios its easy to play and beat but its far from being realistic and thats what kills it.

4 reviewers answered 7 questions.

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40 best PC games: the must-play titles you can't afford to miss.

Battlestations at the ready for the best PC games out now.

The best that the PC has to offer.

Though you might not want to buy a graphics card right now, it’s the perfect time to shell out for some of the best PC games you can buy. You’ve heard a lot of buzz about The Witcher 3 and Bioshock, but maybe you haven’t taken the time to play through them yet, so let this serve as a wake-up call.

We’ve found 40 titles that we can safely say are the best on the platform right now, and despite a few of our suggestions being exclusive to those wielding mice and keyboards, most of these examples can also be used with a controller. Better yet, some are available on consoles too, in case your interest in the best PC games, as well as PC gaming as a whole, is merely provisional.

What’s more, if you’re a newcomer to PC gaming, this is indisputably the place to start. As we intend to prove, you’ll be glad to know that not all PC gamers are as prone to gatekeeping as we’re stereotyped to be. Here at TechRadar, we believe in including everyone. So, that’s why we’ve decided to rank the best PC games you can buy right now, for all to enjoy.

Linux, Windows or Mac - which one is best for you? Assista ao nosso vídeo guia abaixo!

Gabe Carey has also contributed to this article.

PC game on our radar: Far Cry 5.

Listen, we realize Far Cry 4 was a bit too much like a carbon copy of its predecessor, and that Far Cry Primal used the same map as the fourth entry in the series. However, Far Cry 5 appears to be the first refreshing installment in Ubisoft’s beloved first-person shooter franchise since Far Cry 3 – all the way back in 2012.

Its setting will rile up the religiously devout, especially those in the midwest, as Far Cry 5 takes place in the fictional rural region of Hope County, Montana. The plot centers around a cult of religious fanatics that have overtaken the area, while it is up to you – the blank slate of a customizable character – to seize control and free your fellow sane folk.

It’s bound to strike a nerve with some, but those that can handle themselves will be glad to know that Far Cry 5 has an online co-op ‘Guns for Hire’ mode as well. No matchmaking, of course, though you will be able to call on a friend at any point after the tutorial for help.

1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Gorgeous graphics? Verifica. Huge explorable environments? Verifica. Enthralling combat? Claro. The Witcher 3 stands tall as one of the most ambitious open-world RPGs yet, combining Skyrim's unrestrained epicness with Grand Theft Auto 5's scale. While the game has been criticised for its inventory niggles, less-than-enthralling plot and not quite matching the graphics shown in its promo materials, it's so ambitious and jam-packed with detail that the package lives up to the hype. Huge, beautiful and an absolute time-sink, you'll want to scour every inch of The Witcher 3's glorious world.

2. Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Dragon Age: Inquisition places you in the heart of a huge, vibrant world on a far greater scale than its predecessors, and it does an excellent job of making you feel in command. Packing in a huge 90 hours (and the rest) of game play into its story line, Inquisition's smart dialogue, compelling plot, savvy progression system and massive sandbox world will have you engrossed for months on end. Think the Elder Scrolls games meets the Diablo franchise and you're halfway there.

3. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.

From the makers (and universe) of World of Warcraft, Hearthstone is easy to learn, but hard to master. Like the MMO its inspired by, Hearthstone combines classes, characters and a bit of random fortune when pitting you against either computerized or online opponents. Stick with and you'll not only be rewarded by improved skill, but by in-game rewards as well. Keep in mind that, though, that while its accessibility might lead to addiction, don't expect to be a world-class Hearthstone champion right off the bat. Practice makes perfect, right?

4. Dark Souls 3.

Though it's arguably not as difficult as previous entries in the series, From Software's Dark Souls 3 takes everything you like about the Souls series and combines it with elements found in Bloodborne, the developer's more recent game for PS4.

Don't get us wrong -- Dark Souls 3 is no walk in the park. It still takes skill to master its complex combat system, but it plays fair too, inviting more casual gamers to take part in its bleak, fantastical world. Plus, on the bright side, it brings remarkably better PC optimization than that of the first game.

5. Pillars of Eternity.

Pillars of Eternity is a sprawling RPG in the vein of Baldaur's Gate or Icewind Dale that combines highly detailed technical combat with hundreds of hours of gameplay. It has refreshingly low system requirements on the PC but still looks incredible thanks to its simple but effective art style, which harks back to those aforementioned isometric fantasy RPGs of the 2000s. But it's not all about nostalgia: Pillars of Eternity has enough interesting characters, baddies and clever writing to make it a modern classic of its own.

6. Grand Theft Auto V.

Grand Theft Auto V is one of the most anticipated console ports to ever hit the PC. You probably didn't need telling twice to head back into Los Santos's hugely detailed and interactive world, but it's 10 times more fun with the PC's richer graphics and smooth 60 frames per second gameplay. After you’ve completed its 30-hour campaign, there’s an overflow of post-game content to enjoy here. Most recently that includes The Doomsday Heist in GTA Online and even a radio station hosted by Frank Ocean.

7. BioShock.

BioShock is a first-person shooter that takes concepts from Ayn Rand's Atlast Shrugged and tosses them underseas. To be exact, BioShock takes place in an underwater city called Rapture, free from government regulation, designed for artists and entrepreneurs to thrive. Of course, not all goes well in a city where the residents have all the power and, well, stop what you're doing and play it right now if you haven't already.

You're in for one of the great games if you play BioShock, one that balances story elements with horror nigh-perfectly. There's a remastered version out there now, too, which is free of charge if you own the original.

8. Alien: Isolation.

Set 15 years after the events of the first Alien film from 1979, Alien: Isolation is the suspense-packed game that fans of the franchise have been crying out for. Playing the role of Amanda Ripley, daughter of Alien protagonist Ellen Ripley, your mission is to track down and recover the flight recorder of the Nostromo spacecraft from the first Alien film which has been located aboard the Sevastopol space station. First and foremost a stealth game, Isolation ramps up the tension by providing you with minimal weaponry. Its excellent graphics shine on high-end PCs and clever AI helps ramp up the dread, leaving you to quiver when turning every corner.

9. Overwatch.

If nothing else, Overwatch breaks the norm of gray-ish cover shooters competitive gaming year after year. Its bright, vibrant colors are complemented by likeable characters, each decorated with their own interesting backstories which, although they aren’t present in the game, make for fun web comics nevertheless.

Overwatch is also a technical feat in that it can run smoothly even on older PCs. What’s more, the PC version is cheaper than on consoles, so long as you don’t opt for the Origins Edition. That goes without mentioning its astounding community of players. By now, there’s no excuse to sign into your Battle account and take every character – from Ana to Zenyatta – for a test run in Overwatch today.

10. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive remains a fantastic update to a timeless classic that continues to live on thanks to its vast online communities. A well-rounded tactical shooter that builds on the simple Terrorists vs Counter-Terrorists gameplay mechanics of Counter-Strike 1.6 and Counter-Strike: Source, CS: GO updates classic maps such as Italy and Dust while keeping adding new modes in Arms Race and Demolition. Simpler than Battlefield but more nuanced than the Call of Duty franchise, it's a shooter for those who like to run, gun and think - if only a little bit.

11. Far Cry 4.

Ubisoft's latest shooter marks Far Cry's most beautiful outing yet. Its graphically-rich world is eye-popping on high-end PCs, and you'll see plenty of it thanks to a 30+ hour-long campaign. Aside from the main campaign, there are plenty of things to do in Kyrat - from hostage rescue and assassination missions to escort quests, resource collecting and, of course, avoiding being killed by bullets or rampaging animals. Whether you're tearing across the savanna in a rickety car or slinging grenades around like tennis balls, survival has never been such a blast.

12. FTL: Faster Than Light.

FTL (Faster Than Light) puts you command of running a spaceship and looking after its crew. Featuring a complex game mechanism that involves maintaining weapons, engines, shields and other areas, in addition to tactical combat, FTL can get extremely in-depth over time. Whether you're ordering your crew to quite literally put out fires on deck in the heat of battle, or are navigating through asteroid fields, FTL is as much about long-term progression and satisfaction as it is quick fixes. Don't let its indie stylings fool you: this is game with untold depth and scary levels of addictiveness.

13. Grim Fandango Remastered.

A 90s classic brought back to life (unlike its main protagonist), Grim Fandango Remastered is a successful attempt at reviving one of the PC's best adventure games of all time. Combining writing that matches the funniest dark comedies with clever puzzles and a still-impressive art style, Grim Fandango was the most entertaining work of art to take place in a Mexican setting for years until Breaking Bad came along. Now with updated graphics, sound and better controls, Manna Calavera's adventure has never looked so good.

14. The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.

Six years after its initial release, Skyrim is going as strong as ever thanks to a vast selection of mods and high-resolution texture packs. Even if you're only interested in playing the vanilla version of the RPG, it offers more than 100 hours of gameplay.

Throw in three action packs DLC expansion packs (Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn), and it lasts even longer. That Skyrim has been compared to graphically superior but similar RPG blockbuster The Witcher 3 is testament to its enduring popularity. Step into Skyrim and you too can be an adventurer - just try not to take an arrow in the knee.

Originally launched as an Arma II mod, DayZ is a standalone zombie shooter with a difference. Not only do you have to mind the undead when wandering around its sprawling maps, but other online players too. Armed with a lead pipe and carrying nothing but a backpack and a flashlight, you'll need wits and guile to survive.

Pretty much the opposite of adrenaline-packed zombie fests such as Left4Dead, you'll spent half of the time evading the undead and the other using a shovel to fend off any humans who are bent on trying to steal your last box of matches. And take it from us - they will try.

16. Minecraft.

The phrase "build it, and they will come" literally rings true when it comes to Minecraft, the survival-based sandbox RPG that has now been purchased more than 100 million times since its conception in 2009. In it, you can create your own worlds using resources you find in the wild or explore worlds created by other players online.

In Minecraft, you can either limit yourself to the numerous tools and blocks provided by the developer, Mojang, or you can install mods to truly capitalize on your investment. What’s more, come 2018, you’ll be able to take part in the Super Duper Graphics Pack, an optional piece of DLC that adds more realistic lighting effects and textures to an already fantastic product.

17. The Orange Box.

The Orange Box may be showing its age, but it remains a must-play collection of games - particularly for FPS fans. Half-Life 2, technically still the most recent game in Valve's franchise (excluding its Episode 1 and 2 add-ons), remains a modern masterpiece and is famed for being the first game to intelligently apply physics to its puzzles and combat set-pieces.

The collection's other titles aren't too shabby either: Portal takes gravity-based puzzles to the extreme by equipping the player with the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (also known as the Portal Gun), which places two portals for objects to pass through, while Team Fortress 2 continues to go from strength-to-strength thanks to the introduction of custom gear and well-balanced team combat.

18. Destiny 2.

Ah, Destiny. The love-hate relationship continues with Bungie’s much-anticipated sequel, but for different reasons this time. Personally, we’re pretty big fans of Destiny 2, but the community has spoken out against the way microtransactions are implemented in addition to the increased XP requirement for leveling up. Still, we can’t deny that Destiny 2 has some of the best shooting mechanics in the FPS genre, made better by the functionally diverse assortment of weapons and gear. The story is better than in the first Destiny, but it’s ultimately forgettable. Yet, in spite of all our qualms, Destiny 2 is a visual spectacle with tight controls to back it up.

Id Software's Doom was a phenomena for PC gamers in the 90s. The crudely rendered first-person shooter series was as controversial as it was beloved, largely thanks to its cutting-edge depictions of gore and violence that only a computer could deliver. Parents be damned, the franchise has made a comeback in 2016 with a fresh restart, appropriately titled Doom. Although the multiplayer might not appeal to shooter fans regardless of age, the single player campaign will pit you against demons in Hell for a lengthy experience that's as bloody as it is satisfying.

20. Assetto Corsa.

If Forza Horizon 3 is the racing game for newcomers to the genre, Assetto Corsa is one for the veterans. Its obtuse handling and asinine difficulty straight from the get-go make it a toss-up for one of the most realistic racing simulators of all-time. Though you can get it on consoles, unlike Project Cars, this is a game that was developed specifically with PC in mind. Everything about Assetto Corsa, from its demanding career mode to its deep-seated driving mechanics make it a joy for die-hard petrol heads, even if it’s difficulty curve is often just backbreaking.

21. Elite: Dangerous.

Modelled after the 1984 game Elite, Elite: Dangerous is one of the most ambitious space sims around. Featuring an in-game galaxy based on the real Milky Way (how's 400 billion stars for depth?), the ultimate goal is to advance your rankings to Elite status by levelling up combat, trading and exploration.

Starting out with a rickety ship and 1,000 credits in your space suit's back pocket, you'll need to turn to piracy, trading, exploring, mining or bounty hunting to rise through the intergalactic ranks. Doing so takes time and requires serious graft, but the experience provides a level of satisfaction that few other titles can match. And then there's the Oculus Rift.

From developer Playdead, the same team that devised the acclaimed (and platform ubiquitous) Limbo, comes another eerie tale. Like Limbo, Inside follows another nameless boy in a bleak world that's apparently out to get you. Only, this time, there's at least a few shades of color to keep you from complete despair. It's not clear why, but the mute protagonist in Inside is being chased down by what appears to a group of shadowy men.

Nothing is explained in either spoken dialogue or text, so for the most part you're on your own when it comes to figuring out the story. Nonetheless, Inside is bound to be an instant classic; although, revealing anything about it would inch into spoiler territory.

23. Ori and the Blind Forest.

Described as "achingly beautiful" by Unity Engine boss John Riccitiello, Ori and the Blind Forest borrows its game mechanics from old-school 2D games such as Metroid and Castlevania while adding a modern twist. If any word can describe Ori's atmospheric world, it's alive. You'll have to think fast and use new abilities gained along the way to bash, stop and manoeuvre your way through its gorgeous locations, and with no automatic saving system or easy difficulty level, it's no walk in the park. As satisfying to master as it is to look at, Ori and the Blind Forest will re-open your eyes to what 2D games still have to offer.

24. Grow Home.

Grow Home is an experimental PC platformer that looks like an "indie" game but is in fact the latest release from Rayman developer Ubisoft. Similarly charming thanks to its distinctive 3D art style, you play as BUD, the game's robot protagonist, whose main job is harvest seeds and grow a beanstalk-like 'Star Plant' by grabbing its branches and connecting them to nearby floating islands in the sky.

There's a fair bit of trial-and-error involved, and while having to climb all the way back up again after a fall is frustrating, grabbing a passing vine at the last minute by the tips of your fingers can be equally as exhilarating. The ability to move BUD's arms and legs independently helps put you in control - just try not to get them tangled up. Because you will - a lot.

25. Sunless Sea.

A 2D exploration game set on a boat can't be that creepy, right? Errado. More gothic than a Cradle of Filth concert, Sunless Sea throws all manners of joyless themes your way: death, insanity and cannibalism to name a few. Sailing from port-to-port in the monster-filled underworld of Fallen London, you'll have to manage fuel and supplies while battling sentient icebergs, Zee-beasts and other water-dwelling nasties to remain afloat. Top-notch writing gives Sunless Sea an absorbing storyline that's up there with history's best text-based adventures.

26. Rocket League.

Already familiar to millions before they've played a played a second of it, Rocket League turns the age old game of football (or soccer, depending) on its head. Played with rocket-propelled cars in futuristic low-gravity environments, the aim is simple: knock the ball into the opposing team's goal. Doing so is harder said than done because there could be up to three cars on the opposing team trying to steal the ball off you - or ram you into submission - at any one time. Gorgeous to look, simple to learn but difficult to master, Rocket League is the surprise smash hit of 2015 - and a wonderfully addictive one at that.

27. Heroes of the Storm.

As inevitable as sandals in summer, Blizzard finally launched its first MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game in June. Featuring a ton of characters from Blizzard games such as Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Starcraft 2, Heroes of the Storm sees two teams of five attempt to destroy the other's base. When not sounding out enemy units to destroy, its expansive maps give you room to take on secondary objectives such as finding skulls or unlocking special siege units to help your team.

Accessible to newcomers while packing plenty of depth, Heroes' finely balanced gameplay mechanics, shorter matches (compared to League of Legends) and ability-based levelling system make it a refreshing alternative to established MOBA titles and a fine game in its own right.

28. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

The new Metal Gear, which is likely Hideo Kojima's final game in the series, is a hugely ambitious title. Its massive open world setting lets you tackle missions using stealth, but it won't punish you for going in guns blazing - which is often the most tempting option.

Set nine years after the events of Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain's story unravels through its main missions and more than 100 Side Ops tasks. The action is interspersed with gorgeous cutscenes, and while you sometimes have to decode annoying military-babble to understand what's going on, TPP's fast pacing and gorgeous Afghanistan settings never make the game feel like a chore.

A gripping horror game in the vein of Amnesia: The Dark Descent (it's from the same developer), SOMA has its fair share of "NOPE!" momentos. But it's not really about jump scares; the game's most compelling aspect is its philosophical story arc, which unravels as you encounter a series of confused robots. Suffering from existential stress, the decaying machines believe they are human.

The tension builds as you venture deeper into the underwater research facility that you wake up aboard, avoiding murderous creatures, solving clever puzzles and checking voice memos to unravel the mystery. Expertly weaving elements of survival and psychological Sci-Fi horror, SOMA is a little less action packed than Alien: Isolation but engages more of the old grey matter. If that's what you're looking for in a fright-fest, SOMA doesn't disappoint.

30. Prison Architect.

if you think you've learnt a thing or two about prison life watching films like The Green Mile and The Shawshank Redemption over the years, cuff-em-up Prison Architect lets you put your knowledge to the test. Playing as wardens, you're tasked with keeping prisoners in check, preventing riots from boiling over and foiling The Great Escape-style plots. And yes: it does involve sending men to the electric chair. Gnarly. Alternatively, a second mode called Escape lets you unleash your inner Bronson by hatching a plot to lead your fellow inmates to freedom. (Until you get arrested again, anyway.)

31. Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide.

Five heroes, many Skaven. That's the basic premise of Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide, a hack-and-slash fest that plays - and feels - a lot like Valve's Left 4 Dead series. With a deep focus on co-operative gameplay, Vermintide's melee-focused combat, random loot, level-based progression system and humanoid rat enemies make for a refreshing alternative to gunning down endless hordes of zombies.

Although it's fun attempting to talk tactics over voice chat with players online, Vermintide is often too chaotic to try anything other than bashing or shooting the nearest Skaven between the eyes — and that's fine — from giant Ogre Rats to stealth Gutter Runners, there's enough variation to keep things interesting. And if you do start to get get bored, unlike the Skaven, ratcheting up the difficulty makes sure Vermintide won't get long in the tooth any time soon.

32. Fallout 4.

It's official: Fallout 4 has lived up to the hype. Despite feeling a little bit like Fallout 3 but with nicer graphics at times, its tighter shooting, in-depth crafting system and well-thought out story make it a wholly more enticing affair.

As the Sole Survivor (the first fully-voiced protagonist in the Fallout series) in Boston's post-apocalypse wasteland, you'll take on Feral Ghouls, Raiders, Syths and Bloodbugs and more with high-powered weaponry that includes the Fat Man mini nuke cannon and the fusion cell-powered Laser Musket.

33. Rainbow Six: Siege.

If the Call of Duty series is the poison that dumbed down the FPS genre with its run-and-gun gameplay, then Rainbow Six: Siege is the antidote. Working as a team to out-wit the enemy, Siege plays out like a thinking man (or woman's) Counter-Strike that doesn't simply encourage cooperation if you want to win - it requires it.

When you're not peering down your gun's iron sights, you'll be laying traps, scouting ahead using drones, strategising with your teammates and building walls that could keep a herd of demented bulls at bay. While Siege's heavy reliance on tactical team-based gameplay can prove its biggest weakness if you're hoisted into a server with a particularly uncooperative bunch, when it does click, it provides a level of satisfaction rarely found in online multiplayer games.

34. Rise of the Tomb Raider.

"Console port" is no longer a dirty phrase thanks to efforts like Rise of the Tomb Raider, which gets the treatment it deserves on PC. Featuring stunning and varied locations, exciting combat and effective stealth mechanics, Lara's epic outing often feels movie-like in its execution and scope.

Crystal Dynamics has kept the soul of the original games intact too – there's pistols aplenty, amazing architecture and angry animals that would quite like to gobble you up – meaning you'll never get bored once you've soaked up Siberia's amazing architecture. If you're into adventures, it's easily one of the best PC games around.

35. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.

Imagine a survival-based shooter where every match starts with your avatar being ejected from a cargo plane alongside 99 other players with no weapons or items. That’s PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, or at least the solo, free for all mode. After spending the early minutes of the game digging for resources, you’ll soon be forced to reckon with your own mortality as the body count ticker at the top of the screen descends into desolation.

Abbreviated PUBG, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is based on another “last man standing” game released back in 2013: PlayerUnknown’s Battle Royale. It doesn’t require a copy of Arma III or H1Z1 to run, but you’ll need to keep your wits about you. There’s no respawning in PUBG, so it’s less about the precision of your aim as it is about your ability to scavenge quickly for weapons, first aid kits and clothing.

36. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

Picking up immediately after the events of Wolfenstein: The New Order, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus will inevitably be heralded as a classic. For some, it’s the punishing old-school gunplay that’s to thank for this. Even on the default difficulty, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus will have you fretting for your life.

Yet, for others, story reigns supreme. And, if The New Colossus serves as an interactive showcase for anything, it’s story, the most interesting parts of which are told through flashbacks. We won’t go as far as to spoil the plot, but what we will say is that B. J. Blazkowicz’s motives become a lot clearer in this iteration of Wolfenstein, not that he needs to justify killing Nazis.

37. Superhot.

Originally created as an entry to the 7 Day FPS Challenge, Superhot's Polish developers were inspired by a top-down game called Time4Cat where time only moves when the player does. They took this concept one step further and turned it into a FPS. Falling somewhere between Portal and Max Payne, nifty reflexes, patience and an eye for puzzle solving is required.

The aim is to defeat a finite number of enemies by dodging bullets and returning a few yourself. The game is now available to buy and download on Steam, but you can head back to where it all began by playing the flash version of Superhot online for free. You'll need the Unity Web Player plugin which is currently not supported by Chrome.

X-Com 2 is one addictive game, and we still can't put it down. Following up from 2012's XCOM: Enemy Unknown, which reimagined the 1994 cult classic UFO: Enemy Unknown, XCOM 2 has delivered everything we wanted in a sequel. Bigger, deeper, faster and even easier on the eyes, the turn-based tactics game takes place 20 years after its predecessor.

It pits you in control of the Avenger, a converted alien ship that serves as your mobile base of operations used to devise strategy and execute fight plans against otherworldly enemies. With a greater focus of stealth, more intelligent alien AI and deeper customization options, XCOM 2 is bound to end up one of our games of the year.

39. World of Warcraft: Legion.

Anyone familiar with World of Warcraft knows that it's among the most successful and influential massively multiplayer online role-playing games (or MMORPGs) of all-time. Comprising over 12 years of content, with over thousands of hours just waiting to be invested, there are few better games to spend your money on than World of Warcraft.

With the new expansion pack, however, dubbed "Legion," you'll not only get access to an entirely new continent, but Blizzard has completely overturned its leveling system as well. Instead of each zone having a predetermined level, zones actually adapt dynamically to the level of your character. This way, no matter where you are in the game, you'll be able to incur new challenges without the endless grinding required by the World of Warcraft of yesteryear.

40. Nier Automata.

From PlatinumGames and Square Enix, Nier: Automata is a sequel to the 2010 cult classic Nier, which itself is a spin-off of the Drakengard series. Technically an action role-playing game, Nier: Automata’s most gripping quality is that it never truly adheres to one particular genre. At times, it’s a 2.5D platformer and, at others, it’s a twin-stick shooter. It’s unpredictable and a breath of fresh air when compared to other PC games out on the market.

The story centers around a femme android by the name of 2B who is aided by a survey android called 9S, or Nines. With many questions being asked along the way, both of these characters are tasked with extricating Earth from alien machines that have engulfed the planet. Just be conscious of how you play because not only does Nier: Automata feature different endings, but with each new path comes vastly different gameplay.

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The 50 best strategy games on PC.

By Adam Smith on November 18th, 2016 at 5:00 pm.

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An entirely objective ranking of the 50 best PC strategy games ever made, now brought up to date with the riches of the last two years. From intricate wargames to soothing peacegames, the broad expanse of the genre contains something for everyone, and we’ve gathered the best of the best. The vast majority are available to buy digitally, a few are free to download and play forever. They’re all brilliant.

Before diving into this delicious stack of games, we should define exactly what we mean when we say “Strategy Games”. The answer, quite simply, is that we don’t mean “Strategy Games”. Don’t worry, they’re here, – from grand historical strategy and RTS clickity-clicking to turn-based operational level wargaming – but our church of strategy is broad. Games that concentrate purely on tactical decisions and combat have been considered for inclusion, as have management games that might not fit into Colonel Trousers’ rigid definitions as outlined in the seminal brain-pacifier That Is Not Strategy Vol I-XXX.

There are several reasons to recommend our broader definition. Perhaps most importantly, it means that we haven’t ended up with a list of 50 games about World War II or alien spacewars. The treasures below are varied in theme, style and setting, and there’s surprisingly little overlap between them. Some of the management games included would struggle to find a home on any genre-based list if they didn’t have a home here. Inclusiveness is key.

Of course, you might find that your personal favourites haven’t made the list. When your moment of grieving has passed, remember that all attempts to rank games are arbitrary and ultimately futile, and whether X should be placed above Y might isn’t really all that important.

That’s not to say this isn’t the most accurate list you’ll ever read, of course, because it is.

The links below will skip you forward in intervals of ten, if you like. You can also change pages using the arrows beneath or below the image at the top of each page, or using your arrow keys :

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Lots of great games. Wouldn’t have put the post Total Annihilation SupCom games in there though, I found the scale too large and spent a lot of the time zoomed out watching some triangles moving about rather than up close with the action.

Yah, I agree. Figured one of the C&C games would be in there, maybe Generals or Zero Hour.

Modded Zero Hour is still my favourite RTS (and is still being actively developed, I believe)

But I’m OK with not seeing it here. There’s alot of stiff competition.

Supreme Commander is the peak of real time strategy design. Your personal shortcomings shouldnt relieve the game of its meritorious place.

Supcom with Fa:Forever is totally one of the greatest RTS of our time. It requires a buttload of the player, you have to keep track of so many things. But the payoff is watching that stratbomber survive a barrage of AA to bomb your feckless opponents antinuke facility. Paving the way for a nuclear victory.

Oh yea, best economy system of any RTS too.

You should check out Spring RTS, particularly balanced annihilation; it’s what Sup Com would have looked like with another 10 years of development and refinement.

I wouldn’t downplay supcom that much. I find it mind-boggling that a 12 year old game still has such an active community as the forged alliance forever community for forged alliance. On a friday evening still constantly hitting 900 online players. I also think it is quite amusing to see the new planetary annihilation and ashes of the singularity make claims to the same playerbase and their games are completely deserted, while forged alliance lasts.

FYI your year on EU4 is wrong, it released in 2013.

Isn’t Darkest Dungeon incorrect as well? It says 2010.

It is, Darkest Dungeon is less than a year old. I had a double-take and went to look it up thinking several years of my life had just vanished.

Battle for Wesnoth should be 2003.

The Myth mod isn’t about WW2, the video has Hueys and McDonaldses while RATM plays.

Master of orion/magic deserve more love because I love them, and because they are still much more fun than their later clones (hom&m, galactic civ…). Darwinia as well as the only thing close to rts I was able to beat.

And those nice difficult games that were in the middle point between rpg and rts as evil islands are still underrated, I see.

I am currently enjoying Stellaris. Therefore, Stellaris should be on the list.

I too have recently enjoyed Stellaris, but I do not agree.

It should at least replace HOI IV in my opinion. Something about the latest installment of HOI just doesn’t click for me. The production mechanic is good but I found the combat to be incredibly shallow. It just ended up as ‘select units, click on province(s) to be attacked, wait, rinse and repeat’.

I know this is HOI, not War in the East, but I found HOI III’s combat far more engaging. And then there’s the UI…the Air combat menu… *shudder*

Yea, and I find all the HOI3 detractors people always lay out just unconvincing and in the end it just boils down to “accessibility”. The sad reality though is that Paradox games are becoming kind of cookie cutterish. They’re really starting to create a brand and its not necessarily a good thing if you like diversity and esoteric game design.

I think Stellaris is better than many other games on this list, but that’s a result of my preference for the space 4X genre. As an objective assessment, I think Stellaris is still too much of a work in progress to make a list like this. There are still too many gaping holes… like the idiot sector AI, or the lack of deep trade systems and other mid-game content.

A year from now it should make the list, if Paradox can tighten up the design (with or without DLC’s).

Not as a strategy game though.

It good strategy game, and a better story/history generator/simulator atm.

FWIM Master of Magic no longer is “the previous game on the list” that the writeup for Warlords III mentions.

This mistakes ruins everything forever, obvs.

Darkest Dungeon came out in 2016, or 2015 if you’re counting Early Access.

2010 gave me a minor heart attack as I thought I’d lost a few years somewhere.

You did. Good thing it is a minuscule loss though. The Mandela Effect in action. Am I joking? That’s for you to decide… (mwauhaha)

Surprisingly not very mad at this. Scoop out your #1 and #2 and put them on the arse-end of the Top 10, and sneak Heroes of Might and Magic III into 5th place somehow, and this is pretty much how I’d ranks.

A few gems in there I haven’t seen for years, and more than a few high recommendations I haven’t seen yet, put side to side with cherished favourites (that’s the point of this ranking, right?).

Also did I miss something or is Total Annihilation absent?

I would put Total Annihilation in the Supreme Commander place. It had so much more character and it was one of the most innovative game in the genre.

Definitely, Total Annihilation is still my favourite RTS to this day. One thing that’s always frustrated me is how all of the spiritual successors have focused on the scale, but I think that’s forgetting so many of the details that made the game so interesting. Things like elevation having such a distinct effect on bullet trajectories and troop movement, the variety and effectiveness of base building, the way different maps allowed for completely different economies, the fact that radars and map information were such an important part of the game — and radar jammers alongside that. There’s so many things that TA did that modern games have barely scratched.

I don’t understand why you keep releasing these toplists. The selections you make are so absurd every single time that they are essentially meaningless.

But then I guess toplists are a cheap way of generating lots of content, maybe that is why you keep doing it.

And I don’t understand what there is to complain about. In the worst case: Ignore it.

Thanks to the list I added 1 game to my wishlist and got reminded of some other games from my backlog.

In Golwar world, complaints don’t exist. Only huge amounts of ignorance.

I actually quite like the top lists. It helps remind me of gaps in my backlog, and the bite-sized overview helps me quickly judge a couple of possibilities when I’m trying to figure out what I want to play next.

How come Master of Magic and Master of Orion 2 lost places on the list in two years (one and half?) is beyond me. These game didn’t get worse and new entries don’t validate that shift. The Banner Saga 2? C’mon, and I say it as somone ho is big TBS series fan.

Rome: Total War and Majesty the Fantasy Kingdom Sim are the two strategy games I’ve put the most hours into over the years. They’re just so replayable.

edit: Well… maybe they haven’t topped HoMM2&3 for sheer hours played, but I’ve got those games down to such a precise art that there isn’t much strategy left in them.

I love both of the Majesty games, seriously underrated imo.

When I started reading through the list, I noticed many familiar titles. For fun, I decided to count how many games from the list I actually haven’t played – and it was 14. 2 of them I haven’t heard about before.

I wonder what are the numbers for other readers, share in reply if you want :).

There are 30 on the list I haven’t played, but even then I was including a few games where I haven’t played the most recent version but others in the series (Starcraft, Total War series, etc.)

I’m not sure what any of that means, because there are games I would have included as classics that aren’t listed here, like the Kohan games.

I refuse to go through the list and count. Off the top of my head though I would say I’ve played about 15 of them. Around 6-7 are brand new to me. I started pc gaming when Half Life 2 came out.

Thats not that long ago in terms of pc gaming.

Played 28 of them, just not into the RTS type ones. But nice to see RPS loves many of those old classics.

Still waiting for the true JA2 successor too. Probably never happen, but a guy can dream…

I wish I could go back to enjoying Civilization 4 that much again. But the stacks of doom and the feeling of being pushed to combat so much hinders that for me.

Glad to see Dominions 4 up there… such a lovely unsung game.

I’d also have Atlas Reactor in the top ten as the best multiplayer strategy game since Tank Wars… but given the lack of coverage on RPS I’m guessing none there have played it. (Come on guys, give it a little love… its what happens if you turn X-com into an online brawler… of if you made a turn-based MOBA that people over 30 can enjoy).

No Hostile Waters? I know it’s more tactics than strategy, but then The Banner Saga 2 is pretty much all tactics as well.

In my opinion Hostile Waters is even more action than tactics/strategy. I’d say it’s more in line with tactical action games like Republic Commando, although obviously more strategical and much, much better. Although, judging the atmosphere it definitely feels more like Command & Conquer with the ability to jump into each vehicle. Lovely game!

Impressed to see SupCom here and so high but to be honest it is the rts I have the fondest memories of.

However I retried it recently and it did not age too well. The graphics do not scale well to high density resolutions and the UI could use some improvements.

Still, by far my favorite RTS.

Have played more of these than I anticipated going in. Not sure I’d agree with the order or anything (or leaving out e. g. Victoria II and Stellaris), but if nothing else it’s a list of really solid strategy games.

I would argue for the inclusion of one title that’s not on this list: Dani Bunten’s 1990 classic Command H. Q. , which is both a historical landmark and a game that still holds up today.

I very much enjoyed reading that article of yours, thank you for sharing!

XCom 2 was an improvement? Seemed shallow from what I played. The first was much better, plus it has cybernetics, which the sequel doesn’t have.

The sequel is made to be moddable, which automatically makes it a better game than EU, which had exactly one option if you wanted to mod it.

Somehow it makes me very uncomfortable to see RTS games thrown into the same bucket as turn-based strategy games. They both have “strategy” in the name, but the gaming experience is so vastly different, it doesn’t seem right.

Edit: I think a more appropriate name for RTS would perhaps be RTC’s – “real time command/control” games.

Yes, it would be nice, but you are perhaps over 30 years late with that idea :p.

Similar to OpenTTD, there’s also OpenRCT2. It’s not quite as polished and there are no freely available graphics (yet?), but it plays quite well and is being actively developed.

Yaeah, you can’t write about RCT2 without mentioning that.

I definitely think Endless Legend is ranked far too high. I’d definitely put things like master of orion age of wonders sots 1 other civ titles besides 4 above it.

Endless legends is barely top ten strategy games of this decade let alone all time.

Agree, I didn’t find it all that interesting or fun. Did one playthrough and never felt compelled to go back to it.

A game I’m not surprised is missing but absolutely deserves to be on this list is Renowned Explorers: International Society – don’t let the cutesy simple graphics fool you, this is a deep, engrossing and endlessly replayable turn-based strategy game based on Explorers and Expeditions in the late 19th century. It has a very active and friendly community which extends the life of the game by posting weekly high score challenges. If you call yourself a strategy fan you really owe it to yourself to play this – the DLC is pretty much essential as well, adding a lot of new features to the game.

Endless Legend gets major points for creativity in setting and faction design, and a clean user interfaces.

The game mechanics and AI for their games need work, but it’s a young studio. They deserve credit for doing something different in worldbuilding (not the usual fantasy or space tropes), and recognizing that a clean UI is important when you have to stare at the same screens for hours in a strategy game.

To get full credits for world builing though. They need to actually build the world, and not just make cool designs and vague inconsistent background stories. What Endless Legend lacks most of all, especially compared to Alpha Centauri, is proper world building and story telling.

Dawn of war soulstorm! Woo!

Still modding away, this time on imperial guard with pith helmets!

So many race mods it’s unreal. Join them up to make the most complete wh40k game going.

“Although it’s not often regarded as part of the pantheon of strategy games, Rise of Nations is the closest thing to a real-time take on Civilization that we’ve seen. & # 8221;

Damn right. Rise of Nations is so profoundly good, so incredibly, unspeakably good – its not just one of the best strategy games ever made, its one of the best games of any genre, on any platform. It boggles the mind how good and rich and deep it is. Perhaps thats the reason we dont see the game more revered and mentioned in strategy discussions – its too much for the average gamer. Quem sabe.

I don’t know, I’m very much an “average gamer”, although a dedicated PC one, I touch many genres but rarely go too much in depth (I like UT and OW as FPS but I’m not going to play Arma for example).

Like a lot of people I’ve grown up on the most popular entries of the genre which are generally RTS(Warcraft 2&3, AoE 2 and my personal favourite of this whole list: Starcraft 2, shitty story but best gameplay of any video game I’ve ever played) although I’ve touched some Civilization (but the fifth which is fairly mainstream) and rise of nations is one of my all time favs. It has that balance between complexity and accessibility and it makes growing cities and territories so god-damn satisfying. I also like legends but nations is definitely better even if not quite as cool looking.

I loved Rise of Nations. It definitely hit the real-time-Civ note.

That said, battles felt rubbish in the game. I think it found an awkward middle ground between the micro-heavy precision of Starcraft/Warcraft and the unit-massing of Total Annihilation, with mini-squads making everything more complicated. I remember many instances where the best option was just to spam light infantry.

The governments in the expansion where also neat, but not that revolutionary really. Just a couple minor bonuses wrapped in a new “tech.”

For me the game really shone in the economic and expansion side, which was more involved and more interesting. Too bad none of the victory conditions made peace a fun endgame.

CTRL + F “age of empires”

Nope, no mention in either the comments nor the list. Felt I needed to log in to remedy this. What is wrong with you people? You mean your opinions aren’t the same as mine!? Blasphemy.

Yeah this site is okay I guess but no mention of C&C and AoE? Star/Warcraft 3 not even in the top 10 and a turn based thing on #1?

Sure these lists cannot avoid being opinionated but this doesn’t make any sense at all xD.

Nah this is a rubbish site for bad jerks.

Honestly though, C&C hasn’t aged that well. Of course its influence was huge, but it’s long since been outdone, not least by its own sequels. And even they’re hard to call the best ever.

There are no classic roguelikes (e. g. DCSS, ADOM, TOME, Brogue) at all on the list. They do concentrate on tactical decisions, and they do it their own way, so they should be here. Also (not so classic) FTL has its own take.

The rougelikes are in the RPG list.

Obrigado pela informação! I believe them to be closer to strategy than CRPG since they concentrate on tactics/strategy rather than on telling a story (I generally love roguelikes, like strategy, and hate non-roguelike CRPGs because they lack challenge and books/movies are generally better for telling stories), but I appear to be in minority.

Jagged Alliance 2 for me is top 3 stuff.

I’d argue even to put it first, but top 3 would already be reasonable enough.


The thing (vanilla) JA2 really is missing is a transparent cover system. I could never work out whether taking cover behind an obstacle (e. g. a tree) would make a PC harder to hit or would prevent him from targeting an enemy.

1. World In Conflict.

Really disappointed that there was no mention of the great ‘Combat Mission’ franchise, especially since you guys have always done a great job of covering it.

I’d suppose Combat Mission is Tim Stone’s field who’s like a specialist, so the game (or my fav Close Combat 2) missing from the list of more general “strategy games”, such as Civilization, X-Com or HoMM, is understandable.

Also the Combat Missions I’ve played weren’t that good as a single player, campaigny experience compared to the games listed here. Combat Missions excelled as sort-of simulations of a single battle. Great games, though.

I agree with those criticizing the lack of mention of the Combat Mission series in this “50 best strategy games” piece.

Combat Mission is a realistic WWII/modern war strategy series, unlike WWII strategy alternatives Men of War and Company of Heroes.

Arduous attention to modeling what war is actually like yields to Michael Bay ideals of explosions and graphical extravagance in the minds of the authors of this piece. I can’t respect that.

Hopefully Tim Stone’s influence over this wretched quivering mass of high output, low quality gaming journalists/advertisers will show in the long term.

If this piece was instead entitled “50 most popular strategy games on pc”, I would be less insulted by the lack of mention of a superior strategy product.

Good to see Alpha Centauri get the love it deserves. LONG LIVE THE HAB COMPLEX.

I’m saying this based on maybe 10 or 30 minutes of experience before dropping it for good, but Supreme Commander always struck me as kind of flavorless. I mean, it’s almost definitely not my type of game, managing large numbers of units is not something I do well, but I can recognize that the gameplay has value irrespective of how bad I am at it, it’s just that all the media I’ve seen of it looks kind of bland and generic.

I did enjoy what little I got to play of Planetary Annihilation and have made a note to go back to it.

Also, while Massive’s RTTs are all excellent, I thought WiC is the more definitive version. It must have been a hard call though.

I’m assuming when you list Myth, you’re listing the series, as Myth 2 is leaps and bounds better than the first game.

I am glad to see Myth made it into the list at all. I never met anyone else who’d played it (although I knew that there had to be some, somebody had to create all those lovely mods, after all).

Great titles all around. Alpha Centauri definitely my number one to this very day. Keep expecting something will come out and surpass it, but no game ever does.

Great to see Myth represented as well. Before there ever was Total War series, I was gnashing my teeth and dreading what the Dark might throw at me back in 1997 and 1998.

I’d also add some W40K titles. Namely Chaos Gate and Dark Omen. Surprised there were no Westwood classics on this list, though.

I’m surprised to mostly agree with this, though I’d’ve put Tropico, Eador and Rebuild in my top 10.

50 individual pages? Jesus RPS…thank god for AdGuard.

I should have known that I would disagree with any list of strategy games, considering the breadth of the genre and how many games in it I enjoy.

Still, Civ IV was my LEAST favorite CIV game. The new stuff (promotions and great leaders, mostly) just felt like cruft to me while the game took away many things I was familiar with in Civ III. I have since accepted it (and I will always defend Civ V for switching to hexagons), but I definitely do NOT agree with the (apparently?) common assessment that Civ IV was the “pinacle” of square-Civ.

The one part I will agree is that Civ IV brought with it the Civ Revolution remake, and Civ Revolution is swell.

As someone who isn’t into classic RTS games primarily for their typical control scheme, I’m dearly missing World in Conflict in this list!

It’s just so intuitive being able to fly around the map using WASD+Mouse as if it was an FPS and you had a jetpack, having a great overview and giving precise commands, all the while flying down to ground level and enjoying the atmosphere as though you were just some bystander in awe of what’s going on. Amei.

40% I agree with: Ground Control, Dragon Pass, AI War …

60% I disagree with: Starcraft ? Banner Saga ? Darkest Dungeon ? & # 8230;

What I would to add to a personal list:

* Master of Orion.

* King’s Bounty Crossworlds.

* Gangsters: Organized Crime.

* Mechanized Assault & Exploration (M. A.X.)

* Krush, Kill ‘n’ Destroy Xtreme.

* Off-World Resource Base.

* Black Moon Chronicles.

* World in Conflict.

* Zombie Night Terror.

the only one that I am missing is Dune 2 still play it on my tablet the gran dad of rts.

Glad to see Alpha Centauri up there. I checked my WoW stats recently, it was really scary. I have almost logged an entire year of my life playing WoW in the last 12 years. I think it’s probably a similiar case with Alpha Centauri, I played that game so much over the years – one of the best games ever created.

I think my top 5 would be:

1. Alpha Centauri.

3. Dungeon Keeper 2.

5. Myth 2 and probably Populous overlapping one of these titles.

Personally I can’t take this list seriously if it doesn’t have World in Conflict or Age of Empires 1 or 2 on it. Also loved Rome: Total War.

Civ IV is fine. Fall From Heaven is the greatest strategy game of all time.

I hope the modder is nowadays a millionaire because of FfH2 and being hand-fed peeled grapes for the rest of his/her life.

He’s a project lead at Stardock and responsible for the rescue of the Elemental franchise.

Oh, polemics! Well, I begin to read (every day, many times) RPS after seeing Freespace 2 make top 1 of some list (I believe it was best games), and also X-COM being there somewhere.

Well, this list might be the one to make me stop reading it. No C&C games? None? In fifty fucking games you can’t find a spot for one of the most celebrated strategy games ever made? Of which there are what, dozen different titles? And may be considered one of the precursor of the genre? Geez, hivemind, you’ve disappointed me.

(of course I know this doesn’t matter and I will keep reading RPS every day, but I needed to show some nerd rage on this stupid list)

Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa.

Combat Mission games.

Steam and Iron with Campaign DLC and Rule the Waves.

All these should at least be in the top twenty.

ikr. But hey, at least Total War Warhammer and Company of Heroes made the list.

No Rimworld or Factorio? I was sure you would have Rimworld in here when you mentioned Dwarf Fortress, but you didn’t even mention it as a similar game with better graphics and UI.

Also no Dark Souls as #1? A 3D beat-em up is after all as much a strategy game as it is an RPG.

“Promising Clockwork Empires in early access” makes me believe that Dwarf Fortress’s text was copied from the last year’s list, and Rimworld wasn’t such a big thing then as it now. Or was it? All these ea games are tough on my fumbling memory.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the East is also available on Steam. And indeed, most Matrix games are at this point, I think.

Impressions Games gets shafted again, eh?

Ah well, there’s probably nothing that can be done about it short of culling an RPS staffer and wearing its skin into the office.

Until then, it will have to be the grumpy comment for this, instead of its rightful place in the back half of the pack:

Pharaoh with the Cleopatra expansion (2000)

2015-2016 must have been good years for strategy games for there to be this many additions to the list. Did you guys get rid of your old list? Any links to that seems to bring me here. That’d be a shame, because partly of what makes these lists great are the ensuing discussions.

Total War: Warhammer is a better strategy game than Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms? And apparently Company of Heroes is better than Graviteam Tactics / Achtung Panzer? And Men of War is better than Combat Mission? Heh… um, ok? And no mention of Dungeon Keeper 2, Nexus: The Jupiter Incident, Jane’s Fleet Command, Harpoon, CMANO, Naval War: Arctic Circle, Theatre of War, Paper’s Please, Sacrifice, Hostile Waters, Ultimate General, Sid Meier’s Gettysburg, Cossacks 3, The Emergency series and a decent Chess engine like say Fritz 15 (Rybka)? Or have you been “guarding” Alice’s wine cellar again?

It’s criminal that the Command Ops series isn’t on this list!

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