Saturday 21 April 2018

Ferradura azul adora sistema de negociação de código

A ferradura azul adora o sistema de comércio de códigos
A maneira mais rápida de levar seu emprego dos sonhos.
Você nunca conseguirá um emprego se não tiver uma boa resposta a essa pergunta de entrevista de emprego frequentemente feita!
Selecione a resposta certa para determinar se você está preparado para uma entrevista de emprego bem-sucedida.
Teste suas habilidades de entrevista de emprego.
'' Obrigado por ter o tempo para entrevistar conosco, mas decidimos contratar alguém. . . ''
Nenhum candidato a emprego quer ouvir essas palavras após a entrevista.
Nota! Responder a esta pergunta da entrevista de emprego pode custar-lhe o seu novo emprego!

Se você disser uma cotação por cerveja, esse post inteiro deve te ajudar a passar a noite:
1. Se você tiver a sorte de ser irlandês, terá a sorte de participar! – Irish dizendo.
2. Muitas oportunidades perdem-se porque um homem está à procura de trevos de quatro folhas. - Desconhecido.
3. Aqui está uma vida longa e alegre.
Uma morte rápida e fácil.
Uma garota bonita e honesta.
Uma cerveja gelada - e outra!
- Brinde do Dia de São Patrício.
4. É melhor gastar dinheiro como se não houvesse amanhã do que passar a noite como se não houvesse dinheiro! - torrada irlandesa.
5. Um irlandês nunca está bêbado, desde que consiga segurar uma folha de grama para não cair da terra. – Irish dizendo.
6. Existem apenas dois tipos de pessoas no mundo, os irlandeses e aqueles que desejavam que fossem. – Irish dizendo.
7. A diplomacia irlandesa é a capacidade de dizer a um homem para ir para o inferno, de modo que ele esteja ansioso para fazer a viagem. – Irish dizendo.
8. Um irlandês tem uma sensação permanente de tragédia que o sustenta através de períodos temporários de alegria. – Irish dizendo.
Se você disser uma cotação por cerveja, esse post inteiro deve te ajudar a passar a noite:
1. Se você tiver a sorte de ser irlandês, terá a sorte de participar! – Irish dizendo.
2. Muitas oportunidades perdem-se porque um homem está à procura de trevos de quatro folhas. - Desconhecido.
3. Aqui está uma vida longa e alegre.
Uma morte rápida e fácil.
Uma garota bonita e honesta.
Uma cerveja gelada - e outra!
- Brinde do Dia de São Patrício.
4. É melhor gastar dinheiro como se não houvesse amanhã do que passar a noite como se não houvesse dinheiro! - torrada irlandesa.
5. Um irlandês nunca está bêbado, desde que consiga segurar uma folha de grama para não cair da terra. – Irish dizendo.
6. Existem apenas dois tipos de pessoas no mundo, os irlandeses e aqueles que desejavam que fossem. – Irish dizendo.
7. A diplomacia irlandesa é a capacidade de dizer a um homem para ir para o inferno, de modo que ele esteja ansioso para fazer a viagem. – Irish dizendo.
8. Um irlandês tem uma sensação permanente de tragédia que o sustenta através de períodos temporários de alegria. – Irish dizendo.
E você pode estar no céu meia hora antes do diabo saber que você está morto.
19. Que você nunca esqueça o que vale a pena lembrar ou lembre-se do que é melhor esquecer. Bênção Irlandesa.
20. No Céu não há cerveja, é por isso que a bebemos aqui! – Irish dizendo.
21. Que Deus abençoe e mantenha em boa saúde os inimigos de seus inimigos. Bênção Irlandesa.
22. Que o dia mais triste do seu futuro não seja pior do que o dia mais feliz do seu passado. – Irish dizendo.
23. Aqui é para você e seu e para o meu e o nosso. E se a minha e a nossa se depararem com você e com a sua, espero que você e a sua façam o mesmo pelo meu e pelo nosso como o meu e o nosso fizeram por você e pelo seu! - torrada irlandesa.
24. Que você viva o quanto quiser e nunca deseje enquanto viver. – Irish dizendo.
25. Bebida é a maldição da terra. Isso faz você lutar com seu vizinho. Faz você atirar no seu senhorio e faz você sentir falta dele. – Irish dizendo.
Costumes de casamento irlandês, superstições e tradições de sorte.
Meses afortunados do casamento e dias.
Quando se trata de escolher a data do casamento, os noivos irlandeses têm muitas superstições para guiar sua escolha. Primeiro, há o mês, que é regido por essa antiga rima:
Casar quando o ano é novo,
Sempre amoroso, gentil e verdadeiro.
Quando os pássaros de fevereiro se acasalam,
Você pode se casar, nem temer o seu destino.
Se você se casar quando os ventos de março soprarem,
Alegria e tristeza, vocês dois saberão.
Casar em abril quando puder
Alegria para solteira e para homem.
Casar no mês de maio,
Você certamente irá lamentar o dia.
Casar quando soprar rosas de junho
Por terra e mar, você irá.
Aqueles que em julho se casam,
Deve trabalhar sempre pelo pão.
Quem quer que fosse em agosto,
Muitas mudanças têm certeza de ver.
Casar no brilho de setembro,
Sua vida será rica e boa.
Se em outubro você se casar,
O amor virá, mas as riquezas permanecem.
Se você se casasse em novembro sombrio,
Só a alegria virá, lembre-se.
Quando as chuvas de dezembro caem rápido,
Casar e amor verdadeiro durarão.
Que tal escolher o dia ideal da semana para um casamento irlandês? Surpreendentemente, os dias mais populares para os casamentos modernos estão entre os menos auspiciosos, de acordo com este provérbio:
Segunda-feira para a saúde,
Terça-feira por riqueza,
Quarta-feira o melhor dia de todos
Quinta-feira por perdas,
Sexta-feira para cruzes,
Sábado não é dia de jeito nenhum.
Anéis De Claddagh, Tara Broches, E Brincos De Sorte.
Se a mulher aceitar a proposta, ela pode usar o anel tradicional de Claddagh, um antigo símbolo irlandês. O design de Claddagh consiste em três elementos-chave: um coração por amor, um par de mãos por amizade e uma coroa por lealdade. O lema do símbolo é “Deixe o amor e a amizade reinarem”, certamente um bom sentimento para qualquer casamento. Como um anel de noivado, o Claddagh é usado com a coroa apontando para dentro em direção ao pulso. Uma vez que o casal é casado, ele é usado como um anel de casamento, girando-o de modo que a coroa esteja orientada para apontar para a ponta dos dedos da noiva. Maridos e esposas irlandeses usam as alianças de casamento no dedo anelar das mãos esquerdas.
Não esqueça as cores do casamento da sorte.
Um dos primeiros passos no planejamento de qualquer casamento é determinar a paleta de cores. A cor verde, é claro, é amplamente considerada como a cor da assinatura da Emerald Isle, mas para casamentos, não é tradicionalmente a melhor cor a ser usada. O azul é a mais tradicional cor do casamento irlandês, já que significava pureza e fidelidade desde os tempos bíblicos. De fato, há várias centenas de anos atrás, a bandeira irlandesa não eram as listras verdes, alaranjadas e brancas com as quais estamos familiarizados, mas uma harpa dourada sobre um fundo azul. Esta rima resume os costumes tradicionais sobre as cores do casamento:
Casar em branco está tudo certo.
Casar em amante azul seja verdade.
Casar em espírito de rosa vai afundar.
Casar em cinza vive longe.
Casar em marrom vive fora da cidade.
Casar com vergonha verde para ser visto.
Casar em amarelo envergonhado de seu companheiro.
Casar em preto gostaria que você estivesse de volta.
Casar em vermelho gostaria que você estivesse morto.
Casar em bronzeado, ele será um homem amado.
Casar em pérola você vai viver em um turbilhão.
Cuidado com as fadas!
A outra razão pela qual uma noiva irlandesa supersticiosa pode querer evitar o verde é porque acredita-se que ele atraia as fadas que estão constantemente tentando atrair a noiva para longe. Fadas, você pergunta? Acontece que um grande número de rituais de casamento irlandeses se baseia na antiga crença de que as fadas são atraídas para coisas bonitas e desejam coletá-las. Poucas coisas são mais bonitas do que uma noiva radiante, e é por isso que as fadas são particularmente atraídas por noivas, e por que muitas precauções são tomadas para mantê-la longe de suas garras. Embora as fadas sejam uma parte especial do folclore irlandês, muitos costumes de casamento ao redor do mundo são baseados em antigas crenças de que os espíritos malignos são atraídos para as noivas. O que mais a noiva e o noivo devem fazer para manter essas fadas travessas à distância? Ao dançar na recepção, a noiva deve ter o cuidado de manter sempre um pé no chão. Se ela tem os dois pés no ar ao mesmo tempo, essas malditas fadas podem afastá-la. A noiva inteligente levanta os calcanhares um de cada vez!
Handfasting é uma antiga tradição celta que envolvia amarrar as mãos dos noivos bem antes do dia do casamento. É semelhante a um compromisso, um momento em que ambas as partes decidem se realmente desejam se comprometer. Nos tempos modernos, a tradição ocorre no dia do casamento real, embora em séculos passados ​​a cerimônia tenha funcionado como uma espécie de casamento temporário.
O handfasting era na verdade uma maneira legítima de as pessoas se casarem durante a Idade Média e só diminuía quando as leis eram aplicadas, tornando o ato de casamento muito mais formal. A Irlanda foi governada pela lei de Brehon & # 8217; e handfasting foi devidamente reconhecido como uma forma adequada de casamento.
Essa tradição está bem registrada na Irlanda e especialmente em Teltown, no condado de Meath. O historiador irlandês John O Donovan (1806-1861) escreveu sobre os “Casamentos Teltown”:
Vários jovens entraram no oco ao lado norte da muralha e um número igual de moças caseiras ao lado sul da muralha, que era tão alto que as impedia de ver os homens; uma das mulheres colocou a mão na posição # 8217; o buraco no portão e um homem se apoderou dele do outro lado, sendo guiado em sua escolha apenas pela aparência da mão. Os dois estavam assim unidos por um acaso, e eram obrigados a viver juntos por um ano e um dia, ao final do tempo em que apareceram na tribo de Telton e, se não estavam satisfeitos um com o outro, obtinham um feito de separação, e tinham o direito de voltar a Laganeeny para tentar sua boa sorte no ano seguinte.
Nas tradições pagã e wiccaniana, a cerimônia de casamento pode envolver um arranjo de pedras, velas, cristais, um manto ou fita, um cabo de vassoura, documentos de casamento, uma caixa de prata e outros itens simbólicos.
A tradição de uma ferradura é bem conhecida em todo o mundo e por isso é na Irlanda. Ao colocar a ferradura na vertical sobre uma porta ou em uma sala, a "sorte da casa" & # 8217; foi mantido intacto. Os gregos associaram a ferradura com a lua crescente e seu simbolismo de fertilidade. A tradição era popular em toda a Irlanda e Inglaterra também com a ferradura prontamente disponível sendo carregada pela Noiva enquanto ela caminhava pelo corredor. Foi então afixado com segurança pelo Noivo no lar matrimonial. Hoje, ferraduras de vidro e cerâmica são simbolicamente usadas em cerimônias de casamento irlandesas.
Há muitos ditos antigos, bênçãos e brindes que são usados ​​em um casamento tradicional irlandês. Aqui estão três dos nossos favoritos:
Amigos e parentes, tão queridos e queridos
É nosso maior prazer ter você aqui.
Quando muitos anos este dia passou,
As melhores lembranças sempre durarão.
Então, nós bebemos uma xícara de hidromel irlandês e perguntamos.
Bênção de Deus em sua hora de necessidade. & # 8217;
& # 8216; Neste dia especial,
nosso desejo para você
a bondade do velho
o melhor do novo.
Deus abençoe vocês dois que bebem este hidromel
pode sempre preencher todas as suas necessidades. & # 8217;
Que suas manhãs tragam alegria e suas noites tragam paz.
Que seus problemas cresçam enquanto suas bênçãos aumentam.
Que o dia mais triste do seu futuro.
Não seja pior do que o dia mais feliz do seu passado.
Que suas mãos sejam eternamente abraçadas em amizade.
E seus corações se juntaram para sempre em amor.
Suas vidas são muito especiais
Deus te tocou de muitas maneiras.
Que suas bênçãos estejam sobre você.
E preencha todos os seus próximos dias.
Que a estrada chegue até você.
Que o vento esteja sempre em suas costas.
Que o sol brilhe em seu rosto.
e a chuva cai suave em seus campos.
E até nos encontrarmos novamente meu amigo.
Que Deus te abraça na palma da mão dele.
Era costume decorar a casa em que a celebração do casamento era realizada com flores e plantas cultivadas localmente. Estes variam de acordo com a época do ano em que o casamento foi realizado. Algumas plantas tornaram-se associadas com a Irlanda, não menos a agora prontamente disponível "Bells of Ireland", usada nos tempos modernos pelo seu simbolismo. Uma tradição celta no País de Gales envolve a planta Myrtle, que é apresentada pela Noiva às Noivas que a plantam em seus jardins. Se a planta crescesse, a empregada de noiva seria casada antes do fim do ano!
Poemas De Casamento Irlandês.
A cotovia no ar claro.
Queridos pensamentos estão em minha mente.
E minha alma sobe encantada,
Como eu ouço o doce cotovia cantar.
No ar claro do dia.
Para um sorriso radiante terno.
Para minha esperança foi concedida,
E amanhã ela ouvirá.
Tudo o que meu coração apaixonado diria.
Eu vou contar a ela todo o meu amor
Toda a adoração da minha alma,
E acho que ela vai ouvir.
E não vai me dizer não.
É isso que dá a minha alma.
Toda a sua alegre alegria,
Como eu ouço o doce cotovia cantar.
No ar claro do dia.
Ele deseja os panos do céu.
Se eu tivesse os panos bordados do céu,
Enforcado com luz dourada e prateada,
O azul e o escuro e os panos escuros.
De noite e luz e a meia-luz,
Eu espalharia os panos sob seus pés:
Mas eu, sendo pobre, tenho apenas meus sonhos;
Eu espalhei meus sonhos sob seus pés;
Pise suavemente porque você pisa em meus sonhos.
Eu tinha uma libra de ouro?
por Francis Ledwidge.
Eu tinha uma libra de ouro para gastar?
Meu amor deve consertar e costurar não mais.
E eu compraria para ela um pouco quern *
Fácil de girar no chão da cozinha.
E para suas maravilhosas cortinas brancas,
Com pássaros em vôo e flores em flor,
Para enfrentar com orgulho o caminho para a cidade,
E amadureça seu quarto iluminado pelo sol.
E com a pequena mudança, nós provamos.
A verdade do amor para o fim da vida,
Com os corações o ano podia mas encorajar
Eu tinha uma libra de ouro para gastar?
* Um quern é um pequeno moinho de mão para moer milho.
Ah, chame isso de Some Better Name.
Oh, chame por algum nome melhor,
Para Friendship parece muito frio,
Enquanto o amor é agora uma chama mundana,
Cujo santuário deve ser de ouro:
E paixão, como o sol ao meio-dia,
Que queima tudo o que ele vê,
Um tempo tão quente será definido em breve & # 8211;
Então chame de nada disso.
Imagine algo mais puro,
Mais livre de manchas de barro.
Que amizade, amor ou paixão são,
Ainda humano, ainda como eles:
E se teu lábio, por amor assim,
Nenhuma palavra mortal pode enquadrar,
Vá perguntar aos anjos o que é
E chame por esse nome!
Ela se mudou através da feira.
(Este poema de casamento irlandês também é.
uma canção de casamento popular e tradicional)
Meu amor jovem me disse
Minha mãe não se importa.
E meu pai não vai te decepcionar.
Por sua falta de vacas.
E ela colocou a mão em mim.
E isso ela disse:
Não vai demorar muito, amor,
Até o dia do nosso casamento.
Quando ela se afastou de mim.
E ela se mudou através da feira.
E com carinho a observei.
Mova-se para cá e vá para lá.
E então ela voltou para casa,
Com uma estrela acordada,
Como o cisne à noite.
Movido sobre o lago.
As pessoas estavam dizendo
Não há dois ee foram casados.
Mas um teve uma tristeza.
Isso nunca foi dito.
E sorri quando ela passou.
Com seus bens e seu equipamento,
E isso foi o último.
Que eu vi da minha querida.
Ontem à noite ela veio até mim
Meu amor morto entrou.
Tão suavemente ela veio.
Que seus pés não faziam barulho.
Quando ela colocou a mão em mim,
E isso ela disse:
Não vai demorar muito, amor
& # 8216; Até o dia do nosso casamento.
Um outro poema irlandês bonito do casamento por Francis Ledwidge.
Nada além de música doce acorda.
Meu amado, meu amado.
Dormindo pelos lagos azuis,
Canção de cotovia e canção de tordo,
Meu amado! meu amado!
Canta na mata rosada da manhã,
Quando seus olhos amanhecerem azuis e claros,
Meu amado! meu amado!
Você vai me encontrar esperando aqui
Meu amor Lagan.
Onde os riachos de Lagan cantam canções de ninar,
Lá sopra um lírio justo.
O brilho do crepúsculo está no olho dela
A noite está no cabelo dela.
E como um lenashee doente de amor.
Ela tem minha alma escravizada.
Não tenho vida, não tenho liberdade
Porque o amor é senhor de tudo.
E frequentemente quando o chifre do besouro.
Tem embalado os olhos para dormir
Eu escorrego em seu labrador shieling.
E pela soleira da porta.
Lá na pedra cantando do grilo.
Ela faz o fogo do bogwood.
Então vem aquele tom suave e doce,
A canção do desejo do coração.
As boas-vindas dela, como o amor dela por mim
É do coração dela dentro de:
Seu beijo quente é felicidade.
Isso não conhece a mancha do pecado.
E quando eu agito meu pé para ir
Está deixando o amor e a luz.
Para sentir o vento do sopro de saudade.
De fora da escuridão da noite.
Caro Cabeça Negra.
Tradução de Sir Samuel Ferguson.
Coloque sua cabeça, querida, querida, querida.
Sua querida cabeça negra meu coração acima;
Oh, boca de mel, com o tomilho para fragrância
Quem de coração no peito poderia negar-lhe amor?
Oh, muitas e muitas garotas para mim estão ansiando
Deixando suas mechas de ouro ao vento frio,
Para mim, o principal dos nossos jovens gays;
Mas eu deixaria cem, puro amor, por ti!
Então coloque sua cabeça, querida, querida, querida,
Sua querida cabeça negra meu coração acima; 10
Oh, boca de mel, com o tomilho para fragrância
Quem, com o coração no peito, poderia negar-lhe amor?
Você se lembra daquela noite?
Tradução de Eugene O & # 8217; Curry.
Você se lembra daquela noite?
Que você estava na janela,
Sem chapéu nem luvas,
Nem casaco para te abrigar;
Eu estendi minha mão para você
E você ardentemente agarrou isto,
E eu permaneci em conversar com você.
Até a cotovia começar a cantar?
Você se lembra daquela noite?
Que você e eu éramos.
Ao pé da árvore de sorveira,
E a noite flutuando na neve;
Sua cabeça no meu peito
E seu cachimbo brincando docemente?
Eu pensei pouco naquela noite.
Nossos laços de amor jamais se soltarão.
Ó amado do meu íntimo coração
Venha alguma noite e logo
Quando meu povo está em repouso
Que podemos conversar juntos;
Meus braços te envolverão
Enquanto eu relato meu triste conto.
Esse é o seu agradável e suave diálogo.
Isso me privou do céu.
O fogo não é traçado
A luz apagada,
A chave embaixo da porta
E você suavemente desenha.
Minha mãe está dormindo
E eu estou bem acordado;
Minha fortuna está na minha mão
E estou pronto para ir com você.
O coração da madeira
Este velho poema anônimo traduzido do gaélico é outro belo poema de casamento irlandês.
Minha esperança e meu amor
nós vamos por um tempo na madeira,
espalhando o orvalho,
onde vamos ver a truta,
veremos o melro no ninho;
o cervo e o cervo chamando
o passarinho que é mais doce cantando nos galhos;
o cuco no topo do verde fresco;
e a morte nunca chegará perto de nós para sempre na doce floresta.
Nenhuma doença pior que o amor.
Este poema gaélico 15 / 16th faz um poema de casamento irlandês muito íntimo.
Nenhuma doença pior que o amor secreto.
É longo, infelizmente, desde que eu ponderei isso.
Não há mais atraso; Eu agora confesso.
meu amor secreto, tão magro e esbelto.
Eu dei um amor que não posso esconder.
para seu cabelo encapuzado, sua intenção tímida.
suas sobrancelhas estreitas, seus olhos azul-esverdeados.
ela mesmo dentes e aspecto suave.
Eu também dei # 8211; e assim declarar
amor da minha alma para sua garganta macia.
sua voz adorável, lábios deliciosos.
peito nevado, peito pontudo.
E não pode negligenciar, infelizmente,
meu amor escondido pela nuvem por seu corpo brilhante.
seu pé reto, a sola esbelta,
sua risada lânguida, sua mão tímida.
Permitir que nunca tenha sido conhecido antes.
um amor como o meu por ela.
lá não vive, nunca fez, nem vai,
Aquele que mais gravemente roubou meu amor.
Não me atormente, senhora.
Deixe nossos propósitos concordarem.
Você é minha esposa nesta planície justa.
então vamos nos abraçar.
Tradições e Significados do Casamento.
Neste mundo global em que vivemos, diferentes culturas estão em toda parte ao nosso redor, e vemos algumas dessas diferenças nos casamentos. Cada país e cultura tem suas próprias tradições que eles seguem quando se trata de casamentos. Decidimos mostrar três tradições de casamento que compõem a beleza de algumas culturas ao nosso redor. Este mês, analisamos as tradições de casamento irlandesas.
Como o irlandês qua
Em um casamento nos EUA, o anel é simplesmente chamado de aliança de casamento. Com um casamento irlandês, o anel é chamado de anel de Claddagh. Este anel é um coração que é segurado por duas mãos. No topo do coração é uma coroa, que simboliza a honra. As duas mãos representam a fé e o coração representa o amor entre as duas pessoas. Existem muitos tipos diferentes de anéis de casamento americanos. Nos dois países, quando a aliança é usada na mão esquerda, isso significa que eles são casados.
O lugar que as pessoas se casam na América varia. Algumas pessoas escolhem se casar em uma igreja, enquanto outras podem escolher locais diferentes. Com um casamento irlandês, o casal costuma caminhar juntos até a igreja antes de trocar seus votos. Enquanto caminham até a igreja, as pessoas jogarão arroz e outros itens, como panelas e frigideiras, para abençoar o casamento.
Nos Estados Unidos, a maioria das noivas prefere usar um vestido de noiva branco, que simboliza a pureza. Em um casamento irlandês, a noiva geralmente usa um vestido de noiva azul, que também simboliza a pureza. Algumas noivas de hoje escolhem usar branco na Irlanda.
Uma noiva americana vai escolher uma grande variedade de flores diferentes para o seu buquê. Com um casamento irlandês, a noiva escolhe lavanda inglesa, que é um antigo símbolo de lealdade, amor, sorte e devoção. Estas flores são tipicamente misturadas com outras flores que a noiva escolhe.
Em um casamento americano, a noiva pode optar por usar o cabelo de várias formas. Com um casamento irlandês, é uma tradição para a noiva usar o cabelo em uma trança no dia do casamento. Esta trança é um símbolo de sorte e poder feminino.
A lua de mel na América pode ocorrer em uma grande variedade de lugares diferentes, e é um lugar que o noivo normalmente escolhe. Na Irlanda, a tradução para lua-de-mel é mi na meala, que se traduz no mês do mel. Alguns recém-casados ​​irlandeses passariam um mês inteiro juntos bebendo vinho de mel e ficariam bem isolados. Eles fariam isso na esperança de que a noiva engravidasse durante esse tempo.
Com casamentos americanos, a música tradicional do casamento é tocada enquanto a noiva caminha pelo corredor. A noiva e o noivo normalmente escolhem a música a ser tocada durante a recepção. Com um casamento irlandês, um harpista geralmente toca música irlandesa antes do casamento. Gaitas de foles tocam quando o casal sai da cerimônia ou durante a recepção.
O bolo de casamento para um casamento americano pode ser feito de várias maneiras diferentes, e é algo que a noiva tipicamente escolhe. Com um casamento irlandês, o bolo de casamento é tipicamente um bolo de frutas feito com mel. O bolo é então embebido em um uísque irlandês e coberto com um esmalte doce.
Com um casamento americano, a noiva normalmente se registra em uma determinada loja e lista os presentes de casamento que gostaria de receber. Em um casamento irlandês, o presente de casamento tradicional é um sino. Chiming the bell é pensado para manter os maus espíritos longe. Alguns casais vão realmente tocar a campainha enquanto recitam seus votos.
O lançamento da tradição do buquê é o mesmo para os EUA e para a Irlanda. A noiva joga o buquê para uma multidão de mulheres e quem quer que o pegue, será casado em seguida.
Lista de músicas de temas irlandeses.
Um casamento tema irlandês é uma maneira perfeita de fazer o seu casamento se destacar e ser memorável para todos os convidados presentes. Além disso, celebra sua herança e cultura irlandesa e é uma ótima maneira de começar seu casamento.
O Nó da Colheita - Muitos anos atrás, os homens da Irlanda deram a suas noivas um acessório chamado nós de colheita, que eram tecelagens de palha. Normalmente, um nó da colheita é cortado com flores e usado no cabelo ou no pescoço. Você pode colocar um nó de colheita também no buquê de flores, juntamente com a ferradura sorte para simbolizar o orgulho irlandês.
Adicionar Irish Flare - Ok. OK. Eu sei que isso soa brega, mas como uma torção no buquê de noiva de ferradura acima, algumas mulheres também costurar uma pequena ferradura bonitinha na bainha de seu vestido de casamento para casamentos irlandeses. Tente! É como deslumbrar sua futura boa fortuna!
Adicionando irlandês Lace - Uma ótima maneira de adicionar irlandês ao seu traje de casamento é misturar em algumas rendas irlandesa. Laço irlandês autêntico é sempre carregado com padrões intrincados e grande qualidade. Você pode adicionar rendas ao véu para realmente trazer os irlandeses para fora.
O jantar - O jeito que os convidados do casamento festejavam em comemoração, na antiga Irlanda, era ter uma refeição caseira na casa da família da noiva. Pratos tradicionais irlandeses incluem coddle, refrigerante, pão irlandês e, claro, todo mundo adora cornbeef e repolho.
O bolo de casamento - O bolo de casamento irlandês é tipicamente um bolo de frutas pesadas com glacê branco. A tradição diz que uma das irmãs ou madrinhas da noiva é a que corta e serve. Mas a localização do corte real é a parte mais estranha desse costume de corte de bolo. A tradição na verdade tem a noiva sentada enquanto os padrinhos seguravam o bolo sobre a cabeça enquanto sua irmã ou melhor amiga o cortava.
Recepção Dançante - Aprenda e faça um verdadeiro jig irlandês à música tradicional irlandesa na recepção. Os passos reais das folkdances irlandesas são chamados ceilidh.
Aqui está uma boa lista de reprodução de músicas irlandesas para sua recepção de casamento:
Andres Segovia - Henry Purcell.
Uma menina irlandesa de 12 anos em todos nós - Flogging Molly.
Um Passeio na Chuva Irlandesa - Descendentes Irlandeses.
Ave Maria (Schubert) - os tenores irlandeses.
Barrett's Privateers - Descendentes Irlandeses.
Faixa De Veludo Preto - Rovers Irlandeses.
Catch The Wind (Folk) - Descendentes Irlandeses.
Vamos lá Eileen Dexie's - Midnight Runners.
Danny Boy - os tenores irlandeses.
Dublin nos raros tempos antigos - três tenores irlandeses.
Adeus a Nova Escócia - vagabundos irlandeses.
Dê a Irlanda de volta ao irlandês - Paul McCartney.
Acelerar para o casamento (Celtic) - The Corrs.
Te levarei para casa novamente Kathleen - Três tenores irlandeses.
Batimento Cardíaco Irlandês - Van Morrison & amp; Os chefes.
Jig irlandês - vários artistas.
Irish Medley - Dixie Chicks.
Salte ao redor - casa da dor.
Mãe Machree - John Gary.
Bênção irlandesa velha - coro de Sprague.
Peg O Meu Coração - Jerry Vale.
Trilha sonora de Riverdance - irlandês Diddy.
Envio para Boston - Dropkick Murphies.
O Biplano Evermore - Rovers Irlandeses.
A lavadeira irlandesa - gaitas de fole celtas.
Wake - Conexão Celta de Tim Finnegan.
Toora-Loora-Looral Três - Tenores Irlandeses.
Canção popular irlandesa tradicional - Dennis Leary.
Unicórnio - vagabundos irlandeses.
Matilda Waltzing - os vagabundos irlandeses.
Não foi uma festa - Irish Rovers.
Quando os olhos irlandeses estão sorrindo - Bing Crosby.
Rosa irlandesa selvagem - país George Jones.
50 tradições e superstições do casamento.
aqui estão 50 fatos sobre o casamento para refletir enquanto você planeja seu grande dia:
1. Ei, noivas, coloque um cubo de açúcar em sua luva - de acordo com a cultura grega, o açúcar vai adoçar sua união.
2. Os ingleses acreditam que uma aranha encontrada em um vestido de noiva significa boa sorte. Yikes!
3. Na tradição inglesa, quarta-feira é considerada o “melhor dia” para se casar, embora a segunda seja para a riqueza e a terça seja para a saúde.
4. O noivo leva a noiva até o limiar para protegê-la bravamente dos maus espíritos que espreitam abaixo.
5. Sábado é o dia do casamento mais azarado, segundo o folclore inglês. Engraçado - é o dia mais popular da semana para se casar!
6. Os romanos antigos estudaram as entranhas de porco para determinar o momento mais feliz de casar.
7. A chuva no dia do seu casamento é realmente considerada boa sorte, de acordo com a tradição hindu!
8. Para dar sorte, as mulheres egípcias beliscam a noiva no dia do casamento. Ai!
9. As noivas do Oriente Médio pintam a hena em suas mãos e pés para se proteger do mau-olhado.
10. Ervilhas são jogadas em recém-casados ​​checos em vez de arroz.
11. Uma noiva sueca coloca uma moeda de prata de seu pai e uma moeda de ouro de sua mãe em cada sapato para garantir que ela nunca ficará sem.
12. Uma noiva finlandesa tradicionalmente ia de porta em porta recolhendo presentes em uma fronha de travesseiro, acompanhada por um homem mais velho e casado que representava um casamento prolongado.
13. As mulheres marroquinas tomam banho de leite para se purificarem antes da cerimônia de casamento.
14. Na Holanda, um pinheiro é plantado fora da casa dos recém-casados ​​como um símbolo de fertilidade e sorte.
15. O noivado e as alianças de casamento são usados ​​no quarto dedo da mão esquerda, porque se pensava que uma veia naquele dedo levava diretamente ao coração.
16. Cerca de 70% de todas as noivas usam o diamante tradicional no quarto dedo da mão esquerda.
17. O anel de noivado de Priscilla Presley era uma imensa rocha de três e meio quilates cercada por uma fileira destacável de diamantes menores.
18. Os diamantes incrustados em ouro ou prata tornaram-se populares como anéis de noivado entre ricos venezianos no final do século XV.
19. Na linguagem simbólica das jóias, uma safira em um anel de casamento significa felicidade matrimonial.
20. Dizem que um anel de noivado de pérola é azar porque sua forma ecoa a de uma lágrima.
21. Um dos primeiros anéis de noivado da história foi dado à princesa Mary, filha de Henrique VIII. Ela tinha dois anos na época.
22. Dezessete toneladas de ouro são feitas em alianças todos os anos nos Estados Unidos!
23. Anéis de serpente pontilhados com olhos de rubi eram bandas de casamento populares na Inglaterra vitoriana - as bobinas enroladas em um círculo simbolizavam a eternidade.
24. A água-marinha representa a harmonia conjugal e diz-se que assegura um casamento longo e feliz.
25. A rainha Vitória começou a tendência do vestido de casamento branco do mundo ocidental em 1840 - antes disso, as noivas simplesmente usavam seu melhor vestido.
26. Na Ásia, o uso de vestes com guindastes bordados simboliza a fidelidade durante a duração do casamento.
27. Antigos gregos e romanos pensavam que o véu protegia a noiva dos espíritos malignos. Noivas usam véus desde então.
28. No dia do seu casamento, Grace Kelly usava um vestido com um corpete feito de belas rendas de 125 anos de idade.
29. É claro que as damas de honra de Jackie Kennedy estavam longe de serem desmazeladas. Ela escolheu a blusa de seda rosa e os vestidos de cetim vermelho criados pela designer afro-americana Ann Lowe (também criadora do vestido de Jackie).
30. No Japão, o branco sempre foi a cor de escolha para os grupos nupciais - muito antes de a rainha Vitória popularizá-lo no mundo ocidental.
31. Casamento mais caro de todos os tempos? O casamento do filho do Sheik Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum com a Princesa Salama em Dubai, em maio de 1981. O preço? US $ 44 milhões.
32. Na Coréia, as noivas usam tons brilhantes de vermelho e amarelo para fazer seus votos.
33. As noivas carregam ou vestem “algo velho” no dia do casamento para simbolizar a continuidade com o passado.
34. Na Dinamarca, noivas e noivos tradicionalmente vestidos para confundir maus espíritos!
35. O "algo azul" em um conjunto nupcial simboliza pureza, fidelidade e amor.
36. No Egito, a família da noiva faz tradicionalmente toda a culinária durante uma semana após o casamento, para que o casal possa relaxar.
37. Na África do Sul, os pais da noiva e do noivo tradicionalmente carregavam fogo de seus lares para acender um novo fogo na lareira dos recém-casados.
38. A tradição de um bolo de casamento vem da Roma antiga, onde os foliões quebraram um pedaço de pão sobre a cabeça de uma noiva para a fertilidade.
39. O costume dos bolos em camadas surgiu de um jogo em que a noiva e o noivo tentavam beijar um bolo cada vez mais alto sem derrubá-lo.
40. O bolo de casamento da rainha Victoria pesava 300 quilos.
41. A lenda diz que mulheres solteiras sonharão com seus futuros maridos se dormirem com uma fatia do bolo do noivo embaixo de seus travesseiros.
42. Uma velha história de esposas: Se a mais nova das duas irmãs se casar primeiro, a irmã mais velha deve dançar descalça no casamento ou arriscar-se a nunca aterrissar um marido.
Show Off em um coquetel.
43. Em muitas culturas ao redor do mundo - incluindo casamentos Celta, Hindu e Egípcio - as mãos de uma noiva e noivo estão literalmente unidas para demonstrar o compromisso do casal um com o outro e seu novo vínculo como um casal (dando-nos a frase popular "atar o nó").
44. A deusa romana Juno governa o casamento, a lareira e o parto, daí a popularidade dos casamentos de junho.
45. Princesa Victoria estabeleceu a tradição de tocar “Bridal Chorus” de Wagner durante sua procissão de casamento em 1858.
46. ​​A noiva fica à esquerda do noivo durante uma cerimônia cristã, porque em dias passados ​​o noivo precisava de sua mão direita livre para lutar contra outros pretendentes.
47. Em média, 7.000 casais se casam a cada dia nos Estados Unidos.
48. Dia dos Namorados e Véspera de Ano Novo são os dois dias mais movimentados de “casamento” em Las Vegas - elopement central!
49. The Catholic tradition of “posting the banns” to announce a marriage originated as a way to ensure the bride and groom were not related.
50. Stag parties were first held by ancient Spartan soldiers, who kissed their bachelor days goodbye with a raucous party.
Irish cuisine is the style of cooking that originated from Ireland, or was developed by the Irish people. It has evolved from centuries of social and political change, and the mixing of the different cultures on Éire, predominantly the English and Irish. The cuisine is founded upon the crops and animals farmed in its temperate climate.
This is a list of dishes found in Irish cuisine . Irish cuisine is a style of cooking originating from Ireland or developed by Irish people. It evolved from centuries of social and political change. The cuisine takes its influence from the crops grown and animals farmed in its temperate climate. The introduction of the potato in the second half of the 16th century heavily influenced Ireland’s cuisine thereafter and, as a result, is often closely associated with Ireland. Representative Irish dishes include Irish stew, bacon and cabbage, boxty, coddle, and colcannon.
Irish dishes.
Top 10 foods to try in Ireland.
Soda bread.
Every family in Ireland has its own recipe for soda bread, hand-written on flour-crusted note paper and wedged in among the cookery books. Some like it sweet with a spoonful of honey, sugar, or dried fruits, while others prefer sprinkled-in seeds, bran and oats for a health boost, or treacle and Guinness for the opposite effect. The basic ingredients don’t change though; “bread soda” (bicarbonate of soda) and buttermilk form the raising agent, which is mixed in with flour. And nor does the way it’s eaten; sliced and spread liberally with butter.
Visit Ireland outside of summer, and the chance of seeing the sun will go from unlikely to impossible. On the plus side, you can feast on the West coast’s plump native oysters ( ostrea edulis ) which come into season in September, when the Galway Oyster Festival is held. Shellfish abound in Irish cuisine, from clams in Connemara, to Molly Malone’s famed cockles and mussels, and Dublin Bay prawns (langoustines), which have their own festival in Howth, in April.
One-pot cooking doesn’t get much simpler than Irish stew, which was traditionally made with mutton, slowly stewed for hours until the meat was tender, with onions, potatoes and some recipes adding carrots to the pot. To avoid the stew being watery (a childhood horror for me and many others), some recipes incorporate pearly barley, a knob of roux, or sliced potatoes in the bottom of the pot, while others reduce down the cooking liquor at the end. These days, you’re more likely to find Irish stew made with lamb (since the more flavourful mutton is so hard to come by), with herbs (thyme, parsley, bay leaves) and stock added for depth of flavour.
Colcannon and champ.
Potatoes transformed the Irish diet when they were introduced from the New World in the late 16 th century. Ireland’s population boomed with this cheap and plentiful food source, but was later decimated, in the 19 th century, when the potato harvests were hit by blight. Potatoes are still a staple at most mealtimes – colcannon is a classic, comforting mash of potatoes, cabbage or kale and butter or cream, flavoured with scallions (spring onions), and the variations are endless. Champ is a similar, mashed potato favourite, flavoured with scallions, milk and butter.
Potato dumpling, potato pancake and potato bread are all ways used to describe boxty, and some say the name originates from the Irish phrase arán bocht tí , meaning “poor-house bread”. The recipe calls for grated raw potato to be mixed with mashed potato and then either; mixed with flour and salt and boiled before being sliced and fried in butter (boxty dumplings), added to a pancake-like batter before being fried (boxty on the pan), or the batter mix baked in a loaf tin and then sliced and fried (boxty in the oven). Whichever way you choose, it’ll end up in a pan of bubbling butter, and can be teamed with just about anything, from humble bacon and eggs to smoked salmon and crème fraîche.
Boiled bacon and cabbage.
Boiled bacon, boiled cabbage and boiled potatoes may not sound all that appetising but it remains a firm family favourite. Traditionally, salted pork – a cut from the shoulder or back of the pig – would have been soaked over night depending on how much desalting was needed, before being boiled, with the cabbage added to the cooking pot in the last ten minutes. A silky, parsley sauce is the classic accompaniment.
Irish salmon and smoked salmon.
Wild salmon is now a rare treat in Ireland, superior in so many ways to its farmed cousins. If you find it fresh on a menu, snap it up (the best months are April to June); poached and served with a white sauce, new potatoes and spring greens it’s simply delicious. Smoked salmon is another must-try – the oak-smoked salmon from the Burren Smokehouse, the beechwood-smoked salmon from the Connemara Smokehouse, and the unusual turf-smoked salmon from The Haven Smokehouse are all worth looking out for.
Black and white pudding.
The Irish weren’t the only ones to discover the delights of black pudding – pork meat, fat and blood mixed with barley, suet and oatmeal in an intensely flavoured sausage. White pudding (minus the blood) may be less common around the globe, but no full Irish breakfast would be complete without a slice of each. Beyond breakfast, black pudding is just as likely to appear on the menu of smart Irish restaurants nowadays, served with sautéed scallops, in croquettes, under poached eggs, in salads, risottos and garnishing soups.
With roots as a working-class Dublin dish, the name coddle comes from the slow simmering or “coddling” of ingredients in a one-pot stew. The leftovers at the end of the week would be slowly stewed in the oven for hours, with slices of pork sausage packed in with bacon rashers or leftover boiled bacon and sliced potatoes and onions. To make a superior version, use the best quality pork sausages and bacon, and serve the coddle with slices of soda bread to mop up the juices.
Enthusiasts make this fruity tea loaf all year round, serving it smothered in butter with a nice cup of tea in the afternoon. It’s at Halloween, however, that you’d find a charm in your slice foretelling the future, be it a rag for bad luck or poverty, a ring to be wed within a year, a pea to avoid tying the knot within a year, a coin to bring wealth and a stick to have quarrels. Raisins, candied peel – which some recipes call to be steeped overnight in black tea and whiskey – and mixed spice all go into the mix.
Irish Lamb Stew Recipe.
TOTAL TIME: Prep: 25 min. Cook: 2 hours.
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour, divided 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1-1/2 pounds lamb stew meat, cut into 1-inch cubes 2 tablespoons canola oil 3 cups water 1/2 teaspoon dill weed 8 pearl onions, peeled 3 medium carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces 2 large potatoes, peeled and cubed 1/2 cup half-and-half cream Hot biscuits.
In a large resealable plastic bag, combine 4 tablespoons flour, salt and pepper. Add lamb; shake to coat. In a Dutch oven, brown lamb in oil on all sides. Add water and dill; bring to a boil. Reduzir o calor; cover and simmer for 1-1/2 hours or until meat is almost tender. Add the onions, carrots and potatoes. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes or until the meat and vegetables are tender. In a small bowl, place remaining flour; stir in cream until smooth. Stir into stew. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Serve with biscuits. Yield: 6 servings.
1 corned beef brisket with spice packet (1 pound) 1 medium onion, sliced 4 cups water 1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon finely grated orange peel 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 small head cabbage 4 medium carrots, cut into 3-inch pieces.
Place brisket and contents of spice packet in a large saucepan. Add onion, water and apple juice. Bring to a boil. Reduzir o calor; cover and simmer for 1-1/2 to 2 hours or until meat is tender. Transfer brisket to an 11-in. x 7-in. baking dish coated with cooking spray; reserve cooking liquid. Combine the brown sugar, orange peel, mustard and cloves; rub over meat. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, cut cabbage into four wedges, leaving a portion of the core attached to each wedge. Add cabbage and carrots to cooking liquid. Bring to a boil. Reduzir o calor; cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until tender. Thinly slice corned beef; serve with vegetables. Yield: 2 servings.
Irish Soda Bread.
5 cups sifted all-purpose unbleached flour 3/4 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 pound (1 stick) butter 2 1/2 cups mixed light and dark raisins, soaked in water for 15 to 20 minutes and drained 3 tablespoons caraway seeds 2 1/2 cups buttermilk 1 large egg, slightly beaten.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Generously butter 2 (9 by 5-inch) bread pans.
Stir together the sifted flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and baking soda. Cut in the butter and mix very thoroughly with your hands until it gets grainy. Stir in raisins and caraway seeds.
Add the buttermilk and egg to the flour mixture. Stir until well moistened. Shape dough into 2 loaves and place in the pans.
Bake for 1 hour. Test with a toothpick for doneness. Cool in the pans for 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
Fluffy Key Lime Pie.
TOTAL TIME: Prep: 20 min. + chilling YIELD: 8 servings.
1 package (.3 ounce) sugar-free lime gelatin 1/4 cup boiling water 2 cartons (6 ounces each) Key lime yogurt 1 carton (8 ounces) frozen fat-free whipped topping, thawed 1 reduced-fat graham cracker crust (9 inches)
1. In a large bowl, dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Whisk in yogurt. Fold in whipped topping. Pour into crust. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until set. Yield: 8 servings.
Guinness Chocolate Cake.
The addition of Guinness makes a killer chocolate cake even guys can get excited about.
Katie Quinn Davies’ Guinness Cake Recipe.
250 g (1 c. and 2 tbsp) unsalted butter 250 ml (1 c.) Guinness 75 g Dutch process cocoa ( 3/4 c.), sifted 275 g (2 + 1/4 c.) all purpose flour, sifted 2 tsp. baking soda 400 g (2 c.) sugar 2 medium eggs 150 ml (2/3 c.) sour cream 1 tbsp. good quality vanilla extract.
300 g (1 + 1/3 cup) cream cheese 150 g (1+1/2 c.) powdered sugar, sifted 150 ml (2/3 c.) cream, whipped.
Fish and Chips.
1 1/2 quarts canola oil 4 cups all-purpose flour, plus 2 cups, for dredging 1 teaspoon kosher salt, plus 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon granulated garlic, plus 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon granulated onion, plus 1 teaspoon 1 1/2 pints amber ale 2 1/2 pounds to 3 pounds cod fillets, trimmed and boned Chips, recipe follows Remoulade, recipe follows Lemon crowns.
2 pounds Idaho baking potatoes, scrubbed thoroughly 2 teaspoons kosher salt 1 teaspoon cracked black pepper 1 teaspoon granulated garlic 1 teaspoon granulated onion.
2 cups mayonnaise 3 ounces milk 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons minced red peppers 2 tablespoons minced green peppers 2 tablespoons minced yellow peppers 2 tablespoons minced red onions 2 tablespoons minced sweet gherkins 2 tablespoons minced dill pickles 1 teaspoon minced capers 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard Dash lemon juice Dash Worcestershire sauce Dash hot sauce Salt and pepper.
In a deep pot, preheat the cooking oil to 345 degrees F. Thoroughly mix 4 cups of the flour, 1 teaspoon kosher salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon garlic, and 1 teaspoon onion. reserving 2 cups of mixture for dredging. Add beer to mixture, whisking to form lump-free, smooth batter. Batter should resemble pancake batter ? thick enough to coat fish well. Cut the fish into 3 to 4 ounce strips and pat dry using paper towels. Combine the remaining flour and seasoning to dredge the fish.
Dip cod strips into reserved flour and remaining seasoning mix, coating completely. Then dip breaded strips into batter, shaking off any excess. Gently place battered fish strips into hot oil. Turn fish when batter is set and cook until golden brown, approximately 3 to 4 minutes. Remove from oil and drain well.
Serve fish over chips with remoulade on the side. Garnish with lemon crown and chopped parsley. Salt and malt vinegar to taste.
In deep pot, preheat the oil to 275 degrees F. Cut potatoes lengthwise, about 1/2 by 1/2 by 3 inches. Soak in ice bath and rinse thoroughly to remove starch from potatoes. Strain potatoes and dry thoroughly. Gently place dried potatoes in hot oil, cook approximately 3 to 4 minutes, until texture is rubbery and potatoes are beginning to brown. Remove potatoes from oil and drain well. Turn oil temperature up to 360 degrees F. Once oil has reached 360 degrees F, place blanched potatoes back into oil and cook until golden brown, approximately 6 to 8 minutes. Drain potatoes and season well. Hold in 200 degree F oven to keep warm.
Combine all ingredients in a medium mixing bowl and mix to a smooth consistency. Refrigerate 30 minutes.
For the ice cream:
6 large egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup whole milk 1 cup heavy cream 1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and seeds scraped out 1 ounce Baileys Irish Cream 1 ounce Irish whiskey.
For the float:
Dash of chocolate bitters 2 ounces Guinness stout.
Make the ice cream: Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl until pale. Bring the milk, heavy cream, and vanilla pod and seeds to a simmer in a small saucepan. Slowly whisk the hot liquid into the egg mixture; strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean bowl, then set the bowl in a larger bowl of ice water. Add the Irish cream and whiskey and stir until cool. Transfer to the refrigerator and chill at least 3 hours. Freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s directions.
For each float, put a scoop of the ice cream in a glass. Add the chocolate bitters and top with the Guinness. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, fold Baileys Irish Cream and whiskey into softened vanilla ice cream and freeze until firm.
Corned Beef and Cabbage.
One 3-pound corned beef brisket (uncooked), in brine 16 cups cold water 2 bay leaves 2 teaspoons black peppercorns 4 whole allspice berries 2 whole cloves 1/2 large head green cabbage (about 2 pounds), cut into 8 thick wedges 8 small new potatoes (about 1 1/4 pounds), halved Freshly ground black pepper to taste Serving suggestion: Whole-grain mustard or Horseradish Sauce, recipe follows.
Horseradish Sauce:
3/4 cup mayonnaise 3/4 cup sour cream 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons jarred grated horseradish (with liquid) 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest 2 teaspoons kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper.
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F.
Place the corned beef in a colander in the sink and rinse well under cold running water.
Place the corned beef in a large Dutch oven with a tight-fitting lid, add the water, bay leaves, peppercorns, allspice and cloves. Bring to a boil, uncovered, and skim off any scum that rises to the surface. Cover and transfer pan to the oven, and braise until very tender, about 3 hours and 45 minutes.
Transfer the corned beef to a cutting board and cover tightly with foil to keep warm. Add the cabbage and potatoes to the cooking liquid and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 20 minutes.
Using a slotted spoon, transfer the cabbage to a large platter. Slice the corned beef across the grain of the meat into thin slices. Lay the slices over the cabbage and surround it with the potatoes. Ladle some of the hot cooking liquid over the corned beef and season with pepper. Serve immediately with the mustard or horseradish sauce.
Horseradish Sauce:
In a small bowl, mix together the mayonnaise, sour cream, horseradish, zest, and 2 teaspoons salt. Season generously with pepper to taste. Refrigerate the horseradish sauce for at least 30 minutes before serving.
8 ounces (225 grams) freshly cooked potatoes 8 ounces (225 grams) peeled raw potatoes 8 ounces (225 grams/ generous 1 1/2 cups) white flour 1/4 American teaspoon baking powder (1/2 Irish teaspoon bread soda), sifted *see note 8 to 12 fluid ounces (225 to 300 millileters/1 to 1 1/2 cups) buttermilk Pinch salt (optional) Butter, for frying.
Peel the cooked potatoes while they are still hot, drop into a bowl and mash immediately. Grate the raw potatoes, add to the mashed potatoes with the flour and sifted bread soda. Mix well, and add enough buttermilk to make a stiff batter.
Heat a frying pan, grease with butter and cook large or small pancakes in the usual way. Eat them straight from the pan with butter, crispy rashers or pure Irish honey.
Note: This recipe was provided by professional chefs and has been scaled down from a bulk recipe provided by a restaurant. The FN chefs have not tested this recipe, in the proportions indicated, and therefore, we cannot make any representation as to the results.
*Note: an Irish tablespoon is the same quantity as an American tablespoon plus a teaspoon.
4 tablespoons olive oil 3 onions finely chopped 3 garlic cloves finely chopped 2 pounds freshly ground lamb One 24-ounce can tomato sauce 1/2 pound butter 1/2 cup flour 1 cup burgundy wine 4 tablespoons lamb base 2 cups water Salt and pepper, to taste 2 teaspoons tarragon 2 cups yellow corn, cooked 1 cup green peas, cooked 1 cup carrots, diced, cooked 4 pounds potatoes (with skin), boiled 1/2 gallon milk 1/2 pound grated Parmesan cheese Seasonal vegetables, for serving.
Heat oil in a large frying pan over low heat, then add onions and garlic. Cook until soft, turn up heat and add the fresh lamb meat. Stir until well browned. Drain off fat and add the tomato sauce.
Make flour sauce: In saucepan cook 1/4 cup butter, add flour, stir and cook for a minute, then add burgundy wine, lamb base, and water. Season with salt, pepper, and tarragon. Simmer gently for 15 minutes, and then add yellow corn and green peas and carrots.
Mash the potatoes, and then add 1/4 pound butter and milk, season with salt and pepper. Put meat mixture in individual 8-ounce dishes with approximately even portions and top with mashed potatoes. Spread Parmesan cheese on top of each dish and put in a preheated 350 degree oven and brown until a golden brown color. Serve with seasonal vegetables.
Recipe courtesy of Julio Hernandez The Pelican Inn, San Francisco, CA.
Beef and Guinness Stew.
Knob of butter About 2 pounds beef fillet, diced 1 cup diced onion 1 cup diced celery 1 cup diced leek Sprig thyme Sprig rosemary 1 pint Guinness 1 quart brown sauce.
In a medium size pot, place a knob of butter and sear the beef until brown. Add the diced vegetables and sweat for 5 minutes. Add the thyme, rosemary, about half the bottle of beer and reduce by half. Add the brown sauce and cook for 10 minutes.
Finish the beef by pouring in the rest of the beer and serve with roasted carrot and parsnip and champ potato, if desired.
4 small Maui onions, peeled 1 tablespoon caster sugar 4 ounces shiitake mushrooms, stems removed 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 ounces Roquefort blue cheese 4 ounces chicken stock 2 ounces polenta 2 ounces heavy cream Salt and pepper 4 (8-ounce) pieces beef tenderloin 2 cups veal stock.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
To prepare the onions, cut the onions into 4 wedges (quarters) leaving the top on so the pieces stay together. Gently saute the pieces in a pan until golden brown. Sprinkle the onions generously with caster sugar and roast in the oven until soft.
To make the polenta, cut the mushrooms in half and saute with oil in a pan until soft and brown and set aside. Cut the blue cheese into 1/4-inch cubes and set aside. Bring the chicken stock to a boil and add the polenta. Continue to stir while gently simmering until the polenta is soft and smooth, about 20 minutes. Add the cream and salt and pepper, to taste, and keep warm.
To assemble the dish, season the tenderloins with salt and pepper and sear in a hot pan until golden brown on all sides, about 3 minutes per side. Deglaze the pan with veal stock and reduce to a syrup consistency. Finish tenderloins in oven with onion pieces until desired degree of doneness is reached. Allow meat to rest for approximately 8 minutes. While tenderloin is resting, gently heat the polenta over low heat, adding mushrooms and blue cheese, and adjusting the seasoning 2 minutes before serving.
To serve, place a generous spoonful of polenta in the center of each plate, top with caramelized onions, and put tenderloins on top. Spoon stock reduction over and around the tenderloins and serve with steamed vegetables, if desired.
Ireland Facts.
Where is Ireland?
What is the capital of Ireland?
Dublin is the capital of Ireland. It is located near the mid-point of the east coast of the country, at the mouth of the River Liffey, and at the center of the Dublin Region. With a population of 525,383, Dublin is the most populous city of Ireland. The city serves as the historical, cultural, educational, economic, and the administrative center of the island nation.
How big is Ireland?
Covering a total area of 32,595.1 square miles, Ireland is the twentieth-largest island on the earth and the third-largest in Europe. It has a coastline of 1,738 miles. The island is home to approximately 6,197,100 people.
What are the administrative divisions of Ireland?
Ireland is sub-divided into four provinces: Connacht, Leinster, Munster, and Ulster. During the thirteenth and the seventeenth centuries, Ireland was divided into thirty-two traditional counties. Twenty-six of the counties lie in the Republic of Ireland and six counties are in Northern Ireland.
Who are the political leaders of Ireland?
The Republic of Ireland is an Irish Free State covering five-sixths of the island. It is a parliamentary republic with the president being the head of the state. Currently the head of state is President Michael D. Higgins. The official head of the government is called the Taoiseach; Enda Kenny heads the government, presently. The Irish President has very little executive power, with the main power vested in the Taoiseach.
What is the official currency used in Ireland?
The Euro (€) denoted by the ISO 4217 code EUR is the official currency of the Republic of Ireland. It was adopted in 1999 replacing the Irish pound.
What is the official language of Ireland?
The official de facto language of Ireland is English, spoken by the majority of the population. Irish and Ulster Scots are also given the status of official languages but English remains the dominant lingua franca. There are a significant number of Asian and eastern European languages spoken in the island.
What is the religion of Ireland?
Christianity is the official religion of the Republic of Ireland. The largest denomination is Roman Catholicism practiced by almost seventy-three percent of the population. The remaining population adheres to Protestantism. However, the Anglican Church of Ireland is the largest religious group. Owing to the increase in immigration levels in the island, the number of Muslims in the island are increasing. The island has a small Jewish community as well.
What is the economy of Ireland like?
The economy of Ireland is heavily dependent on services, trade and high-tech industries. In 2010, the nominal gross domestic product of the island was estimated at $208.3 billion, while the GDP per capita was $46,592. Food processing, engineering, computer equipment, textiles, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals are the major industries in the island, constituting thirty percent of the GDP. The island has rich deposits of natural resources like zinc, lead, copper, gypsum, limestone, dolomite, and peat. Agriculture also adds to the economy with cattle, dairy products; barley, hay, and wheat being the major agricultural products. The major trading partners of the island are: Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, France, Germany, China, and Japan.
When is the national day of Ireland celebrated?
The national day is celebrated on March 17 every year. This day is known as St. Patrick’s Day. The day is observed as a national holiday in the honor of St. Patrick, the patron Saint of Ireland.
Saint Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland. He died on March 17 in 461 AD, and hence this day has been commemorated as St. Patrick’s Day.
Industry: Food products, brewing, textiles, clothing, chemicals, pharmaceuticals Agriculture: Turnips, barley, potatoes, sugar beets; beef Exports: Machinery and equipment, computers, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, live animals.
St. Patrick: Taken Prisoner By Irish Raiders.
It is known that St. Patrick was born in Britain to wealthy parents near the end of the fourth century. He is believed to have died on March 17, around 460 A. D. Although his father was a Christian deacon, it has been suggested that he probably took on the role because of tax incentives and there is no evidence that Patrick came from a particularly religious family. At the age of 16, Patrick was taken prisoner by a group of Irish raiders who were attacking his family’s estate. They transported him to Ireland where he spent six years in captivity. (There is some dispute over where this captivity took place. Although many believe he was taken to live in Mount Slemish in County Antrim, it is more likely that he was held in County Mayo near Killala.) During this time, he worked as a shepherd, outdoors and away from people. Lonely and afraid, he turned to his religion for solace, becoming a devout Christian. (It is also believed that Patrick first began to dream of converting the Irish people to Christianity during his captivity.)
St. Patrick: Guided By Visions.
After more than six years as a prisoner, Patrick escaped. According to his writing, a voice—which he believed to be God’s—spoke to him in a dream, telling him it was time to leave Ireland.
To do so, Patrick walked nearly 200 miles from County Mayo, where it is believed he was held, to the Irish coast. After escaping to Britain, Patrick reported that he experienced a second revelation—an angel in a dream tells him to return to Ireland as a missionary. Soon after, Patrick began religious training, a course of study that lasted more than 15 years. After his ordination as a priest, he was sent to Ireland with a dual mission: to minister to Christians already living in Ireland and to begin to convert the Irish. (Interestingly, this mission contradicts the widely held notion that Patrick introduced Christianity to Ireland.)
St. Patrick: Bonfires and Crosses.
Familiar with the Irish language and culture, Patrick chose to incorporate traditional ritual into his lessons of Christianity instead of attempting to eradicate native Irish beliefs. For instance, he used bonfires to celebrate Easter since the Irish were used to honoring their gods with fire. He also superimposed a sun, a powerful Irish symbol, onto the Christian cross to create what is now called a Celtic cross, so that veneration of the symbol would seem more natural to the Irish. Although there were a small number of Christians on the island when Patrick arrived, most Irish practiced a nature-based pagan religion. The Irish culture centered around a rich tradition of oral legend and myth. When this is considered, it is no surprise that the story of Patrick’s life became exaggerated over the centuries—spinning exciting tales to remember history has always been a part of the Irish way of life.
Claddagh Ring History And Meaning.
The Claddagh Symbol and Meanings.
The Irish Claddagh Rings are probably the most culturally rich pieces of jewelry ever recorded in history. The meaning, significance and history of the Cladagh ring has a rich ancient past that dates back to over 300 years. The design of the Cladag ring and even the way the ring is worn are all deeply rooted in Irish tradition. Kaisilver, strives to keep the Irish Cladagh ring tradition alive and creates the world’s best Claddagh gold and silver rings. All gemstone options are available and great attention is paid to every detail. Today, the meaning of the Claddagh ring and the significance of wearing Claddagh rings has spread far and wide. The Cladaugh ring is made and worn far beyond the small fishing village in Ireland where the tradition started over 300 years ago.
The meaning of the claddagh ring is what gives the ring it’s significance. Over the years the cladagh ring has brought up designs with minor variations, the basic meaning and significance of the Irish claddagh ring has however been retained. The hands of the ring are shown holding the heart and the hands denote friendship and togetherness, the heart itself signifies love and the crown in the claddagh ring stands for loyalty . It is this meaning of the claddagh rings that make them an ideal choice for all occassions, wedding rings, birth stone rings, engagement rings, mothers day rings and rings for just about any other occassion. The deep and true meaning of the Irish claddagh rings has also put them into a group of rings referred to as the faith rings . In today’s materialistic world where love, friendship and loyalty are becoming increasingly rarer by the day, the claddagh ring with it’s realistic and worthy meaning makes an ideal gift to give and to receive.
In a nutshell the meaning of the Claddagh ring could be summarized as , Let Love and Friendhsip Reign Forever .
The history of the Claddagh ring dates back to over 300 years . A small fishing village in Ireland called the Claddagh was where the tradition of the Claddagh rings first started. The word Claddagh itself comes from the Irish term ‘An Cladach’ that means a ‘flat stony shore’. This was a pretty and ancient village with winding streets and small thatched roofed mud houses. Modernisation has changed all that now but the tradition of the Claddagh ring lives on and has infact grown much stronger in many parts of the world.
There are two theories put up explaining the first occurence of the Cladagh Irish ring.
First Theory : Margaret Joyce inherited a huge amount of money from her late husband named Domingo de Rona . He was a wealthy Spanish merchant trading with Galway in Ireland. She later married the Mayor of Galway in 1596 ( Oliver Og French )and used her inherited wealth to construct many bridges in Connacht. The first Cladagh ring was supposed to be her providential reward and was dropped by an eagle into her lap.
Second Theory : A native of Galway by the name of Richard Joyce was captured by the Algerians and sold as a slave to a Moorish goldsmith. Later in 1689 William III of England demanded the release of all British subjects and Richard Joyce was released from slavery too. The Moorish goldsmith offered Richard Joyce a major portion of his wealth and also his only daughter in marriage, if he agreed to stay in Algiers. The story goes that, Richard Joyce refused all the tempting offers and returned to his native city with the first Claddagh ring.
These are the two major explanations for the history of the Claddagh ring. It does not matter which theory you believe in, or if you believe in neither, because everyone agrees that the Claddagh ring has a history and meaning that is significant to this day.
The meaning and significance of the Claddagh ring is not just in the crown, heart and clasping hands, it also extends to the hand on which the ring is worn and the direction in which the crown on the ring points. In case of a married or engaged person Claddagh rings are worn on the left hand with the crown pointing away from the (the person wearing the ring) heart. For a person willing to consider love the ring is traditionally worn on the right hand with the crown pointing away from the heart. For a person not interested in starting a relationship the Cladagh ring is worn on the right hand with the crown pointing towards the heart.
The Claddagh ring is one of the most popular Irish Wedding Rings . Traditionally the ring is passed down from a mother to her daughter. Today this Irish traditional ring is popular in many countries as a wedding ring or an engagement ring. Kaisilver has added an extra dimension to this issue by providing custom made high end claddagh rings in 18K Yellow or White Gold. These claddagh rings are available in all sizes with any gemstone of your choice . On the higher price range, Cladagh rings are also available with diamonds in the crown to add beauty and glitter to this ring. As expected, high end craftsmanship would be a must for all special occassion rings and Kaisilver provides just that. In the final phase of production every ring is hand finished to perfection. If you have read the above paragraphs on the deeper meaning, history and significance of the Irish cladagh ring, you will surely realize why this ring makes a perfect wedding or engagement ring.
As the meaning and significance of the Irish Claddagh Rings spread across the world, jewelry designers tuned the design to appeal to a wider section of jewelry buyers. This brought up a few prominent design options for the Claddagh ring. In all these cases, the deeper meaning and Irish tradition are left intact . The first major variation was the Cladagh ring with two hearts instead of one. There was another variation without the crown, this design however retained the hands clasping the heart. It was Kaisilver who gave the ring it’s artistic and classic appeal , by releasing the first high end claddagh rings with all gemstone options. The design, attention paid to every detail, the clarity and graceful fingers holding the heart are some of the features of the Kaisilver Claddagh rings that took the world by storm. The Kaisilver claddagh design ensures that your gemstone is firmly mounted and protected from side impacts from all sides. The healthy gold weight also ensures that the ring will retain it’s shape and not twist and bend out of shape at the slightest excuse.
Claddagh rings are available for males too. As expected, the male Claddagh ring would be heavier than the claddag ring created for ladies. If the male Cladagh ring is made with a gemstone, the size of the gemstone would be much larger too. Because of the more active lifestyle followed by today’s man and the fact that men are not as careful with their jewelry as ladies, a good gold weight for the male claddagh ring is a must. There is ofcourse no reason why the male Claddagh ring should not have the same high end craftsmanship . The design for a male ring should lay emphasis on being sturdy and durable , this can come without any compromise on good style and craftsmanship. If you are interested in a pair of rings for your wedding or engagement you can always custom order a pair of claddagh rings with gemstones of your choice.
For most jewelry buyers, the Claddagh ring is a symbol of love and friendship. The ring is worn for it’s rich tradition and significance rather than as a display of wealth and luxury. With this background, it is really not necessary to always create Claddagh rings in gold alone. Sterling Silver Claddagh Rings can also be made with all gemstone options and with the same high end craftsmanship as the gold option. The classic and elegant look of sterling silver has attracted many jewelry lovers throughout the world, it is not just the lower price of silver that appeals to these silver jewellery lovers. The best way to create a sterling silver Cladag ring is to have it made without any Rhodium or other plating. This would allow the silver to tarnish as normal silver does. You can polish your silver ring with any recommended polish or fabric. This method gives your Claddagh Silver Ring a classic and antique feel which is ideal for a ring that has a 300 year old rich tradition.
The claddagh ring has a history that goes back to over 300 years, few variations in designs have evolved over time. However what is amazing is the number of ways in which the claddagh ring is actually spelt. The correct spelling is ‘claddagh’ but a common spelling for this is ‘cladagh’ with a single ‘d’ and then the all famous ‘clladagh’ this lays double emphasis on the ‘l’ and goes light on the ‘d’. We have numerous queries from buyers for ‘cladaugh’ rings, so this could be a popular spelling too. Finally is the spelling that is long and almost spells out every sound in every alphabet in the word, the ‘calladagh’ ring. So the next time you come across these spellings rest assured that they refer to the famous Irish Claddagh Ring.
Other Names For The Ring , these names have been derived by identifying the tradition or the features of the ring and so you have the ‘clasped hands ring’, a little more elaborate is the ‘clasped hands and heart ring’ or simply the ‘hands and heart ring’. Because of a design variation that had two hearts in it, the ring also got the name of the ‘double heart ring’. Linking it to it’s origins gave it the name of the ‘Irish heart ring’ and also the ‘Irish wedding ring’. Because of the significance of the ring the name ‘faith ring’ is used. The faith rings are infact a group of rings and the claddagh ring is often included in this group.
The history of the claddagh Irish ring highlights the deeper meaning and significance of the ring. If you are interested in this stunning jewel, there are a few options that you can choose that will help enhance the meaning of your ring. The first option is to make this ring as a birth stone ring and this is quite easy since we provide all gemstone options. If the ring is for a special occassion ring like a wedding or engagement, you can still have your birthstone set in the ring. Another option is to go for a pair of claddagh rings where, the lady’s and men’s ring have the same design and differ in gemstone size and overall ring dimensions. There is a growing trend towards exchanging birthstones where the lady wears a ring with the birthstone of the man and vice versa. This is expected to build a close bond between the couple (or friends) even when they are geographically hundreds or thousands of miles away.
The claddagh ring history tells us of how special the occassion was when the first ring was made over 300 years ago. It is very likely that your claddagh ring is being worn to signify a special occassion like a birthday, an engagement or even a wedding. It is therefore an excellent idea to have the ring etched with a short message, a name or a date inside the band. The length of the message will depend on the overall size of the ring as, etching a long message on a small ring would cause the text to be virtually unreadable. We provide this etching service at no additional charge and our experts will advise you regarding the message size that is suitable for your ring.
a Timeline of Ireland History.
1850 The Irish Franchise Act greatly increases the number of people allowed to vote.
1851 The population of Ireland has fallen to 6,552,000.
The Catholic University of Ireland opens.
Oscar Wilde is born.
1858 The Irish Republican Brotherhood is formed.
1867 Fenian rising.
1869 The Church of Ireland is disestablished.
Gladstone’s Land Act gives tenant farmers the right to compensation if they have made improvements to the land.
The Home Government Association is formed.
1873 It is replaced by the Home Rule League.
1879 The Irish National Land League is formed. It demands the ‘three f’s’, fair rent, fixity of tenure and free sale of land.
A new verb enters the language ‘to boycott’. Charles Stewart Parnell, the leader of the Land League declares that if a tenant is evicted and somebody else takes over the land that person is to be ostracized. The first person so treated is a Captain Boycott.
The Land Law Act grants the ‘3 f’s’. The Land Commission is formed to fix rent and to give loans to purchase land.
Parnell is imprisoned.
James Joyce is born.
Parnell is released.
The franchise is extended again.
The Gaelic Athletic Association is founded.
1885 Under the Ashbourne Act loans are given to tenant farmers to buy their land. The loans are to be repaid at low rates of interest.
1886 The first Home Rule bill is rejected by the British parliament.
Michael Collins is born.
Oscar Wilde publishes The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Parnell is named as co-respondent in a divorce case.
1891 Another Land Act makes more money available to tenant farmers to buy land.
The Gaelic League is founded.
The second Home Rule bill is passed by the British House of Commons but is rejected by the House of Lords.
Another Land Act makes it easier for tenant farmers to borrow money to buy their land.
1898 The Irish Local Government Act gives Ireland local government similar to the English system.
1900 Oscar Wilde dies.
1903 A final Land Act makes it still easier for tenant farmers to obtain loans and buy their land. As a result millions of acres change hands by 1921.
1905 Sinn Fein is founded.
1909 The Irish Transport and General Workers Union is founded.
The Ulster Volunteer Force is founded.
Tram strike in Dublin.
A third Home Rule bill is passed by the British parliament. However the act is put on hold in September because of the outbreak of the First World War.
The Easter Rising.
James Joyce publishes A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
The Irish Volunteers are renamed the Irish Republican Army.
A number of Sinn Fein MPs were elected to the British parliament in December 1918. However they refuse to take their seats. Instead they form their own parliament in Dublin called the Dail Eireann. Eammon de Valera is elected president of the Dail.
1919-1921 The War of Independence. The IRA fights a guerrilla war against the British.
Ireland is partitioned. The Government of Ireland Act forms 2 parliaments in Ireland. One in the North and one in the South. Both are to have their own prime minister. However both are to be subordinate to the British parliament.
The ‘Black and Tans’ are formed to reinforce the Royal Irish Constabulary.
The Northern parliament meets for the first time. Sinn Fein win almost all the seats for the Southern parliament but they refuse to take their seats. Instead they carry on meeting in the Dail Eireann.
A truce is made between the IRA and the British.
An Anglo-Irish treaty partitions Ireland.
The Dail agrees to the treaty but civil war begins between those who accept the treaty and those who don’t.
Michael Collins is killed.
The Garda Siochana is formed.
James Joyce publishes Ulysses.
The civil war ends.
A Censorship of Films Act is passed.
William Butler Yeats wins the Nobel Prize for Literature.
1925 George Bernard Shaw wins the Nobel Prize for Literature.
1926 Fianna Fail is founded.
1929 The Shannon hydro-electricity scheme is finished.
1932-1937 Eamon De Valera is Prime Minister.
The IRA is banned in the Irish Free State.
Aer Lingus is founded.
A new constitution comes into force. The Irish Free State becomes Eire. Douglas Hyde is the first president.
1937-1948 de Valera is Taoiseach.
1939 James Joyce publishes Finnegans Wake.
A German air raid kills 34 people in Dublin.
James Joyce dies.
1949 The Republic of Ireland Act makes Eire a republic.
1951-1954 de Valera is Taoiseach again.
1955 Ireland joins the United Nations.
1957-1959 de Valera is Taoiseach for the 3rd time.
1959-1973 de Valera is President.
1961 RTE begins broadcasting.
1969 Beginning of ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland.
1972 ‘Bloody Sunday’ in Derry. Fourteen people are killed when the British 1st Parachute Regiment opens fire on demonstrators.
Gaelic Radio begins.
Ireland joins the EEC (forerunner of the EU)
1974 The sale of contraceptives to married people is legalised.
1982 Corporal punishment ends in Irish schools.
1985 The Anglo-Irish agreement.
1990-1997 Mary Robinson is President of Ireland.
1990s Ireland experiences rapid economic growth. It is called the Celtic Tiger.
1994 There is a cease fire in Northern Ireland.
Seamus Heaney wins the Nobel prize for Literature.
The Irish people vote in a referendum to allow divorce.
1996 Gaelic T. V. begins.
1997 Mary McAleese becomes President.
1998 The Good Friday Agreement is signed.
1999 Ireland unwisely joins the Euro.
2004 In a referendum the Irish people vote to stop automatically granting citizenship to anyone born in the country.

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Seldom-Seen Species.
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Then there's the Seldom Seen Species — that is, a species that, once you see it, makes you think, "Hey, you don't usually see that animal!". In some cases, this may be a forced attempt to avoid the countless existing Animal Stereotypes.
Some animals, such as monkeys, songbirds, and frogs, are usually represented by a generic or nondescript variant of the type of animal as opposed to an actual species of that type of animal. In that case, portraying an actual species of that type of animal would count if that actual species isn't commonly used in fiction.
This trope is a Cyclic Trope because some species are more seldom seen in the media of some cultures, in certain forms of media, and in some time periods than others. For example, red pandas are common in Furry Fandom artwork, but are seldom seen in other fictional works and media.
Examples of this trope should be species that are still seldom seen in media these days. Examples of older works that show species that were seldom seen in media at the time of the work's release, but not that seldom seen now are also allowed.
There are the two meerkats from Compare the Meerkat , Alexandr and Sergei. Meerkats are related to mongooses, which have enjoyed moderate fame in Western culture over the past century and a half thanks to Rudyard Kipling's short story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"; The Lion King and Meerkat Manor introduced meerkats to the public consciousness. Mongooses are, of course, famous for killing snakes, while meerkats lack this distinction. The GEICO Gecko, though thanks to him, geckos are not as seldom-seen as they used to be.
The titular protagonist of Aggressive Retsuko is a red panda. The show also includes a fennec fox and an axolotl. Four of the five main characters of Tokyo Mew Mew are actually infused with the DNA of an Iriomotecat ◊ , an UltramarineLorikeet ◊ , a FinlessPorpoise ◊ , and a Golden LionTamarin ◊ respectivamente. The idea is that, as these are all endangered species, their desire to continue living is what gives the girls their powers. The fifth is the somewhat more common wolf. note However, both species of wolf that were native to Japan are extinct. Also, a character introduced for the video game gets her powers from the DNA of a Humboldt Penguin. Dinosaur King has numerous lesser-known dinosaurs such as Mapusaurus and Amargasaurus . Shirokuma Cafe : One of the recurring characters is a tamandua, a type of anteater. A tapir and a sea cow appeared in episode 3. The editor of a local food magazine is a shoebill. Episode 19 introduces King Penguin, the 3 members of genus Pygoscelis (Adelie, Chinstrap, and Gentoo), and Tree Kangaroo. Lesser Panda from Episode 20 and then on. Mr. Crested Serpent Eagle from episode 29. The alligator who called Panda delicious is a black caiman. Prairie dogs and ring-tailed lemurs work in the cafe gardens. The Yama Arashi consists of different types of porcupines, and capybaras assist with the music. The local animal doctor from Episode 46 is a tarsier. Azumanga Daioh : Chiyo's dog Tadakichi-san is a Great Pyrenees. They're not particularly rare in real life but rarely appear in fiction. In one episode Sakaki ends up befriending an Iriomote cub she calls "Mayaa", a rare type of wild cat native to the Iriomote island of Japan. Cowboy Bebop has Ein the data dog, specifically a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The Jungle Book has Kichi the red panda and Tabaqui the striped hyena (in contrast to his original book species where he is a jackal). Anomalocaris has gained a certain degree of popularity in Japan; often depicted as a huge monster with four grasping appendages, such as in Bubblegum Crisis and Kamen Rider Double , or highly stylized, like Anorith in Pokйmon and Scorpiomon/Anomalocarimon in Digimon . Carisu Hime, the female main character in Cambrian QTs , is an anthropomorphic Anomalocaris . Doraemon : "Nobita's Dinosaur 2006" prominently featured a Futabasaurus named Piisuke. Alamosaurus , Maiasaura , Baptornis , Alphadon , and a giant ammonite appear as well. "Nobita and the Island of Miracles—Animal Adventure" has rhinoceros beetles, Ceratogaulus , Chalicotherium , Elasmotherium , Gastornis , Glyptodon , Megatherium , moas, and Paraceratherium . "New Nobita's Great Demon-Peko and the Exploration Party of Five" featured aardvarks as steeds for the humanoid dogs, a Congo peacock in the opening, red-crested turacos, a bushbaby, okapis, black-and-white colobus monkeys, a crowned crane, pangolins, bongo antelopes, African clawless otters, and great blue turacos. The rhinoceros that chases Gian in one scene looks more like a white rhino, as opposed to the more commonly used black rhino. "Nobita and the Birth of Japan 2016" has steppe bison, crested ibises, Japanese giant salamander, Palaeoloxodon naumanni , and Machairodus . In CLANNAD , Sanae Furukawa mentions that her greatest fear is the Bengal monitor lizard. Her husband Akio talks Tomoya into dropping a toy one down her back. Hilarity Ensues. In The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya , the eponymous character transforms some pigeons into extinct passenger pigeons. In Ginga Densetsu Weed, in the episode were GB accidentally infiltrates Hougen's pack, a white stoat is shown in the jaws of one of the Mooks. K-On! has Ton the pig-nosed turtle. Kimba the White Lion features many types of obscure African wildlife such as okapis, kudu, and dik-diks. Fishmen and merpeople in One Piece are always based on and referred to by a species/type of fish or similar sea animal (i. e. a ray fishman). Some of them are quite rare in fictional works, like kissing gouramis, Japanese cat sharks, saw sharks, blue-ringed octopi and pike congers. Jewelpet has Coal the capybara, a major character in the fourth season. Cage of Eden is filled with extinct animals that you would not normally see in popular culture. In fact, the series doesn't even feature the iconic Mesozoic reptiles such as non-avian dinosaurs. Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! has a wombat, which for audiences outside Australia is a rare sight. For those in Australia, the hedgehog would be a rare sight. In both cases, Goura's shoebill is rare. However, note that these animals are aliens who look like animals and function as Mentor Mascots to the Magical Boy teams, zigzagging the trope. Hanako from Massugu No Ikou is a Kishu, a Japanese breed of dog. When her boyfriend Mametarou learns this it only makes him feel worse about being a mix breed. Most of the other dogs are more frequently seen breeds like Shih Tzu's and Yorkie's. Daikyouryu No Jidai featured trilobites, ammonites, Dunkleosteus , Eusthenopteron , Meganeura , Eryops , Placochelys , Tylosaurus , Ornitholestes , Clidastes , Corythosaurus , Edaphosaurus , Protoceratops , Scolosaurus , Henodus , Camptosaurus , Gorgosaurus , Acanthopholis , Deltatheridium , Pliohippus , Australopithecus , Homo habilis , Homo erectus , Palaeomastodon , and Primelephas . Most of the Dino Knights in Dinozaurs are based on commonly-seen genera, but two of the three Dino Weapons take the form of Archelon and Kentrosaurus with the third being the relatively well-known Pachycephalosaurus . Also, the Cerazaur Brothers consist of a Centrosaurus and a Torosaurus ( Chasmosaurus in original Japanese dub) along with the stock Styracosaurus . Fushigi no Kuni no Alice featured Ocean Sunfish, Duck-billed Platypus, Raccoon Dogs (non speaking) and Spiny Lobsters Kemono Friends : One of the main characters is a serval. The single-episode animals featured are all over the place in terms of obscurity, ranging from very well-known (otter, lion), to nigh unheard-of (margay, campo flicker), and everywhere in-between. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea has rays, oarfish, coelacanths, bioluminescent squid, hagfish, flapjack octopi, anglers, sea slugs, trilobites, Opabinia , Dipnorhynchus , Bothriolepis , Gogonasus , etc. You Are Umasou : The film has a Chilantaisaurus , Avisaurus , Ornithocheirus , and titanosaurs . The film also prominently features Maiasaura , which is while a stock dinosaur hardly depicted in the media. Tylosaurus and Giganotosaurus make brief appearances as well, and Troodon are featured in the opening attacking the Maiasaura nesting grounds. The second film distributed by Korea has a Pawpawsaurus named Kirari, as well as Kronosaurus and Tapejara . Pingu in the City : Besides the generic penguins (sharing traits with emperor penguins or adelie penguins) from the parent series, some of the new characters appear to be macaroni or rockhopper penguins and one is based on a gentoo penguin. While most of the dinosaurs in Dinosaur War Izenborg are commonly-seen genera, there was also Gorgosaurus , Tarbosaurus , Ceratosaurus , and Monoclonius . Dinosaur Expedition Born Free featured Gorgosaurus , Polacanthus , Stegoceras (referred to as Troodon ), Monoclonius , and Taniwhasaurus (referred to as the "Ezomikasa Dragon" and portrayed as a theropod dinosaur note in reality it was a mosasaur ). Happy Happy Clover has Hiyo and Dori the brown-eared bulbuls.
This is another reason why William Wegman's works leave a strong impression on their viewers: they may have not even seen or heard of the Weimaraner breed beforehand. Ursula Vernon is especially fond of illustrating animals that are not usually given focus, especially in a fantasy context, i. e. as an anthropomorphic warrior or sage. And she tends to use a wombat for self-insert works. See also Digger under Webcomics.
The Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog universe is full of this. Not the least of which are echidnas (most famously Knuckles), lynx (Nicole, Lightning Lynx, et al.) and mongooses (Mina and Ash). And with the reboot we can add pikas (Relic), bettas (Coral), water buffaloes (Axel), and pistol shrimp (as-yet unnamed character). In Cerebus the Aardvark , aardvarks are not at all common, but have appeared enough times throughout Estarcion's history that it's not a cause for public wonder. That three aardvarks are running around at one time, on the other hand, is exceedingly rare. The Belch Dimension Comics has Jason T. Gibbon (although slightly subverted in an "Untold Tales" segment when it's revealed he was once a boy turned into an ape by an evil spell). One story also featured a villain named The Cassowary, which series creator Jonathan M. Sweet was surprised wasn't used more, as this large flightless bird, with its bony skull-crest and large clawed foot, seemed "fairly made for supervillainy". Although naturally stylized to appear cartoonish, the series actually has fairly recognizable renderings of specific dog breeds, such as the beagle and the pit bull, unlike most comics and cartoons. Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! would occasionally reference or show a few less often seen animal species, as part of making its World of Funny Animals animal-based puns work. Examples include Gnu York City and the "Wombat Communications" conglomerate there (the owners of Earth-C's version of DC Comics). Celebrities seen included Bob Hoopoe, while a fictional cowboy named "Hopalong Cassowary" (Hopalong Cassidy) is referenced. A few countries/cities on Earth-C include Aukstralia and Loondon.
B. C. has the Apteryx, a "wingless bird with hairy feathers," as he invariably introduces himself. Apteryx is the generic name for kiwis. Calvin and Hobbes : Calvin has a fairly encyclopedic knowledge of animals, primarily dinosaurs and pterosaurs. Among the genera featured in the strips are Corythosaurus , Troodon , Centrosaurus , Chasmosaurus , " Ultrasauros " (now Supersaurus ), Dimorphodon , and Pterodactylus . He once asked if Hobbes could draw anything other than tigers, to which Hobbes replied, yes, he could also draw ocelots (slender, spotted wild cats from the jungles of Central and South America). Pogo was the only ever possum leading man in an American comic. Sherman's Lagoon has all sorts of obscure aquatic life. Arctic Circle has an Arctic tern named Hector.
Romance and the Fate of Equestria features Queen Okapiopteryx, the goddess worshipped by Zecora. The queen swings a twofer for this trope by being a mix-and-match critter combining two Seldom Seen Species, an okapi and a Microraptor . Legend also features a gemsbok and a Macrauchenia as prominent characters. Rise of the Galeforces featured Ornithocheirus , Platecarpus , and Mawsonia . Most of the Mesozoic fauna from Swing123's Triassic Park: Into the Past are commonly-seen genera, but there's also Ornitholestes , Massospondylus , Liopleurodon , Ceratosaurus , Camarasaurus , and Hypsilophodon . Phineas and Ferb's Dinosaur Adventure has Othnielosaurus , Dryosaurus , Ceratosaurus , Fruitafossor , Harpactognathus , Camptosaurus , Gargoyleosaurus , and Ornitholestes . It's not the Raptor DNA : Beyond the Stock Dinosaurs present in Jurassic World, there's mention made of Therizinosaurus , Metriacanthosaurus , Microceratus , Lambeosaurus , Gorgosaurus , Yutyrannus , Sinocalliopteryx , and Concavenator . Two of the latter kill and eat Hart, cutting his Roaring Rampage of Revenge short . There's also Queen Anne and Bark, who are a Baryonyx and a Suchomimus respectively. The Scaly Raptor : Besides the usual Stock Dinosaurs, there's also Beelzebufo , Herrerasaurus , Microraptor , Titanoboa , Koolasuchus , Xenacanthus , Saurophaganax , Ceratodus , Segisaurus , Tanystropheus , Drepanosaurus , Minmi , and Platyceramus . Dunkleosteus of all animals was the sole representing species of Earth life in The Origins of Sentient Life as Narrated by Discord . The Bridge : Anguirus in this incarnation is derived from Tarchia , with Polcanthus and Diictodon mixed in.
The Lion King has several: Timon ◊ , a rare example of a meerkat ◊ . Rafiki is a mandrill. The sequel featured okapi ◊ , a close relative to the giraffe. Zazu ◊ , another character, is actually a Red-Billed Hornbill ◊ who looks nothing like an actual hornbill and more like a toucan ◊ em vez de. He also looks like Rowan Atkinson ◊ would look if he were a blue bird. The rodent Scar was tormenting during his introductory scene is actually a jerboa, judging by the tuft on its tail ◊ . Meanwhile, Simba tormented a giant one-horned chameleon (with the horn exaggerated to make it look weirder, apparently). The animals that go to pay respects to baby Simba include guineafowl and vervet monkeys. Several background animals in the series include marabou storks, kudu, oryx, and topi. The birds Timon and Pumbaa were trying to chase away in the second film are spotted thick-knees. Sadly averted in the scene where Mufasa trains Simba to hunt. The animal Zazu falls over was supposed to be a naked mole rat and the sequence during the song "Just Can't Wait to be King" supposed to be aardvarks, but the execs didn't like it and was redesigned into a gopher and giant anteaters. The opening scene also had equally-misplaced leafcutter ants. The Lion Guard has Bunga the honey badger and Ono the cattle egret. The show in general goes out of its way to introduce obscure African animals to the viewing audience, such as hyraxes and aardwolves. The Madagascar film franchise is full of this: The entire franchise has three different types of lemur (ring-tailed lemur ◊ , mouse lemur ◊ and aye-aye ◊ ). The antagonists are the little known fossa ◊ preying on the lemurs. Besides the three named lemur characters belonging to the above species, the lemurs appearing in the background belong to various other species. A tenrec ◊ also appears in one scene. In the sequel, aside from the typical African fauna, there are some dik-dik antelopes ◊ . The Valentines special Madly Madagascar features an okapi ◊ as Marty's love interest. Ironic, since Melman the Giraffe was originally going to be an okapi, but the directors wanted to use a more familiar animal. The Penguins of Madagascar (TV series with the eponymous penguins and the three lemurs) features a poison-dart frog, leopard seals, and a rockhopper penguin. It also has Marlene, an Asian small-clawed otter. The episode "Endangerous Species" makes references to extinct birds Waitaha penguin and laughing owl. In Penguins of Madagascar (spin-off movie also starring the penguins), the explosives expert of the North Wind is a harp seal named Short Fuse. And then there's All Hail King Julien (spin-off on Netflix), which in addition to having the three lemurs, has another character who is a fanaloka (or Malagasy civet), and more fossa. The background animals from the "Noah's Ark" segment from Fantasia 2000 . The "Rite of Spring" sequence from the original film featured hydras, annelids, trilobites, venus girdles, brittlestars, Pterichthyodes , eurypterids, ammonites, orthocones, Polypterus , Eustenopteron , Placochelys , Tylosaurus , Nothosaurus , Troodon (depicted as a predatory pachycephalosaur), Hallopus (depicted as a tree-climbing dinosaur), Plateosaurus , Kannemeyeria , Corythosaurus , Kritosaurus , Psittacosaurus , Dimorphodon , Chasmosaurus , and Ceratosaurus . The Land Before Time series shows not only the Stock Dinosaurs, but also features several more obscure dinosaurs as well. Dinosaur not only featured obscure dinosaurs (such as Iguanodon for the hero and Carnotaurus for the villain), but also modernSifaka lemurs. Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire featured coelacanths. (This also counts as a Genius Bonus, because in the year Atlantis was supposed to be set, the coelacanth was presumed to have been extinct for millions of years. Except, apparently, by the elderly Gentleman Adventurer who had two in his mansion's fish tank.) Finding Nemo featured clownfish ◊ , regal tangs ◊ , moorish idols ◊ , yellow tangs ◊ , royal grammas ◊ , four-striped damselfish ◊ , cleaner shrimp ◊ , makos ◊ to make everything worse, anangler ◊ , moonfish ◊ , kelpgulls ◊ , eagle rays ◊ , longnose butterfly fish ◊ , flapjackoctopi ◊ , and flounders ◊ . The sequel adds belugas ◊ , whale sharks , common loons ◊ , ocean sunfish , and Humboldt squids ◊ to the mix. And speaking of Flounder. This part of the song "Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid :
The newt and carp are especially Seldom-Seen Species under the circumstances, as they're freshwater creatures only. Ursula's green moray eels ◊ , Flotsam and Jetsam ◊ count, too. ''Ariel's Beginning'' has a manatee ◊ named Benjamin serve as Marina del Ray's Dragon. Aladdin : Aladdin introduces us to Abu ◊ the New World Monkey ◊ and Iago ◊ the red macaw ◊ . Rajah ◊ , meanwhile, is a fairly typical tiger ◊ . Abu ◊ spends most of the first film as a femaleindian elephant ◊ . Though it's not necessarily a Gender Bender, actually. Some male elephants don't have tusks. In some populations of Asian elephants, only a small portion of males have them. Although not exactly cute in the ordinary sense (think Ugly Cute), the animals in Rango are not the typical animals you find in an animated movie about desert animals. Cases include Priscilla the oddly adorable, yet misplaced aye-aye (according to Word of God, although some people think she's a cactus mouse), Beans the Love Interest and desert iguana, and the burrowing owl mariachi band. The different species of owls from Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole . You have Gylfie the timid yet intelligent tiny Elf Owl, Twilight the street-smart Great Grey Owl, and Digger the fast-talking Burrowing Owl. In fact, the movie's plot is kick-started by the barn owls called the "Pure Ones" (in a not-so very subtle call to Nazi Aryanism) starting a race war against the other owls. An echidna and a Tasmanian devil also show up, and Mrs. P is a western blind snake. Happy Feet : One can count several different types of penguins beyond the generic black and white ones seen in typical media. Mumble and Gloria are emperor penguins, the Latino-accented Plucky Comic Reliefs are Adelie penguins, and the guru voiced by Robin Williams is a Rockhopper penguin. Chinstrap Penguins and African Jackass Penguins are also seen briefly during Mumble's imprisonment in the marine animal exhibit. In addition to the penguins, there's the Nightmare Fuel-laden leopard seal, a herd of elephant seals, and a gang of skuas. The sequel features two krill, one named Bill and one named Will. Ice Age : Other than two of the main heroes (mammoth and saber-toothed cat or Smilodon ), Ice Age and its sequels were filled to the brim with prehistoric animals that went beyond the stock animals that is so nauseatingly typical in any other movie. You had Sid the ground sloth, glyptodonts (salesman Fast Tony's sidekick who got eaten by the marine reptiles, Cretaceous the Metriorhynchus and Maelstrom the Globidens ), the sad and farting chalicothere, gray trunked Moeritherium , the rhino-looking Brontops brothers who were harassing Sid in the first movie, long-necked and trunked Macrauchenia , a bulky Homotherium or scimitar-toothed cat as a member of Soto's pack, shovel-tusker Platybelodon , some Baptornis or hesperornithes, musk ox-like Euceratherium , and giant Gastornis birds. In the third movie, 'Dawn of the Dinosaurs', it showed that Buck is a pine marten and the giant butterfly is a Queen Alexandra Birdwing. It went beyond Stock Dinosaurs to include small stegosaurid Kentrosaurus , a pack of Troodon , Roger the Harpactognathus who served as an airborne mount for Buck and the possum brothers, a predatory flock of Pterodactylus , ravenous wolfish Guanlong , Scrat’s Volaticotherium love interest and a white Baryonyx named Rudy — Buck's eternal enemy and threat to the T. rex family. The fourth film further contributes to this trope by featuring a colony of hyraxes, Big Bad Gutt the Gigantopithecus , Flynn the elephant seal, Silas the petrel, Pirate Girl Raz the Procoptodon (a short-faced kangaroo), a pod of narwhals, and Precious — Sid's grandmother's pet Livyatan melvillei . The concept art showed more obscure animals that did not make it to the cut. Such species include an axolotl, Mamenchisaurus , Eohippus that were to be steeds for the hyraxes, and Paraceratherium . The tie-in game apps Ice Age Village and Ice Age Adventures bring in several more, such as Pterodaustro , Cacops , Therizinosaurus , and Josephoartigasia . The Princess and the Frog featured spoonbills. Tarzan : Tarzan showed ring tailed lemurs in mainland Africa, colobus monkeys, and a marabou stork. The Legend of Tarzan featured jackals, a black mamba, bongo antelopes, and a pangolin. In the episode "The Return of La", Queen La turned Durmont into a gibbon. The video game adaption features civets, hornbills, vervet monkeys, and misplaced squirrel monkeys, howler monkeys, red-eyed tree frogs, macaws, amazons, and harpy eagles. The aforementioned lemurs, bongo antelopes, marabou storks, and pangolins are also featured. The Jungle Book 2 features macaques and ocelots. The Three Caballeros featured umbrellabirds, boat-billed herons, fork-tailed flycatchers, curve-billed scythebills, yellow-chinned spinetails, horneros, and Andean condors (the latter are mentioned, but not seen). And yes Disney fans, the Aracua or Speckled Chachalaca (called the Aracuan Bird in the film) is real . though like many of the older examples on this page, the real bird looks and acts nothing like its more famous animated equivalent. Kung Fu Panda : Shifu the Red Panda and Tai Lung the snow leopard. Monkey is a golden snub-nosed monkey as opposed to the familiar generic monkey. Meanwhile Viper is a Chinese green tree viper, while Crane is a black-necked crane. The rhino prison guards look refreshingly more like Indian rhinos than the African white or black rhinos more often seen. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness takes it and runs with it. Half the villains and several new good guys are all obscure Chinese creatures. The Big Bad of the second film is an Indian peacock, and an albino one at that. The Rescuers Down Under features a giant wedge-tailed eagle named Marahute. It also has a goanna named Joanna. ("Goanna" is sort of a generic word for monitor lizards in Australia, since several species of monitor lizard do live there, but based on her size she's most likely a Perentie.) Rio : Rio has a number of more obscure bird species, most prominently, the Spix's Macaw. For bonus points, Spix's Macaw is a critically endangered species (fewer than 100 remain), meaning that it's literally seldom seen. Besides obscure birds, there's also marmosets and a white-shouldered bat. Rio 2 features capybaras, a tamandua anteater, a poison dart frog or what appears to be one , tapirs, squirrel monkeys, rheas, tamarins, hoatzins, tree porcupines, cock-of-the-rocks, Boto dolphins, arowanas, and caimans. Epic shows that the mouse that almost attacks MK is a grasshopper mouse. Babar: King of the Elephants has a marabou stork as The Narrator. Sacred ibises and cattle egrets also make background appearances. Dumbo briefly featured striped hyenas. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie featured a frogfish, and a sawfish appears as one of the thugs at the Thug Tug. The Powerpuff Girls Movie featured black-headed spider monkeys, proboscis monkeys, Japanese macaques, white-handed gibbons, bearded capuchins, guinea baboons, bonobos, emperor tamarins, Geoffroy's spider monkeys, southern plains gray langurs, mandrills, Venezuelan red howlers, bald-headed uakaris, De Brazza's monkeys, siamangs, Gee's golden langurs, rhesus macaques, gray-shanked doucs, Celebes crested macaques, and pygmy marmosets alongside the usual stock primates. Zootopia has many secondary characters who qualify, including a fennec fox and a honey badger. Lilo & Stitch shows spinner dolphins, rather than the more well-known bottlenose dolphin. Pocahontas has Flit the hummingbird. Moana has Tamatoa, a giant crab monster who has features in common with coconut crabs and decorator crabs. Manta rays, white terns, and frigatebirds appear as well, and Maui's eagle form is based on a Haast's eagle. The Good Dinosaur features Thunderclap the Nyctosaurus , Downpour the Caulkicephalus , Coldfront and Frostbite the Ludodactylus , and Windgust the Guidraco , all of which are pterosaur genera other than the stock Pteranodon . Also, Arlo is seen helping Butch and his family herd long-horned bison. Ferngully The Last Rainforest has a rapping goanna. Coco features a seldom-seen dog breed. The main character's dog is a Xoloitzcuintle, also known as a "Mexican Hairless Dog". They're a rare breed even in real life. Toy Story 3 features a skeleton of a Ceratosaurus as a background character. Cats Don't Dance features a Red Crossbill, an Oriental White Stork, Bali and Bank Mynas, a Blue-Gray Tanager and a Brahminy Starling during the Animal Dance Party. Pixar Shorts : Boundin ' briefly shows a burrowing owl jumping in and out of its burrow. Lava features a pair of white-tailed tropicbirds among the couples that the old volcano admires. Piper stars a flock of sanderlings.
The Jungle Book (2016) was full of (mostly Indian) species not often seen in cinema, such as nilgai, blackbuck, Indian rhinoceros, Indian pangolin, pygmy hog, Indian giant squirrel, jerboas, small Indian civet, red and white giant flying squirrel, Indian cobra, mugger crocodile, Indian cuckoo, hoopoe, Asian fairy-bluebird, and green bee-eater. King Louie's monkey underlings include some relatively obscure species, such as western hoolock gibbon, lion-tailed macaque, pig-tailed macaque, golden langur, and Nilgiri langur. King Louie himself is the extinct orangutan-like ape Gigantopithecus . Bedknobs and Broomsticks prominently featured a secretarybird. In the most recent film of The Time Machine , one of the Eloi men is seen carrying a live black-furred animal over his shoulder, which appears to be a binturong. Besides the usual chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans, Rise of the Planet of the Apes featured a bonobo named Koba as the Token Evil Teammate. He is promoted to Big Bad in the sequel Dawn of the Planet of the Apes . The Syfy Channel's Malibu Shark Attack features goblin sharks, presumably because they look so bizarre. Deep Blue Sea features mutant mako sharks, rather than the usual Great Whites. Jurassic Park III features a Spinosaurus as the main antagonist. Much like with Velociraptor , Spinosaurus was obscure when the film was made and became one of the best-known dinosaurs after the release, although it is almost always based on the film's now outdated portrayal note It is now known that Spinosaurus had actually really short hind legs and was mostly an aquatic animal . Indominus rex , the main antagonist of Jurassic World , is stated to be made from the DNA of cuttlefish and tree frogs. All There in the Manual states it also contains the genes of Therizinosaurus , Giganotosaurus , Carnotaurus , Rugops , and Majungasaurus . The Big Year is a film (based on a nonfiction book of the same title, but fictionalised somewhat for the screen) about competitive birders trying to set a record for the most species seen in North America (north of Mexico, i. e. the continental United States and Canada) during one calendar year. Seldom-seen species are therefore the driving force of the whole plot: Nutting's Flycatcher, Xantus' Hummingbird, Pink-footed Goose, the list goes on and on. Snakes on a Plane : One of the more distinctive motherfuckin' snakes on this motherfuckin' plane is a Gaboon viper. Transformers: Age of Extinction showed a Psittacosaurus and a herd of heterodontosaurids in the opening scene. T-Rex: Back to the Cretaceous featured a pair of Dryptosaurus to associate with early 20th Century artist Charles R. Knight. For bonus points, they adopt the same pose as in his famous "Leaping Laelaps " painting. Sandy from Annie (1982) is played by an Otterhound named Bingo. It's such an unknown breed that they can easily be mistaken for mutts, which is what Sandy is supposed to be. Goodbye, My Lady is about a boy in rural Mississippi who finds a stray Basenji. Basenji are a rare breed in modern day media, nevermind in the 1950s. The Mission features a tiny marmoset monkey instead of your typical South American monkey like capuchin or squirrel monkeys and a collared peccary which could easily be mistaken as a wild pig. Also, it features a three-toed sloth, who weren't as popular back in 1986, before the Internet days. Bram Stoker's Dracula features a ring-tailed lemur at the London Zoo when a wolf escapes. 2001: A Space Odyssey features tapirs in the prehistoric sequence, despite it taking place in Africa.
The owls in Harry Potter include some commonly-mentioned species, but also the lesser-known eagle owl and Scops owl. Similarly, lesser-known mythological creatures such as basilisks and Hippogriffs appear. Redwall is known for focusing on the seldom used ends of the mustelid spectrum, such as stoats, pine martens, and wolverines. Aralorn of Masques can turn herself into a mouse. As she works as a spy, she is diligent about using just the right species for the location, and has a rather impressive selection of subspecies to choose from. The only flying animal she can turn herself into is a goose, not your typical shapeshifter choice, either. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi , the Rudyard Kipling book about a mongoose. The story also features such seldom-seen Indian fauna as the krait, the chuchunder (Asian musk shrew) note Kipling for some reason called it a muskrat, a species not native to India , and the tailorbird. A "sea cow" — most likely Steller's Sea Cow — appears in Kipling's The White Seal (and the Chuck JonesAnimated Adaptation). In real life they were hunted to extinction 27 years after their discovery in 1741, but in The White Seal they found a safe place and still thrive around 1900s. Another Kipling example: Bears are common enough in fiction, but how many times have you seen a sloth bear? Probably just in The Jungle Book , and the Disneycartoons and featuresit inspired. Adaptations often design him after a brown bear to make him more easily recognizable. The Jungle Book also has Tabaqui the jackal. Certain adaptations have changed his species to the black-backed jackal or even a striped hyena, due to the Indian golden jackal looking too similar to wolves. Red Dog features dholes as the main antagonists. Crocodiles may be common in fiction, but very few are portrayed as mugger crocodiles like Jacala. A mongoose also appears in the Sherlock Holmes story "The Adventure of the Crooked Man." Andre Norton: The Beast Master novels included meerkats: Hing and Ho in The Beast Master and Hing in Lord of Thunder . Catseye features a kinkajou. The lammergeier in Iain M. Banks's Feersum Endjinn . Velociraptors (along with a few other genera) were obscure back when Jurassic Park was written. But then the book and movie popularized them so that they are inescapable in dinosaur media these days, though they almost always get depicted like the ones in Jurassic Park when in reality they were only 2-3 feet tall and covered in feathers. Dilophosaurus is an example that never caught on quite as much. Spinosaurus and Mosasaurus are cases similar to Velociraptor . Several genera that are still rather obscure to this day also make appearances in the franchise: such as Procompsognathus , Othnielia , Microceratus , Dryosaurus , Cearadactylus , Mussaurus , Hypsilophodon , Ornitholestes , Mamenchisaurus , Corythosaurus , Ceratosaurus , Herrerasaurus , Troodon , Tylosaurus , Dimorphodon , Baryonyx , Pachyrhinosaurus , and Stygimoloch . Metriacanthosaurus , Proceratosaurus , Segisaurus , and Euoplocephalus are also implied to have been among the species present in the park of the first book/film. The second book also includes Pachycephalosaurus and Maiasaura , which are among the better-known species but aren't nearly as prolific as the likes of Tyrannosaurus and Stegosaurus , as well as Carnotaurus , which have chameleon-like color-changing abilities. The carnotaur and its color-changing wasn't adapted into the film version, but was included in the arcade game, of all things. The carnotaur finally makes an on-screen appearance in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom . The Immortals featured pygmy marmosets in the third book. The Spellsinger series includes increasingly-exotic species among its Funny Animal cast in its later books, including the likes of the pangolin, javelina, silky anteater, viscacha, and aye-aye. The Frances TV series and the Frances The Badger children's books feature an American badger as its main character. Dinotopia features not only Stock Dinosaurs but also more obscure prehistoric animals. Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs has Sid the Scelidosaurus . There was also an Anchisaurus character that was absent from the animated adaptation; similarly, one episode of the series had a Nanosaurus character. The Earth's Children series goes into intricate detail about the wildlife, including such animals as the saiga antelope, the chamois, and the cave bear . Flipped, a 'dirk-toothed tiger' gets barely a mention. Astrosaurs features numerous obscure dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. Forests of the Night features an anthropomorphic mongoose, attached to a battalion of tiger Super Soldiers as their medic. Raptor Red not only prominently features Utahraptor but also includes Acrocanthosaurus , Kronosaurus , Gastonia , Aegialodon , Trinitichelys , Ornithodesmus , Platypterygius , Astrodon , Bernissartia , and a generic therizinosaur. Carnosaur features Tarbosaurus , Becklespinax (referred to as " Altispinax "), Megalosaurus , and Scolosaurus . Cobras aren't that rare in literature, but on a space ship? You bet they are! The Animal Antics A to Z series has exactly that — at least one animal that begins with each letter of the alphabet. As such, there are common animals like a dog and a goat, but there's also unusual ones, such as a quokka. Touching Spirit Bear prominently featured a Kermode bear, a subspecies of black bear with white fur. Journey to the Center of the Earth makes references to extinct mammals Lophiodon , Anoplotherium , Megatherium , Protopithecus , and Glyptodon . This is pretty much the whole idea of Last Chance To See by Douglas Adams and environmentalist Mark Carwardine and the associated television series with Stephen Fry and Carwardine. Both are based around an adventure to see species on the brink of extinction and for some, it truly could be the "last chance to see." In fact, during the planning of the television series, the Yangtze river dolphin featured in the book was declared extinct, necessitating a change to search for blue whales for the final episode instead. Some of the birds that appear in the Nursery Rhyme "Who Killed Cock Robin?" include a rook, a lark, a linnet, a kite, and a thrush. Alfie from Dear Hound is a Scottish Deerhound. There is also a Ragdoll cat character. Primitive War features Utahraptor as the main threat. Stygimoloch , Kaprosuchus , Hypsilophodon , and Microraptor also make appearances in the novel. Along with the usual Stock Dinosaurs, The Dinosaur Lords also makes use of several lesser-known genera such as Einiosaurus and Germanodactylus . House of Tribes by Garry Douglas Kilworth stars a yellow-necked mouse.
Little Maya's maternal grandmother on Six Feet Under gives her a stuffed okapi , to prove how much more sophisticated she is compared to her paternal grandmother, who gave her a monkey. The titular character of the PBS children's show Zoboomafoo is a Sifaka lemur, who for some reason is actually anthropomorphized by being fed. Sesame Street : Its South African co-production Takalani Sesame has a giant meerkat named Moshe. "African Animal Alphabet" , a segment on the American version, had ibises, jerboas, kingfishers, okapis, hamerkops (identified as umber birds), warthogs and African ground squirrels (identified by their Latin name Xerus ). When Super Sentai and Power Rangers does an animal theme (which is often), they usually have some stock badass animals they like to use — but then there's usually also an oddball choice. Some of these aren't obscure in general, but they evoke a similar reaction in the show's action-superhero context; for instance, a lot of viewers were confused by the Black Ranger having a frog zord in the later parts of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers . Ninja Sentai Kakuranger / Mighty Morphin Season 3 infamously had the aforementioned frog, as well as a crane. The former was something of a case of Lost in Translation — in Kakuranger the frog-bot (and its pilot) were a reference to The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya . Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie tried to vaguely justify it with the concept of Bewitched Amphibians. Seijuu Sentai Gingaman / Power Rangers Lost Galaxy had a condor and a wildcat. Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger / Power Rangers Wild Force included an armadillo. Juken Sentai Gekiranger / Power Rangers Jungle Fury had an antelope (specifically a gazelle in Gekiranger ). Engine Sentai Go-onger included an orca-bike and a chicken - copter; counterpart Power Rangers RPM never defined what sea creature the bike was (beyond just a "fish", which is possibly even weirder) and referred to the copter as a falcon (which became kind of hilarious later on when Gokaiger / Super Megaforce introduced an actual falcon Engine). Samurai Sentai Shinkenger / Power Rangers Samurai has a marlin/swordfish. Tensou Sentai Goseiger / Power Rangers Megaforce gives the Black Ranger a snake motif — not uncommon on its own, but so associated with villainous characters that a heroic use is worth mentioning. Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger has a character acting as field guide to a class on a nature trip, where they see a Japanese serow. Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger is based off of constellations, many of which are based on animals. In addition to the oft reused lion (Leo), wolf (Lupus), bull (Taurus), eagle (Aquila), and chameleon (Chamaeleon), there is also a swordfish (Dorado). Even the dinosaur-themed Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger / Power Rangers Dino Thunder got in on the act with the Sixth Ranger having a Tupuxuara zord (ie, a pterosaur that isn't a pteranodon), as well as Carnotaurus and Chasmosaurus zords. Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger / Power Rangers Dino Charge similarly had a series of powerups based on lesser-known prehistoric life, though none were prominent enough to be used for the Rangers' powers or mecha (though Dino Charge 's toyline did add some obscure creatures in the Ammonite , Deinosuchus , Oviraptor , and Archelon zords). Geo Kids had Bobby the Bushbaby and Sunny the honey possum. David Attenborough's The Life of Mammals prominently featured echidnas, possums, yapoks, shrews, pangolins, pika, marmots, ground squirrels, mole rats, maras, fennec foxes, african wild dogs, harbour seals, right whales, sun bears, fruit bats, lorises, gibbons, uakaris, tamarins, guenons, macaques, and geladas. This trope goes for all of Attenborough's Life on Earth series. Likewise, meerkats were essentially unknown in Britain until the 1987 Wildlife on One episode Meerkats United . Overnight they became a national fascination that's never really let up since. This trope is the whole point of the documentary series Mutant Planet . Combatants on Monster Bug Wars include such oddities as spitting spiders, assassin bugs, carnivorous katydids, whip scorpions and velvet worms. Primeval has prominently featured quite a few more obscure prehistoric animals: including Coelurosauravus , Inostrancevia (simply called a gorgonopsid on the show), Scutosaurus , Arthropleura , Tylosaurus , Hesperornis , Anurognathus , a Columbian Mammoth, Pristichampsus , Diictodon , Giganotosaurus , Titanis , Dracorex , Embolotherium , Australopithecus , Kaprosuchus , Euchambersia (simply identified as a therocephalian in the show), Koolasuchus (simply referred to as a labyrinthodont in the show), Hyaenodon , and Liopleurodon . The spin-off Primeval: New World continues the trend with Albertosaurus , Utahraptor , Titanoboa , Lycaenops , Daemonosaurus , Ornitholestes , and Brontoscorpio . Jessie has Mr(s). Kipling the Asian water monitor. Dinosaurs has Earl Sinclair the Megalosaurus and Spike the Polacanthus . Dryptosaurus , Troodon , Ceratosaurus , Psittacosaurus , Corythosaurus , and Protoceratops appear as one-off characters and puppets. Although not identified as such (being a show for infants), In the Night Garden… had hoopoes and red-crested turacos. I Didn't Do It has hellbenders (identified as snot otters). The "more exotic the better" aspect of Chopped sometimes obliges the contestants to cook with obscure species or breeds of animal, such as fluke fillets, quail eggs, or whole Ayam Cemani chickens. Slow Loris was a preschool-aged show on PBS in the ‘90s, that starred a girl and a Muppet-like creature that allegedly was a slow loris. There is almost no chance any of the target audience knew this is a real animal.
The Schoolhouse Rock song "Four-Legged Zoo" prominently mentioned ibex (a type of goat with large, curved horns) and kudu (a large antelope with corkscrew-shaped horns). Frank Zappa's piece "The Adventures Of Greggery Peccary" from Studio Tan and ''Lдther, correctly describes him as "the nocturnal gregarious wild swine".
Another okapi reference is dropped into The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy , when the narrator mentions in passing that Arthur Dent's only brother was somehow nibbled to death by one.
It's a Small World at the Disney Theme Parks has lyrebirds, kiwis, flying fish and a rhea. Jurassic Park River Adventure at Universal Studios has Psittacosaurus among the several dinosaur species featured in the ride.
The Trash Pack has featured rarely-mentioned bugs in their Bin-sects team, including tapeworms, earwigs, and silverfish. Some of the higher-end animal toy manufacturers such as Safari Ltd., Schleich, and CollectA will feature obscure animal species in addition to well-known ones. Examples are too numerous to list. The Grossery Gang has Slob Fish, who is a blobfish, a type of fish rarely seen in fiction.
Crash Bandicoot Aside from the title character's species, the series also includes a potoroo (Pinstripe), a thylacine (Tiny), two Komodo dragons (Joe and Moe), and a Tasmanian Devil (The Viscount), along with the usual stock Australian critters that may apply, such as dingos and koalas. TY the Tasmanian Tiger Besides thylacines, there's also a cassowary as the Big Bad, a Tasmanian devil, a green tree frog, a thorny devil, wallabies, goannas, bilbies, weedy sea dragons, giant groupers, wombats, blue-tongued skinks, a lyrebird, Sydney funnel-web spiders, a ghost bat, an echidna, cane toads, Muttaburrasaurus , and marsupial lions. Similarly, the third game features an obscure mythical creature: the Quinkan. Bubsy the bobcat. Pokйmon : MANY Pokйmon are actually based on obscure animal species. We have Pangolins note the Sandshrew line , Hermit Crabs note the Dwebble line , Tapirs note the Drowzee and Munna lines , Dugongs note the Seel line , Mongooses note Zangoose and the Yungoos line , Weedy Sea Dragons note Kingdra and the Skrelp line , Crown-of-thorns Starfish note the Mareanie line Angler Fish note the Chinchou line , Porcupine Fish note Qwilfish , Coconut Crabs note Crawbrawler , Mudskippers note so i herd u liek Mudkipz , Cicadas note the Paras and Nincada lines , Bagworms note the Pineco and Burmy lines , Sea Slugs note the Shellos line , Sea Slaters note Wimpod , Giant Isopods note Golisopod , Meerkats note Watchog , Leaf Insects note the Sewaddle line , Filefish note Bruxish , Chinchillas note the Minccino line , Barnacles note the Binacle line , Lampreys note the Tynamo line , Diving Bell Spiders note the Dewpider line , Sea Angels note Manaphy and Phione , Hawaiian Honeycreepers note Oricorio , Yeti Crabs note Crabominable , Bee Flies note the Cutiefly line , etc. And that's not including the fossil Pokemon or plants! There's also the Axolotl, an endangered aquatic salamander, which serves as the inspiration for Wooper, as well as another possible inspiration for Mudkip. You might recognize them as the same species as Dr. Shrunk from Animal Crossing (see below). It's safe to say that Game Freak has Shown Their Work concerning many species and other biological life. Even the ones that aren't based directly on specific animals are instead based on old myths note Dunsparce, Celesteela, Bronzor and Bronzong, for instance . You'd be hard-pressed to find one type of creature in real life that hasn't been made into a Pokémon yet. Aside from normal dolphins, oddly enough. Sonic the Hedgehog : Knuckles the echidnas. Sonic Adventure introduced Tikal and several other Echidnas from the past. While well-known in Japan and Europe, hedgehogs themselves were this in many parts of the world, especially the New World note This is due to the fact hedgehogs are not native there , until Sonic made his species famous. Fang the Sniper is half-wolf and half-jerboa. Mega Man : Mega Man X6 has Infinity Mijinon ◊ , a water flea ◊ , and Ground Scaravich, a dung beetle. Other unusual species represented by Mavericks found across the series are Armored Armadillo, Split Mushroom, Spike Rosered (a rose), Tornado Tonion (an Onion), Optic Sunflower, Volt Catfish, Crush Crawfish, and Wire Sponge (Who, despite his name, is actually a Luffa. The very same luffa you use to scrub yourself with in the shower.) Mega Man X Corrupted , a Mega Man X fan game, features the ground sloth Mylodon and a Hoatzin . The Darius series has a whole slew of them, in the form of Humongous Mecha sea creatures. Absolute Defender ◊ - pinecone fish ◊ , Tripod Sardine ◊ - tripod fish ◊ , Folding Fan ◊ - fanfish ◊ , The Embryon ◊ - sea angel ◊,Brightly Stare ◊ - Barrel Eye fish ◊ , and more. Zoo Tycoon contains too many examples to list. Chimera Beast features two giant monsters inspired by lamprey, and related species, as it's first boss. Ocelots in Minecraft . It's become a Running Gag on Imgur to either reference Minecraft or Archer whenever photos of baby ocelots are posted, since those are the two most well-known franchises to feature the cute, tufted-earedlittle bastards. The third-part mod Mo' Creatures includes Songhua River mammoths, which hardly ever show up outside of scientific literature, as an elephant variant, in addition to a number of obscure horse and big cat hybrids such as zorses and leogers. It also features winged lions, a kind of mythological creatures that hardly ever shows up outside of Renassiance-age Venetian artwork. The opossums (namely Sparkster) that appear in the Rocket Knight Adventures series. Dino Run's visible dinosaurs all belong to the typical stock clades, but the bonus eggs you can pick up include such specific and seldom-heard-of genera as Olorotitan , Rinchenia and Magnosaurus . Impossible Creatures, a game about combining animals, has poison dart frogs, archerfish, and muskoxen, among others. Most of the characters in the Animal Crossing games are fairly commonly-seen animals, but Dr. Shrunk ◊ is an axolotl and New Leaf introduces Luna ◊ , a tapir . Also in that game, the player can dig up fossils of the brontothere Megacerops , and most of the collectible fish and arthropods fall into this trope. The vast majority of animals seen in the Endless Ocean games are likely to be little known by anyone who's interest is outside Marine Biology, and even then it includes some really obscure animals, such as the aforementioned sea angels, Turritopsis nutricula , the Venus Flower Basket and Praya dubia . Hello, Odell Down Under . Hatoful Boyfriend introduced many Japanese and American audiences to birds like the Luzon bleeding-heart dove and the Chukar partridge. The downside of that is that we're all going to think of Chukars as sinister violent Mad Scientists and bleeding-heart doves as drug-addled lunatics from now on. The Dino Crisis series feature Therizinosaurus , Oviraptor , Mosasaurus , Inostrancevia , and Giganotosaurus . The Japanese Xbox game Dinosaur Hunting features not only the Stock Dinosaurs but also more obscure types: Albertosaurus , Amargasaurus , Ampelosaurus , Baryonyx , Cave lion, Deinosuchus , Dromaeosaurus , Euoplocephalus , Gastonia , Gastornis , Hypsilophodon , Kentrosaurus , Maiasaura , Moa, Ouranosaurus , Pelecanimimus , Shunosaurus , Stygimoloch , Supersaurus , Therizinosaurus , Torosaurus , and Wuerhosaurus . From the Far Cry series: Far Cry 3 has Komodo dragons, cassowaries, tapirs, bull sharks, macaques, birds of paradise, and thylacines. Far Cry 4 adds in snow leopards, clouded leopards, tigerfish, Indian rhinos, Malayan tapirs, black eagles, mugger crocodiles, ratels (honey badgers), white-rumped vultures, pit vipers, dholes, Asian black bears, Himalayan brown bears, Assam macaques, Himalayan monals, sambar deer, bharals (Himalayan blue sheep), red-crowned turtles, Japalura lizards, and Nepalese crows. Far Cry Primal features Coelodonta (woolly rhinoceroses), cave bears, dire wolves, Megaloceros (Irish elks), cave lions, Eurasian eagle owls, European jaguars, Crocodylus bugtiensis (Pakistan crocodiles), Megacerops (brontotheres), European dholes, gray langurs, European adders, vivaparous lizards, and Chukar partridges. Snow leopards, tigerfish, and tapirs also return in the game. Dwarf Fortress has a pretty diverse array of ecosystems, each with some unusual fauna to be had, from macaques to olms to sponges . All of them can kill your dwarfs. At one point, players who donated more than a certain amount could pick a new creature to include in the next release. Pitfall: The Lost Expedition features Venezuelan red howlers and tuco-tucos. Putt-Putt Enters the Race has an activity where you can read about obscure species, from aardvark to zorilla. The Amazon Trail , on par of being an Edutainment game, is filled to the brim of obscure animals native to the Amazon such as ocelots, kinkajous, tapirs, night monkeys, bush dogs, fishing bats, tambaqui, piraracu (or arapaima), tucunare, potoos, hoatzins, mealy amazons, collared trogons, jabiru storks, honeycreepers, tegu lizards, basilisks, spectacled caimans, fer-de-lance snakes, bushmasters, Gulf Fritillary butterflies, giant Agrippa moths, goliath bird-eating spiders, etc. Fossil Fighters features a large number of dinosaurs as the basis for its viviosaurs, as well as unusual prehistoric lifeforms. In addition to more obscure dinosaurs like Therizinosaurus and Bradycneme , the game actually features three distinct subspecies of ammonite, the giant hornless rhinoceros Paraceratherium , and the "armored fish" Dunkleosteus. Monster Racers has quite a diverse range of creatures from Australia. It features monsters based on the Tasmanian devil, frilled lizard, emu, and bandicoot, which aren't entirely unusual for works that reach for more unusual Australian wildlife. However, it also has a monster based on the fairy penguin, correctly native to Australia instead of anywhere else. The "legendary beast" of Australia is also based on the mythological rainbow serpent. Outside of Australia, it has monsters based on the springbok (Africa) and the mythical Polevik (Eurasia). Terraria features Arapaimas as Hardmode enemies in the Jungle. Assassin's Creed : Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag has hutia as a species that Edward can hunt. Assassin's Creed: Rogue has great auks . Age of Empires III features Guanaco, Giant Salamanders, Saiga, Ibex, Nilgai, Serow, Tapir, Capybara, Musk deer, and Rhea as huntable animals in some of its Maps. Primal Carnage has Oviraptor , Cryolophosaurus , and Tupandactlyus as alternate skins for the playable Mesozoic reptiles, which are all Stock Dinosaurs. There are also plans for Acrocanthosaurus and Kaprosuchus to be added in the game. Dino System : Although the game started off containing Stock Dinosaurs like Triceratops , T. rex and Ankylosaurus , later updates added creatures such as Alphadon and Deinosuchus . Splatoon : The creatures wandering around are either based on or are humanoid versions of sea creatures (plus a cat). While many of them are common animals like squids and jellyfish, the shy store clerk Annie is a humanoid sea anemone, complete with a (rude) clownfish living in her anemone afro; and the weapons salesman Sheldon is a horseshoe crab. The sequel introduces new shopkeepers Bisk and Flow, a spider crab and sea slug, respectively. Like Annie, Flow has a small non-anthropomorphic animal living in her hair, this time a crayfish. Feeding Frenzy and its sequel feature a wide array of sealife, including john dories, humphead wrasses, queen triggerfishes, parrotfishes, surgeonfishes, leopard sharks, pompanos, boxfishes, barracudas, etc. Confirmed creatures in Saurian include Dakotaraptor , Acheroraptor , Champsosaurus , an unnamed alvarezsaurid ( "O." minutus ), Chamops , Habrosaurus , Borealosuchus , Thoracosaurus , Basilemys , Didelphodon , Denversaurus , Avisaurus , Thescelosaurus , Palaeosaniwa , Cimolopteryx , Pectinodon note revealed in an issue of Prehistoric Times , Brodavis , Toxochelys , Axestemys , Meniscoessus , Brachychampsa , Anzu and Casterolimulus . ARK: Survival Evolved has plenty of Stock Dinosaurs, but also tons of obscure creatures including Argentavis , Beelzebufo , Dimorphodon , Daeodon , Carbonemys , Pelagornis , Phiomia , Megalania , Therizinosaurus , Hyaenodon , Yutyrannus , Tapejara , Pachyrhinosaurus , Titanomyrma , Chalicotherium , Icthyornis , Procoptodon , Kaprosuchus , Pulmonoscorpius , Hesperornis , Thylacoleo , Moschops , Oncorhynchus , Kentrosaurus , Leedsichthys , Diplocaulus , Mesopithecus , Pegomastax , Achatina , Purlovia , Kairuku , Megapiranha , and Tusoteuthis . Not all of these are portrayed accurately. E. V.O.: Search for Eden featured sea cucumbers, sea slugs, conodonts, Thelodus , Dinichthys , trilobites, Cephalaspis , Orthoceras , Cladoselache , coelacanths, Ichthyostega , Diplocaulus , Protophasma , Meganeura , Edaphosaurus , Moschops , basal archosaurs (referred to as "thecodonts"), Stegoceras (referred to as Troodon ), ammonites, Deltatheridium , Peramus , Hyaenodon , Paraceratherium (referred to as Baluchitherium ), Eohippus , condors, and Gastornis (referred to as Diatryma ). Among the creatures found in Snapimals are dik-diks, lovebirds, and plover birds. The Carnivores series featured Moschops , Dimorphodon , Chasmosaurus , Ceratosaurus , Megacerops (referred to as Brontotherium , which is misspelled as "Brontoteriy"), dire wolves, Gastornis (referred to as Diatryma ), Coelodonta , Megaloceros , cave bears, Coelophysis , Oviraptor , Nanotyrannus , Suchomimus , Giganotosaurus , Alphadon , Tupandactylus (referred to as Tapejara ), Tylosaurus , Amargasaurus , Utahraptor , Troodon , Carnotaurus , Gigantoraptor , Paraceratherium (referred to as Indricotherium ), Doedicurus , Hyaenodon , Andrewsarchus , Titanis , and Pelecanimimus . The arcade game Savage Quest has Oviraptor , Pentaceratops , Deinosuchus , Baryonyx , Polacanthus , Utahraptor , Kentrosaurus , Mamenchisaurus , Suchomimus , and Giganotosaurus . Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures has Poodgie-Woo and Tinkie-Wee, a pair of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Not actually seen, but in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild you can hear the sound of a whippoorwill at night. The protagonist and player character of Snake Pass is a coral snake named Noodle. In Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! , kangaroo rats are the main inhabitants of Glimmer and a snow leopard appears in Crystal Glacier. The Freddi Fish series prominently features purple sea urchins. There's also the coconut crab from the "Crab Invaders" mini-game in The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse , Nadine the narwhal from The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell , and a jawfish and a mudskipper in The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove . Shantae: Half-Genie Hero features blobfish. In Super Mario Odyssey , blue jays and Northern palm squirrels can be seen in the Wooded Kingdom, and a steppe eagle appears in the Sand Kingdom. Also, Glydon appears to based on the Draco or gliding lizard. Dota 2 features the Pangolier, a Petting Zoo Person from an entire species of pangolins. Ecco the Dolphin includes orthocones, trilobites, and Dunkleosteus in the prehistoric levels. Defender of the Future features short-beaked common dolphins alongside the standard bottlenose dolphins.
Concession features Roland, a pangolin, Franz/Zoe, a bilby , Kate and Rick, ringtail lemurs, and Clive, an okapi . Dinosaur Comics, in addition to the not-that-unusual T. rex , includes a Utahraptor and a Dromiceiomimus among the main cast. Mocheril from The Meek , who is an olm (rarely seen outside of slovenian heraldy). Nature of Nature's Art, full stop. Featuring jerboas, degus, tamanduas, kinkajous, several species of spiders and many more. In Off-White , the pack is shown hunting a chamois. This might be the one and only time you'll ever see one in any fiction whatsoever. The main characters in Yuck Heads are mongooses, specifically Yellow Mongooses. Femmegasm has a tamarin monkey and axolotl as its lead characters. Dawn of Time tends to feature lesser-known dinosaurs like Pachyrhinosaurus and Sauropelta . Commander Kitty features Nin Wah, a red panda. The first version of the comic also had part of the plot set on a planet of pangolins. Raptormaniacs has Zahavi the Jinfengopteryx , Remex the Caudipteryx , and Ebeff the Therizinosaurus . Also Skull, who is a skull cast of Tsaagan . Stephan in Ozy and Millie is an aardvark. The protagonist of Digger is a wombat, and several of the supporting cast come from a tribe of hyenas. The Bug Pond features a lot of obscure bug species, such as silverfish, earwigs, and assassin bugs. Liz Climo often features these in her comic series, such as tamanduas, honey badgers, and fennec foxes. Question Duck has a great potoo in this strip . An earlier one showed a toco toucan and leafcutter ants. This guest strip by Coelasquid (creator of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things ) had a shoebill.
The middle portion of the song "In the Ocean Blue" from Charlie the Unicorn , which sounds an awful lot like the Pokerap:
Much like with the previous example from The Little Mermaid , the anaconda, koi, electric eel, alligator, lungfish, and grass carp are especially Seldom-Seen Species under the circumstances, as they're freshwater creatures only. And of course, the magical Liopleurodon . The Happy Tree Friends universe includes a marmot and an anteater (Cro-Marmot and Sniffles, respectively). While Sniffles has been known to hunt ants on occasion, the ice-encased Cro-Marmot never engages in any marmot-esque activity. Or any activity, period. The Tyrannosaur Chronicles includes a handful of dinosaur species that are rarely used in media like the Einiosaurus or the Stegoceras . Cracked loves this trope .
Bonkers D. Bobcat. Woody Woodpecker. Rufus the naked mole rat from Kim Possible . Spongebob Squarepants (the sea sponge) and Plankton (the copepod ). The series also featured flounder, groupers, whelks, nematodes, rays, hagfish, sea urchins, krill, gulper eels, anglers, flatworms, ammonites, and trilobites. A Tylosaurus and a Tanystropheus appear in the episode "Lost and Found". The Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes . One animator joked that it was the only animal left that Bugs Bunny hadn't faced, so director Robert McKimson decided to rectify that. Also, Road Runner (a common victim of Aluminum Christmas Trees, as many people assume Warner Bros. made the species up). Little Beeper, Concord Condor, Bookworm, and Dizzy Devil from Tiny Toon Adventures . Shirley McLoon would also count (not many loons in fiction), but she looks like a duck as opposed to the actual loon species. Tiko from Jana of the Jungle is a yapok , a little-known aquatic species of opossum. The show mislabels him a coatimundi, which is a completely different animal . Go, Diego, Go! features a lot of Seldom Seen Species, including spectacled bears, kinkajous, okapis, and pygmy marmosets. Dora the Explorer has an episode dedicated to the coqui. It's a Big Big World features a tamandua (a species of anteater) named Bob, a pair of marmosets named Smooch and Winslow, and a quetzal bird named Birdette. The classicGoofy animated short My African Diary featured hartebeest, which resemble medium-sized antelope whose horns are shaped like hearts, hence their name. Another short "El Gaucho Goofy" had a rhea (referred to as an Argentine ostrich). Minerva Mink and Baynarts "Charlton" Woodchuck from Animaniacs . Calhoon Q. Capybara and Who Who the ring tailed lemur (who looks vaguely like a red panda) from "Back In Style" count too. "Morning Malaise" has Howie Tern. Rocko the wallaby in Rocko's Modern Life . Dinosaur Train primarily features many obscure dinosaur genera. Almost Naked Animals has a narwhal, a dugong, a beluga, and a manatee. Brandy & Mr. Whiskers has all sorts of obscure South American fauna including a giant otter, tapirs, capybaras, kinkajous, coatis, basilisk lizards, marmosets, and even a walking stick insect. Fish Hooks has Albert Glass the glass catfish. VeggieTales features a song dedicated to "Barbara Manatee." They also had another song called "Song of the Cebu". Adventures from the Book of Virtues has Aurora the red-tailed hawk, Socrates the bobcat, and Aristotle the prairie dog. The Pelican and the Snipe starred a pelican and a snipe, probably being the only cartoon where you can see the latter species onscreen. Regular Show has Mordecai the blue jay. It also has Margaret's cousin John, who may be based on an oriole, a rather obscure bird, which clearly shows the creators did their research. The episode "Replaced" has Chad the Australian possum and Jeremy the ostrich, the former of which is rarely represented in fiction. Rigby himself closely resembles the crab-eating raccoon of South America more than the common North American raccoon. It's never been confirmed which one he is supposed to be. Though in the music video bumper, a live-action North American raccoon was briefly seen before becoming live-action Rigby. The commercial seen in "Every Meat Burrito" makes a list of several obscure animals (aside from bacon and long pig).
A emu made a brief appearance in "Mordecai and Rigby Down Under." The cassowary from "Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special." The "USA! USA!" music video had a blue bird-of-paradise. The Secret Saturdays has a Komodo dragon and a Tropeognathus as two of the main animal characters. Similarly, it has a wide variety of obscure cryptids like the Fiskerton Phantom, the Hibagon, the Orang-pendak, the Mapinguari, and the Owlman. The Miscellaneous Disney Short, "Pigs is Pigs ," features two guinea pigs at the Westcote railroad station who reproduce countless offspring. Guinea pigs may not be that seldom seen these days, but they were seldom seen back in 1954, when this cartoon was released. One late 1950s/early '60s Hanna-Barbera cartoon had a hyena (a carnivore not much seen outside of media related to The Lion King , as noted above) named Hardy Har Har. He was a spotted, "laughing" hyena (have you ever seen a striped hyena on TV? note Besides Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli , Dumbo , Jungle Cubs , Noah's Island , and Cow and Chicken . ), and was drawn to resemble a dog (even though hyenas are more closely related to mongooses and meerkats). Peep And The Big Wide World has blue jays. Muddy Mudskipper from The Ren & Stimpy Show . The 2007 version of George of the Jungle features spider monkeys, howler monkeys, ring-tailed lemurs, marmosets, tapirs, meerkats, tree shrews, manatees, and bushbabies. The giant anteater in Top Cat , a show that aired in the early 1960s, when anteaters at all were a rare occurrence in fiction. Kiki the capybara and the manatee dummy in one episode of Bob's Burgers . Another episode made reference to the cormorant. Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales has Jerboa Jump the kangaroo rat. Mike, Lu & Og has a wombat who is a Friendly Enemy with Alfred. The Raccoons had Cyril Sneer, an aardvark. In 1985. Noah's Island had aardvark , proboscis monkey , mandrill , desman , bandicoot , aye-aye , golden mole , baboon , striped hyena , brown hyena , wombat , hyrax , Komodo dragon , wallaby , pangolin , mongoose , sloth , and Spix's macaw note as well as more common species: bears, mammoth, giraffe, kangaroo, rabbit, gorilla, orangutan, rhino, dolphin, walrus, dodo, penguin, vulture, elephant, poodle, lion, tortoise, parakeet, warthog, gnu, and sea turtle . Littlest Pet Shop (2012) has Sunil Nevla the mongoose. And as far as dog breeds go, there have so far been Zoe, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel; Sam U. L., a Griffon Bruxellois; and Philippe, a French Terrier. All three breeds are actually rather common in real life but are rarely represented in fiction, probably because they're difficult to recognize. Overall, this series is not shy about picking from anywhere in the animal kingdom, such as with Steve, a water cobra; Bearded Lady, a bearded lizard; Desi, a myna bird; and Sweetcheeks, a sugar glider. Julie McNally Cahill and Tim Cahill have previously shown their expertise at animal identification with My Gym Partner's a Monkey (see below). The Farm League shorts on DC Nation featuring a Funny AnimalJustice League of America include Supermanatee, Batmongoose, Wonder Wombat, Aquamandrill and Green Lamprey (who, despite his name, is a warthog). Their villains include Lex Liger. Yes, the lion/tiger crossbreed species. Adventure Time had a Surinam toad in the episode "Five More Short Graybles". In the episode "A Glitch is a Glitch", Jake mentions dreaming as a coelacanth. "Apple Wedding" introduces Wyatt, an elephant seal. "You Forgot Your Floaties" has a coconut crab. "President Porpoise is Missing!" has a narwhal. The first issue of the comic showed fossils of Torosaurus , Lambeosaurus , and a glyptodont. Volume 4 of the Adventure Time Graphic Novels has the Mudskipper Gang. Cow and Chicken featured striped hyenas, a jackal, and spotted owls. My Dad the Rock Star has Mosh the Komodo dragon. Futurama often uses this trope. A coelacanth appears in "Deep South". More also appear in "The Farnsworth Paradox" kept by the Professor in a tank. "Deep South" also showed a weedy sea dragon. In "Love and Rocket", when Bender and the Planet Express ship visit a zoo, they come across tapirs with their young. Bender even calls himself a cuddly baby tapir after saying he is a lone wolf and a solitary eagle. "300 Big Boys" has Mushu the pygmy sperm whale. "Bender's Big Score" has a narwhal named Leelu. She is portrayed as having a tusk which is a rare occasion for female narwhals, and she is even described as a "rare toothed female narwhal". "Into the Wild Green Yonder" showed thylacines and white rhinoceroses as among the species preserved by the Last Encyclopod. "A Clockwork Origin" had an Elaphrosaurus skeleton. There's also references to Homo erectus , Homo habilis , Australopithecus , and Darwinius . A tarsier also appears as a museum display. In "Thief of Baghead", some of the aquatic life on display at the aquarium include humphead wrasse, spider crab, dragonfish, lanternfish, ammonites, trilobites, Baculites , Psephoderma , Bothriolepis , Diplocaulus , and Cryptoclidus . Bender is also attacked by an ichthyosaur that bears a resemblance to Cymbospondylus . "Fun on a Bun" showed Megatherium , Doedicurus , Macrauchenia , and Coelodonta . "Fry and Leela's Big Fling" featured bonobos, white-handed gibbons, mandrills, hamadryas baboons, black-footed gray langurs, collared mangabeys, proboscis monkeys, black-headed spider monkeys, and ring-tailed lemurs alongside more commonly-seen primates such as gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. Amy also disguises herself as a common marmoset, and a black-and-white colobus appears as a statue. "Naturama" featured Pinta Island tortoise, Darwin's finch, marine iguana, blue-footed booby, elephant seal, and vampire squid. My Gym Partner's a Monkey has several of these. Any character in the series, in fact, can be identified down to the species. To name some, there is Jake Spidermonkey, Slips Python (specifically a green tree python), Bull Sharkowski, Dickie Sugarjumper (actually a sugar glider), Principal Pixiefrog, Mr. Mandrill, and Miss Loon (though she turned out to be a blue jay). Minor characters and one-shots included a tamarin, a capybara, a dingo, a Komodo dragon, a slender loris, a bushdog, a mongoose, a basking shark, a wombat, and a manatee. Babu the ocelot from Archer . Lampshaded by the titular character with his overjoyed exclamation of "I've never seen an ocelot before!" George and Martha has Bud and Valerie the hyenas, and some of the minor characters include a Komodo dragon, ring-tailed lemurs, and a manatee. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers had a Tasmanian devil in the episode "Wolf in Cheap Clothing". Phineas and Ferb : Part of Heinz Doofenshmirtz's Hilariously Abusive Childhood involved getting adopted by ocelots. In "Tour De Ferb", Doofenshmirtz's part-time job involved posing for an advertisement with a wombat. In "Interview With a Platypus", among the animals chasing Candace, there is a roadrunner. "Hawaiian Vacation" had a manta ray. Also in the same episode, Perry and Doofenshmirtz briefly get transformed into an Ichthyornis and a mudskipper respectively, and Doofenshmirtz plans to turn the human population of the Tri-State Area into Pliopithecus . The red-billed oxpecker from "What'd I Miss?" "The Secret of Success" had a manatee. "Where's Perry" featured bontebok, bongo, zebu, waterbuck, and ring-tailed lemurs. The blind cave salamander from "Save Summer". "Der Kinderlumper" had chinchillas. The star-nosed mole from "At the Car Wash". "It's About Time!" had Alamosaurus and enantiornithines. "My Fair Goalie" had emus. Perry himself, a duck-billed platypus, counts as one. The creators wanted his species to be an uncommon animal that couldn't be bought from pet stores. Some of the OWCA agents include a mongoose, a great grey heron, and an aardvark. The spin-off special "OWCA Files" features Maggie the Macaw. From The Emperor's New School : Red-eyed Tree Frog Man. Camp Lazlo has Slinkman the banana slug, Chip and Skip the dung beetles, Patsy the mongoose, and Dave and Ping-Pong the loons. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic : Some of Fluttershy's birds include jays, loons, bitterns, and keel-billed toucans. "The Best Night Ever" has wallaroos, meadowlarks, and spider monkeys. The peregrine falcon from "May the Best Pet Win". One of Ahuizotl's cat minions is a lynx. Speaking of which, Ahuizotl himself is a mythological example of this trope. "Trade Ya!" features another obscure mythical creature, the Orthros (a two-headed dog from Greek mythology who is related to Cerberus). "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone" has Arimaspi, yet another lesser-known mythological creature. "Stranger than Fan Fiction" features the Cipactli, a crocodilian-like creature of Aztec mythology. "Viva Las Pegasus" has prairie dogs. A pileated woodpecker appears in "It isn't the Mane Thing About You". While not exactly one, the malwurf from "To Change a Changeling" strongly resembles a star-nosed mole. A new short of Equestria Girls has Sunset Shimmer adopting a pet leopard gecko named Ray. The Amazing World of Gumball Season 3 had the Wattersons adopt an aggressive soft-shelled turtle as a pet. "The Rerun" had a brief appearance of the gomphothere Platybelodon . Gets lampshaded in that Rob doesn't know what it is. Some of the animals Beast Boy transformed into in Teen Titans are a ring-tailed lemur, a capybara, a mongoose, a meerkat, a musk ox, a ground sloth, a hummingbird, a Utahraptor , and a sailfish. Dino-Riders had Torosaurus , Monoclonius , Edmontonia , Kentrosaurus , Saurolophus , Placerias , Pachyrinosaurus , Chasmosaurus , Desmatosuchus , Megatherium , Doedicurus , and Entelodon alongside the usual Stock Dinosaurs. The Wild Thornberrys , being a show about animals, has boatloads of these. From dugongs to colugos. The Penguin in Batman: The Animated Series used exotic birds like the Andean vulture and the cassowary in some of his crimes. Kenny the Shark has a bull shark named Elly who served as a temporary Love Interest for the titular character. Slammu of Street Sharks takes the form of a whale shark, as opposed to his brothers who transform into well-known shark species (great white, hammerhead, and tiger shark). Similarly, the Sharks' ally Rox turns into a mako shark. One episode of The Cleveland Show , "A Short Story and a Tall Tale", had a Komodo dragon named Cameron. Babar and the Adventures of Badou has Munroe the African crested porcupine. Marabou storks also frequently show up in the series. Sometimes the only point of an episode of Wild Kratts is showcasing little known animals — or little known facts about normal animals. We have seen caracals and fossa, and even the pigeon got a highlight in one episode when it was revealed that is one of only three types of bird to feed their young with milk (the other two being a specific sort of penguin and a specific sort of flamingo) . Sixty Four Zoo Lane has miplaced animals; Giggles and Tickles the Geoffroy's spider monkeys, Toby the Ornate box turtle, Green frogs, and Pauline the American white pelican. It has Aardvarks, anacondas, two-toed sloths, and a Grey-crowned crane. The Animated Adaptation of Franklin had a one-shot magician character named Marten who was an anthropomorphic pine marten. Gravity Falls featured purple finches, greater yellow-finches, white zebra finches, chickadees, mountain bluebirds, American white pelicans, pileated woodpeckers, turkey vultures, stilt sandpipers, California quails, Virginia opossums, spotted dolphins, American badgers, and gopher snakes. "The Legend of the Gobblewonker" showed 2 species of salmon: Chinook and Sockeye. The dinosaur-themed "Land Before Swine" featured Ceratosaurus among the dinosaurs trapped in tree sap. In "Society of the Blind Eye", Mermando was revealed to have been engaged to a manatee queen. Also, a protoceratopsid skeleton can be spotted in the museum. A few Freeze-Frame Bonuses show that the main inhabitant of Grunkle Stan's aquarium is an Axolotl, which seems to be a particular favorite of creator Alex Hirsch. The PBS adaption of The Berenstain Bears featured a blue jay, a paradise tanager (which had red wings as opposed to real-life black ones), and a leopard frog. An episode of Teen Titans Go! had Beast Boy turning into a cuttlefish and a pangolin. There was also a brief reference of the baboon. Another episode had him turn into a two-toed sloth. The Clarence episode "In Dreams" shows Clarence dreaming about a mongoose. Another episode "Bird Boy Man" had Sumo taking in a roadrunner. Taz-Mania featured a host of Australian and Tasmanian fauna, including bush rats, wallabies, dingoes, wombats, emus, the titular Tasmanian Devils, and even a Thylacine (Tasmanian Wolf). There's also the kiwi, which is native to New Zealand as opposed to Australia or Tasmania. The Last Of The Curlews features Eskimo curlews and golden plovers. An episode of the Harold and the Purple Crayon Animated Adaptation features a titanosaur as the main sauropod as well as Centrosaurus , Ouranosaurus (or Edaphosaurus ), and what appears to be a prosauropod. Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production : "Not Lyin' Lion" has Snorts, a naked mole rat. The same episode also showed a genet. The villain of "Splashwater Bugs" is an elephant seal named Slugsworthy the First. "Fwee Wange Wabbit" has a turkey vulture named Vera. One episode of Miles From Tomorrowland features a tardigrade. Many episodes of The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! are focused on animals and it sometimes covers some more unusual ones including the duck-billed platypus, booby birds, water striders, and, of course, the ever-rare hatted-cat. BoJack Horseman takes place in a world populated by both humans and anthropomorphic animals. Obscure species can sometimes be seen. One episode features an underwater city. In addition to well-known species like bottlenose dolphins and seahorses, there are blobfish, krill, anglerfish, a Pantropical spotted dolphin, and others. CatDog has Lola, a whip-poor-will. Creature Comforts : The original 1989 short featured a South American cougar and a tarsier. The cartoon series included an angler, blue pearl shrimp, pileated woodpeckers, pill bugs, walking stick insects, dung beetles, corgis, meerkats and tapirs. The early 2000's Animated Adaptation of the German book series The Little Polar Bear features an Arctic hare who is one of the supporting characters in the series. Among the species used for the hybridized animals of Avatar: The Last Airbender include lemurs, marmosets, mandrills, gemsboks, prairie dogs, marmots, lesser pandas, mongoose, meerkats, opposums, woodpeckers, pheasants, basilisks, Komodo dragons, flying fish, sooty copper butterfiles, and fritillaries. Jungle Cubs featured geladas (referred to as baboons), a mongoose, Indian rhinos, a babirusa, dholes, Asiatic cheetahs, a pangolin, striped hyenas, mugger crocodiles, and four-horned antelopes. Many of the animals explored on Wild Animal Baby Explorers are very rare. One installment, about flightless birds, includes footage of the kakapo , which has only 123 known adult individuals as of June 2016 and is considered critically endangered. Given that the show ended airing new episodes in 2012, it's very possible one or more of the animals seen on it is now extinct. The Steven Universe episode "Love Letters" had a gem monster based on a tardigrade. Amethyst took the form of a blue jay in "Cat Fingers", and an actual one appears later in "Beach City Drift". Stanley teaches a wide variety of issues that preschoolers face by featuring animals who deal with or explain said issues. Among the animals featured are Japanese macaques, X-ray fish, umbrellabirds, coral, and cedar waxwings. Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated has Professor Pericles, an African grey parrot. In Sarah & Duck , the former titular character is known to have a soft spot for sea cows aka manatees. A blobfish and an ocean sunfish appear in one episode, and another is dedicated to the basking shark. One episode of The Angry Beavers has Daggett becoming the foster father for a baby mongoose. In Star vs. the Forces of Evil , one of Star's spells involves summoning narwhals. Summer Camp Island has Oscar, a tapir. Ovide and the Gang featured a proboscis monkey in one episode. Alvin the three-toed sloth also deserves mention; the cartoon was made in 1987, when sloths were obscure back then. The titular character and his cousin Saphron count as well, as platypuses were not as popular in the 80s as they are now.
Walking with Dinosaurs and its continuations have several hundred tons of these. The original WWD featured Coelophysis , Postosuchus , Placerias , Thrinaxodon , Peteinosaurus , Ornitholestes , Anurognathus , Dryosaurus , Ophthalmosaurus , Liopleurodon , Eustreptospondylus , Cryptoclidus , Hybodus , Perisphinctes , Tropeognathus (referred to as Ornithocheirus ), Utahraptor , Tapejara (referred to as Tupandactylus ), Polacanthus , Iberomesornis , Leaellynasaura , Muttaburasaurus , Koolasuchus , coatimundis, Torosaurus , Dromaeosaurus , Didelphodon , Deinosuchus , and Dinilysia . The Ballad of Big Al had Dryosaurus , Ornitholestes , Anurognathus , and Othnielia . Walking with Beasts has Leptictidium , Gastornis , Ambulocetus , Propalaeotherium , Godinotia , Titanomyrmia , Basilosaurus , Andrewsarchus , Embolotherium , Dorudon , Moeritherium , Apidium , Physogaleus , Paraceratherium , Hyaenodon , Chalicotherium , Cynodictis , Australopithecus , Dinofelis , Ancylotherium, Deinotherium , Macrauchenia , Megatherium , Phorusrhacos , Doedicurus , Megaloceros , woolly rhinos, and European lions. The Lost World has Epanterias , Hypsilophodon , entelodonts, and Java man. Chased by Dinosaurs has Argentinosaurus , Sarcosuchus , Giganotosaurus , Ornithocheirus , Macrogryphosaurus , Saurolophus , Mononykus , Tarbosaurus , Therizinosaurus , and Azdarcho . Sea Monsters has Cameroceras , Megalograspis , Astraspis , Isotelus , Peteinosaurus , Nothosaurus , Tanystropheus , Cymbospondylus , Liliensternus , Bothriolepis , Stethacanthus , Dunkleosteus , Arsinoitherium , Dorudon , Basilosaurus , Odobenocetops , Cetotherium , Leedsichthys , Metriorhynchus , Hybodus , Liopleurodon , Hesperornis , Squalicorax , Xiphactinus , Halisaurus , Archelon , and Tylosaurus . Walking with Cavemen has Australopithecus , Ancylotherium , Deinotherium , Paranthropus , Homo habilis , Dinofelis , Deinotherium , Ancylotherium , Homo rudolfensis , Homo ergaster , Homo erectus , Gigantopithecus , Homo heidelbergensis , and Megaloceros . Walking With Monsters has trilobites, Anomalocaris , Haikouichthys , Cephalaspis , Brontoscorpio , Pterygotus , Cameroceras , sponges, sea urchins, Hynerpeton , Hyneria , Stethacanthus , Mesothelae , Petrolacosaurus , Meganeura , Arthropleura , Proterogyrinus , Edaphosaurus , Seymouria , Gorgonops , Diictodon , Rhinesuchus , Scutosaurus , Lystrosaurus , Euparkeria , Proterosuchus , and Euchambersia . The Arena Spectacular has Liliensternus , Ornithocheirus , Plateosaurus , Torosaurus , and Utahraptor . Prehistoric Park has Nyctosaurus , cave bears, Elasmotherium , cave hyenas, Borealosaurus , Eosipterus , Incisivosaurus , Mei long , Phorusrhacos , Toxodon , Arthropleura , Crassigyrinus , Meganeura , Pulmonoscorpius , Albertosaurus , and Deinosuchus . The 3D film has Pachyrhinosaurus , Alexornis , Gorgosaurus , Edmontonia , Chirostenotes , Parksosaurus , Hesperonychus , and Alphadon . Weird n' Wild Creatures , a series of children's fact & trading cards that originally ran from 2003-2006, loved this trope. Gigantophis , Dapedium , Budgett's frogs, genets, hooded pitohuis, hellbenders, predatory tunicates, stoplight loosejaws, toe-biters, red-backed shrikes, pichiciegos, Javan wart snakes… and that's not even scratching the surface. This even extended to the series' coverage of mythical creatures; while not species in the literal sense, it included several beasts (Baital, Gargantua, Mngwa, the Thetis Lake monster, etc.) that are rarely acknowledged in fiction. The mascots for the Sydney 2000 Olympics were a kookaburra, echidna and platypus — chosen in part to provide a Land, Sea, Sky combination and in part because Australian organisers thought kangaroos and koalas were overused. The mascot for the NHL's Vegas Golden Knights is Chance, a gila monster.
Alternative Title(s): Lesser Seen Species.
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Through the Years.
Through the Years is an attempt to write our class history. It is presented by individual years beginning with 1940 when most of the Class of 1958 made their entrance into this world and will end on May 27, 2008, marking 50 years from graduation. In some cases, we merely observed the events presented but in other instances, we were participants as individuals, as small groups and for a brief time as a body of students attending Woodrow Wilson High School.
When the pages of our story are complete, hopefully we will have created a journal through the 1940s, the last half of the 20th Century and the beginning years of the 21st Century that Mr. Lee Summers and Mr. Herbert Kiser would give us a passing grade for completing. If there is an event in your life that should be incorporated into the class history, please contact the web site.
The Census Bureau set the population of the United States at 131,669,275. In Europe, Germany invaded Belgium, Denmark, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway and conquered France. The first antibiotic was developed and life expectancy in the United States reached 64 years as compared to 49 years in 1900. A survey concluded that radios were present in 30 million homes.
New book titles: The Hamlet, For Whom the Bell Tolls and You Can’t Go Home Again was published more than a year after author Thomas Wolfe’s death.
At the movies: The Grapes of Wrath, Fantasia, Rebecca, The Baker’s Wife, The Great Dictator, The Philadelphia Story and The Westerner.
Clela Jane Crawford was born and the future Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1958 began to assemble in, around and beyond Beckley, West Virginia.
In Europe, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. As the Arsenel For Democracy, American industry reached full capacity. Penicillin began production in the United States.
New book titles: Berlin Diary, Random Harvest and My Friend Flicka.
At the movies: Citizen Kane, How Green Was My Valley, Sergeant York and Suspicion.
Effie Eleanore Plumley was born in Beckley, West Virginia and Gary Schiffer was born in Logan, West Virginia; the first members of our ’41 contingent.
The Empire of Japan attacked American military and naval forces at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and the United States plunged into World War II with vengence never before witnessed on planet Earth. Not only against Japan but declaring and effecting war against Germany and Italy as well.
American military losses in the Pacific, especially island bases gave way to stabilization and eventual naval victories in that theater of operations. Price controlls were set in place to fight inflation on the home front and in golf, Ben Hogan was the top money winner with $13,143.
New book titles: The Robe and See Here Private Hargrove.
At the movies: In Which We Serve, The Magnificant Ambersons, Johnny Eager, Mrs. Miniver and Yankee Doodle Dandy.
In Beckley, our fathers and oldest brothers went into the Army, Navy and Marine Corps to fight a war on many fronts.
Americans learned the names of places including New Guinea, Tarawa and much about the geography of North Africa. The United Mine Workers went on strike, the only labor union to do so during World War II, declining enrollments at the nation’s colleges and universities were reversed with creation of officer candidate programs and in male fashion, the zoot suit was introduced.
New book titles: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and The Human Comedy as well as books with war themes including Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo, Here Is Your War, God Is My Co-Pilot and Guadacanal Diary.
At the movies: Casablanca, For Whom the Bell Tolls, The More the Merrier, The Song of Bernadette and Watch on the Rhine.
With our fathers and brothers gone to war, Beckley became a community almost void of young able bodied males. Our mothers and older sisters did their part on the home front, which included taking care of us.
Gasoline was rationed (to save rubber) as was sugar and other commodities. We saved string, rubberbands and peeled tin foil off cigarette wrappers to donate to the war effort, sometimes getting free admission to a Beckley movie theater in return for our collection. Scout troops organized scrap metal collections under the supervision of our grandparents. Italy surrendered to the Allies.
By the end of 1944, the Allies were winning major battles including Guam, Saipan, the Invasion of Normandy and The Battle of the Bulge though at a terrible cost. Railways that had been seized by the federal government resulting from a wage dispute were returned to their owners and a German Shepherd was awarded the Army’s Distinguished Service Medal for bravery during the Invasion of Sicily.
New book titles: A Bell for Adano, Brave Men, Forever Amber and Immortal Wife.
At the movies: Gaslight, Going My Way and None But the Lonely.
Television premiers: The War as it Happened, first regularly scheduled news program (NBC).
The Federal Communication Commission reserved 13 channels for public expansion of television. Channel 1 was later redesignated for noncommercial use.
The rationing of shoes was discontinued.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was reelected president of the United States, the only president ever to win a fourth term.
Victory in war and transition to peace on Earth was anticipated throughout the nation. The United Nations was created and Gen. George S. Patton died in Heidelberg, Germany resulting from injuries received in an automobile accident. Scientists debated the ethical and moral responsibilities of applying nuclear energy and the phrase Kilroy Was Here spread all over the world, led by American GIs.
New book titles: Cass Timberlake and Captain from Castile.
At the movies: The Bells of St. Mary’s, The Lost Weekend, Mildred Pierce, National Velvet and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died at Warm Springs, Georgia.
Victory in Europe! Germany surrendered to the Allies.
The United States destroyed the entire city of Hiroshima, Japan with a single atom bomb, atomic energy’s first application in warfare.
Victory over Japan. Japan surrendered to the Allies aboard the battleship U. S.S. Missouri. The war was over. Why were our mothers crying on such a happy occasion?
Fear of the Soviets replaced the fear of NAZIs and fascism. Post war conflicts between management and labor unions played out with 4.6 milion workers participating in strikes, the United Mine Workers Union was readmitted to the American Federation of Labor and the ENIAC (computer) was dedicated in Philadelphia.
New book titles: All the King’s Men, This Side of Innocence and Mr. Roberts.
At the movies: Brief Encounter, Henry V, The Best Years of Our Lives, To Each His Own and The Razor’s Edge.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the West Virginia basketball championship by defeating Stonewall Jackson High School by the score of 40-37 in Morgantown.
Radio station WWNR signed on the air.
First day of school for the future Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1958. Early in the school year Mrs. Hazel Davenport took over one of the first grade classes at Central Elementary School for the ailing Miss Figley. George Arnold, Judy Benson, Pat Costelli, John Gorsica, Mary Lou Forren, Sandy Jones, Elizabeth Gayle Mount, Carol Ann Snyder, Micki Wender and Jenny Wilkes were students at Central Elementary School.
The Marshall Plan was adopted to insure economic recovery in Europe and a new term was created for the uneasy peace that persisted – Cold War. The United States Air Force was created as a seperate branch of the United States military establishment. The Taft-Hartley Bill passed overturning gains made by organized labor and plans were laid to improve the nation’s expanding educational system.
New book titles: Gentlemen’s Agreement, I, the Jury, The Harder They Fall and Aurora Dawn, Herman Wouk’s first novel.
At the movies: Gentlemen’s Agreement, Life With Father, The Farmer’s Daughter, and Miracle on 34th Street.
Television premier: Meet the Press (NBC).
Veterans were returning to the Beckley area in large numbers seeking a return to normal. Education, housing and employment were in demand to accomodate those who had served.
The Class of 1958 entered second grade. Thelma Adams, Kenneth Akers, Wilma Mae Caudill, Loretta Clark, Jean Crawford, Carol Fitzgerald, J. C. Francisco, Drema Hatcher, Karen Sue Hatfield, Frank Heatherly, Linda Lawson, Joe Maddox, Patricia Ann Maxey, Barbara McGoskey, June Richardson, John Pruett, Ramona Jo Roles, Barbara Scott, Sandra Stanley and Shirley Lea Sutphin were students at Sylvia Elementary School.
A Bell X-1 expirimental jet became the first aircraft to fly faster than the speed of sound. Military test pilot Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager a native West Virginian was at the controls.
Woodrow Wilson High School and Stonewall Jackson High School of Charleston were declared co-champions having completed the football season undefeated.
In Germany, the Soviets cut off Allied access to Berlin via highways and rail lines. The Allies started flying supplies to support military and civilian neccessities alike in a test of wills, technology and logistics that became known as the Berlin Air Lift. President Harry S. Truman who had assumed the presidency upon the death of Fanklin Delano Roosevelt won a term as president of the United States in his own right.
New book titles: Crusade in Europe, The Naked and the Dead, Raintree County , and The Young Lions.
At the movies: Hamlet, Johnny Belinda, Key Largo and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
Television premiers: Candid Camera, Kukla, Fran and Ollie, News and Views (ABC), Nightly News (CBS) and Saturday Night Jamboree.
In Beckley, we were surrounded by heros, but we knew them only as dads, brothers, uncles, cousins and neighbors. Tommy Ison’s father would never return, except for burial. Neither would some older brothers including, Dillard Earehart. The Kinzer family who lived on South Kanawha Street never would learn what happened to their son Charles, who had been lost on a air mission over Europe.
As third graders, Kay Weikle, Ray McManamay, Agnes Rae Bowling, John Luther Maddy, Teresa Hensley, Robert Hancock, Pauline Bailey, Corky Lively, Carolyn Smith, James Bays, Nancy Smith, Larry Kesler, Eugene Chappo and Larry Martin were students at Teel School.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the West Virginia football championship completing an undefeated season.
The Berlin Air Lift continued into May when the Soviets reopened roads and railroads leading to Berlin, Germany. The crisis passed into a continuing competition of political systems Capitalism vsmunism. Six million cars and trucks rolled off American assembly lines and an Air Force XB-47 jet bomber flew transcontinental in 3 hours, 46 minutes.
New book titles: Peace of Soul, The Greatest Story Ever Told and The Man With the Golden Arm.
At the movies: All the King’s Men, The Heiress and Twelve O’Clock High.
Television premier: Hopalong Cassidy.
In Beckley, the economy in the Smokeless Coal Capitol was booming. No small part of this boom was the contribution of the area’s coal miners. Darol Brewster, Terry Fitzpatrick, Martha Kershner, James Kilpatrick, Mary Belle Lyons, Fred Maddow, and Eddie Phipps were but a few classmates whose fathers brought home a livelihood earned on coal mine payrolls.
Sam Snead, a West Virginia native won the Masters Golf Tournament in Atlanta, Georgia.
Fourth grade for the future Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1958. Larry Belcher, JoAnn Chambers, Cecilia Conner, Virginia Cox, Janice Curtis, Frankie Ferro, Tamara Harrah, Sue Hedrick, Brenda Holliday, Barbara Riddick, William Oliver, Jeanette Premo, Sue Redden and Florence Thomas attended Mabscott School.
The Census Bureau set the population of the United States at 150,697,361. The new enemy was Communism. Communist North Korea invaded Democratic South Korea. President Harry Truman sent American troops to fight the North Koreans and later the “Red Chinese” under the auspices of the United Nations.
New book titles: The Cardinal, The Disenchanted and The Wall.
At the movies: All About Eve, Born Yesterday, Cryano de Bergerac and Harvey.
Television premier: What’s My Line.
The first American casualty of the Korean Conflict was Pvt. Kenneth Shadrick whose parents lived at Skelton, near Beckley. A noble but unrewarding first for West Virginia.
The future Class of 1958 entered fifth grade. William Lee Ball, Marvin Bostic, Sherry Evans, James Ballard Hatcher, Linda Henson, Judith Kobelia, Sandra Ann Peraldo and Kenneth Zemerick attended Sprague School.
More than 11,000 book titles were published in the United States as paperback books grew in popularity. Employment of women set a new record surpassing even the numbers employed during World War II. The federal government tried (and failed) to curtail inflation by restricting production of consumer items coupled with freezing prices and wages. The last Frazier automobile rolled off the assembly line.
New book titles: The Grass Harp, Lie Down in Darkness, The Morning Watch and The Caine Mutiny.
At the movies: A Streetcar Named Desire, An American in Paris, Bright Victory and The African Queen.
Television premier: I Love Lucy.
The Twenty-second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was adopted, limiting our presidents to two terms in office.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the state basketball championship defeating Charleston High School by the score of 62-54 in Morgantown. It was Coach Jerome VanMeter’s second state basketball championship and the second state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
The future Class of 1958 entered sixth grade. Ida Rose Adkins, Jim Anderson, Rita Bright, Henrietta Broome, Mary Ann Butterworth, Blain Casali, Paul Chickos, Joyce Cooney, Judy Coram, Jim Fazio, Becky Freeland, Ann Janutolo, Susan Johnson, Wanda Lyons, Martha May, Faye Morgan, L.C. Sarrett and Kitty Walker were students at Institute School.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the state football championship by defeating Gary High School 26-0 in a post season title game. Coach Jerome VanMeter had offered Gary the opportunity to serve as co-champions but Gary insisted on a title game.
Combat in Korea continued, new architectural innovations were unveiled and flying saucer sightings were reported across the nation. The last Crosley automobile rolled off the assembly line.
New book titles: East of Eden, Invisable Man and The Old Man and the Sea.
At the movies: High Noon, Come Back Little Sheba, The Greatest Show on Earth, and The Bad and the Beautiful.
Television premiers: I’ve Got A Secret, My Little Margie, The Adventures Of Ozzie And Harriet and The Jackie Gleason Show.
Songs we listened to included: You Belong To Me, Glow Worm, Blue Tango, Wheel Of Fortune, Don’t Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes, Walkin’ My Baby Back Home, Because You’re Mine, Tell Me Why, Jambalaya and Shrimp Boats.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the state basketball championship defeating Fairmont West by the score of 53-52 in Morgantown. It was the second state basketball championship in as many years and the third state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Sam Snead, a West Virginia native won his second Masters Golf Tournament in Atlanta, Georgia.
The future Class of 1958 graduated sixth grade. Lincoln School held a cap and gown commencement at the Beckley Junior High School Auditorium awarding 59 diplomas: Patty Amond, Lois Arnott, Patty Ballard, Ida Mae Canterbury, Robin Cornett, Peggy Davis, Nancy Dillinger, Margie Edwards, Nancy Fink, Barbara Fitzpatrick, Sandra Goodall, Judy Griffith, Evelyn Hamilton, Jacquline Hollandsworth, Mildred Homes, Nancy Kay Johnson, Carol Ann Lewis, Nellie Lilly, Celia Maples, Janet McCary, Carol Sue Pack, Betty Parker, Georgia Roberts, Sandra Schwartz, Jacqueline Short, Suzann Smith, Barbara Thorne, Teresa Thompson, Linda Triggs, Shelby Tassitino, Martha Jane Wood, Sam Allen, Jerry Allison, Clarence Arthur, Charles Bales, Edward Bryan, Lewis Burford, J. B. Cole, Sam Cumbo, Swanson Eans, Andy Earehart, Billy Hager, James (P. A.) Hatcher, Richard Highlander, Thomas Ison, James Lawson, Fred Lilly, Frederick Maddow, Tom McGrady, John Meadows, Richard Meadows, Robert Metrick, David Miller, Pat Porterfield, Bill Powers, Ed Snuffer, Larry Stafford and Robert Wills.
The future Class of 1958 entered seventh grade, most at Beckley Junior High School. As seventh graders we were alloted two positions on the school cheer leading team. Our two cheerleaders were Pat Costelli and Carol Lee Snyder.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, a military hero of World War II was elected 34th president of the United States.
Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin led a witch hunt seeking Communist infiltration of the federal government, 3-D movies hit the Beckley theaters giving an illusion of a third dimension to characters and objects on the screen, Bermuda shorts for men were introduced, and Rocky Marciano defended his world heavyweight title two times. Vanity license plates and other signs began to appear proclaiming Beckley as a City of Champions.
New book titles: Battle Cry, Go Tell It on the Mountain, The Light in the Forest and The Bridges at Toko-Ri.
At the movies: From Here to Eternity, Roman Holiday and Stalag 17.
Television premier: You Are There.
Songs we listened to included: Stranger In Paradise, Song From Moulin Rouge, Rags To Riches, How Much Is That Dogie In The Window, Pretend, Vaya Con Dios, Till I Waltz Again With You, Ebb Tide, That’s Amore and Crying In The Chapel.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the state basketball championship defeating Parkersburg by the score of 74-58 in Morgantown. It was the third state basketball championship in as many years and the fourth state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
An armistice brought the conflict between United Nations forces and Communist armies in Korea to a conclusion. Once again the losses had hit the Beckley area. David Kennedy’s mother became a Gold Star Mother when his brother Kendall was killed in action.
The future Class of 1958 entered eighth grade.
The French were defeated at Dien Bein Phu and abandoned Indochina. It did not seem important to us at the time. In transportation, plans for the transcontinental highway system we know today as the Interstate Highway System, and development of the St. Lawrence Seaway to open a lane between all of the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean were unveiled. Television sets graced the living rooms of 29 million American households representing 60 percent of those available. A business recession brought hard times to the coal fields. Signs proclaiming Beckley City of Champions were extended to the city limits with official sanction. The last Nash automobile rolled off the assembly line.
New book titles: A Fable, No Time for Sergeants, Sweet Thursday and The Bird’s Nest..
At the movies: On the Waterfront, The Barefoot Contessa and The Country Girl.
Television premiers: Lassie and Walt Disney.
Songs we listened to included: Secret Love, Three Coins In The Fountain, Little Things Mean A Lot, Mister Sandman, Hey There, Young At Heart, The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane, Hearts Of Stone, Cross Over The Bridge and Sh-Boom.
West Virginia University lost to Georgia Tech by the score of 42-19 in the Sugar Bowl played in New Orleans, Louisiana. WVU’s first major post season bowl appearance.
Woodrow Wilson High School won yet another state basketball championship defeating Mullens by the score of 40-32 in Morgantown. It was the fourth state basketball championship in as many years and the fifth state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Sam Snead, a West Virginia native won the Masters Golf Tournament in Atlanta, Georgia, his third Masters victory.
Classmates James Daniel, Francene Mitchell and Jerry Williams were awarded Knight and Lady of the Golden Horseshoe awards resulting from the state wide competition in knowledge of West Virginia History. The annual competition began in 1931.
Mary Anderson, Nancy Arthur, Edna Balaskey, Keith Brazzie, Shirley Bryant, Donna Cox, Phyllis Faykus, Phyllis Fitzwater, Dewey Laws, Billy Nowlin, Lynda Oscar, Darrell Pettry, Eugene Solonka, Frances Solonka, Patsy Thornton, Dean Walker, Roger Williams and Gene Wiseman graduated from Eighth Grade at the Prosperity School Commencement.
The future Class of 1958 reached its full potential as ninth graders when students from the feeder schools joined those already enrolled at Beckley Junior High School.
Home coming at BJHS. Homecoming Queen was Loretta Bays. Her attendants included Peggy Phlegar and Vicki Christopher.
Public works projects were instituted to rebuild American cities, black and white television sets began to give way to color television sets, organized labor numbered 15 million workers and comic book sales exceeded one million. The last Kaiser automobile rolled off the assembly line.
New book titles: Band of Angels, A Good Man Is Hard to Find, And Other Stories, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit and Majorie Morningstar.
At the movies: Marty, Night of the Hunter, The Rose Tatto, Mr. Roberts and East of Eden.
Television premiers: Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Gunsmoke, The Grande Olde Opery, The Honeymooners, The $64,000 Question, The Ed Sullivan Show, The Lawrence Welk Show and The Micky Mouse Club.
Songs we listened to included: Ballad of Davey Crockett, Love Is A Many Splendored Thing, Something’s Gotta Give, Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White, Unchained Melody, Sincerely, Ain’t That A Shame and Love and Marriage. But the favorite song in West Virginia may have been Sixteen Tons and teen music changed dramatically with Rock Around The Clock by Bill Haley and The Comets, introducing Rock And Roll.
Graduation from Beckley Junior High School for 512 students of the future Class of 1958.
First day at Woodrow Wilson High School for the future Class of 1958.
Some Southern states ignored The United States Surpeme Court’s ruling against racial integration in the public schools while others openly rebelled against it. Blacks boycotted public transportation in Montgomery, Alabama, the last living veteran of the Union Army died (at 109 years of age), farm production set new records, Rock and Roll became the music of choice by our age group and Rocky Marciano retired as undefeated heavy weight chamipon of the world.
New book titles: A Single Pebble, The Last Hurrah, Peyton Place and Seize the Day.
At the movies: Around the World in 80 Days, Lust for Life, Anastasia and The King and I.
Television premier: Broken Arrow.
Songs we listened to included: Don’t Be Cruel, Great Pretender, My Prayer, Wayward Wind, Whatever Will Be, Will Be, Heartbreak Hotel, Lisbon Antigua, Canadian Sunset, Moonglow (from Picnic) and Honky Tonk.
An important event around Beckley occurred when most members of the future Class of 1958 became elgible to obtain an operator’s permit to drive motor vehicles.
Our junior year began.
The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I, first man made satellite to revolve around Earth. The monetary value of art pieces and collections achieved prices previously thought to be unattainable. The average wage for factory workers reached $2.08 per hour and the desire for professional baseball on the West Coast was answered when the New York Giants moved to San Fancisco and the Brooklyn Dodgers to Los Angeles. The last Hudson automobile rolled off the assembly line.
New book titles: By Love Possessed and A Death in the Family.
At the movies: The Bridge on the River Kwai, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, The Three Faces of Eve and Sayonara.
Television premiers: Blondie, Paladin and Zorro.
Songs we listened to included: Tammy, Love Letters In The Sand, It’s Not For Me To Say, Young Love, Chances Are, Little Darlin, Bye Bye, Love, All Shook Up, So Rare and Round And Round.
Class of 1958 representatives Judy Coram and Bill Highlander participated in the annual Know Your State Government Day Conference held in Charleston. A meeting with Governor Cecil H. Underwood was included in the program.
Woodrow Wilson placed third in the 10th Annual State Wrestling Championship. Mainard Hicks placed second in the 106 pounds weight class, George Thompson placed second in the 115 pounds weight class, John Spinelli placed forth in the 123 pounds weight class, Harold Meade placed second in the 136 pounds weight class, John Pyles placed fourth in the 141 pounds weight class and Gene Wiseman placed second in the 148 pounds weight class.
A two act operetta, Mississippi Melody based on Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn was presented in the WWHS auditorium by the Vocal Department. Mrs. Paul McClure directed the production assisted by Mrs. Frank Vass. Classmate Susan Johnson played the part of Aunt Polly.
Classmates Mary Anne Butterworth, Carole Ann Meadows and Judy Shumate were among five WWHS students who attended the Raleigh-Wyoming Press Conference under the supervision of Mr. Herbert Kiser, WWHS journalism sponsor. The conference was held at Marsh Fork High School and featured a talk by Mr. Jack Van Dyke an instructior at Beckley College.
Sgt. John B. Kerridge, United States Marine Corps spoke of his experiences and observations while stationed in Moscow, Russia for 18 months on embassy duty. His narration, which was accompanied by color slides was the feature of a student assembly.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class A state basketball championship by defeating a much larger Charleston High School team by the score of 82-70 in Huntington. It was the sixth state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson. Classmate Buddy Bales who was in his junior year contributed to the title victory.
The Flying Eagle Band presented the annual Ministrel.
Thespian Troupe 754 of Woodrow Wilson High School presented a one act drama Fog in the Valley authored by Verna Powers. Mrs. Frank Vass and Miss Virginia Reardon co-directed the production.
The Sophmore class (WWHS 1959) held the annual Sophmore Party in the WWHS gymnasium. Oriental Gardens was the theme of the party with decorations that included Chinese lanterns. The party was directed by Mrs. Lawrence Wiseman. Dancing in the gym followed the program.
The Annual Commencement Program graduated 315 members of the Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1957.
George Arnold, Buddy Bales, Blain Cassali, John Gorsica, Willie Highlander, John Spinelli and Bob Wills were delegates to Boys State at Jackson’s Mill, Jefferson County, West Virginia.
Rita Bright, Mary Anne Butterworth, Judy Coram, Carolyn Darnall Susan Johnson, Kitty Walker and Martha Wray were delegates to Rhododendron Girls State at Jackson’s Mill, Jefferson County, West Virginia. The 1957 annual session of Girls State was the 15th year the American Legion Auxillary sponsored the event.
Andy Earehart, Bill Highlander, MacRay Pennington and Ray Vest were announced as the four co-captains of the 1957-58 WWHS football team. J. C. Francisco, Ed Grygiel, Melvin Jamison, Dennis Mahoney and Lewis Williams were mentioned in the announcement appearing in the Beckley Post-Herald as contributors to the team.
First day, 12th grade. Now we were the WWHS Class of 1958. The class bid ado to Nancy Fink who moved to Charleston for her senior year and welcomed foreign student Karl Goran Dalfelt a citizen of Sweden.
Opening game of the football season was played in Beckley against the Mullens Rebels. The Flying Eagle marching band made it’s first public appearance of the school year 126 pieces strong led by majorettes and Swiss flag girls. Mary Lou Forren, Brenda Booth, Ida Mae Canterbury, Ramona Jo Roles and Martha Wood were among the majorettes. Flag girls included Linda Henson, Ann Janutulo, Celia Maples and Kay Weikle. Rosemary Amato, Henrietta Broome, Peggy Davis, John Estep, Gail Fitzpatrick, Sandra Goodall, Tamara Harrah, James Ballard Hatcher, Karen Hatfield, Frank Heatherly, Bob Klein, Clark Martin, Phil Munsey, Melvin Pennington, Edna Pettry, Carol Potts, Barbara Scott, Mary Louise Smith, Nancy Earle Smith, Suzann Smith, Shelby Tassitino and Micki Wender played instruments. Beckley won the game by a score of 27-0.
The Senior Class Play – Melody Jones was presented. Jim Anderson, Phyllis Holdren, Jackie Hollandsworth, Susan Johnson, Sandy Jones, Corky Lively, Wayne Manning, Katie Belle Pickett, Bobby Jean Snyder, Kitty Walker and Martha Wray were members of the cast.
Susie Hensley reigned as Homecoming Queen and Drema Hatcher was Miss Flying Eagle. Janey Cooke, Judy Coram, Sandra Reed, Sherry Evans and Nancy Dellinger were among their attendants.
Beckley 20 – East Bank 13. Brenda Jackson and Susan Lowe were the first female cheerleaders to represent WWHS within our memory. Previous cheerleading squads had been all-male.
Last game of the 1957 football schedule. George Arnold, Paul Chikos, J. B. Cole, Bill Harsanyi, John Pruett, Wayne Tucker and Gene Wiseman retired their uniforms following a loss to Stonewall Jackson by the score of 19-13.
United States Postal System surface mail rates rose from three cents per ounce to four cents and domestic air mail rose from six cents per ounce to seven cents. Economic recession continued to affect the coal fields adversely. State authorities in Little Rock, Arkansas closed the public school system and reopened them for a time as private schools in an unsuccessful attempt to continue racial segregation. The United States launched its first Earth satellite – Explorer I and it’s second – Vanguard I. The last Packard automobile rolled off the assembly line.
New book titles: Home From the Hill and The Gingerbread Man.
At the movies: The Defiant Ones, Separate Tables, I Want to Live, Gigi and The Big Country.
Television premiers: 77 Sunset Strip, The Donna Reed Show and The Lawman.
Songs we listened to included: Volare, It’s All in the Game, Patricia, All I Have To Do Is Dream, Bird Dog, Little Star, Witch Doctor, Twilight Time, Tequilla and At The Hop.
Co-captains Harold Meade and George Thompson along with Bob Wills and John Pyles won their individual wrestling matches contributing to a 25-13 victory over the Hinton Bobcats in Hinton.
Classmate Glenna Jean Crawford was recognized in the BeckleyPost-Herald for having two poems intended for the ECHO published in Seventeen Magazine.
Woodrow Wilson placed third in the 11th Annual State Wrestling Championship. George Thompson placed third in the 115 pounds weight class, John Spinelli placed third in the 123 pounds weight class, Bob Wills placed third in the 130 pounds weight class and Harold Meade placed second in the 141 pounds weight class.
The Vocal Music Department presented a two-act musical comedy Old Fashioned Girl. Classmates Ida Rose Adkins, Keith Cooke, Barbara Fitzpatrick, Phyllis Holdren, James Lowe, Larry Kesler, Katybelle Pickett, John Spinelli, Barbara Thorne, James Walker and Nadine Walls had parts in the play. Classmates Margaret Fitzpatrick, Susan Johnson, Joan Sweptson and Mary Ellen Thorpe were in the chorus. Classmates Nancy Lewis and Shirley Sutphin were dancers.
The Woodrow Wilson High School basketball team defeated Marsh Fork in the semi-final game of the Section 10, Class A state basketball tournament. Captains Ron Manning and Charles “Buddy” Bales, along with classmates Mike Howery and Gene Miller contributed to the victory. The Flying Eagles were defending state champions in 1958.
The Flying Eagle Band presented the Annual Minstrel. Jerry Bledsoe played the part of the interlocutor with George Arnold, J. C. Francisco, Mike Howery, Denny Mahoney, Bill Rose and George Thompson playing end men.
The Latin Club held their annual banquet. A group of classmates dressed in togas appeared on the front page of the Beckley newspaper following this event.
Tie & Heel Day – Seniors.
Kid Day Picnic – Seniors.
All books due in library.
Junior-Senior Prom – Ida Mae Canterbury reigned as Prom Queen with Judy Coram, Pat Costelli, Janey Cooke, Sherry Evans, Susan Lowe and Kitty Walker attending. Harold Casali, vice president of the Student Council crowned Ida Mae as Queen, Errol Stokley served as announcer accompanied by Janice Mynier and Susan Bailey served as Flower Girl.
Rehearsal of Seniors for Class Sermon.
The Woodrow Wilson High School Band presented a commencement musical concert.
The Woodrow Wilson High School Vocal Department presented a musical concert directed by Mrs. Cary McClure. Miss Katybelle Pickett sang a solo during the program presented in honor of National Music Week.
Examinations for seniors. Seniors having a “B” average or better for a given subject were excused from taking a final examination for that subject.
Second Senior Class Rehearsal for Sermon at 9 a. m.
Class Sermon – 8:00 p. m.
Final report cards.
Graduation: Wiliam Lee Ball, Agnes Rae Bowling, Elizabeth Ann Brash, Phyllis Marie Faykus, Sharon Jeanette Goodman, Phyllis Anne Lilly, Martha Eloise May, Lynda Sue Oscar, Darrell Franklin Pettry, Ruth Anne Pipkin, Joyce Kay Shumate, Demetria Ann Stanley, Lois Ann Arnott, Judith Faye Bowers, Charleen Carson, Jo Ann Chambers, Robert Earl Clifford, Rilla Mae Cook, Janice Gayle Curtis, Mary Alice Daniel, Shelby Lee Dozier, Carol Gaye Fitzgerald, Billie Sue Hedrick, Johnnie Herbert Hoskins, Archie Lenord Hughes, Nancy Kay Johnson, Mary Catherine Lagos, Norma Jean Laws, Virginia Lee Mackey, Janet Ruth McCary, Betty Jo Mitchem, Patty Ann Moses, William Newton Oliver, Betty Lou Osborn, Patsy Porterfield, Alice Faye Riffe, Jan Eldridge Riffe, Georgia Ann Roberts, Larry Franklin Stover, Betty Lenore Suddreth, Barbara Sue Thorne, Patsy Ruth Thornton, Mary Ellen Thorpe, Mary Nadine Walls, Nina Louise Williams, Leonard Berkeley Wright, Thelma Mae Adams, Ida Rose Adkins, Kenneth Ivan Akers, Barbara Jean Alderman, Michael Keith Allenbaugh, Norma Lee Angle, Mary Arbaugh, Sue Ellen Arnett, Clarence Norvell Arthur, Mary Anna Atkins, Carmellia Faye Ayers, David Robert Bailes, James Linton Bailey, Pauline Janette Bailey, Ruby Gay Bailey, Barbara Lee Baker, Ronald Gene Baker, Betty Jean Ballard, Larry Keith Bazzie, Jerry Gordon Beavers, Janet Elouise Bennett, Judith Kay Benson, Jack Lee Berry, Nancy Kay Biggs, Jerry Wesley Bledsoe, Judith Kay Boleratz, Michael Whisler Bowman, Jackqueline Harwood Bragg, Deta Raye Brogan, James Lee Broome, Dalton Reid Broyles, Lewis Glenn Buckland, Guy Lewis Burford, Shirley Jean Calhown, Wilma Mae Caudill, Eugene Edwin Chappo, Reba Jane Pittman Cline, James Harold Cole, Sharon Louise Coleman, Nancy Gaye Combs, Cecilia June Conner, Keith Lucille Cooke, Joyce Ann Cooney, June Irene Cooper, Virginia Rose Cox, David Lloyd Craig, Clela Jane Crawford, Glenna Jean Crawford, Antonio Manuel Cueto, Benjamin Von Daniel, Eleanor Sue Daugherty, Richard Harrison Davis, Margaret Ann Dunn, Marjorie Ann Edwards, John Franklin Estrada, Jr., James Joseph Fazio, Carol Ann Fearn, Franklin Delano Fekete, Frankie Marie Ferro, Don Jerry Fink, Barbara Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Margaret Rose Fitzpatrick, Phyllis Ann Fitzwater, Rebecca Ann Freeland, Clyde Morris French, Shirley Ann Garland, Gloria Lou Garten, Prudence Gaziano, Mildred Jean Gilliam, Leon Alva Goins, Shirley Louise Goins, Sandara Lee Goodall, Judith Lynn Griffith, Pauline Frances Grimes, Richard Allen Grubb, Robert Eugene Hancock, Norman Holt Harless, Jr., Clyde Douglas Harper, Jerry Lee Harrah, Maurnetia Harris, Ronald Lee Harvey, Judith Anne Hayes, Maynard Franklin Hicks, Brenda Sharron Holliday, Jimmie Gennell Houston, Cecilia Ann Hovanski, James Morris Hoye, Charlotte Ann Hunt, Frank McKinley Huston, Richard Brient, Hutchens, Larry Wayne Kesler, Margaret Ellen Kirby, Judith Evelyn Kobelia, James Warren Lawson, Nancy Ellen Lawson, Elizabeth Lee, Carol Ann Lewis, Nancy Hamilton Lewis, Fred Vivan Lilly, Orville Eugene Lilly, James Ethan Lowe, Cecil Jackson Luther, Wanda Marie Lyons, Anthony Joe Maddox, Billie Isabella Maddy, John Luther Maddy, Betty Jo Mahaffey, Robert Grant Mankin, Larry Martin, Lois Jean Maxey, Patricia Ann Maxey, Ted Curtis Maxey, Reba Ann McClaugherty, Emma Lou McComas, Wanda Vera McDaniel, Gene Raymond McElrath, Thomas Streibeigh McElrath, Mildred Louise McGoskey, Thomas Ray McKinney, Leonard Ray McNulty, Della Marie McQuillen, Carol Ann Meadows, Greta Mae Meadows, Jessie Meadows, John Norwood Meadows, Norman Richard Meadows, Retha Belle Meadows, Scotty Leon Meadows, David Lee Miller, Melva Ann Miller, Miranda Adair Mills, Joyce Ann Mize, Ann Louise Moore, Marlene Deloris Moore, Wyona Faye Morgan, Myrna Kay Morris, Vivien Mintle Moss, Elizabeth Gayle Mount, Rachel Pearl Mullens, Coy Lee Nicely, Jr., Russel Hill Nickell, Jr., Particia Louise O’Dell, Aubrey David Pack, Carolyn Sue Pack, Patricia Ann Patrick, Jackie Lee Payne, Sandra Ann Peraldo, Shelva Jean Persinger, Carolyn Dale Plumley, Effie Eleanor Plumley, Carol Ann Potts, Barbara Sue Quesenberry, Anna Marie Radford, Sue Ellen Redden, Marjorie Rea Redmond, Alice Fay Rice, Lillian June Richardson, Barbara Ann Riddick, Cecil Owen Riffe, Jr., Linda Carol Lawson Riffe, Margaret Christine Rogusky, John Griffin Roles, William Franklin Rose, Betty Louise Sanger, Glyndon William Sawyers, Graham Everett Sayre, Gary Lee Schiffer, David Ray Scott, Judith Ann Shumate, Lavone Joyce Skaggs, Gene Douglas Skiles, Carolyn Louise Smith, Ernest Wade Smith, Howard Wesley Smith, Jr., Robert Franklin Smith, Jr., Merry Ellen Snuffer, William Edward Snuffer, Margaret Carlyn Soltes, Larry Eugene Stafford, Errol Suthard Stokley, Richard Pierson Summers, Shirley Lea Sutphin, Joan Gay Swepston, Lorene Vivian Taylor, Wilma Joyce Taylor, Florence Ethel Thomas, Ruth Ann Thomas, Gloria Jean Thompson, Geraldine Ola Tolbert, Laura Sharolet Tolliver, Carol Ann Tyree, Joan Ruth Underwood, Linda Lou Underwood, Gloria Jean Vaughn, James Franklin Walker, Geneva Annette Wallen, Annette Yvonne Walney, Betty Jean Walton, Barbara Lee Warden, JoAnn Watson, Robert Douglas Wickline, Elizabeth Ann Wilbur, Virginia Florence Wilkes, Alice Faye Williams, Frederick Lee Williams, Larry Lee Willis, Shirley Jean Wooten, Willis Walter Wooten, Edna Maude Wriston and Kenneth Charles Zimmerick were among 343 clasmates who received diplomas.
Classmate Florence Ethel Thomas married John Denny of Sophia, West Virginia.
Classmate Brenda Gaye Jackson married John Thomas Thios, WWHS 1956. The wedding ceremony was performed at the Methodist Temple in Beckley. Brenda had just graduated from WWHS and Tom was a student at West Virginia University at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Sharon Louise Coleman married classsmate John Franklin Estrada, Jr.
Classmate Phyllis Marie Fakus married classsmate Gene Burton Wiseman.
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon visited the Soviet Union and Soviet Premier Nakita Khrushchev visited the United States. The New York Philharmonic Orchestra toured Europe. The United Steel Workers struck steel mills for 116 days, the longest such labor stoppage in American history.
New book titles: Advise and Consent and Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
At the movies: Anatomy of a Murder, Ben-Hur, Room at the Top, The Diary of Ann Frank and The Nun’s Story.
Television premiers: Adventures in Paradise, Bonanza, Rawhide, The Many Loves of Dobbie Gillis, The Twilight Zone and The Untouchables.
At college, in military service or at work we listened to: Mack The Knife, Battle of New Orleans, Venus, Lonely Boy, There Goes My Baby, Personality, Three Bells, Put Your Head On My Shoulder, Sleep Walk and Come Softly To Me.
Classmate Sue Ellen Redden married Fred Walters of Sophia, West Virginia. The wedding ceremony was performed in Tazwell, Virginia. Sue Ellen was working in the accounting department of Higgens Grocery Supplies at Beckley Junction attending Beckley College. Fred had employment pending in Washington, D. C. at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Barbara Lee Warden married classmate Richard Allen Grubb.
Classmate John Gray Pruett married Shelby A. Callahan of Daniels, West Virginia. The wedding ceremony was performed in the Daniels Baptist Church.
Classmate Richard William Highlander completed a one year college prepatory course at Greenbrier Military Academy.
Jerome Van Meter was named principal of Beckley Junior High School, succeeding Charles D. Munson.
Classmate Judith Ann Shumate married classmate James Lee Broome.
Classmate Patricia Ann Patrick married classmate John Griffin Roles.
Classmate Patricia Ann Maxey married classmate Larry Eugene Stafford.
J. B. Cole made an untimley departure from this life. James (P. A.) Hatcher learned of the tragedy in a letter from home, written by Elizabeth Gayle Mount.
Classmate Lynda Sue Oscar married classmate Glyndon William (John) Sawyers, Jr..
Classmate Ernest Wayne Tucker married Gloria Vila, WWHS 1954. The wedding ceremony was performed at St. Francis DeSales Catholic Church in Beckley. Wayne was working in sales at George’s and Gloria had an administrative position with United Mine Workers in Beckley at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Mary Louise Smith married James R. Roser of Dayton, Ohio. The wedding ceremony was performed in Dayton. Louise was just out of beauty school and Jim was a firefighter in Dayton at the time of the marriage.
The Census Bureau set the population of the United States at 179,245,000. A controversial mutual security treaty signed by Japan and the United States led to rioting in Japan, which in turn caused cancellation of a planned trip by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Soviet Union shot down an American U-2 spy plane and captured the pilot – Francis Gary Powers. The United States orbited the first weather satellite – Tiros 1. The 50-star United States flag reflecting admission of Hawaii to statehood became official. Hurricane Donna ravaged east coast states. The first series of televised debates between American presidential candidates took place. California death row author Caryl Chessman was put to death in the gas chamber at San Quinten Prison and Chrysler Corporation announced discontinuance of the DeSoto automobile, manufactured by Chrysler since 1928. The worst air disaster to date occurred when a United Airlines DC-8 jetliner and a Trans-World Airlines Lockheed Super-Constellation collided in fog over New York Harbor resulting in 132 fatalities. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was elected 35th President of the United States – first American president born in the 20th Century. Few WWHS – 1958 alumni were elgible to cast a ballot.
New book titles: To Kill a Mocking Bird, The Child Buyer, No High Ground, Ourselves to Know and Apologies to the Iroquois.
At the movies: The Apartment, Butterfield 8, Sons and Lovers, Elmer Gantry, Spartacus and The Sundowners.
On stage: Becklet, Bye-Bye Birdie and A Taste of Honey.
Television premier: The Flintstones first cartoon created for an adult audience in the United States.
At college, in military service or at work we listened to: Theme From a Summer Place, Georgia On My Mind, Mack The Knife and We Got Us..
Mrs. Hazel Davenport, a first grade teacher at Central Elementary School was welcomed to the White House in Washington, D. C. by Vice President Richard Nixon as 1960 National Teacher of the Year. The WWHS Class of 1958 was the first class Mrs. Davenport taught at Central Elementary.
For the first time since 1850, Beckley and Raleigh County lost population according to a national census. The city’s population fell from 19,397 in 1950 to 18,489. The county population fell from 96,273 in 1950 to 76,525.
Several classmates received degrees and certificates from Beckley College. George T. Arnold, Jr., Joyce Ann Cooney, Harold Andrew Earehart and Melvin Storm Jamison received Associates in Arts Degrees. Larry Wayne Kessler received an Associate in Science Degree and Mary Lou Forren received an Advanced Secretarial Certificate.
Classmate Carol Gaye Fitzgerald married James E. Hodges, originally from North Carolina. The wedding ceremony was performed at the Memorial Baptist Church in Beckley. Carol was working as a bookkeeper for Asssociated Cemetery Estates and Jim was employed by Biggs, Johnson and Withrow Printing at the time of the wedding.
Classmate Betty Lenore Suddreth married classmate Melvin Storm Jamison. The wedding ceremony was performed at the Hollywood Missionary Baptist Church in MacArthur. Betty was entering her junior year at Concord College (now University) and Mel had finished an associates degree at Beckley College and was employed at H&M Shoe Store at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Phyllis Ann Fitzwater married Eddie Marshall, WWHS 1955. The wedding ceremony was performed in Prosperity. Phyllis was a student at Beckley College and Eddie was a heavy equipment operator at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Joyce Kay Shumate married Dallas Phipps of Beckley. The wedding ceremony was performed at Rich Creek, Virginia. Joyce had completed two years of college and Dallas was serving in the U. S. Army at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Bill Rose arrived at the United States Marine Corps Recruit Training Center at Parris Island, South Carolina to begin basic training.
The United States severed diplomatic relations with Cuba and sponsored a hostile invasion that failed to dislodge Fidel Castro’s government. President Kennedy announced plans for The Peace Corps as an alternative to compulsory military service. The first American in space, Navy Commander Alan B. Shepard, Jr. made a suborbital flight in a Mercury capsule named the Freedom Seven. The Alliance for Progress was created and the United States reaffirmed United Nations membership for the Nationalist Chinese government on Taiwan. American families were advised to build private bomb shelters. Gen. Douglas MacArthur returned to the Philippines for his first visit since 1946. New York Yankee outfielder Roger Maris hit 61 home runs setting a new major league record for schedules more than 154 games in a season. The last DeSoto automobile rolled off the assembly line.
New book titles: The Coming Fury, Spirit Lake, The Winter of our Discontent and The Agony and the Ecstasy.
At the movies: Two Women, West Side Story, and Judgement at Nuremberg.
On stage: The Night of the Iguana, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and A Man for All Seasons.
Television premiers: The Dick VanDyke Show and The Avengers.
At college, in military service or at work we listened to: Never on Sunday, Where the Boys Are, Apache, Don’t be Cruel and It’s Now or Never.
Classmate Marlene Deloris Moore married John Roger Crowder of Prosperity. The wedding ceremony was performed in Beckley. Marlene was employed in the traffic department of Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company in Beckley and Roger was serving in the United States Army at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Sherry Lee Evans married Jerry Rose, WWHS 1959. The wedding ceremony was performed in Beckley. Following a one night honeymoon in Princeton, West Virginia, the newly weds traveled to New York City where they studied dance and performed in a small company – Ballet Cirque. Initially, they lived in a huge scary house with other company members.
Marshall College became Marshall University when legislation passed by the West Virginia Legislature approving university status was signed by Gov. W. W. Barron.
Classmate Frank Huston was released from active duty in the United States Army.
Honey In The Rock was introduced at the outdoor theater in Grandview State Park. This premier was attended by 1,020 invited viewers. Classmate Linda Carrol Lawson appeared in the production as a dancer .
Classmate Norman Richard Meadows married Connie Ballard, WWHS 1961. The wedding ceremony was performed in Beckley. Richard was serving in the United States Army at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Janice Gayle Curtis received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Concord College (now university).
Classmate Mary Ellen Thorpe married Ed States of Roanoke, Virginia. The wedding ceremony was performed in the First Christian Church in Beckley. Mary Ellen was a student at Concord College (now University) and Ed had just graduated from Concord at the time of the marriage.
Classmate James Cole was released from active duty in the United States Army.
China invaded India and United States troops were placed in Thailand to guarantee Laotian sovereignty. American communists were barred from travel abroad. U. S. tanks were withdrawn from the Berlin Wall and the United States resumed nuclear testing in the atmosphere. Lt. Col. John Glenn, USMC became the first American to orbit the Earth in space by circling it three times in a Mercury capsule. The Cuban government began releasing prisoners captured during the Bay of Pigs invasion. President John F. Kennedy revealed the presence of Soviet offensive missles in Cuba, setting off a confrontation to become known as The Cuban Missle Crisis. Basketball star Wilt Chamberlain of the Philadelphia Warriors scored 100 points in a game against the New York Knicks.
New book titles: Ship of Fools, Another Country, Fail Safe, The Thin Red Line and Silent Spring.
At the movies: Lawrence of Arabia, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Miracle Worker and Sweet Bird of Youth.
On stage: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and Stop The World – I Want To Get Off. My Fair Lady closed following 2,717 performances on Broadway.
Television: Walter Cronkite became the CBS Evening News anchor and Johnny Carson took over the Tonight Show.
At college, in military service or at work we listened to: I Left My Heart in San Francisco and If I Had a Hammer.
Classmate Jacquline Harwood Short married classmate Patsy Mike Porterfield.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class A state basketball championship by defeating Wierton High School by the score of 71-69 in Morgantown. Beckley had trailed by 20 points at one point in the game. It was the seventh state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Classmate Norman Richard Meadows was released from active duty in the United States Army.
At Concord College’s 87th annual commencement, classmates Betty Suddreth-Jamison, Charlene Carson, Kay Weikle-Davis and Sandra Lee Goodall received Bachelor of Science in Education degrees. Betty Suddreth-Jamison graduated Magna Cum Laude. Patricia Gail Fitzpatrick received a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics and Franklin Davis Heatherly received a Bachelor of Arts with double majors of psychology and English.
St. Francis DeSales Catholic School in Beckley graduated the school’s first class of eighth graders.
At West Virginia University’s commencement, classmate David Lloyd Craig received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, Brenda Kay Booth received a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Tamara Dale Harrah received a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Shelby Lee Dozier and Sandra Kay Reed received Bachelor of Science degrees in Home Economics and Robert Staney Klein received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. West Virginia University also graduated the first 15 doctors of medicine in the history of the school.
Classmate Katherine Ingals Walker received an A. B. degree from Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in Lynchburg, Virginia. Kitty’s major was religon and her minor was history.
Classmate Nancy Fink received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Russian Linguistics from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Classmate Susan Johnson received a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Music from Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, Virginia.
Classmate Michele Ellen Wender received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Ohio State University.
Classmate Alfred French (Corky) Lively was released from active duty in the United States Air Force.
Classmate Alfred French (Corky) Lively married Muriel Clement, originally from Manchester, New Hampshire where the wedding took place. Corky was working for Vitro Labs in Wheaton, Maryland on a Polaris Submarine project and Muriel was employed by the Bell Telephone business office in Wheaton, Maryland at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Tamara Gale Harrah married Mike Jones, originally from Charleston, West Virginia. The wedding cremony was performed in the Methodist Temple in Beckley. Tamara was getting ready to start her first year of teaching in Morgantown, West Virginia and Mike was finishing his last year at West Virginia University at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Martha Jane Wood received a Diploma in Nursing from Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, North Carolina.
A federal budget totaling $98.8 billion including an anticipated deficit amounting to $11.9 billion was submitted to the United States Congress. Informal nuclear test ban discussions with the Soviet Union collapsed and underground nuclear testing was resumed. The nuclear-powered submarine Thresher sank in the Atlantic Ocean. Medicare was submitted to the Congress. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of free counsel for indigent suspects facing serious criminal charges. Canada accepted American nuclear warheads for missiles stored on Canadian soil. President and Mrs. Kennedy made a ten-day tour of Europe during which he gave his Ich bin ein Berliner speech. The Mona Lisa was exhibited in New York City and Washington, D. C. A bill requiring equal pay for equal work, regardless of sex, was signed into law by President Kennedy. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He was the fourth American president to suffer this fate.
New book titles: Terrible Swift Sword, The Sand Pebbles, The American Way of Death, Idiots First and Cat’s Cradle.
At the movies: Cleopatra, Lilies In The Field, Tom Jones, Hud, 8 1/2 and The V. I.P.’s.
On stage: Strange Interlude, Luther and The Trojan Women.
Television premier: The day time soap opera General Hospital.
Popular music: Days of Wine and Roses, Hard Days Night and Blowin’ In The Wind.
Classmate Mary Lou Forren married Thomas J. DePolo originally from Windber, Pennsylvania. The wedding ceremony was performed in the Presbyterian church in Beckley. Mary Lou was working at Appalachian Hospital in an administrative position and Tom was an x-ray technician at the same hospital at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Charles Woodrow Bales received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education from the University of Flordia.
Classmate Martha Jane Wood married Army 2nd Lt. Jon Ventura of Clarksburg, West Virginia in a civil ceremony at the Rathus (city hall) in Kornweshim, West Germany. Their marriage certificate is written in German.
Classmate Martha Jane Wood married Army 2nd Lt. Jon Ventura of Clarksburg, West Virginia in a church ceremony at the Army Chapel in Kornweshim, West Germany.
Classmate Richard William Highlander received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Rutgers University. Having served as cadet colonel in the Army ROTC during his senior year, he also received a officer’s commission in the United States Army.
West Virginia celebrated 100 years of statehood. (35th state admitted to the Union.)
Classmate George Thelbert Arnold, Jr. received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, Social Studies and Journalism from Marshall University.
Classmate Michele Ellen Wender married Laurence Michael Zak, originally from Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The wedding ceremony was performed in Beckley. Both Micki and Mike were graduate students at UCLA at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Gary Lee Schiffer was released from active duty in the United States Army.
The Twenty-fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States abolishing the poll tax became effective. Jack Ruby was convicted in Dallas, Texas for the mudrer of Lee Harvey Oswald. We were introduced to The Great Society and racial riots in New York, Philadelphia and Florida. Americans and Europeans were taken hostage in the Congo. The State Department announced that the United States embassy in Moscow had been bugged by the Soviets. The first close-up pictures of the moon’s surface were gathered by an American satellite and a joint U. S./U. S.S. R. space program – Echo 2 was established. Lyndon Baines Johnson was elected to a full term as president of the United States. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed in the Congress resulting from North Vietnemese patrol boats attacking the U. S.S. Maddox, a destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin and the Cold War in Southeast Asia turned into armed conflict. Our classmates would see combat.
New book titles: A Moveable Feast, Herzog, Little Big Man and Julian.
At the movies: My Fair Lady, Mary Poppins, Topkapi and Zorba the Greek.
On stage: Hello Dolly, The Subject Was Roses and Fiddler on the Roof.
Television premier: Jeopardy. The Beatles appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show set a new television ratings record.
Popular music: The Girl From Ipanema and Hard Days Night.
Classmate Sandra Lee Goodall married James Edward Gunter of Charleston, West Virginia. The wedding ceremony was performed at Cavalry Baptist Church in Charleston. Sandra was in her second year of teaching (high school) and Jim was employed by Wholesale Services in Dunbar at the time of the marriage.
Classmate Charles Woodrow Bales received a Master of School Administration degree from the University of Florida.
Classmate John Franklin Estrada, Jr. received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion from Columbia Union College, Takoma Park, Maryland.
Classmate Ida Mae Canterbury received a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from Marshall University.
West Virginia University lost to Utah by the score of 32-6 in the Liberty Bowl played in Memphis, Tennessee.
Public demonstrations against United States involvement in the conflict in Vietnam were held across the nation. American troop strength in Vietnam was increased from 75,000 to 125,000 and conscription of troops for the military rose from 17,000 draftees per month to 35,000 per month. Defense appropriations approached 40 percent of all government expenditures. The Medicare program was approved in the Congress as were programs to address antipoverty (including the development of Appalachia), voting rights and aid to education. Pope Paul VI visited New York City to address the United Nations General Assembly about world peace. A power blackout lasting up to 13 hours in some areas affected New York, most of New England and parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania along with Ontario and Quebec, Canada. The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri was topped out. The first American space walk and the rendezvous of two Gemini capsules 185 miles above the Earth were representative of progress in outer space exploration.
New book titles: Kennedy, A Thousand Days, Going to Meet the Man and Never Call Retreat.
At the movies: A Paatch of Blue, A Thousand Clowns, Cat Ballou, Darling, Ship of Fools and The Sound of Music.
On stage: Marat/Sade, Man of La Mancha and The Lion in Winter.
Television premiers: Green Acres and the day time soap opera Days of Our Lives.
Popular music: A Taste of Honey, It Was a Very Good Year, My Name Is Barbara and We Dig Mancini.
The first United States combat forces into Vietnam, 3,500 Marines joined 23,500 Americans already on the ground as advisors.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the school’s eighth state basketball championship by defeating Williamson High School by the score of 69-67 in Morgantown.
Classmate Ida Mae Canterbury married classmate Richard William Highlander. The ceremony was performed at The Methodist Temple in Beckley.
Classmate Robert Douglas Wickline married Ruth Ann Lee Bryant, WWHS 1962. The wedding ceremony was performed in Radford, Virgina. Bob was working at Harvey’s in Beckley and Ruth Ann was working at Appalachian Regional Hospital at the time of the marriage.
Classmate George Thelbert Arnold, Jr. received a Master of Arts degree in American and European History from Marshall University.
Both involvement in the Vietnam Conflict and protest of that involvement grew. Slightly less than 400,000 troops were committed to southeast Asia by the end of the year. Protests of American involvement in Vietnam spread to foreign nations. The Department of Housing and Urban Development was added to the government of the United States. The worst blizzard in memory (about 70 years) struck the eastern United States, including West Virginia. We were introduced to the Miranda warning when the Supreme Court ruled that police officers must advise those they are arresting of certain rights at the time of apprehension. Black power and white backlash entered the American lexicon. Muhammad Ali consolidated the heavyweight boxing championship by defeating five contenders during the year. Gemini 12, the last mission of the Gemini program was launched. Astronauts James Lovell and Edwin Aldrin rendezvoused with a target vehicle and took pictures of a solar eclipse. Merger of the Pennsylvania and New York Central railroads won approval by the Interstate Commerce Commission. A strike by the International Association of Machinists grounded all major American airlines and the last Studebaker automobile rolled off the assembly line.
New book titles: In Cold Blood, The Embezzler, Tai-Pan, Rush to Judgement and Valley of the Dolls.
At the movies: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Dr. Zhivago, Torn Curtain and Thunderball.
On stage: A Man for All Seasons, Cabaret, Gregory Girl, Mame and Mark Twain Tonight!.
Television premier: Star Trek.
Popular music: Strangers in the Night, If He Walked Into My Life and A Man and a Woman.
Classmate Larry Stafford pulled his first shift as a Beckley police officer.
Surveyor 1 made the first American soft landing on the moon and immediately began to transmit television pictures of the surface it sat on.
Classmate Michele Ellen Wender-Zak received a Master of Arts degree from UCLA.
Classmate Sandra Goodall-Gunter received a Master of Arts degree in Business Education from Marshall University.
Classmate Peggy Davis married Horacio Davila, originally from Santa Deo (a ranch), Zacatecas, Mexico. The wedding took place in Chevy Chase, Maryland where Peggy was employed by Mariott. Horacio was a journeyman plumber for Krick of Maryland at the time of the marriage.
The Green Bay Packers defeated the Kansas City Chiefs by the score of 35-10 in Super Bowl I. Troop build up in Vietnam continued, casualty rates increased and protests against American involvement there continued. For the first time, counter demonstrations in favor of American military involvement in Vietnam were organized. Appropriations were made by the Congress for increased Social Security benefits, education and antipoverty programs but it was the defense appropration that increased faster and higher than would have previously been thought possible. A lottery system was implemented by Selective Service to conscript elgible American males into military service. Thurgood Marshall was sworn in as the first black associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. Lester Maddox, a restaurant owner who had made public demonstrations against racial integration was sworn is as governor of Georgia. New York congressman Adam Clayton Powell was denied his seat in the 90th Congress due to misuse of government funds. The United States experienced the worst racial riots in its history following the shooting of Dr. Martin Luther King in Memphis, Tennessee. The American space program made three successful soft landings on the moon and Mariner 5 sent back data about the asmosphere of Venus.
New book titles: The Arrangement, Death of a President, Tales of Manhattan, The Chosen and Rosemary’s Baby.
At the movies: Bonnie and Clyde, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?, Cool Hand Luke, In the Heat of the Night and The Whisperers.
On stage: The Homecoming, I Can’t Hear You When the Water’s Running and The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.
Television premiers: The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour and The Carol Brunette Show.
Popular music: Up, Up and Away, By the Time I get to Phoenix, Ode to Bille Joe and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
A launch pad fire at Cape Kennedy, Florida took the lives of astronauts Virgil I. “Gus” Grissom, Edward H. White, II and Roger B. Chaffee during Apollo testing.
The Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing for presidential succession took effect.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the school’s ninth state basketball championship by defeating Charleston High School by the score of 75-69 in Morgantown.
The Silver Bridge over the Ohio River linking Point Pleasant, West Virginia and Kanauga, Ohio collapsed resulting in the deaths of 46 people.
Classmate Bill Rose received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, majoring in Accounting from West Virginia Institute of Technology.
The U. S.S. Pueblo, an intelligence gathering ship was seized by North Koreans off the coast of North Korea. A nuclear nonproliferation treaty was signed by 61 nations including the United States and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Tet Offensive in Vietnam ended further presidential asperations of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Descent toward the United States involvement in Vietnam and racial unrest at the nation’s colleges and universities produced headlines, almost daily. Gov. George Wallace of Alabama waged the strongest third party bid for the presidency in our memory. An income tax surcharge and inflation cost average Americans hard earned gains in their economic well being. Dr. Denton Cooley of Texas performed 17 heart transplants. Crime became the number one concern of the general public. Presidential candidate Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Martin Luther King was shot and killed in Memphis Tennessee, setting off a series of racial riots in urban black gettos. High hemlines and leather garments were prominent in the world of fashion although pant suits won acceptance among women. In sports, both the American and National baseball leagues formed two divisions to create an expanded playoff schedule.
New book titles: Couples, A Small Town in Germany, The Salzburg Connection and Cancer Ward.
At the movies: Charity, Funny Girl, Oliver!, Rachel, Rachel, The Lion in Winter, The Subject Was Roses and Rosemary’s Baby.
On stage: 1776, Forty Carats, The Boys in the Band, The Man in the Glass Booth and The Great White Hope.
Television premier: 60 minutes. The first live transmision of video from inside a manned American space capsule became a television first.
Popular music: Mrs. Robinson, Light My Fire and Do You Know the Way to San Jose?.
Classmate Coy Nicely was killed in Vietnam. Coy was in that country as an employee of Bell Aerosystems.
Classmate Joyce Kay Shumate-Phipps received a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Concord College.
Classmate Gary Lee Shiffer received an Associate in Science degree from Beckley College.
Classmate Jo Ann Watson married Robert (Red) Rhodes. The ceremony was performed in Virginia. Jo Ann was employed by the Tip Top in Beckley and “Red” was employed by Acme Super Market at the time of the marriage.
Richard Milhous Nixon was elected 36th president of the United States of America.
A mine explosion and resulting fire killed 78 coal miners in Farmington, West Virginia.
Classmate Edward Ildon Phipps married Cora Sue Lester originally from Helen, West Virginia. The wedding ceremony was performed in Vienna, Virginia. Eddie was working as a machinist and Cora was working as an electronics assembler at the time of the marriage.
Paris peace talks failed to bring an end to the conflict in Vietnam, but troop levels were reduced. We were introduced to The Silent Majority theory. The size of peace demonstrations and counter demonstrations grew. Mudslides took more than 100 lives in California and destroyed approximately 10,000 homes. Two Apollo space craft reached the moon. The prime lending rate of the Federal Reserve Board reached an all time high and skyjackers seized 65 aircraft during the course of the year. James Earl Ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison for the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King. Sirhan Sirhan received a death sentence for the killing of Sen. Robert Kennedy.
New book titles: Naked Came the Stranger, Portnoy’s Complaint, The Making of a President, An Unfinshed Woman and The Godfather.
At the movies: Midnight Cowboy, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, True Grit and They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?.
On stage: Child’s Play, Oh Calcutta! and Borstal Boy.
Television premiers: The Brady Bunch, Sesame Street and the PBS network. A worldwide audience of 600 million viewers watched live coverage of astronaut Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk.
Popular music: Aquarius, Is That All There Is and Blood Sweat and Tears.
Combat deaths in Vietnam exceeded those cost by the Korean conflict.
Classmate John Franklin Estrada, Jr. was ordained as a Seventh-day Adventist minister. The ordination took place at Roanoke, Virginia.
The Lunar Excurison Module Eagle landed on the surface of the moon. Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong exited the vehicle becoming the first human to set foot on the moon. He was joined by astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr, and together they made a two-hour moon walk during which they collected rock samples and set up expiriments.
Harvard University scientists announced isolation of a single gene as the basic unit of heredity.
West Virginia University defeated South Carolina by the score of 14-3 in the Peach Bowl played in Atlanta, Georgia.
The Census Bureau set the population of the United States at 203,302,031. Unsuccessful United Mines Workers presidential candidate Joseph Yablonski, his wife and his daughter were found murdered in their Pennsylvania home. Inflation and unemployment dominated news headlines. A second Supreme Court justice nominee in as many years was rejected by the United States Senate. The United States invaded Cambodia leading to violent antiwar demonstrations. Major budget cuts were made in the space program. An explosion of liquid oxygen crippled Apollo 13, cancelling an intended moon landing. However, the space craft did return safely to Earth after orbiting the moon.
New book titles: Deliverance, Islands in the Stream, QB VII and Zelda.
At the movies: Catch 22, The Graduate, Patton and Woodstock.
On stage: Of Mice and Men, Childs Play, Conduct Unbecoming and Home.
Emmy awards: Peter Ustinov for A Storm In Summer; Patty Duke for My Sweet Charlie; Robert Young for Marcus Welby, M. D.; and Susan Hampshire for The Forsyte Saga.
Actor Chris Sarandon (Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1960) was nominated for an Academy Award as best supporting actor for his role in A Dog Day Afternoon.
The first Earth Day was celebrated across the United States.
Four student antiwar demonstrators were shot and killed by Ohio National Guard troops on the campus of Kent State University.
The United States Postal System became an independent agency of the United States government.
Classmate Franklin Davis Heatherly received a Master of Arts degree in School Administration from the University of Alabama.
Forty-three members and coaches of the Marshall University football team were killed in a crash of their chartered aircraft at Kenova, West Virginia. Sportscaster and former Beckley Man of the Year, Gene Morehouse who had broacast our high school football games also died in the crash.
We learned of The Pentagon Papers through the New York Times. American troop strength in Vietnam dropped to 184,000. A bomb planted by the Weather Underground exploded in the United States Capitol. Inflation and unemployment continued to rise. A prison riot at the New York State Prison at Attica cost the lives of nine prison guards and 28 inmates. The National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) began operations.
New book titles: The Vantage Point, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, The Book of Daniel, Honor Thy Father and The Winds of War.
At the movies: A Clockwork Orange, Klute, The Last Picture Show and The French Connection.
On stage: Follies, Godspell, Jesus Christ Superstar and The Prisoner of Second Avenue.
Emmy awards: George C. Scott for The Price; Lee Grant for The Neon Ceiling; Hal Holbrook for The Bold Ones; and Susan Hampshire for The First Churchills.
United Mines Workers president William A. “Tony” Boyle was indicted on charges of conspiracy, embezzlement and illegal campaign contributions.
Classmate Wayne Tucker pulled his first shift as a member of the Beckley Fire Department.
The Twenty-sixth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States became effective, reducing the voting age to 18 years.
The People’s Republic of China was admitted to the United Nations and Nationalist China was expelled.
Wages and prices in the United States were frozen for 90 days in an attempt to fight inflation.
Classmate Gene Raymond McElrath’s body was discovered in West Raleigh, a victim of homicide. We do not believe anyone has ever been charged with this crime. Gene was raised in Crab Orchard where he continued to live following service in the United States Army. He had been employed for a time as a taxi driver in Beckley.
President Richard M. Nixon visited The People’s Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. U. S. representatives walked out of the Paris peace talks. North Vietnam troops moved into South Vietnam from two directions. The Paris peace talks resumed. A treaty banning the use of biological warfare was signed by 212 nations, including the United States. Alabama Gov. George Wallace was shot while campaigning for president in Laurel Maryland. Gov. Wallace would never walk again. Inflation and unemployment decreased while economic growth increased and we were introduced to the Chinese medical practice of acupuncture. Metropolitan police from the District of Columbia arrested five political operatives at the Democratic National Headquarters located in the Watergate apartment complex.
New book titles: August 1914, Eleanor and Franklin, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Boys of Summer and The Best and the Brightest.
At the movies: Caberet, Cries and Whispers, The French Connection, The Godfather and Sluth.
On stage: Sticks and Bones, The Changing Room and The Sunshine Boys.
Emmy awards: Keith Michell for The Six Wives of Henry VIII; Glenda Jackson for Elizabeth R; and Peter Falk for Columbo.
An earthen dam collapsed at Buffalo Creek, West Virginia desulting in 118 fatalities.
Classmate Gary Lee Schiffer received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia.
Classmate Richard William Highlander received a Master of Arts degree in Journalism from the University of Georgia.
Classmate Connie Jean Kish married classmate George Thelbert Arnold, Jr. in Beckley. Connie was a registered nurse at the Veteran’s Hospital there and George was a journalism faculty member at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia at the time of the marriage.
The last American ground troops were withdrawn from Vietnam. Classmate George Winton Thompson continued to be listed as missing-in-action.
West Virginia University lost to North Carolina State by the score of 49-13 in the Peach Bowl played in Atlanta, Georgia.
We learned that President Richard M. Nixon had recorded his official conversations and he tried to withhold them as evidence from investigations under executive privilege. Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew resigned his office and entered a plea of no contest to one charge of income tax evasion resulting from a plea bargin. The United States House of Representatives openly considered whether impeachment of the president would be in order. The two Watergate burglars who chose to stand trial rather than plea guilty as did five others, received guilty verdicts. Record levels of economic achievement were accompanied by record level inflation. The United States Supreme Court struck down most laws restricting abortion as a medical procedure and the draft calls were terminated. Secretariat won horse racing’s Triple Crown, the ninth horse to do so.
New book titles: Gravity’s Rainbow, Recovery, The Ascent of Man and The Taking of Pehlam One Two Three.
At the movies: American Graffiti, Dillinger, Paper Moon and The Sting.
On stage: A Little Light Music, Lorelei, Raisin and The Hot L Baltimore.
Emmy awards: Laurence Oliver for Long Day’s Journey Into Night, Cloris Leachman for A Brand New Life and Richard Thomas and Michael Learned for The Waltons.
A Vietnam peace agreement was signed in Paris, France terminating United States presence in that reunited country.
Wounded Knee, South Dakota was occupied by American Indian Movement protesters.
Skylab, the first American space station was launched into Earth orbit.
Classmate Michele Ellen Wender-Zak received a Ph. D. in an English discipline from Ohio State University.
Eleven Middle East nations anounced an embargo on oil shipped to the United States and other nations who support Israel.
Gerald R. Ford of Michigan took the oath of office as Vice President of the United States, under provisions of the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution.
Federal wage and price controls were terminated. Double digit inflation and soaring unemployment rates dominated economic news. The Supreme Court of the United States ordered the White House to release information related to the Watergate burglary. The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment. President Richard M. Nixon resigned the office of president of the United States, the first sitting president to do so. Vice President Gerald Ford was sworn in as president. Former Vice President Spiro T. Agnew was disbarred from the practice of law. We learned that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had gathered information detrimental to civil rights organizations and that the Central Intelligence Agency had been active in destabilizing and overthrowing foreign governments. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York was sworn in as vice president of the United States, having been nominated by the sitting president and approved by the United States Senate.
New book titles: All The President’s Men, Jaws, Something Happened and Watership Down.
At the movies: That’s Entertainment, Chinatown and Towering Inferno.
On stage: Absurd Person Singular, Candide, Short Eyes and All Over Town.
Emmy awards: Hal Holbrook for Pueblo, Cicely Tyson for The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, Telly Salavas for Kojak and Michael Learned for The Waltons.
The wreckage of the U. S.S. Monitor sunk in 1862 was reported found off Hatteras, North Carolina.
The 50th West Virginia State Fair opened at Fairlea (Greenbrier County).
In Kanawha County, West Virginia parents protested the use of books that introduced contemporary sexual mores and dissident opinions of the United States in their public schools.
Classmate Mildred Jeanne Gilliam-King died in Montgomery, West Virginia following an illness of several weeks. Jeanne was raised in Cranberry and had lived abroad as an Air Force wife. She left a husband and four daughters.
Classmate Benjamin Von (Bennie) Daniel died of natural causes in Canton, Ohio. Bennie left a wife he married while serving in Germany with the United States Army.
South Vietnam surrendered to the Viet Cong. Thailand asked all American troops to leave that country within a year and the Khmer Rouge took control of Cambodia. United States military installations in Turkey were seized by the Turkish government. We learned of illegal activities conducted by the F. B.I and the C. I.A. The Congress of the United States passed a bill authorizing admission of women into the nation’s three major military academies. An estimated six million American gardens were planted to offset soaring food prices. The national deficit reached $52 billion. Exxon replaced General Motors as the wealthiest company in the United States. Ten of the top 20 corporations were oil companies.
New book titles: Breach of Faith, Humboldt’s Gift, Passions, Ragtime, Shogun and Looking for Mr. Goodbar.
At the movies: Jaws, Nashville, Shampoo, The Sunshine Boys and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
On stage: A Chorus Line, Shenandoah, The Ritz, and Same Time, Next Year.
Emmy awards: Sir Laurence Olivier and Katherine Hepburn in Love Among the Ruins, Robert Blake in Baretta and Jean Marsh in Upstairs, Downstairs.
Three high ranking members of the Nixon Administration including one cabinet member, were sentenced to 30 months in prison for their parts in the Watergate coverup.
The last United States citizens were airlifted out of Vietnam.
Classmate Barbara Elizabeth Fitzpatrick married John Casarow of Bridgeston, New Jersey. She was a real estate agent and he an attorney at the time of the marriage.
Apollo and Soyuz craft docked in outer space and the joint American-Soviet crews performed scientific expirments together.
An assassination attempt was made on the life of President Gerald R. Ford.
West Virginia University defeated North Carolina State by the score of 13-10 in the Peach Bowl played in Atlanta Georgia.
The first report on national health was issued by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Influencial members of congress admitted receiving illegal contributions from Gulf Oil Corporation and South Korean lobbyists. The rate of inflation was five to six percent and unemployment was approximately eight percent of the workforce. We learned of corporate payoffs to obtain sales in foreign lands. Increased numbers of high school graduates possessing inadequate literacy skills led to comprehensive testing for graduation in a number of states. Viking I became the first spacecraft to reach the planet Mars.
New book titles: Agent in Place, Roots, The Russians, Spandau and The Final Days.
At the movies: All the President’s Men, The Magic Flute, Network, Seven Beauties and Rocky.
On stage: The Belle of Amherst and Sweet Bird of Youth.
Emmy awards: Anthony Hopkins for The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case, Susan Clark in Babe, Ed Asner in Rich Man, Poor Man and Kathrine Walker for The Adams Chronicles.
Classmate Janice Gayle Curtis married Wesley Walker, originally from Virginia. The wedding ceremony was performed in Beckley. Janice was teaching school in Raleigh County and Wesley was a right-of-way agent for Appalachain Power Company at the time of the marriage.
Conrail, a federally funded rail corportion took over operation of six bankrupt railroads in the northeast.
A nuclear test agreement was sgned by the United States and Soviet Union limiting the size of underground explosions.
The Supreme Court of the United States upheld capitol punishment laws in Florida, Georgia and Texas but struck down those laws in North Carolina and Louisiana.
Classmate Betty Jean Ballard married Jack Allen Miller, originally from Point of Rocks, Maryland. The wedding ceremony was performed in Las Vegas, Nevada. Betty Jean was employed in banking and Jack was a police captain at the time of the marriage.
James Earl “Jimmy” Carter was elected 39th president of the United States.
The first Concorde flights were made across the Atlantic Ocean. Vietnam-era draft resisters received a presidental pardon, normalization talks between the United States and Vietnam opened in Paris, United States opposition to seating Vietnam in the United Nations was dropped, control of the Panama Canal was tuned back over to Panama and we learned the theory of zero based budgeting. The Trans-Alaska oil pipeline went into full operation. The Department of Energy, 12th Cabinet-level department of the federal govenrnment was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter. Inflation continued in the seven percent range and the cost of a pound of coffee reached $5 per pound. Many consumers switched to tea. Seattle Slew won horse racing’s Triple Crown, the tenth horse to do so.
New book titles: A Rumor of War, Falconer, Six Men, The Immigrants and The Thornbirds.
At the movies: Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
On stage: American Buffalo, Annie and The Shadow Box.
Emmy awards: Ed Flanders for Harry S. Truman: Plain SpeakingSally Field for Sybil, James Garner for The Rockford Files and Lindsay Wagner for The Bionic Woman.
Iva Toguri D’Aquino, known to the world as Tokyo Rose was pardoned by President Gerald R. Ford. A propagangda broadcaster for Japan during World War II, she had been incarcerated at the federal prison for women in Alderson, West Virginia following World War II.
Classmate Janice Gayle Curtis-Walker received a Masters Degree in Elementary Education from West Virginia College of Graduate Education.
Classmate Franklin Davis Heatherly received a Ph. D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Alabama.
Classmate Gary Lee Schiffer received a Masters Degree in Administration from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia.
Classmate David L. Bennett retired from the United States Navy with 20 years and 2 months active duty service.
Classmate Mary Ellen Thorpe-States received a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education from Old Dominion University.
Classmate Ida Mae Canterbury-Highlander received a Masters Degree in Education from Old Dominion University.
The rate of inflation and the nation’s trade deficit increased rapidly. Production did not. Health costs rose faster than the rate of inflation and a plan to create a national health plan failed to gain support of the Congress. The National Energy Act of 1978 regulated natural gas prices and set fuel efficiency standards. A newspaper strike shut down all major newspapers in New York City for 88 days. Hannah H. Gray was innaugrated president of Chicago University, first woman university president in American history. The National Football League added two games to the regular season schedule – 14 games to 16 games.
New book titles: American Caesar, Chesapeake, The World According to Garp, and War and Rememberance.
At the movies: The Deer Hunter, Home and California Suite.
On stage: Ain’t Misbehavin and The Gin Game.
Emmy Awards: Fred Astaire for A Family Upside Down, Joanne Woodward for See How She Runs, Ed Asner for Lou Grant and Sada Thompson for Family.
Thirty-five new astronaut candidates began training. More than 8,000 had applied for those positions.
Classmate Glenn Buckland married Donna Cain originally of Greenville, North Carolina. The wedding ceremony was performed in Greensboro, North Carolina. Glen was employed by the North Carolina National Bank and Donna was an elementary school teacher at the time of the marriage.
Coal Miners went back to work following a 110-day strike, longest in the industry’s history.
At the site of a nuclear power plant located at Willow Island, West Virginia a scaffolding collapse resulted in the deaths of 51 construction workers. Eleven were members of one family.
Classmate David Robert Bailes of Sand Branch, West Virgina died, a homicide victim. We do not believe anyone has ever been proscuted for this crime. David left two daughters, still living at home.
Classmate Ray Andrew McManamy retired from the United States Army with 21 years, 2 months and 21 days active duty service.
Inflation, interest rates and the foreign trade deficit continued to increase throughout the year and the Consumer Price Index rose at the highest rate in 33 years. However, the Dow Jones Average of industrial stocks did not suffer and trading was heavy. Consumption of petroleum products declined as did school enrollment. A woman was elected mayor of Chicago for the first time. The American ambassador to Afghanistan was kidnapped. He was later killed. A Shiite Islamic dictatorship came to power in Iran that led to the seizure of the American Embassy with United States diplomatic personnel being held hostage. American embassies in Pakistan and Lybia were attacked by Islamic fundamentalists.
New book titles: A Streak of Luck, Hanta Yo, Jailbird, The Executioner’s Song and The Ghost Writer.
At the movies: Being There, Kramer vs. Kramer and Norma Rae.
On stage: Evita, Grease, Sugar Babies and The Elephant Man.
Emmy awards: Peter Strauss for The Jericho Mile, Bette Davis for Strangers, Rob Liebman for Kaz and Mariette Hartley for The Incredible Hulk.
The legal battle resulting from the Kent State shootings in 1970 came to a close through a financial settlement.
A nuclear accident occurred at the Three Mile Island power plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Classmate Rita Bright received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Western State College at Gunnison, Colorado.
Creation of the Department of Education on a Cabinet-level, separating Education from Health and Welfare was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter.
Pope John Paul II arrived in the United States for a six-day visit.
Federal aid for Chrysler Corporation in the form of loan guarantees was approved in the Congress.
The Census Bureau set the population of the United States at 226,542,203. Double digit inflation continued for a second straight year and the Federal Reserve raised the discount rate to 13 percent. Unemployment averaged 7.1 percent. Automobile sales fell to a 19 year low. The Iranian hostage crisis continued through the entire year. The first female graduates of the United States Military Academy, The United States Naval Academy and the United States Air Force Academy received their degrees and their commissions. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. This caused the United States to boycott the Summer Olympics held in Moscow. Ronald Reagan was elected 40th president of the United States, oldest man elected to the office. The United States Olympic hockey team defeated the Soviet Union and Finland to win the gold medal in the Winter Olympics.
New book titles: A Confederacy of Dunces, Creek Mary’s Blood, Loon Lake, The Covenant and The Second Coming.
At the movies: Ordinary People, Raging Bull, Coal Miner’s Daughter and Melvin and Howard.
On stage: Amadeus, Evita, 42nd Street, and Children of a Lesser God.
Emmy Awards: Powers Boothe for Guyana Tragedy, Patty Duke Astin for The Miracle Worker, Ed Asner for Lou Grant and Barbara Bel Geddes for Dallas.
Six Americans who had taken refuge in the Canadian Embassy in Teheran, Iran escaped that country with the aid of Canadian Embassy personnel.
The United States severed diplomatic relations with Iran.
Classmate Johnnie Herbert Hoskins received an Associate of Arts degree in Management and Supervision from the University of Maryland.
Classmate Johnnie Herbert Hoskins retired from the United States Air Force with 21 years, 10 months and 9 days active service.
Voyager I launched in 1977 flew by Saturn discovering more rings than previously identified and three new moons.
Divorces hit an all time high. A world wide recession continued. The third straight year of double digit inflation was experienced in the United States while unemployment hit 7.4%. The sale of arms and advanced military equipment to Saudi Arabia was approved over the protest of Israel. The sale of arms to the People’s Republic of China was authorized for the first time. The maiden voyage of the space shuttle Columbia was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Covert domestic intelligence operations by the Central Intelligence Agency and other federal agencies was authorized for the first time by President Reagan. Ten major airlines reported losses twice that of one year previous. IBM introduced the personal computer.
New book titles: Thomas Jefferson(six volumes), The Company of Women, The Hotel New Hampshire and The World According to Garp.
At the movies: Arthur, Chariots of Fire, On Golden Pond, Superman II and Raiders of the Lost Ark.
On stage: The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby and Piaf.
Emmy Awards: Daniel J. Travanti and Barbara Babcock for Hill Street Blues, Shogun for best limited series, Anthony Hopkins for The Bunker, and Vinessa Redgrave for Playing for Time.
The Iranian hostage crisis ended with the release of 52 American captives seized in 1979.
President Ronald Reagan was shot by 25 year old John Hinckley in Washington, D. C.
Classmate Carol Ann Potts-Bradley, a resident of Sheffield Lake, Ohio died in a Lorain, Ohio hospital following a long illness. Following high school, Sparkie enrolled in Beckley College but we are left without further details of her adult life. Carol Ann was survived by her husband, one daughter and one son.
An income tax act was approved by the Congress that reduced the rates of income tax while increasing income tax revenue by the elimination of allowable deductions.
Sandra Day O’Connor was sworn in as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, first female member of that court.
West Virginia University defeated the University of Florida by the score of 26-6 in the Peach Bowl, played in Atlanta, Florida.
Israel invaded Lebanon in response to repeated attacks on Israel by Palestinians operating from Lebanon. The United States engaged in an embargo of goods shipped to the U. S.S. R. owing to it’s invasion of Afghanistan and institution of martial law in Poland. Inflation began to decrease but unemployment in the United States rose to 10.8 percent. More Americans were receiving unemployment compensation than at any time since the payments began in the 1930s. United States Marines were sent into Lebanon as a peace keeping force. The first successful artificial heart transplant was competed at the University of Utah Medical Center. Kodak introduced the disc camera. IBM introduced the most powerful main frame computer to date. American deaths from smoking tobacco products was set at 320,000 per year by the U. S. Institute of Medicine.
New book titles: The Fate of Earth, God’s Grace, The Dean’s December and Oh, What A Paradise It Seems.
At the movies: An Officer and a Gentleman, E. T. the Extraterrestrial, Gandhi, Tootsie and Sophie’s Choice.
On stage: Little Shop of Horrors, Nine, Cats and Torch Song Trilogy.
Emmy Awards: Mickey Rooney for Bill, Ingrid Bergman for A Woman Named Golda, Hill Street Blues for best dramatic series, and Michael Learned for Nurse.
An antitrust suit brought by the Justice Department against the American Telephone and Telegraph Company was resolved with AT&T agreeing to divest itself of 22 Bell Telephone Systems.
In the midst of record setting low temperatures Florida 90, an Air Florida flight taking off from Washington National Airport in Washington D. C. clipped a bridge during the evening rush hour and crashed into the Potomac River, resulting in 71 fatalities on the aircraft and 7 more on the bridge.
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the President of the United States is immune from lawsuits for damages for actions he takes while in office.
USA Today a new national newspaper produced by Gannett Newspapers began publication in the Baltimore-Washington, D. C. market.
The first of seven deaths caused by cyanide placed in Tylenol capsules occurred in the Chicago area.
West Virginia University lost to Florida State by the score of 31-12 in the Gator Bowl, played in Jacksonville, Florida.
The United States Marine Headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon was destroyed by a truck bomb resulting in 241 Marine and Navy fatalities. Other foreign policy failures played out in Lebanon, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The United States invaded Grenada, smallest nation in the Western Hemisphere. The number of Americans living in poverty increased as did the compensation of captains of industry and hospital costs.
New book titles: Ironweed, Ancient Evenings, The Cannibl Galaxy and In Search of Excellence.
At the movies: The Return of the Jedi, Terms of Endearment, Tender Mercies, The Year of Living Dangerously and Never Say Never Again.
On stage: Brighton Beach Memories, Glengarry Glenn Ross and The Real Thing.
Emmy Awards: Ed Flanders for St. Elsewhere, Tyne Daily for Cagney and Lacy, Hill Street Blues for Best dramatic series, Tommy Lee Jones for The Executioner’s Song and Barbara Stanwyck for The Thornbirds.
The final episode of M*A*S*H, a situation comedy about U. S. medics in the Korean War was watched by 125,000,000 viewers.
The United States Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon was leveled by a car-bomb resulting in 63 fatalities.
Dr. Sally K. Ride became the first American female in outer space with the launch of the Challenger’s second flight.
The largest employee buyout of a corporation to date took place at the Weirton Steel works in West Virginia. Workers at the plant voted to purchase it from National Steel Corporation to prevent it’s closing.
West Virginia University defeated the University of Kentucky by a score of 20-16 at the Hall of Fame Bowl played in Birmingham, Alabama.
Classmate Johnnie Herbert Hoskins received a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration from the University of Arizona.
All United States Marines in Lebanon were withdrawn. Corporate mergers created fewer but larger oil, publishing and food distribution entities. The economy showed marked improvement over the past few years fueling record profits for business and improved position for consumers with disposable income. However, these gains came at the expense of the foreign trade deficit. The Dow Jones average of common stocks closed 60 points below the level on the first day of the year, organized labor’s membership dropped to 18.8 percent of salaried workers as jobs were moved overseas, 79 banks failed and farmland values dropped. The United States Embassy in Beirut was bombed for the second time in as many years resulting in two fatalities. The Television Academy Hall of Fame was established. Lucille Ball, Milton Berle, Paddy Chayefsky, Norman Lear, Edward R. Murrow, William S. Paley and David Sarnoff were the inaugural inductees.
New book titles: The Aquitaine Progression, Him With His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories, Lives of the Poets, Iacocca and Walt Whitman.
At the movies: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Amadeus, A Pasage to India, All of Me, Places in the Heart, The Killing Fields and Sunday in the Country.
On stage: The Real Thing, Sunday in the Park With George and La Cage aux Folles.
Emmy Awards: Tom Selleck for Magnum, P. I., Tyne Daly for Cagney and Lacey, Sir Laurence Olivier for Laurence Olivier’s King Lear and Jane Fonda for The Doll Maker.
Full diplomatic relations with the Vatican was announced. That relationship had last existed in 1867.
Classmate Mary Belle Lyons-Kennedy died in a car crash on West Virginia Route 3 at White Oak, West Virginia. Mary Belle was in the company of her oldest daughter, Mary Anna Kennedy-Christian (who also died in the crash) and enroute to Charlottesville, Virginia for treatment of throat cancer. A Cranberry girl, Mary Belle married classmate David Kennedy and started her family before graduation. She was employed as a Raleigh County deputy assessor at the time of her death and was survived by her mother, three sons and two daughters.
Classmate Richard William Highlander retired from the United States Army with 21 years, 3 months and 26 days active duty service.
Astronaut Jon McBride (Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1960) was the pilot of STS 41G, launched aboard the Orbiter Challenger. During the course of this mission, Dr. Kathyn D. Sullivan became the first American female astronaut to walk in space.
West Virginia University defeated Texas Christian University by a score of 31-14 at the Bluebonnet Bowl played in Houston, Texas.
The economy expanded, but only slightly, the unemployment rate continued a slow decline and consumer prices kept pace with inflation. Corporate profits increased at the expense of the foreign trade deficit and the Social Security System celebrated its 50th Anniversary. The Italian liner Achille Lauro was hijacked in the Mediterranaen Sea by Palestinian Liberation Front terrorists. Compact discs, compact disc players and books on tape gained popularity. Spies were uncovered in CIA, FBI and U. S. Navy positions. A congressional investigation estimated half a million Americans were attempting to benefit from false degrees and other credentials.
New book titles: Yeager, The Kingdom of the Wicked, , Chapterhouse Dune, The Cider House Rules and Lake Wobegone Days.
At the movies: Back to the Future, Rocky IV, Cocoon, Kiss of the Spiderwoman, The Trip to Bountiful and Out of Africa.
On stage: Tango Argentino, Biloxi Blues, Big River, Prizzi’s Honor and The Official Story.
Emmy Awards: William Daniels for St. Elsewhere, Tyne Daly for Cagney and Lacy, Richard Cernna for The Rape of Richard Beck and Joanne Woodward for Do You Remember Love?.
A ban on leaded gasoline was ordered by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Christa McAuliffe, a 36 year old school teacher from Concord, New Hampshire was selected to become the first educator to fly aboard a space shuttle.
Classmate James (P. A.) Hatcher married Judith Marlene Lindgren, originally from Salol, Minnesota. The wedding ceremony was conducted in Gaithersburg, Maryland. “P. A.” had an accounting practice in Germantown, Maryland at the time and Judy was employed by an accounting firm in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
The wreck of the Titanic, the luxury ship that sank during its maiden voyage in 1912 was located about 500 miles south of Newfoundland.
Classmate Sharon Louise Coleman-Estrada received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Sociology from Atlantic Union College.
A ban on all tobacco advertising including smokeless tobacco products was recommended by the American Medical Association.
Economic sanctions against Libia were ordered. The Federal Reserve dropped the discount interest rate a full percentage point during the course of the year. The U. S. dollar continued to decline against the yen and other foreign currencies. A glut of foreign oil dropped the price of crude below $20. Unemployment continued to increase while female professionals in the workforce over took the number of male professionals for the first time. It was revealed that the federal government was secretly selling arms to the Islamic government in Iran to obtain funds to support a revolution in Nicaragua.
New book titles: The Garden of Eden, Gerald’s Party, A Perfect Spy and Last of the Breed.
At the movies: Children of a Lesser God, Hannah and Her Sisters, The Mission, Platoon, A Room With a View and The Color of Money.
On stage: Williams and Walker, Lie of the Mind, Benefactors and I’m Not Rappaport.
Emmy Awards: William Daniels and Bonnie Bartlett for St. Elsewhere, Sharon Gless and John Karlen for Cagney and Lacey and Cagney and Lacey for best drama series.
The first personal computer virus, Brain, started to spread.
The space shuttle Challenger exploded less than two minutes into liftoff at Cape Canaveral, Florida killing all astronauts aboard.
The Halley Comet reached its closest point to the Earth, during its second visit to the solar system during the 20th century.
The Soviet Union launched the Mir space station.
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that opponents of capital punishment can be barred from juries in capital cases.
American taxpayers were burdened with the nation’s first trillion-dollar budget. The Dow Jones Average of stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange closed above $2,000 for the first time in January and then crashed in October. An Iraqi missile fired from a warplane killed 37 United States sailors aboard the frigate U. S.S. Starke while the ship was monitoring the Iran/Iraq war. Congressional hearings aired the Iran contra affair. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Rotary Clubs must admit women. Margaret Thatcher was elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for the third time. The United States and Soviet Union concluded a missile reduction agreement.
New book titles: Last of the Breed, Mayflower Madam, Murder in Georgetown, Red Storm Rising, The Witches of Eastwick, and Wanderlust.
At the movies: Broadcast News, Fatal Attraction, Hope and Glory, Moonstruck, and The Last Emperor.
On stage: Anything Goes, Fences, and Les Miserables.
Emmy Awards: Bruce Willis for Moonlighting, Sharon Gless for Cagney and Lacey, John Hillerman for Magnum, P. I., Bonnie Bartlett for St. Elsewhereand L. A. Law for best drama series.
Terry Waite, the special envoy of the Archbishop of Canterbury was kidnapped in Beirut, Lebanon.
British Airways was privatized and its stock listed on the London Stock Exchange.
The first Unabomber bomb exploded in Salt Lake City.
Marshall University lost to Northeast Louisiana by the score of 43-42 in the NCAA Division I-AA National Championship football game, played in Pocatello, Iowa.
West Virginia University lost to Oklahoma State by the score of 35-33 in the Sun Bowl, played in El Paso Texas.
American taxpayers were burdened with the nation’s first trillion-dollar budget. The Dow Jones Average of stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange closed above $2,000 for the first time in January and then crashed in October. An Iraqi missile fired from a warplane killed 37 United States sailors aboard the frigate U. S.S. Starke while the ship was monitoring the Iran/Iraq war. Congressional hearings aired the Iran contra affair. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Rotary Clubs must admit women. Margaret Thatcher was elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for the third time. The United States and Soviet Union concluded a missile reduction agreement.
New book titles: Last of the Breed, Mayflower Madam, Murder in Georgetown, Red Storm Rising, The Witches of Eastwick, and Wanderlust.
At the movies: Broadcast News, Fatal Attraction, Hope and Glory, Moonstruck, and The Last Emperor.
On stage: Anything Goes, Fences, and Les Miserables.
Emmy Awards: Bruce Willis for Moonlighting, Sharon Gless for Cagney and Lacey, John Hillerman for Magnum, P. I., Bonnie Bartlett for St. Elsewhereand L. A. Law for best drama series.
Terry Waite, the special envoy of the Archbishop of Canterbury was kidnapped in Beirut, Lebanon.
British Airways was privatized and its stock listed on the London Stock Exchange.
The first Unabomber bomb exploded in Salt Lake City.
Marshall University lost to Northeast Louisiana by the score of 43-42 in the NCAA Division I-AA National Championship football game, played in Pocatello, Iowa.
West Virginia University lost to Oklahoma State by the score of 35-33 in the Sun Bowl, played in El Paso Texas.
More than one million illegal aliens in the United States were granted amnesty. Drought conditions caused half of the agricultural counties in the United States to be declared disaster areas. A missile fired from the U. S.S. Vincennes shot down an Iranian airliner in the Persian Gulf killing all aboard (civilians). The Iran/Iraq war was brought to a conclusion. Insider trading, stock manipulation and falsified record keeping made headlines on Wall Street. George Herbert Walker Bush was elected 41st president of the United States. Ninety-eight percent of American households had at least one television set. France and China approved use of “morning-after” birth-control drug RU486 (Mifepristone).
New book titles: Oscar and Lucinda and Breathing Lessons.
At the movies: The Accidential Tourist, Dangerous Liaisons, Rain Man, Stand and Deliver, Mississippi Burning, A Fish Named Wanda, Bull Durham and Working Girl.
On stage: Driving Miss Daisy, Madam Butterfly, The Phantom of the Opera, Romance, Romance and.
A Walk in the Woods.
Emmy Awards: Richard Kiley for A Year in the Life, Tyne Daly for Cagney and Lacey, Larry Drake for L. A. Law, Patricia Wettig for thirtysomething and thirtysomething for best drama series.
Classmate Ann Wallen-Shave received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Central State University in Edmond Oklahoma.
Classmate Rita Bright received a Master of Guidance and Counseling degree from Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado.
NASA space Shuttle flights resumed for the first time since the Challenger disaster.
Benazir Bhuto was sworn in as the first female head of state in Pakistan – Prime Minister.
Pan Am flight 103 was blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland by Libyan terrorists.
Akihito was installed as Emperor of Japan. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia announced they would give up their monopoly on political power. The wreck of the German battleship Bismarck, sank in 1941 was located 600 miles west of Brest, France. The supertanker Exxon Valdez struck a reef in Prince William Sound (Alaska) and spilled 11 million gallons of crude oil into the environment causing extensive damage. Federal legislation to save the failing savings and loan industry was signed into law. U. S. Army General Colin Powell became the first black chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. An earthquake delayed the start of the World Series in Oakland, California. L. Douglas Wilder was elected the first black governor of Virginia. Celebrating Germans began to tear down the Berlin Wall. The United States invaded Panama.
New book titles: The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love, The Remains of the Day and The Joy Luck Club.
At the movies: Born on the 4th of July, Dead Poets Society, Driving Miss Daisy, Field of Dreams, Glory, Henry V, Music Box, Sex, Lies and Videotape and The Fabulous Baker Boys.
On stage: The Heidi Chronicles, Aristocrats and Largely New York.
Emmy Awards: Carroll O’Connor for In the Heat of the Night, Dana Delany for China Beach, Larry Drake for L. A.Law Melanie Mayron for thirtysomething and L. A. Law for best drama series..
West Virginia University lost to Notre Dame by the score of 34-21 in the Fiesta Bowl, played in Tempe, Arizona. This game was considered the national championship of the collegiate football season.
Soviet troops left Kabul, Afghanistan ending nine years of occupation.
A 33 foot tall statue of the Goddess of Democracy was unveiled in Tiananmen Square by student demonstrators.
Classmate Rita Bright married Donald Lathrop of Gunnison, Colorado. Rita was a school teacher and Don an automotive technician at the time. The wedding ceremony was performed beside Andrew’s Lake, between Durango and Silverton, Colorado.
Classmate Geneva Sue Lowe-Shaw died at her home in St. Albans, West Virgina following a long illness. Following high school where Susan became one of the first female cheerleaders at Woodrow Wilson High School in approximately 30 years, she graduated from Alderson-Broaddus College and then West Virginia State College. Susan taught kindergarten in Kanawha County and Sunday School at her church. She was a Red Cross volunteer and member of several associations and societies. Susan was survived by her mother, husband and three daughters.
West Virginia University lost to Clemson by the score of 27-7 in the Gator Bowl, played in Jacksonville, Florida.
The Census Bureau set the population of the United States at 248,718,301. Manuel Noriega of Panama surrendered to American forces. Douglas Wilder, grandson of slaves became the first elected black-American governor in the United States when he was sworn in as governor of Virginia. The Central Committee of the Soviet Union gave up its monopoly of political power over its separate republics. The Russian Federation declared its sovereignty. Argentina and the United Kingdom restored diplomatic relations following the 1982 Faulkland Islands invasion. Lithuania and Latvia declared independence from the Soviet Union. The Hubbel Space Telescope was launched aboard Space Shuttle Discovery. The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law by President George H. W. Arbusto. Poster teen Ryan White of Indiana died of AIDS. A Vincent van Gogh painting Portrait of Doctor Gachet sold for $82.5 million. The World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of diseases. The first Anglican women priests were ordained in the United Kingdom. Iraq invaded Kuwait deriving out of an unpaid debt. Leonard Bernstein conducted his last concert, performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Soviet Union Premier Mikhail Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for reducing Cold War tensions. Margaret Thatcher resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The first post-communist presidential and parliamentary elections were held in Romania.
New book titles: The Plains of Passage, Four Past Midnight, The Burden of Proof, Memories of Midnight, Message From Nam, The Bourne Ultimatum, Lady Boss, The Witching Hour and A Life on the Road.
At the movies: Home Alone, Ghost, Dances With Wolves, Pretty Woman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Hunt For Red October, Total Recall, Die Hard, Dick Tracy and Kindergarten Cop.
On stage: The Grapes of Wrath, City of Angels, Gypsy, Tru, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Lettice and Lovage and Grand Hotel, the Musical.
Emmy Awards: Peter Falk for Columbo, Patricia Wettig for thirtysomething, Jimmy Smits for L. A. Law, Marg Helgenberger for China Beach and L. A. Law for best drama series.
Nelson Mandella was released from Victor Verster Prison, near Cape Town, South Africa following 26 years political incarceration.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class AAA state basketball championship by defeating Martinsburg High School in Charleston. It was the tenth state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Classmate Ann Wallen married Tommy Rayner, originally from Smithville, Texas. Ann was a widow engaged in farming and Tommy was a truck driver at the time of the marriage.
East Germany and West Germany reunited into a single Germany following its division by Allied Powers in 1945.
The first known World Wide Web page was written.
The United Nations Security condemned Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. The United States began air attacks against Iraq, in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Eastern Airlines and Pan American World Airways ceased operations. Four Los Angeles police officers were indicted for the beating of motorist Rodney King during an arrest. The Republic of Georgia declared independence. Boris Yeltsin was elected president of Russia, largest of the 15 Soviet Republics. Thieves in the Netherlands stole 20 paintings worth $500 million from the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam but abandoned them within an hour. A tropical cyclone took an estimated 138,000 lives in Bangladesh. U. S. President Zachary Taylor’s body was exhumed to discover whether or not his death resulted from arsenic poisoning? No trace was found. Croatia and Slovenia declared independence from Yugoslavia. The Warsaw Pact officially dissolved. Serial killer Jeffery Dahmer was arrested in Milwaukee, Wisconsin when the remains of 11 men and boys were found in his apartment. The United States recognized the independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The name of St. Petersburg was restored to Russia’s second largest city, renamed Leningrad in 1924. Judge Clarence Thomas was narrowly confirmed an Associate Justice to the Supreme Court of the United States. Shiite Muslim kidnappers in Lebanon released Anglican Church envoys Terry Waite and Thomas Sutherland. American journalist Terry Anderson was released after seven years captivity in Beirut, Lebanon. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 3,004.46 points, first time over 3,000.
New book titles: Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone With The Wind”, The Sum of All Fears, Needful Things, No Greater Love, Heartbeat, The Doomsday Conspiracy, The Firm, Night Over Water, Remember, Me: Stories of My Life and Den of Thieves.
At the movies: Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, The Silence of the Lambs, City Slickers, Hook, The Addams Family, Sleeping with the Enemy and Father of the Bride.
On stage: Lost in Yonkers, Miss Saigon, The Secret Garden, Six Degrees of Separation and The Will Rogers Follies.
Emmy Awards: James Earl Jones for Gabriel’s Fire, Patricia Wettig for thirtysomething, Tony Bushfield for thirtysomething, Madge Sinclair for Gabriel’s Fire and L. A. Law for best drama series.
American ground troops crossed from Saudi Arabia into Kuwait to begin the liberation of that country.
France, the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union relinquished all remaining rights in Germany.
Classmate Charles (Buddy) Bales married Betty Gonzales in Miami, Florida. Buddy was an educator there and Betty is a native of Havana, Cuba.
Marshall University lost to Youngstown State by the score of 25-17 in the NCAA Division I-AA National Championship football game, played in Statesville, Georgia.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics officially ceased to exist.
Dan Wright, a native of Parkersburg, West Virginia became the editor of The Register-Herald newspaper in Beckley, West Virginia. Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev of Russia completed a ten-month stay aboard the MIR space station. The Maastricht Treaty was signed creating the European Union. The Conservative Party led by John Major won unexpected re-election in the United Kingdom. The National Assembly of Vietnam approved the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Rioting erupted in Los Angles, California and other places when the four police officers who beat motorist Rodney King on television were found not guilty of all charges resulting from the incident. Punch a British weekly magazine of humor and satire began in 1841 published its final issue. Betty Boothroyd was elected the first female Speaker of the British House of Commons. Serbia and Montenegro formed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Jay Leno replaced Johnny Carson as host of NBC’s Tonight Show. Russia and the United States announced an agreement of joint understanding that led to the START II Treaty. Mafia boss John Gotti was sentenced to life in prison on murder and racketeering charges. U. S. Marshals assaulted the Ruby Ridge, Idaho compound of white separatist Randy Weaver resulting in the deaths of one U. S. Marshall and the killing of Weaver’s wife and son. The Toronto Blue Jays won the World Series in six games to become the first team from outside the United States to win Major League Baseball’s annual championship. Governor William Jefferson Clinton of Arkansas was elected to become the 42nd President of the United States. The Church of England approved priesthood for women. United States armed forces landed in Somalia under the auspices of the United Nations.
New book titles: Dolores Claiborne, The Pelican Brief, Gerald’s Game, Mixed Blessings, Jewels, The Stars Shine Down, The Tale of a Body Thief, Mexico, Waiting to Exhale, All Around town, Every Living Thing, Truman and Silent Passage.
At the movies: Aladdin, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, Batman Returns, Lethal Weapon 3, A Few Good Men, Sister Act, The Body Guard, Wayne’s World, Basic Instinct and A League of Their Own.
On stage: Dancing at Lughnasa, Crazy for You, Guys and Dolls, Conversations With My Father, Death and the Maiden, Two Trains Running, Jelly’s Last Jam and The Most Happy Fella.
Emmy Awards: Tom Skerritt for Picket Fences, Kathy Baker for Picket Fences, Chad Lowe for Life Goes On, Mary Alice for I’ll Fly Away and Picket Fences for best drama series.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt was installed as the 6th Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class AAA state basketball championship by defeating Fairmont High School by the score of 79-59 in Charleston. It was the 11th state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Alabama ratified a 202-year-old proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States into law prohibiting the Congress of the United States from giving itself a midterm or retroactive pay raise.
Classmate Wanda Marie Lyons-Gutierrez died at her home in Woodbridge, Virginia. Wanda who had lived in Woodbridge since 1968 as was employed at Quantico Marine Corps Base for 18 years was survived by her husband and two sons.
Marshall University defeated Youngstown State by the score of 31-28 in the NCAA Division I-AA National Championship football game, played in Huntington, West Virginia.
The Census Bureau set the population of the United States at 248,718,301. President Bill Clinton signed the Family Medical Leave Act into law. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents attempted to raid the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas resulting in the deaths of four agents and five Davidians then attacked a second time killing 76 people including cult leader David Koresh. The World Trade Center in New York City was damaged when an explosive laden truck parked under the North Tower was detonated, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000. A bug written into a computer program sent an article to 200 newsgroups simultaneously resulting in the term “spam”. A factory fire in Thialand resulted in 118 fatalities, mostly young women. Kim Campbell became the first female Prime Minister of Canada. President Bill Clinton ordered a cruise missile attack on Iraqi Intelligence Headquarters in Bagdad. The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy regarding gays in the United States military was announced. NASA lost radio contact with with the Mars Observer orbiter three days before the unmanned spacecraft was scheduled to enter orbit around Mars. Windows NT3.1, first version of the Microsoft Windows NT operating systems for personal computers was released for distribution. An earthquake centered in India resulted in an estimated 10,000 fatalities. The Toranto Blue Jays defeated the Philadelphia Phillies four games to two, becoming the first team from outside the United States to win Major League Baseball’s annual World Series. Israel and the Vatican established diplomatic relations. NASA launched the Space Shuttle Endeavour on a mission to repair an optical flaw in the Hubble Space Telescope.
New book titles: The Bridges of Madison County, The Client, Slow Waltz at Cedar Bend, Without Remorse, Nightmares and Dreamscapes, Vanished, Lasher, Pleading Guilty, Like Water for Chocolate, The Scorpio Illusion and Ageless Body, Timeless Mind.
At the movies: Jurassic Park, Mrs. Doubtfire, The Fugitive, The Firm, Sleepless in Seattle, Indecent Proposal, In The Line of Fire, The Pelican Brief, Schindler’s List and Cliffhanger.
On stage: Angels in America: Millennium Approaches, Kiss of the Spider Woman, Anna Christie, The Sisters Rosenweig, My Favorite Year, and The Who’s Tommy.
Emmy Awards: Dennis Franz for NYPD Blue, Sela Ward for Sisters, Fyvush Finkel for Picket Fences, Leigh Taylor-Young for I’ll Fly Away and Picket Fences for best drama series.
Janet Reno was sworn in as the first female Attorney General of the United States.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class AAA state basketball championship by defeating George Washington High School by the score of 60-49 in Charleston. It was the 12th state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
The World Wide Web began operations at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) located on the Swiss-French border.
Members of the Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1958 gathered in Beckley to celebrate our 35th Class Reunion.
Marshall University lost to Youngstown State by the score of 17-5 in the NCAA Division I-AA National Championship football game, played in Huntington, West Virginia.
The North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect. The first conference to discuss the growing information superhighway was conducted at UCLA’s Royce Hall. This was followed later in the year by another conference, also held in San Francisco to discuss the commercial potential of the World Wide Web. The Buffalo Bills lost their fourth consecutive Super Bowl when the Dallas Cowboys defeated them by the score of 30-13 in Super Bowl XXVII. Israel and the Vatican established full diplomatic relations. The German luxury automobile manufacturer BMW purchased the Rover from British Aerospace. Four terrorists were convicted for their roles in the World Trade center bombing. U. S. troops were withdrawn from Somalia. The Channel Tunnel between England and France opened to traffic. Nelson Mandela was inaugurated South Africa’s first black president. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was executed in Illinois. Nichole Brown-Simpson and Ronald Goldman were murdered outside Ms. Simpson’s home in Los Angeles, California. The Provisional Irish Republican Army declared termination of all military operations. American troops invaded Haiti to restore the elected government there. Friends premiered on NBC television. The Republican Party took control of both houses of the Congress of the United States for the first time in 40 years. George Foreman regained the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship 20 years after he lost it to Muhammad Ali. A Federal Judge restrained the State of California from implementing Proposition 187 that would have denied most public services to illegal aliens.
New book titles: The Chamber, Debt of Honor, The Celestine Prophecy, The Gift, Insomnia, Politically Correct Bedtime Stories, Wings, Accident, The Bridges of Madison County, Disclosure and Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.
At the movies: Forrest Gump, True Lies, The Lion King, The Santa Clause, The Flintstones, Dumb & Dumber, Clear and Present Danger, Speed, The Mask and Pulp Fiction.
On stage: Angels in America: Perestroika, Passion, An Inspector Calls, Medea, She Loves Me, Damn Yankees, Carousel and Beauty and the Beast.
Emmy Awards: Dennis Franz for NYPD Blue, Sela Ward for Sisters, Fyvush Finkel for Picket Fences, Leigh Taylor-Young for I’ll Fly Away and Picket Fences for best drama series.
West Virginia University lost to the University of Florida by the score of 41-7 in the Sugar Bowl, played in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Classmate Jacqueline Hollandsworth-Kingery died in the Miami, Florida area. We are left without details of Jackie’s adult life or her death.
The Church of England ordained its first female priests.
Classmate Michael Grover Trent died in Eugene, Oregon where he was a resident following a long cancer illness. Grover who grew up in Crab Orchard spent his school years with the Class of 1957, leaving before graduation to join the United States Air Force. Completing his high school education in the Air Force, his graduation as a member of the Class of 1958 was approved by Mr. C. G. Peregory. Grover was survived by his wife, one son and one daughter.
Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty formally ending a state of war in existence between the two nations since 1948.
Classmate Connie Kish-Arnold died at her residence in Huntington, West Virginia. Connie, a registered nurse married classmate George Arnold in 1972.
The World Trade Organization was established. The 104th Congress (U. S.) convened, the first controlled by the Republican Party since 1953. Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov completed 366 days in space while aboard the Mir space station, an endurance record for the time. He would spend a total of 438 days on Mir before returning to Earth. The WB Television Network began operations. The prosecution delivered its opening statement in the O. J. Simpson murder case involving the deaths of Nichole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman. The trial would conclude with a not guilty jury verdict. The Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D. C. was dedicated. The San Francisco 49ers became the first NFL team to win five Super Bowls when they defeated the San Diego Chargers by a score of 49-26. The Dow-Jones Industrial Average of common stocks closed at $4,003.33 – first close above $4,000.00. Actor Christopher Reeve was paralyzed from the neck down after being thrown from a horse during a riding competition. This ended his role as Superman. Cal Ripken Jr. of the Baltimore Orioles professional baseball team set a new record for consecutive games as a starting player in the Major Leagues – 2,131 games. Microsoft released a new personal computer operating system – Windows 95. Yahoo was founded in Santa Clara, California. The Dow-Jones Industrial Average of common stocks closed at $5,023.55 – first close above $5,000.00 and the first time the Dow measurement broke two millennium marks in a single year. The 55 miles per hour speed limit on Interstate highways was terminated. The last new Calvin and Hobbes comic strip was published.
New book titles: The Rain Maker, The Lost World, Five Days in Paris, The Christmas Box, Lightning, Rose Madder, Silent Night, Politically Correct Holiday Stories, The Horse Whisperer, My Journey and The Road Ahead.
At the movies: Toy Story, Batman Forever, Pocahontas, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, Golden Eye, Jumanji, Casper, Se7en, Die Hard: With a Vengeance and Crimson Tide.
On stage: Love! Valour! Compassion!, Sunset Boulevard, The Heiress, Showboat and Hamlet.
Emmy Awards: Dennis Franz for NYPD Blue, Kathy Baker for Picket Fences, Ray Walston for Picket Fences, Tyne Daly for Christy and ER for best drama series.
West Virginia University lost to the University of South Carolina by the score of 24-21 in the Carquest Bowl, played in Orlando, Florida.
Classmate Loretta Eileen Bays died in a Beckley hospital at the age of 55 years. Loretta had survived Polio in 1953 when the Iron Lung machine was in use. Loretta went on to graduate from Marshall University and was employed as a social worker by the West Virginia Department of Vocational Rehabilitation until retiring in 1984.
Classmate Sharon Louise Coleman-Estrada received a Masters Degree in Divinity from Logos International Bible University in Jacksonville, Florida.
The space shuttle Atlantis docked with the Russian Mir space station for the first time.
Classmate John Lloyd Hickman, Jr. died in Chesterfield, Virginia. We are left without details of John’s adult life or his death.
Marshall University lost to the University of Montana by the score of 22-20 in the NCAA Division I-AA National Championship football game, played in Huntington, West Virginia.
The chess computer Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov for the first time. The Republic of China on Taiwan held its first direct presidential election. United States Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown was killed in an airplane crash near Dubrovnik, Croatia. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled against a law that would have prevented cities, towns or counties in the state of Colorado from taking legislative, executive or judicial action to protect the rights of homosexuals. Russia and Chechnya negotiated a cease fire to a war involving the two parties. Iraq refused United Nations inspectors access to a number of sites. The Taliban captured Kabul, the capitol city of Afghanistan driving out the sitting government and killing other political leaders. NASA disclosed evidence of primitive life forms on the ALH 84001 meteorite, thought to originate from Mars. Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell was born at the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, Scotland. The Prince and Princess of Wales were formally divorced at the High Court of Justice in London, England. Fox News, a conservative news source debuted on cable television. The Dow-Jones Industrial Average of common stocks closed at $6,010.00 – first close above $6,000.00. UNSCOM inspectors discovered prohibited missile parts buried in Iraq. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway was merged with the Burlington Northern Railroad, becoming the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway.
New book titles: The Runaway Jury, Executive orders, Desperation, Airframe, The Regulators, Malice, Silent Honor, Primary Colors, Cause of Death, The Tenth Insight, The Dilbert Principle and Simple Abundance.
At the movies: Independence Day, Twister, Mission Impossible, Jerry Maguire, Ransom, 101 Dalmations, The Rock, The Nutty Professor The Birdcage and A Time to Kill.
On stage: Master Class, Rent, A Delicate Balance, Seven Guitars, Bring in ‘de Noise, Bring in ‘da Funk, and The King and I.
Emmy Awards: Dennis Franz for NYPD Blue, Kathy Baker for Picket Fences, Ray Walston for Picket Fences, Tyne Daly for Christy and ER for best drama series.
“Unibomber” Theodore Kaczynski was arrested at his cabin in Montana.
A bomb was detonated at the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia during the 1996 Summer Olympics killing one person and injuring 111.
Classmate Elbert Clark Martin died in Daytona Beach, Florida. We are left without details of Clark’s adult life or his death.
Classmate William Roderick Wood, age 56, died at his home in Beckley. Roddy grew up in Crab Orchard, served in the United States Air Force and was employed by Maben Energy at the time of his death. Roddy was survived by his mother, his wife, a son and three daughters.
Marshall University defeated the University of Montana by the score of 49-29 in the NCAA Division I-AA National Championship football game, played in Huntington, West Virginia.
Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives was internally disciplined for ethical misconduct. Madeline Albright became the first Secretary of State upon confirmation by the United States Senate. The Morgan Stanley and Dean Whitter investment banks merged. Astronauts from the Space Shuttle Discovery performed tune-up and repair work on the Hubble Telescope. The Dow-Jones Industrial Average of common stocks closed at $7,022.44 – first close above $7,000.00. Tara Lipinski of New Jersey became the women’s world figure skating champion at age 14. The Hale-Bopp Comet made its closest approach to Earth. A Pegasus rocket carried the remains of 24 people into orbit around the Earth for the purpose of making the first outer space burial. The United Kingdom granted sovereignty of Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China. The United Kingdom’s Labour Party regained majority in Parliament ending 18 years of Conservative Party rule and Tony Blair was appointed Prime Minister. The United States Department of the Treasury unveiled a new $50 bill, said to be more difficult to counterfeit. The first of the Harry Potter series of children’s books by J. K. Rowling was published in the United Kingdom. NASA’s Pathfinder space probe landed on the surface of Mars. The Dow Jones Average of common stocks closed at $8,038.88 – first close above $8,000.00. The F. W. Woolworth Company closed after 117 years in business. Google was registered as a domain name. Boeing and McDonnell Douglas aircraft companies merged. Diana, Princess of Wales died resulting from an automobile crash in a Paris, France tunnel. Mother Teresa of Calcutta died. Stock markets around the world crashed due to a global crisis scare but recovered within a few days. Representatives of 121 nations signed a treaty in Ottawa, Canada prohibiting the manufacture and deployment of anti-personnel land mines the United States excepted. One billion shares of stock were traded on the New York Stock Exchange an one day record.
New book titles: The Partner, Cold Mountain, The Ghost, The Ranch, Special Delivery, Unnatural Exposure, The Best Laid Plans, Pretend You Don’t See Her, Cat & Mouse, Hornet’s Nest and The Royals.
At the movies: Titanic, Men in Black, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Liar Liar, Air Force One, As Good as It Gets, Good Will Hunting, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Tomorrow Never Dies and Face/Off.
On stage: The Last Night of Ballyhoo, Titantic, Chicago, Barrymore, A Doll’s House, The Life and An American Daughter.
Emmy Awards: Dennis Franz for NYPD Blue, Gillian Anderson for X-Files, Hector Elizondo for Chicago Hope, Kim Delaney for NYPD Blue and Law and Order for best drama series.
West Virginia University lost to the University of North Carolina by the score of 20-13 in the Gator Bowl, played in Jacksonville, Florida.
Classmate Leonard Ray McNulty, age 56, died in Beckley following a long illness. Ray had served in the United States Army and as a policeman in Beckley and Clearwater, Florida. He was survived by his wife, three daughters, two step-sons and three step-daughters.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class AAA state basketball championship by defeating Wheeling Park High School by the score of 83-76 in Charleston. It was the 13th state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Classmate Carol Ann Fearn-Gardner died at her home in Fredericksburg, Virginia following a long illness. Carol’s husband and two daughters survived her.
Classmate John Luther Maddy died in Maryland following a long cancer illness. John served 22 years in the United States Air Force retiring as a Chief Master Sergeant in 1980. Johnny earned an associated degree, a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in allied health fields and was employed in Civil Service by the United States Department of Defense. He was survived by his wife and five children.
Marshall University lost to the University of Mississippi by the score of 34-31 in the Motor City Bowl played in the Pontiac Silver Dome (Michigan).
West Virginia University lost to Georgia Tech by the score of 35-30 in the Carquest Bowl, played in Orlando, Florida.
Nineteen European nations banned human cloning. The United Kingdom banned the importation of land mines. The suspected “Unibomber” Ted Kaczynski entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The Food and Drug Administration approved Viagra for use in treating male impotence. Compaq Computers purchased Digital Equipment Company. Ford Motor Company purchased Volvo Cars. Data sent from the Galileo space probe indicated a liquid ocean under a crust of ice on Jupiter’s moon – Europa. Citicorp and Travelers Group announced their intent to merge and create the largest financial services conglomerate in the world – Citigroup. The popular sitcom Seinfeld aired its final episode. DNA identified the remains of one of the bodies from the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington Cemetery. The remains were then buried in St. Louis, Missouri. The remains of Czar Nicholas II and those of his family were buried in St. Catherine Chapel located in St. Petersburg, Russia, 80 years after the family were murdered by Bolsheviks. St. Louis Cardinal first baseman Mark McGwire hit his 62nd home run of the season breaking the record set by Roger Maris of the New York Yankees. Telecommunications giants MCI and WorldCom completed their merger becoming MCI WorldCom. The United States Department of Justice and 20 states filed an antitrust suit against Microsoft. The Space Shuttle Discovery carried 77-year old John Glenn into space thus making him the oldest person to fly in outer space. America Online announced the acquisition of Netscape Communications. Exxon announced a buyout of Mobil Oil, creating Exxon-Mobile. President Bill Clinton ordered air strikes on Iraq and UNSCOM withdrew all weapons inspectors from that nation.
New book titles: The Street Lawyer, Rainbow Six, Bag of Bones, A Man in Full, Mirror Image, The Long Road Home, The Klone and I, The Point of Origin, Paradise, All Through the Night, The Greatest Generation and Tuesdays With Morrie.
At the movies: Saving Private Ryan, Armageddon, There’s Something About Mary, A Bug’s Life, The Waterboy, Doctor Dolittle, Rush Hour, Deep Impact, Godzilla and Patch Adams.
On stage: Art, The Lion King, A View From the Bridge, Cabaret, Ragtime, and The Beauty Queen of Leenane.
Emmy Awards: Andre Braugher for Homicide: Life on the Street, Christine Lahti for Chicago Hope, Gordon Clapp for NYPD Blue, Camryn Mayheim for The Practice and The Practice for best drama series.
California banned the smoking of tobacco products in all bars and restaurants.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class AAA state basketball championship by defeating Fairmont High School by the score of 75-47 in Charleston. It was the 14th state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Classmate Virginia Lee Mackey-Thompson, age 58, died in a Beckley hospital following a long illness. Jenny was a licensed hair dresser and for a time co-owner of a salon in Hinton. She was survived by her husband, a son and two grandsons.
Marshall University defeated Louisville University by the score of 48-29 in the Motor City Bowl played in the Pontiac Silver Dome (Michigan).
West Virginia University lost to the University of Missouri by the score of 34-31 in the Insight Bowl, played in Tempe, Arizona.
Nineteen European nations banned human cloning. The United Kingdom banned the importation of land mines. The suspected “Unibomber” Ted Kaczynski entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The Food and Drug Administration approved Viagra for use in treating male impotence. Compaq Computers purchased Digital Equipment Company. Ford Motor Company purchased Volvo Cars. Data sent from the Galileo space probe indicated a liquid ocean under a crust of ice on Jupiter’s moon – Europa. Citicorp and Travelers Group announced their intent to merge and create the largest financial services conglomerate in the world – Citigroup. The popular sitcom Seinfeld aired its final episode. DNA identified the remains of one of the bodies from the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington Cemetery. The remains were then buried in St. Louis, Missouri. The remains of Czar Nicholas II and those of his family were buried in St. Catherine Chapel located in St. Petersburg, Russia, 80 years after the family were murdered by Bolsheviks. St. Louis Cardinal first baseman Mark McGwire hit his 62nd home run of the season breaking the record set by Roger Maris of the New York Yankees. Telecommunications giants MCI and WorldCom completed their merger becoming MCI WorldCom. The United States Department of Justice and 20 states filed an antitrust suit against Microsoft. The Space Shuttle Discovery carried 77-year old John Glenn into space thus making him the oldest person to fly in outer space. America Online announced the acquisition of Netscape Communications. Exxon announced a buyout of Mobil Oil, creating Exxon-Mobile. President Bill Clinton ordered air strikes on Iraq and UNSCOM withdrew all weapons inspectors from that nation.
New book titles: The Street Lawyer, Rainbow Six, Bag of Bones, A Man in Full, Mirror Image, The Long Road Home, The Klone and I, The Point of Origin, Paradise, All Through the Night, The Greatest Generation and Tuesdays With Morrie.
At the movies: Saving Private Ryan, Armageddon, There’s Something About Mary, A Bug’s Life, The Waterboy, Doctor Dolittle, Rush Hour, Deep Impact, Godzilla and Patch Adams.
On stage: Art, The Lion King, A View From the Bridge, Cabaret, Ragtime, and The Beauty Queen of Leenane.
Emmy Awards: Andre Braugher for Homicide: Life on the Street, Christine Lahti for Chicago Hope, Gordon Clapp for NYPD Blue, Camryn Mayheim for The Practice and The Practice for best drama series.
California banned the smoking of tobacco products in all bars and restaurants.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class AAA state basketball championship by defeating Fairmont High School by the score of 75-47 in Charleston. It was the 14th state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Classmate Virginia Lee Mackey-Thompson, age 58, died in a Beckley hospital following a long illness. Jenny was a licensed hair dresser and for a time co-owner of a salon in Hinton. She was survived by her husband, a son and two grandsons.
Marshall University defeated Louisville University by the score of 48-29 in the Motor City Bowl played in the Pontiac Silver Dome (Michigan).
West Virginia University lost to the University of Missouri by the score of 34-31 in the Insight Bowl, played in Tempe, Arizona.
The population of the World was reported to have reached 6 billion people by the United Nations Population Fund. China restricted Internet use, particularly at Internet cafes. King Hussein of Jordan died of cancer. His son Abdullah II replaced him. Dr. Jack Kevorkian was convicted of second-degree murder in Michigan for administering a lethal injection to a terminally ill man. The Dow Jones Average of common stocks closed at $10,006.78 – first close above $10,000.00. Wayne Gretzky, known as The Great One played in his final National Hockey League game. MySpace was introduced to the Internet. The Dow Jones Average of common stocks closed at $11,014.70 – first close above $11,000.00. Leonardo de Vinci’s painting of The Last Supper returned to display in Milan, Italy following 22 years of restoration work. Apple Computer released the first iBook. John F. Kennedy, Jr. his wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy and her sister Lauren Bessette were killed when the small airplane Kennedy was flying crashed off Martha’s Vineyard. Opening ceremonies of the World trade Organization meeting in Seattle, Washington were cancelled due to protests that continued for several days. The United Kingdom passed political power in Northern Ireland to the Northern Ireland Executive. The Vermont Supreme Court ordered the state to legalize same-sex unions. The Panama Canal was transferred to Panamanian control.
New book titles: Southern Cross, The Testament, Bittersweet, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, We’ll Meet Again, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hannibal, Black Notice, The Alibi and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
At the movies: Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, The Sixth Sense, Toy Story 2, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, The Matrix, Big Daddy, The Mummy, Runaway Bride and The Blair Witch Project.
On stage: Side Man, Fosse, Death of a Salesman, Annie Get Your Gun, Amy’s View, Little Me, Not About Nightingales and You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown.
Emmy Awards: Dennis Franz for NYPD Blue, Edie Falco for The Sopranos, Michael Badalucco for The Practice, Holland Taylor for The Practice and The Practice for best drama series.
Euro Currency was introduced, locking in exchange rates of member nation’s currencies.
The Columbine High School massacre took place in Littleton, Colorado when two students at the school killed 12 fellow students and one teacher before taking their own lives.
Classmate Glyndon W. “John” Sawyers died suddenly in Fairfax, Virginia. He was a long time resident of Falls Church, Virginia. Johnny was married 40 years to classmate Lynda Sue Oscar. He had worked for Giant Food headquartered in Landover, Maryland as a cabinet maker since the early 1970’s. John was survived by Lynda, one son and one daughter.
Marshall University defeated Brigham Young University by the score of 21-3 in the Motor City Bowl played in the Pontiac Silver Dome (Michigan).
Concern about the effect of changing the number of the year to begin with the number two would have on computer systems known as Y2K reached its climax.
America Online agreed to purchase Time Warner for $162 billion, largest corporate merger of the time. The Dow-Jones Industrial Average of common stocks closed at $11,722.98, a record for the time. An explosive device was detonated in front of Barclays Bank, across the street from the New York Stock Exchange resulting in dozens of injuries, but no fatalities. The last original Peanuts comic strip was published just after the death of its creator, Charles Shultz. The comic strip turned 50 years older later in the year. Pope John Paul II made an official visit to Israel, first by a Roman Catholic pontiff. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that government lacks authority to regulate tobacco as an addictive drug. Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia. Vermont legalized Civil unions for same-sex couples. A preliminary draft of genomes, as a part of the Human Genome Project was completed. Elian Gonzalez was returned to his father in Cuba ending an international custody dispute over a minor child. The Confederate submarine H. L. Hundley was raised to the surface after being sunk for 136 years. The Russian submarine Kursk sank in the Barents Sea taking with it a crew of 118 sailors. Microsoft released its Windows Me operating system. The Summer Olympics were held in Sidney, Australia. The USS Cole was badly damaged by an explosion detonated by Muslims in Yemen – 39 wounded and 17 fatalities among the crew. The New York Yankees won their 26th World Series when they defeated their cross town rival New York Jets four games to one. Hillary Clinton was elected to the United States Senate from New York, the first First Lady of the United States to win public office. President Bill Clinton made a state visit to Vietnam, the first by an American president. Vicente Fox took office as president of Mexico. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that George W. Bush would become the 43rd President of the United States, even though he lacked a majority of the popular vote. Retail giant Montgomery Ward went out of business following 118 years of operations.
New book titles: The Brethern, The Wedding, Before I say Goodbye, Easy Prey, Indwelling, Hot Six, The House on Hope Street, Winter Soltice, The Bear and the Dragon, The Rescue, Drowning Ruth, The Last Precinct, Winter’s Heart and The Mark.
At the movies: Gladiator, Chocolat, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Erin Brocovich, Traffic, The Perfect Storm, What Women Want, What Lies Beneath and Scary Movie.
On stage: Aida, Contact, Copenhagen, Dirty Blonde, Proof, The Green Bird, The Ride Down Mt. Morgan, The Best Man, Betrayal, Riverdance and The Wild Party.
Emmy Awards: James Gandolfini for The Sopranos, Sela Ward for Once and Again, Richard Schiff for The West Wing, Allison Janney for The West Wing and The West Wing for best drama series.
Y2K fears proved unfounded when all major computer generated functions performed normally. There were no repercussions from beginning the new year with a number 2.
Classmate Paul Edward Martin, died in Cedar Creek, Texas. Paul was retired from the United States Air Force. He was survived by his wife and four children.
Classmate James Griffin Booth, age 60, died in a Huntington, West Virginia hospital. James had last worked as a radio equipment installer having been disabled since 1976. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in Beckley and the Beckley Masonic Lodge #95 A. F & A. M. James had been a resident of Huntington since 1996. He was survived by his wife, one son and two daughters.
Classmate Larry Franklin Stover, a resident of Charlotte, North Carolina died following a brief cancer illness. Larry worked for the City of Beckley for a number of years in various administrative capacities and board positions. Following his employment with the city, Larry accumulated a rather extensive resume in business and finance management. A Prosperity boy, he grew up around horses and served 25 years as announcer at both the North Carolina and West Virginia state fairs. Larry was a member of the First Baptist Church in Beckley and the Raleigh County Historical Society. He was also a United States Army Reserve veteran. Larry was survived by his former wife and two sons.
Marshall University defeated Cincinnati University by the score of 25-14 in the Motor City Bowl played in the Pontiac Silver Dome (Michigan).
West Virginia University defeated the University of Mississippi by a score of 49-38 at the Music City Bowl played in Nashville, Tennessee.
President Theodore Roosevelt was posthumously awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor for his service during the Spanish American War. NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt was killed in a crash during the running of the Daytona 500. Foot in mouth disease created a crisis in the food chain of the United Kingdom. The Russian space station Mir reentered the Earth’s atmosphere, crashing into the Pacific Ocean near Fiji. The Netherlands, opened marriage to same-sex couples. Police shooting of a black American teen in Cincinnati, Ohio led to days of rioting there. American Dennis Tito became the first space tourist when he purchased a flight on the Russian Soyuz TM-32 spacecraft. Homemaker Andrea Yates drowned her five children in a Texas bathtub. The world’s first self-contained artificial heart was successfully implanted. The New York Stock Exchange reopened and professional sports events returned to New York following the September 11th destruction. Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants hit home run number 72, a major league record. Letters containing anthrax were mailed from Princeton, New Jersey to news media providers and political leaders in Washington, D. C. SwissAir went bankrupt, as did SABINA Airlines. The Department of Homeland Security was created and the Patriot Act was passed into law. The United States invaded Afghanistan in retaliation for the September 11th attacks displacing, but not destroying the Taliban. Enron filed for Chapter 11-bankruptcy, largest of its time. The United States withdrew from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Microsoft terminated support for Windows 1.0, Windows 3x and Windows 95 operating systems.
New book titles: From The Corner of His Eye, A Day Late and a Dollar Short, A Painted House, 1st to Die, Dreamcatcher, A Common Life, On the Street Where You Live, Chosen Prey, Leap of Faith, Valhalla Rising, The Corrections, Isle of Dogs, Midnight Bayou, The Kiss, Desecreation and Skipping Christmas.
At the movies: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Shrek, Monsters, Inc., Rush Hour, The Mummy Returns, Pearl Harbor, Ocean’s Eleven (2001), Jurassic Park III and Planet of the Apes (2001).
On stage: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Blast, A Class Act, Design for Living, The Gathering, Invention of Love, King Hedley II, Macbeth, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Producers, Stones in His Pockets, 45 Seconds from Broadway, By Jeeves, Dance of Death, Major Barbara, Mamma Mia!, A Thousand Clowns, Thou Shalt Not and The Women.
Emmy Awards: Michael Chiklis for The Shield, Allison Janney for The West Wing, John Spencer for The West Wing, Stockard Channing for The West Wing and The West Wing for best drama series.
First day of the new millennium, the 21st Century.
Classmate Harold W. Yost died at his residence in Hagerstown, Maryland following a short illness. Following graduation, Harold moved to Maryland where he was employed as a professional floor mechanic. He left no descendants.
Classmate Edward I. Phipps died following a two-year cancer illness. Eddie was employed for 34 years as a machinist for two Maryland printing companies, but lived in Virginia. Eddie continued his love for restoring cars and trucks throughout his life. He was survived by his wife, two daughters and one son.
Act of War. Islamic terrorists operating out of Afghanistan hijacked four aircraft in the United States and flew two of them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and one into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth crashed in a field near Somerset, Pennsylvania; 2,813 fatalities in New York City, 189 fatalities at the Pentagon and 44 fatalities in Pennsylvania.
Marshall University defeated East Carolina by the score of 64-61 in the GMAC Bowl played in Mobile, Alabama.
Euro currency was issued in 12 European nations. Kmart filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, largest American retailer to file such action. Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and then murdered in Pakistan. Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, Utah. The NASA space probe Odyssey began the mapping of Mars surface utilizing a thermal emission imaging system. The Space Shuttle Columbia flew a Hubble Space Telescope service mission. The Queen Mother of the United Kingdom died. Her funeral was televised from Westminster Abbey in London. FBI agent Robert Hansen was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for having sold American secrets to the Soviet Union and then to Russia. Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee was celebrated with special services and events. The Empire State Building in New York City was lit up in purple to honor the Queen. A car bomb was detonated in front of the American Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan resulting in death and injury to Pakistanis, but without American victims. The International Court was established to prosecute crimes against humanity, war crimes, and criminal aggression. Th African Union replaced the Organization of African Unity. US Airways declared bankruptcy as did Consolidated Freightways, third largest American trucking firm. The Beltway sniper attacks occurred in Maryland, the District of Columbia and Virginia. The Republican Party maintained control of the United States House of Representatives and regained control of the United States Senate. United Airlines, the second largest airline in the world filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
New book titles: One Door Away From Heaven, Journey Through Heartsongs, The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer, The Summons, 2nd Chance, Everything’s Eventual, Three Fates, The Nannie Diaries, Daddy’s Little Girl, The Shelters of Stone, In This Mountain, The Beach House, Hard Eight, The Remnant, The Lovely Bones, Red Rabbit, Nights in Rodanthe, From a Buick 8, Answered Prayers, Chesapeake Blue, Four Blind Mice and Prey.
At the movies: Spider-Man, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Signs, Austin Powers in Goldmember, Men in Black II, Ice Age and Chicago.
On stage: An Almost Holy Picture, The Crucible, Elephant Man, Fortune’s Fool, Into the Woods, The Man Who Had All The Luck, Metamorphoses, One Mo’ Time, The Smell of the Kill, Sweet Smell of Success, Topdog/Underdog, Amour, The Boys from Syracuse, Hairspray, Hollywood Arms, Imaginary Friends, LaBoheme, Man of La Mancha, Medea and Movin’ Out.
Emmy Awards: James Gandolfini for The Sopranos, Edie Falco for The Sopranos, Joe Pantoliano for The Sopranos, Tyne Daly for Judging Amy and The West Wing for best drama series.
Classmate Daniel Elvin Martin died at the Portsbridge Hospice in Conyers, Georgia. In Georgia, Danny had been a supervisor for American Pest Control. He was survived by one daughter.
Classmate James Franklin Walker, 61, died in Chicago, Illinois of natural causes. Following graduation from Woodrow Wilson, James graduated from Concord College and taught school in Raleigh County. At the time of his death, James was vice president of the National Telephone Cooperative in Arlington, Virginia. He was survived by his wife, two daughters and one son.
Classmate Laura Sharolet Tolliver-Farley died in Pensacola, Florida following an extended illness. We are left without details of Laura’s adult life except that she was survived by one daughter and one son.
Classmate Annette Yvonne Walney-Treadway of Matthews, North Carolina died following a five-year battle with cancer. Annette was a Cranberry girl with an unforgettable smile who graduated from St. Mary’s Nursing School in Huntington, West Virginia in 1961. She was employed as a Registered Nurse at Mercy Hospital Main in Charlotte, North Carolina for more than 30 years. Annette’s mother survived her as did her husband and two daughters.
Marshall University defeated Louisville University by the score of 38-15 in the GMAC Bowl played in Mobile, Alabama.
West Virginia University lost to the University of Virginia by the score of 48-22 in the Continental Tire Bowl, played in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The United States intent to invade Iraq was debated in Europe. The Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon reentering the Earth’s atmosphere resulting in seven fatalities. More than ten million people protested the United States intent to invade Iraq in 600 cities around the world. The first case of SARS was identified, an American businessman visiting Hanoi, Vietnam. The patient and the doctor who treated him both died of the disease. The World Health Organization issued a global SARS alert. The United States Supreme Court upheld “three strikes and you are out” laws. The United States invaded Iraq with limited support from allied nations. The body of Laci Peterson washed up on a shore in the San Francisco Bay, also the body of her fetus. The Human Genome Project was successfully completed. Midland Steel Products ceased operations following 110 years in business. President George W. Bush declared that the United States had prevailed in Iraq. The Old Man of the Mountain rock formation, a New Hampshire landmark crumbled following heavy rains. An outbreak amounting to 393 tornadoes were reported between May 4 and May 10, most tornadoes during a single week in recorded history. Eric Rudolph, the Centennial Olympic Park bomber was captured in Murphy, North Carolina. The lake behind the Three Gorges Dam in China was filled raising the water level more than 100 meters. Martha Stewart and her stock broker were indicted for trading stock using privileged information and then lying to federal authorities about the transaction. The Supreme Court of the United States upheld affirmative action admissions for colleges and universities. The court also struck down sodomy laws. Saddam Hussein, deposed President of Iraq was captured and his two sons along with one grandson were killed in a shoot out with U. S. Army troops. The last old style Volkswagen Beetle was assembled in Mexico. NATO assumed command of allied occupation troops in Afghanistan. Governor Gray Davis was recalled from office by California voters. He was replaced by actor Arnold Scwartzenegger. The Condcorde made its last commercial flight. China launched its first space mission – Shenzhou 5. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court struck down anti-same-sex marriage laws in that state. An outbreak of mad cow disease was announced in Washington.
New book titles: Crossroads of Twilight, The King of Torts, The Jester, The DaVinci Code, Birthright, Armageddon, Naked Prey, The Lake House, Johny Angel, To the Nines, The Teeth of the Tiger, Bleachers, The Five People You Meet In Heaven and Born to Fly.
At the movies: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Finding Nemo, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, The Matrix Reloaded, Bruce Almighty, X2, Elf, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, The Matrix Revolutions and Cheaper by the Dozen (2003).
On stage: A Day in the Death of Joe Egg, As Long as We Both Shall Laugh, Enchanted April, Gypsy (2003), Life (x) 3, Long Day’s Journey Into Night, The Look of Love, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Nine, The Play What I Wrote, Take Me Out, Tartuffe, Vincent in Brixton, A Year With Frog and Toad, Anna in the Tropics, Avenue Q, Big River, The Boy from Oz, The Caretaker, Golda’s Balcony, Henry IV, Laughing Room Only, Little Shop of Horrors, Never Gonna Dance, Oldest Confederate Widow Tells All, Retreat from Moscow, Sexaholix . ..A Love Story, Taboo, The Violet Hour, Wicked and Wonderful Town.
Emmy Awards: James Spader for The Practice, Allsion Janney for The West Wing, Michael Imperioli for The Sopranos, Drea De Matteo for The Sopranos and The Sopranos for best drama series.
The United States Department of Homeland Security began operations.
Classmate James Elias Kilpatrick, age 63, died at his home in Dalton, Georgia. Following high school, during which he was a country music enthusiast, James enlisted in the United States Army, completed his military obligation and settled in Georgia. His principal occupation in life was as a truck driver. James was survived by his wife, two sons and two daughters.
Mountain State University (once known as Beckley College) lost the Men’s NAIA Division I Basketball National Championship being defeated by Concordia College of California by the score of 84-88. The game was played in Kansas City, Missouri.
Members of the Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1958 gathered at Country Inns and Suites in Beckley to celebrate our 45th Class Reunion with a mixer, a dinner/dance and a picnic at Flat Top Lake.
Classmate Michael Clayton Howery died at his residence in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Following high school where he was active in athletics, Mike settled in South Carolina. He retired as a sale representative for an electrical supply company in Georgetown, South Carolina. Mike was survived by one daughter.
The Central Intelligence Agency admitted there was no imminent threat from weapons of mass destruction at the time of the invasion of Iraq. NASA’s rover Opportunity confirmed that water once drenched its landing area on Mars. The Republic of Ireland banned smoking of tobacco products in all enclosed workspaces, including bars and restaurants. Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Combat with insurgents and bombing incidents increased within Iraq. The last Oldsmobile came off GM’s assembly line. Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Malta and Cyprus joined the European Union. Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage in that state. The National World War II Monument was dedicated in Washington, D. C. The United States transferred sovereignty to an interim government in Iraq. Preliminary hearings were conducted in the trial of Sadddam Hussein. Ground breaking for the Freedom Tower took place at Ground Zero in New York City. American Lance Armstrong won a 6th straight Tour de France cycling title – first person to do so. The Statue of Liberty reopened to visitors, but with new security restrictions. Summer Olympics were held in Athens Greece. The Assault Weapons ban in the United States was allowed to expire. Brazil launched its first rocket into space. Osama Bin Laden appeared on Arabic TV to taunt President George Bush about Bush’s victory in Iraq speech. Scott Peterson was found guilty of the murder of Laci Peterson, his wife and received a death sentence in California. Secretary of State Colin Powell resigned his position. NASA’s hypersonic Scramjet reached a speed of approximately 7,000 miles per hour during an unmanned experimental flight. Computer software (programming) giants Oracle and PeopleSoft merged, creating the second largest maker of business applications software. Information technology security company Symantech merged with Veritas Software to create a $13.5 billion (all-stock) transaction. One of the worst natural disasters in recorded history occurred when a massive underwater earthquake created an enormous tsunami in the Indian Ocean region, resulting in more than 200,000 fatalities.
New book titles: The Last Juror, 3rd Degree, Glorious Appearing, Song of Susannah, Ten Big Ones, Sam’s Letters to Jennifer, “R” Is For Ricochet, Trace, The Dark Tower, Northern Lights, Hour Game, Metro Girl, London Bridges and Night Fall.
At the movies: Shrek 2, Spiderman 2, The Passion of the Christ, Meet the Fockers, The Incredibles, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Day After Tomorrow, The Polar Express, The Bourne Supremacy and National Treasure..
On stage: The Assassins, Barbara Cook’s Broadway, Bombay Dreams, Caroline Or Change, Drowning Crow, Fiddler on the Roof (2004), Frozen, Jumpers, Match, Prymate, A Raisin in the Sun (2004), Sight Unseen, Sixteen Wounded, Sly Fox, Twentieth Century, Brooklyn, The Musical, The Good Body, La Cage Aux Folles, Reckless, Whoopi, The Rivals, Little Women (2004), Good Vibrations and Brooklyn Boy.
Emmy Awards: James Spader for The Practice, Allsion Janney for The West Wing, Michael Imperioli for The Sopranos, Drea De Matteo for The Sopranos and The Sopranos for best drama series.
West Virginia University lost to the University of Maryland by the score of 41-7 in the Gator Bowl, played in Jacksonville, Florida.
Classmate Jerry Gordon Beavers died at his home in Kincaid, West Virginia. During high school, Jerry held a part-time job at Cole’s Esso service station located at North Kanawha and Prince Streets in uptown Beckley. Following high school Jerry served in the United States Air Force then graduated from Beckley College. Jerry worked in various capacities at Earehart Motors, retiring as an automobile salesman. He was survived by his wife, one son and three daughters.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class AAA state basketball championship by defeating Hedgesville High School by the score of 49-41 in Charleston. It was the 15th state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Mountain State University (once known as Beckley College) won the Men’s NAIA Division I Basketball National Championship by defeating Concordia College of California by the score of 74-70. The game was played in Kansas City, Missouri.
Classmate Jesse T. Adkins died at Ormand Beach Memorial Hospital in Florida. Jesse grew up in Prosperity. He served in the United States Navy for 20 years, retiring as a Chief Petty Officer. A Vietnam veteran and a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars, J. T. worked as a carpenter after his retirement from the Navy. He was survived by four daughters.
Domestic diva Martha Stewart reported to Alderson Federal Prison Camp in West Virginia where she served a five-month federal sentence for insider trading of publicly traded common stocks.
NASA’s Huygens space probe landed on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. North Korea proclaimed possession of nuclear weapons. Saudi Arabia held municipal elections for the first time in its history – women were not allowed to vote. The so called BTK serial killer was arrested in Wichita, Kansas 31 years after his first murder. The United States Supreme Court ruled the death penalty unconstitutional for juveniles who committed their crimes before age 18. A judge, a court reporter and a deputy sheriff were shot and killed by an escaped inmate in the Fulton County Courthouse in Alanta, Georgia. Ten students and adults were killed in a high school massacre on the Red Lake Indian Reservation in Minnesota. Pope John Paul II died. He was replaced by Pope Benedict XVI. Kuwaiti women were granted the right to vote. Deep Throat of the Watergate Era was identified as W. Mark Felt, former assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A record 704 million shares of common stock were traded on the New York Stock Exchange during its first hour of trading on June 17 – 1.92 billion shares traded during the full day’s session. American Lance Armstrong won a never before seventh consecutive Tour de France championship. Terrorist attacks on the London public transportation system resulted in 56 fatalities and 700 injuries. The Space Shuttle Discovery made the first launch into space since the breakup of the Space Shuttle Columbia 2 1/2 years previous. Hurricane Katrina destroyed much of the Gulf Coast in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, all but wiping the City of New Orleans off the map when the levees broke – more than 1,836 fatalities. New Orleans lower ninth ward re-flooded when Hurricane Rita struck the following month. The largest United Nations World Summit to date was held in New York City. Worldwide protests against the Iraq War included 150,000 protesters in Washington, D. C. John G. Roberts was confirmed and sworn in as Chief Justice of the United States following the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist. The first tiral of Saddam Hussein convened in Bagdad, Iraq. The Chicago White-Sox swept the Houston Astros four games to none to win their first World Series Championship since 1917. It was the first World Series appearance for the Astros. Belguim, the Netherlands, Spain and South Africa recognized same-sex marriages. A North Carolina inmate became the 1,000th execution in the United States following the return of capital punishment in 1976. The U. S. death toll in the invasion and occupation of Iraq surpassed 2,000 military personnel – U. S. Army desertions amounted to 2,543 for the year. One second, called a leap second was added at the close of the year.
New book titles: The Broker, Honeymoon, The Rising, No Place Like Home, True Believer, 4th of July, The Closers, The Mermaid Chair, The Historian, Eleven On Top, Lifeguard, Chill Factor, Point Blank, Polar Shift, Anansi Boys, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, The Lincoln Lawyer, Knife of Dreams, At First Sight, Predator, A Feast For Crows, Mary, Mary and “S” Is For Silence.
At the movies: Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, War of the Worlds (2005), King Kong (2005), Wedding Crashers, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Batman Begins, Madagascar and Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
On stage: Spamalot, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Light in the Piazza, Doubt, Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Glengarry Glen Ross, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, The Pillowman, Gem of the Ocean, Pacific Overtures, The Rivals, 700 Sundays, Back with a Vengeance!, Democracy, Laugh Whore, Reckless and Sight Unseen.
Emmy Awards: James Spader for Boston Legal, Patricia Arquette for Medium, William Shatner for Boston Legal, Blythe Danner for Huff and Deadwood for best drama series.
West Virginia University lost to Florida State University by the score of 30-18 in the Gator Bowl, played in Jacksonville, Florida.
Classmate Phillip Rex Munsey died in Daytona Beach, Florida. We are left without details of Phil’s life as an adult or his death.
Classmate James Curtis Francisco’s path on Earth ended at the Charleston Area Medical Center. He had been diagnosed with cancer the previous fall. J. C. had been employed as a sales representative for two food companies before becoming a tavern keeper. He eventually purchased his own establishment in Stanaford known as J. C.’s Club. Eulogized by Dr. George Arnold as the most popular boy in our class, J. C. left behind a wife and one son.
Classmate Howard McRay Campbell died in Forest Hill. “Sonny” as he was known, worked as an electrician in building construction. He was survived by his wife, one daughter and one son.
Former U. S. Army private Jessica Lynch began classes at West Virginia University utilizing a full scholarship honoring her military service.
Classmate Linda Carroll Lawson-Riffe-Clark died in Rockdale County, Georgia. Linda was one of the original Honey Dancers when the outdoor drama Honey in the Rock opened at Grandview State Park. Educated in Library Science, Linda devoted most of her working life to animal care and control leadership. Linda was survived by her husband and two daughters.
Classmate Sharon Jeanette Goodman-Cassity died in Beckley following a long illness. Sharon was survived by her husband and one daughter.
Classmate Mainard Franklin Hicks died in Grafton, Ohio. After serving in the United States Army, Mainard worked in sales, including becoming the sales manager for redio station WOBL in Oberlin, Ohio. He spent his last 12 working years owning and operating his own Insurance Agency. Mainard left a wife, one daughter and two sons.
Classmate Janet Elouise Bennett-Grecco died at Pinecrest Hospital in Beckley. Janet had been a long time employee in the trust department of the Raleigh County Bank. Janet was survived by one daughter and one son.
The population of the United States reached 300 million according to a Census Bureau projection. Samuel Alito was worn in as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. United Airlines emerged from bankruptcy after the longest such filing in history. NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter entered Mars orbit. The United States struck its two remaining battleships, the U. S.S. Iowa and U. S.S. Wisconsin from the Naval Vessel Register, bringing the age of the battleship to an end. Japan defeated Cuba in the first World Baseball Classic held in San Diego, California. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was removed from office in Israel after spending four months in a coma. Massive anti-war demonstrations in New York marked the end of the third year of combat in Iraq. President Fidel Castro of Cuba temporarily relinquished power to his brother Raúl prior to surgery. Mass protests followed a lecture by Pope Benedict XVI in Germany in which he quoted a criticism of the Islam faith. Spinach contaminated with E-coli killed one person and poisoned 100 more in 20 of the United States. Merger of the WB and UPN television operations created the WB Television network. North Korea claimed successful completion of its first nuclear test. The United Nations agreed to sanction North Korea for the testing and development. The last Ford Tarus was assembled in Atlanta, Georgia. Saddam Hussein and two of his senior associates were sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. He was hanged in Bagdad. Robert Gates replaced Donald Rumsfeld as United States Secretary of Defense. Hawaii banned the smoking of tobacco products in all enclosed public buildings. Microsoft released its Vista operating system for personal computers. The first night launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery took place at the Kennedy Space Center. The U. S. death toll in the invasion and occupation of Iraq reached 3,000 military personnel – U. S. Army desertions amounted to 3,196 for the year.
New book titles: The Hostage, Cell, The 5th Horseman, The House, Gone, Two Little Girls In Blue, Beach Road, At Risk, The Husband, Twelve Sharp, Angles Fall, Phantom, Judge and Jury, Rise and Shine, The Book of Fate, The Thirteenth Tale, For More Than One Day, Lisey’s Story, Dear John, and Cross.
At the movies: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Night at the Museum, Cars, X-Men: the Last Stand, The Da Vinci Code, Superman Returns, Happy Feet, Ice Age: The Meltdown, Casino Royale and The Pursuit of Happiness.
On stage: The History Boys, The Lieutenant of Inishmore, Rabbit Hole, Shining City, The Color People, The Drowsy Chaperone, Jersey Boys, The Wedding Singer, The Woman in White, Awake and Sing!, The Constant Wife, Edward Albee’s Seascape, The Pajama Game, Sweeney Todd, The Threepenny Opera, Faith Healer, Souvenir, Well and Three Days of Rain, Bridge and Tunnel.
Emmy Awards: Kiefer Sutherland for 24, Marsiska Hargitay for Law & Order, Alan Alda for The West Wing, Blythe Danner for Huff, and 24 for best drama series.
West Virginia University defeated the University of Georgia by a score of 38-35 at the 72nd Sugar Bowl. Due to damage from Hurricane Katrina, the came was played in Atlanta, Georgia instead of the bowl’s New Orleans, Louisana home.
A mine explosion at the Sago Mine near Buckhannon, West Virginia took the lives of 12 coal miners reminding us that mining coal is still a dangerous business. Randal McCloy Jr. became a household name after surviving 41 hours in a carbon monoxide filled chamber surrounded by his deceased co-workers.
Classmate John Gray Pruett died in Ocala, Florida following a short bout with cancer. John took a job with the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Beckley upon graduation from Woodrow in 1958. He was in the advertising department putting up signs and such. He moved to Florida in 1960, found employment at an A&P grocery store and stayed on – rising to store manager. John purchased his own super market in Dunnellon, Florida in 1982. He sold the store in 1992 and entered retirement. John left a wife and at least one child, a son.
Classmate Delmer Ray Worley died in Amelia, Virginia, where he resided. We are left without details of his adult life or his death except he was survived by his wife and one son. Another son preceded Delmer in death.
Classmate William Stewart (Bill) Harsanyi died in Ocala, Florida. We are left without details of his adult life or his death.
The world premier of the movie We Are Marshall took place at the Keith-Albee Performing Arts Center in Huntington, West Virginia.
Nancy Pelosi of California became the first female Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and Democrats took control of both houses of Congress for the first time in 12 years. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain visited the United States in conjunction with the 400th celebration of the founding of Jamestown, Virginia. The Queen also visited the Kentucky Derby and Washington, D. C. The national average price for one gallon of regular unleaded gasoline reached $3.23. Fourth year English major Seung-Hui Cho, 23 years of age shot and killed 5 faculty members, 27 students and wounded 30 more on the campus of Virginia Polytechnical Institute (Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, Virginia before taking his own life. Nine firefighters in Charleston, South Carolina perished together attempting to rescue potential victims of a warehouse fire. The radical Muslim group Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip by force of arms. Lewis “Scooter” Libby chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney was convicted in federal coourt on four counts of obstruction of justice, making false statements and perjury. Sammy Sosa of the Texas Rangers became the fifth baseball player in the major leagues to hit 600 home runs. Gordon Brown replaced Tony Blair as prime minister of the United Kingdom. The Judiciary Committee of the United States Senate issued subponeas to the office of the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States and to the United States Department of Justice for documents pertaining to warrantless wiretapping. The Dow-Jones Industrial Average of common stocks closed at $14,000.01, a record for the time. A prosecutor in North Carolina was disbarred for failing to reveal evidence that would have cleared three members of the Duke University lacross team who had been accused of rape. Product recalls were issued involving personal care items including toothpaste to more than 13,000 different toys manufactured in China. Wildfires and arson burned one half million acres in California destroying 2,300 structures including 1,200 homes amounting to $1 bilion in property damage. The U. S. death toll in the invasion and occupation of Iraq reached 3,902 military personnel.
New book titles: The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao, Tree of Smoke, The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, Then We Came to the End, On Chesil Beach, Out Stealing Horses, The Savage Detectives, Falling Man, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Exit Ghost, Fieldwork, Away, Cheating at Canasta, The Gathering, The Ghost, Lost City Radio, What the Dead Know, After Dark, Against the Day, The Book of Psalms, The Empress of Weehawken, A Free Life, House of MeetingsMister Pip, Petropolis, The Shadow Catcher, The Welsh Girl and Winnie and Wolf.
At the movies: What Happens in Vegas, 88 Minutes, Forbidden Kingdom, Indiana Jones 4, Harry Potter 6, The Happening, Pride and Glory, Sex and the City, The Women, Fool’s Gold, Wanted, GI Joe, College Road Trip, Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima.
Emmy Awards: James Spader for Boston Legal, Sally Field for Brothers and Sisters, Terry O’Quinn for Lost, Katherine Heigl for Grey’s Anatomy, and The Sopranos for best drama series.
Fire at the Edmonds Apartments in Huntington, West Virginia resulted in nine fatalities. Worst Huntington fire in nearly 50 years.
A propane explosion destroyed the Little General Convenience Store at Ghent, Raleigh County, West Virginia. Four fatalities and five serious injuries.
United States Senator Robert C. Byrd took the oath of office begging an unpreceded 9th term (first elected in 1958) becoming the longest serving Senator in U. S. history.
Classmate Richard Harrison Davis died in Venice, Florida. Richard had graduated in 1962 from Concord College with a business degree which he applied to the management of labor unions, retiring in 2002 as vice president of the United Steel Workers of America. Richard was survived by his wife of 46 years, classmate Kay Weikle-Davis and two sons.
Classmate Elizabeth Marie Parker-Swann died in Beckley. Known as “Betty”, she attended Institute and Lincoln Elementary Schools, Beckley Junior High School and two years at Woodrow Wilson Hich School before moving to Charleston where she graduated. A homemaker, Betty was survived by a son and two daughters.
Classmate Sherry Lee Evans-Rose had her first novel published. Erased is a mystery that begins with a young woman being left for dead in the North Carolina woods. She survived, but without her memory.
Classmate Gloria Jean Vaughn-Cochran died in Moneta, Virginia. Sadly, we are left with no details of her life after high school.
Classmate John Griffin Roles died in Beckley. John was a former distributor with Black Diamond Distributing in Beckley and had been an industrial salesman for Kimball-Midwest before becoming disabled in 1998. John was survived by his wife, classmate Patrica Ann Patrick-Roles and two sons.
Classmate Ronald (Ron) Eugene Robertson died in Beckley. Ron worked in retail management before returning to Beckley in 1977 to become an insurance agent. Ron retired in 1999. He was survived by his wife, one son and two daughters.
Fidel Castro resigned from the Cuban offices of Council of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces 49 years and 49 days after he came to power, resulting from a succesful revolution. He was replaced by his brother Raul. Ten percent of American residential mortgages were determined to exceed the fair market value of the homes covered. The United States was found to imprison more of its residents in terms of both numbers (slightly more than 1 in 100 adults) and percentages than any other nation on Earth. Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Oregon and Vermont spent more money on incarceration than on higher education. A 41 pecent increase in prices for corn, rice, wheat and other cereal grains over a six months period ended February 2008 caused the United States government’s humanitarian relief assistance abroad to scale back. The United States economy lost 63,000 jobs during the month of February. A gain of 25,000 jobs had been forecast by government economists. Actually, 232,000 American jobs were lost during the first three months of the year. In April, consumer confidence dropped to the lowest level since 1982. The life expectancy for American women declined for the first time since 1918, especially in rural areas. The United States Army and Marine Corps accepted more recruits with criminal records in order to meet recuiting quotas for a strained military establishment. KMEX, a Spanish-language television station in Los Angeles, California had the highest average viewership of all news broadcasts in their market. The closest English-language news broadcast station trailed KMEX by 70,000 viewers, based on February ratings. During the month of June a 42 gallon barrel of crude oil rose to a cost of $140 and the cost of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline sold for more than $4.00 at the pump.
New book titles:
At the movies: Atonement, Juno, Michael Clayton, No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood, Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Sweeny Todd, The Valley of Elah, Eastern Promises, Into the Wild, The Savages, American Gangster, The Kite Runner, 3:10 to Yuma, Meet the Spartans, 27 Dresses, Cloverfield, Untraceable, The Bank Job, Witness Protection, The Other Boleyn Girl and The Bucket List.
Emmy Awards: Kiefer Sutherland for 24, Marsiska Hargitay for Law & Order, Alan Alda for The West Wing, Blythe Danner for Huff, and 24 for best drama series.
West Virginia University defeated the University of Oklahoma by the score of 48-28 at the Fiesta Bowl played in Glendale, Arizona.
Governor Joe Manchin III submitted a $4.2 million budget to the West Virginia legislature.
WWHS graduate Morgan Spurlock’s film Where in the World is Osama bin Laden? premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.
Classmate Cecil Owen Riffe died in Anchorage, Alaska. Owen had moved to Alaska from Oregon in 1967. Owen held a bachelor of architecture degree from Oregon University, established his own design firm and built buildings throughout Alaska. Owen was survived by one son and two daughters.
Congressional representatives Nick Rahall and Alan Mollohan of West Virginia introduced a resolution in the Congress to create a National Miner’s Day to honor the importance of their labor.
Woodrow Wilson High School won the Class AAA state basketball championship by defeating South Charleston High School by the score of 67-55 in Charleston. It was the 16th state basketball championship for Woodrow Wilson.
Classmate Fred Vivan Lilly II died in Arlington, Virginia following a prolonged illness. Fred held a master’s degree from East Tennessee State University and was a building contractor by profession. He was survived by his wife, a son and a daughter.
Mountain State University (once known as Beckley College) lost the Men’s NAIA Division I Basketball National Championship being defeated by Oklahoma City University by the score of 75-72. The game was played in Kansas City, Missouri.
Members of the Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1958 gathered at the Glade Springs Resort at Daniels, West Virginia to celebrate our 50th Year Reunion.
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News Updated February 20, 2018.
Thanks to eagle-eyed BTXer stldan for spotting a disturbing Bruce Springsteen-related anecdote found in Martin Arax's riveting "A Kingdom From Dust," recently published in The California Sunday Magazine .
Arax, who co-wrote the 1995 Los Angeles Times report that inspired Bruce's song "Sinaloa Cowboys," details the economically, environmentally and socially perilous state of farming in the San Joaquin Valley, focusing on the rise and reign of Stewart Resnick, the United States' richest farmer. At one point in "A Kingdom From Dust," Arax briefly recalls Springsteen's October 23, 1996 visit to the San Joaquin Valley during his Ghost of Tom Joad tour.
"I once wrote a story about farmworkers who moonlighted as meth cookers to make ends meet," writes Arax. "Bruce Springsteen turned it into a song on his Ghost of Tom Joad album. More than one ballad was about the valley, so he came to Fresno. The William Saroyan Theatre was packed that October 1996 night. Halfway through his solo performance, he interrupted his set to tell us a piggy bank had been set up by the exit to donate money to the 'hardworking men and women in the fields.'" [Before performing "The New Timer" at this show in Fresno, Springsteen asked his audience to learn about and support the work of California Rural Legal Assistance, which had been invited to set up an information/fundraising table in the theater's lobby.]
"When the concert was over, I took my wife and children backstage to meet him. As we sat down to chat, one of his assistants leaned over and whispered into his jewel-studded ear. Springsteen shook his head and smiled a thin, ironic smile. Then he turned and faced me. 'Tell me,' he asked, though it wasn't entirely a question. 'What kind of place is this? Not a single penny was put in that piggy bank.'"
- February 20, 2018 - Shawn Poole reporting - photograph by Pamela Springsteen via Twitter/@springsteen.
The Celebration Rock podcast, hosted by Uproxx music critic Steven Hyden, has returned from hiatus with a new multi-part series called 20th Century Boss. It's shaping up to be a deep dive worth taking, some eight hours of continuous thunder for Springsteen fans. Also the author of Your Favorite Band is Killing Me, Hyden writes:
Similar to our series on Pearl Jam last year, we will be digging deep into the discography of an American rock 'n' roll institution, Bruce Springsteen. The series is called "20th Century Boss," and as the title suggests, it covers every studio album released by Springsteen from his 1973 debut, Greetings From Asbury Park, N. J. up through 1995's The Ghost of Tom Joad .
The first two episodes premiered this week and are available now: Part 1, titled "Bruce Begins," has guest Brian Fallon (Gaslight Anthem) talking about Greetings and The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle. Part 2 focuses on Born to Run, with guest Jeff Rosenstock.
Hyden will continue with a different guest for each episode: "I also wanted to talk exclusively to musicians for this series, and there are few artists that are as influential, or name-checked as often, as Springsteen. Luckily, I had little problem finding great guests who were willing and able to speak insightfully about what exactly makes Springsteen great. The result, I believe, will fascinate long-time fans and provide a handy primer for neophytes."
Upcoming episodes will feature Julien Baker on Darkness; Patrick Stickles (Titus Andronicus) on The River; Phoebe Bridgers on Nebraska; Patterson Hood (Drive-By Truckers) on Born in the U. S.A.; John Darnielle (The Mountain Goats) on Tunnel of Love; and Tim Showalter (Strand of Oaks) on "Bruce in the '90s" (Human Touch, Lucky Town, and Joad).
You can subscribe to Celebration Rock on iTunes, Sticther and Spotify.
"Valentines's Day: a day of love. but a day of heartbreak, too." This is Bruce Springsteen introducing "Back in Your Arms" in Australia, one year ago tonight. "There is no lonelier day of the year — maybe Christmas Eve. maybe New Year's Eve. It's the third loneliest day. Just a little holiday! But, if you've blown a good thing, this is a day you're gonna remember." And February 14, 2017 was a night to remember, as Springsteen and the E Street Band treated the Brisbane crowd to a number of rare songs of love — and of heartbreak, too. Enjoy "Janey Don't You Lose Heart," "Rendezvous," "Be True," "Back in Your Arms," "Leap of Faith," and "Secret Garden," all fan-shot and all from Valentine's Day 2017. And we hope today your scales are tipping toward love.
Nils Lofgren has produced a limited-run DVD edition of his Blind Date Jam film, and he's signing copies especially for us. The number of pre-orders we receive determines how much signing he does, and that time is almost upon us. so order now to guarantee yours!
Blind Date Jam is an 80-minute impromptu jam session that we recorded to capture the magic of the moment at Cattle Track gallery in front of a small group of friends.
Featuring Greg Varlotta on guitar, keys, trumpet, trombone and tap dance, Gary Bruzzese on drums, and John Willis on bass. You'll see me presenting ideas on the spot, talking through the chords brießy and launching in to each piece. It's primitive, rough and inspired jamming that I feel and hope as music fans you'll enjoy. Amy designed a beautiful southwest set for us to play on and produced the adventure with me. I hope some of you decide to check it out.
I'll autograph copies of this limited run DVD ordered through Backstreets. If you try it and enjoy it, please spread the word for us as this is a grassroots, homegrown endeavor. Best and enjoy! & mdash; Nils.
So I'm watching what has become known as the saddest show on television this past Tuesday night, and a Springsteen connection comes across the screen that just sends me right down to Thunder Road.
Most of America will know what I'm talking about, but for those who don't, the show is This Is Us , and the past two episodes have dealt with what has become known quite simply as "Jack's death" & mdash; the subject matter the entire show revolves around.
Jack Pearson, father of three, beloved and devoted husband of wife Rebecca, perished from smoke inhalation after going back into the family home which was engulfed in flames to save his daughter Kate's dog. Jack was the father and husband we all want to be. Flawed yet perfect at the same time.
But what we did not know is that Jack was also a huge Springsteen fanatic. This first comes to our attention early in the episode where Jack and Kate discuss the similarities between Bruce and Alanis Morisette (who, if you follow the show's timeline, had just released Jagged Little Pill). Kate loves Alanis, so Jack puts on a cassette of "My Beautiful Reward" to show why he loves Bruce.
But that's just the beginning. You see, Jack, being the husband/father of the year kind of guy, left a huge surprise for the family. On the morning of his burial, an envelope with five tickets to see Bruce and the band is found in the glove compartment of the family car. That's where the tear ducts open up. If you're a parent and if you love Bruce, one of the biggest joys in life is taking your kids to see the band for the very first time. I have done it with my own daughters. It is without question a thing that we all do, and something that we never forget. Trust me on that fact.
The show ends with the family heading to see the show in Pittsburgh the same night as Jack's funeral. The acknowledgement that life will go on and everyone will be fine — or as fine as they can be — sets the tone for the finale. And the fact that Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band will help them get there is just perfect and as real as the show can be. The music has been there for all of us.
"This Is Us Presents Alternative Bruce Springsteen Tour History" [ultimateclassicrock] Bruce Springsteen concert helps Pearsons mourn lost father on NBC's This Is Us" [app] "This Is Us: Which Bruce Springsteen Song is Each Character?" [ew] - February 8, 2018 - Joe Amodei reporting.
A post shared by Bruce Springsteen (@springsteen) on Feb 5, 2018 at 8:43pm PST.
SiriusXM contest to get subscribers in for a private Broadway performance.
Bruce Springsteen will perform Springsteen on Broadway for a selected audience of SiriusXM subscribers at the Walter Kerr Theatre — including faithful E Street Radio listeners, of course — on Wednesday, March 14 .
SiriusXM subscribers will have the opportunity to win tickets to this private SiriusXM performance through giveaways on E Street Radio and through an invitation sent by email. Plus, SiriusXM subscribers since January 23, 2018 can enter for the chance to win the grand prize: a trip to New York City including airfare, hotel stay and a pair of tickets to the show . See Official Rules for complete details and enter the sweepstakes at siriusxm/Springsteen. Entries are being accepted through 3:00am ET on March 7, 2018.
E Street Radio will host pre-show and post-show broadcasts, where hosts Dave Marsh and Jim Rotolo will be discussing Springsteen on Broadway and talking to SiriusXM subscribers in attendance. The pre-show will air on Wednesday, March 14 at 6pm ET, and the post-show will begin at 10pm , on channel 20 and on the SiriusXM app.
Archive series returns to Devils & Dust high point; ten new songs.
The Tower Theater. Madison Square Garden. The Agora. Van Andel Arena. Van Andel Arena ? Well, yes, actually: Bruce Springsteen's 2005 appearance in Grand Rapids, Michigan, probably didn't show up on many fans' shortlist for release the way its more famous counterparts might. But it's an excellent concert, and today it arrives as the second installment from the solo acoustic tour behind Devils & Dust .
That year, Springsteen mounted his first extended series of shows alone on guitar and piano, setting the stage for Springsteen on Broadway today. The August 3 performance happened in the middle of an extraordinary Midwest run, arguably the apex of the 2005 tour, where Springsteen complemented the music from his new LP with a seemingly endless array from his songbook. Some numbers he played just once, like "Lift Me Up," which opened a show in Columbus, Ohio, four nights earlier. Columbus, of course, appeared in 2015 as the archive series' first — and until today, the only — official 2005 release.
Like that date, Grand Rapids reflects the creative streak that made this summer stretch special. Its 25-song set includes ten selections not performed in Columbus on 7/31. "Sherry Darling" and "Saint in the City" make their first tour appearances, and so does "Tunnel of Love," right out of the gate: "I'm gonna start with something I haven't played before," Springsteen said. Performed on electric piano, this version not only became an instant rarity but also completed a cycle, giving all songs from his 1987 LP at least one play on the 2005 tour. And just listen: slowed down, framed by basic chords and sung with deliberation, the arrangement sounds more like a Colts Neck bedroom than a Shore amusement park. Springsteen never played it that way again. Few performances merit an official release as much as this one does, making 8/3 a must as soon as the lights go out.
But that's just the first number. August 3 features seven songs from Devils & Dust , including "Black Cowboys," a personal and overland journey narrative (and the least-performed track from the record). It shows up fourth, completing an intense segment near the top of the show. "Long Time Comin'" and "Sherry Darling" lighten the mood; Springsteen calls the River party tune a "good summer song" and plays it on electric piano, a concert first (though he and Steve Van Zandt mugged their way through the song on keys in the studio, shown in The Promise ).
The set plays out as other dates did that summer: Springsteen accompanies himself with different stringed instruments and keyboards, reprising the Joad tour version of "The Promised Land" before finishing with Suicide's "Dream Baby Dream." And despite good humor — Springsteen speaks often, joking that he'd gone out looking for the rapids, and though he didn't find any, "the whole damn thing was grand!" & mdash; a dark thread runs throughout. That's apparent in remarks around "Part Man, Part Monkey" ("we've come a long way, baby… and we're going back") and "Matamoros Banks" ("we're in hard need for a humane immigration policy") and in the last verses of "Tunnel of Love" and "Racing in the Street."
One fan pointed to arrangements that shifted subtly from previous ones, giving "Cynthia" a less cheerful tone than the studio recording. And "Saint in the City" sounded like more like the early demo recording from 1972, when a 22-year-old kid sang for a shot at a recording contract. In reviewing Grand Rapids, Backstreets noted Springsteen's "focus and intensity: 'The Rising,' though played nightly, stood out as exceptional, as did 'Further On (Up the Road)' with a particularly aggressive intro and drawn-out ending."
It may seem early to return to a tour that Columbus represented so well. But Springsteen truly made the most of the solo acoustic format, and as July 2005 turned to August, tour premieres and lesser-played numbers began to fall like summer rain. In the five shows from Columbus through Milwaukee, 61 different songs appeared, remarkable by any performer's standard. Grand Rapids brings the first official releases of keyboard arrangements for "The River," "Nothing Man," "I Wish I Were Blind," and "Racing in the Street"; the last song played here (and again, not in Columbus) is "Ain't Got You." A virtual box set from that week would make an astounding document. But not yet: fans await official recordings from tours that have yet to emerge (The Rising 2002/'03; The River 1981), ones that are surely in the works.
Order now from live. springsteen. Also read Erik Flannigan's latest essay on the nugs blog, "On Any Given Wednesday: Bruce Springsteen Devils & Dust Tour 8/3/05."
Jo Lopez, an old friend of Clarence Clemons who became his saxophone tech, also wound up becoming the tour photographer for Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. You've seen his work at brucespringsteen, as the band toured the world for Working on a Dream, Wrecking Ball , and High Hopes, as well as on the covers of London Calling: Live in Hyde Park and Rolling Stone, and in the pages of Backstreets (see #91 for our interview with Jo).
This summer, you can see his work up close in the U. K., as his new exhibition "Photographing Bruce Springsteen" has 12 stops across the country, one-night-only events at British horse racing courses and motor racing circuits.
Organized by Off Beat Lounge, "Photographing Bruce Springsteen" características.
stunning on - and off-stage images, including rehearsal and "down-time" shots never seen by the public before, from New Jersey to Cape Town, and Sao Paolo to Barcelona. Lopez will be in attendance himself, talking about his work with Clarence and Bruce.
"I'm delighted to be able to tour this collection of photographs," Jo says. "The time I spent with Bruce and the band is very special to me, and selecting the images for this tour has fired up many wonderful memories. I'm delighted that fans will get to see some of my more close-up work. It means a lot to have originally selected these shots with Bruce at the time, too!"
July 10 - Newmarket Racecourse - Suffolk July 12 - Brands Hatch Race Circuit - Longfield July 13 - Brands Hatch Race Circuit - Longfield July 17 - Carlisle Racecourse - Cumbria July 19 - Aintree Racecourse - Liverpool July 20 - Cheltenham Racecourse - Gloucestershire July 24 - Exeter Racecourse - Devon July 26 - Epsom Racecourse - Surrey July 27 - Epsom Racecourse - Surrey July 31 - Oulton Park Race Circuit - Taporley August 1 - Oulton Park Race Circuit - Taporley August 3 - Warwick Racecourse - Warwick.
All events will run from 7:30pm to 9pm for standard admission tickets, with VIP ticket holders gaining access at 6:30pm for a Q&A session with Jo and private viewing. Visit offbeatlounge. co. uk for tickets and more information.
- January 31, 2018 - photographs by Jo Lopez.
Congratulations to Steven Van Zandt: the New Jersey Hall of Fame is pulling him in. After being announced as one of 51 nominees for the honor in November, the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Famer has been named as one of 21 to be inducted in the Jersey hall's Class of 2017. As NJ reports, Governor Phil Murphy made the announcement today at Trenton's New Jersey State Museum, with some of Steven's fellow inductees including Debbie Harry, Meryl Streep, Al Leiter, and the Four Seasons.
The New Jersey Hall of Fame currently has no permanent physical location, but the induction ceremony will be held in a space Stevie and many of us know well: at the Paramount Theater on the Asbury Park boardwalk, May 6.
- January 30, 2018 - photograph by Geoff Robinson [London, November 4, 2017]
Today's Salisbury Post catches up with local resident George Theiss, Springsteen's bandmate and vocalist in the Castiles 50 years ago: "Springsteen, George and [his wife] Diana have reconnected in the past year. Near the end of 2016, Springsteen called George out of the blue, only to learn his old bandmate was in the hospital, having just been diagnosed with lung cancer. Through radiation and chemotherapy, the 68-year-old Theiss is 40 pounds lighter but doing well and enjoying his retirement with Diana."
The Post' s Mark Wineka talked with Theiss about his pre-Castiles bands (The Five Diamonds, The Sierras), practicing at Marion and Tex Vinyard's house, the Freehold High School principal ordering the Castiles to get haircuts, and more. Read "George and the Boss: Theiss is forever linked to his glory days of playing, writing songs with Springsteen."
- January 28, 2018 - The Castiles (c. 1967) photograph courtesy of Billy Smith [L-R: Vinnie Maniello, Theiss, Curt Fluhr, Springsteen, Paul Popkin]
photograph courtesy of 825 Records.
Vocalist Curtis King Jr. is certainly recognizable to Bruce Springsteen fans the world over. He first started working with Bruce in 2006 as a part of the touring Seeger Sessions Band and later became a member of the extended E Street Band for the 2009-2014 tours.
In addition to his work with Springsteen, Curtis has had a long and successful career in the music business. As a backup singer and studio musician for more than three decades, Curtis has worked with a who's-who list of music industry giants: from Duran Duran, David Bowie, and Billy Joel, to Madonna, Joe Cocker, and countless others. Curtis has also appeared over the years on Saturday Night Live and on Late Show with David Letterman , backing up musical guests like Stevie Wonder and Darlene Love.
You've had a very successful career in the music business for over 30 years, so what made you decide that this was the right time to put out your first solo album?
I started going into the studio around 1996 and tried recording just to see if I could do it. I played around in the studio a bit, but then the tours called. I got a call from Duran Duran to go out on tour, and then Carly Simon asked me if I would go out on tour with her [while I was on tour with Duran Duran]. As crazy as it was, the open dates I had were the dates that she had booked. So she flew me back and forth between Duran Duran and her tour. Along the way I recorded a song here and there; you know, at least I was writing, but it just wasn't coming together.
I had a lot of songs, but it became a whole other journey of finding the songs that I felt fit me. I had written songs that I liked, but they were not necessarily for me — maybe a cool song from a writer's perspective, but now I'm thinking of me as the artist, so I had to start writing from that vantage point. It just took awhile to kind of find my own voice in all of that.
I officially started, believe it or not, just the year before Bruce called for the Seeger Sessions Tour, in 2005. My [ Changing Face ] co-producer Butch Jones had been bugging me about really locking in on the album, and as soon as I lock in, Bruce Springsteen called.
Verona, Italy, October 5, 2006 - photograph by Mauro Regis.
So how did the whole Bruce thing start?
I got a call from Steve Jordan [drummer/producer who has worked with Patti Scialfa among many others] in 2006. He said that Bruce Springsteen had been auditioning male singers for the Seeger Sessions Band and hadn't come up with anybody that he liked, and he thought I would be the perfect guy for him. I'm really grateful to Steve Jordan for helping me out like that.
The band was rehearing at the Convention Center, I think, at the time. So I walk in, and Bruce introduces me to the guys, and then he starts to sing and asks me to harmonize with him. I sang some harmonies, and Bruce says, "Okay, that sounds good, come up on stage." I said, "But I don't know the material!" And Bruce says, "Don't worry — you'll learn it along the way." That was my audition!
- January 26, 2018 - interview by Erik Remec.
A couple of online opportunities to score a pair of Springsteen on Broadway tickets have cropped up recently. Over at eBay, there's an auction of two 11th Row Center Orchestra seats for the April 11 performance. All auction proceeds will be donated to the Sister District Project. Bidding closes Monday , and right now the minimum bid is $6,999. Anyone who wants to skip the bidding process altogether may consider buying the pair outright for $9,999 . Click here for details.
1/26 Update: The minimum bid has been lowered to $2,499.
If the Sister District Project's politics run too blue for your blood, or if your pockets just ain't that deep, don't forget the ongoing Springsteen on Broadway contest over at Omaze. As we reported previously, the winner will receive not just a pair of tickets to one of Springsteen on Broadway ’s final performances, but also a private meet-and-greet with Bruce, an autographed guitar, and air transportation to and from New York City with four-star lodging in the Big Apple. Entries to this contest are made via donations to the Bob Woodruff Foundation. An online donation as small as $10 generates at least 100 entries into the contest; the more you donate, of course, the better your chance to win. Click here to enter the contest, which ends on February 20 at 11:59 pm PT. The winner will be announced on or around March 1.
- Updated January 26, 2018 - Shawn Poole reporting.
And for the birthday trifecta, it's Danny Clinch — shown here at a Light of Day jam, because when he puts down his camera it's usually to pick up a harp. Happy birthday Danny!
- January 24, 2018 - photograph by A. M. Saddler.
Young Danny Federici's mom was very proud of her boy — wouldn't you be? Thinking of Danny today on his 68th birthday, and reminding you that the Danny Fund continues its good work supporting melanoma research.
- January 23, 2018 - photograph courtesy of Danny Federici.
Original E Street Band drummer Vini "Mad Dog" Lopez is 69 today, born January 22, 1949.
- January 22, 2018 - photograph by Rose A. Montana.
Max Weinberg returned to Late Night last week to kick off a mighty tellyvision two-fer: Thursday night, above, he was back at 30 Rock to hold down the beat for Glen Hansard, performing "Roll on Slow" on Late Night with Seth Meyers. On Friday, Max's episode of Blue Bloods aired on CBS, with his guest turn as Mario Vangelis. You can watch "Erasing History" now at CBS.
Thank goodness it turned out to be somebody with the necessary chops. For one night only (at least for now,) Philly-based professional musician Jim Boggia is bringing Bruce Off Broadway: A Ukelele Tribute To The Boss to the Big Apple on Saturday, January 27 at Arlene's Grocery. Tickets are a whopping $10 each and yes, there is a "Verified Fan" process that works as follows: Got ten bucks? Congrats; you're verified. Now click here to buy your tix.
Go ahead, laugh it up — after all, that's a big part of the idea. At the same time, however, this also promises to be an evening of well-performed Springsteen covers by somebody who actually has learned how to make his ukulele talk. Boggia, who's performed or recorded with many famous musicians in addition to gigging and recording on his own over the past two decades, is a talented pro as well as a Springsteen fan.
For a preview of what to expect, check out Boggia's recently released video clip of him and his uke taking on "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out" and a 2016 clip of "Thunder Road" getting ukefied, too (with a bit of "Born to Run" playing as the credits roll.) Act fast before Bruce Off Broadway sells out and you're forced to pay secondary-market prices as high as. FIFTEEN bucks!
- January 18, 2018 - Shawn Poole reporting.
On January 16, Chris Christie's second term as the 55th governor of New Jersey came to an end. On January 17, the first day of the rest of his life, Christie crossed the river to take in some theater: Springsteen on Broadway, of course. Today, the New York Times set the occasion to music.
Well they kicked the old governor out of Trenton last night.
But down on Broadway, he was getting ready for a night.
Seems like the Boss can carry him through.
January 2018 has been both frenetic and freezing, bringing with it another Light of Day Winterfest without Bruce Springsteen. Unlike other years in which Bruce was absent from the festivities, however, concertgoers purchased tickets for the annual event knowing its longtime champion would not be appearing on the Paramount Theatre stage for Saturday night's main event. But as they've done for the last couple Bruce-less years, fans showed up to support the musicians, the organization and its cause. The more-than-respectable attendance figures for this year's 18th annual Light of Day festivities demonstrate that the event has indisputably transformed Asbury Park into a winter destination for music tourists of all stripes regardless of Bruce's plans.
Light of Day stalwart Joe D'Urso - photograph by A. M. Saddler.
This year's optimistic theme was "Eighteen to Life Without Parkinson's," and Light of Day founding artists Joe Grushecky, Joe D'Urso, and Willie Nile once again were the backbone of the operation, supporting not just Saturday night's Birthday Bash for the indomitable Bob Benjamin, but the entire international concert series. Other returning artists included John Easdale (Dramarama), Jeffrey Gaines, Garland Jeffreys, and James Maddock, as well as the standout Remember Jones, whose dynamic, versatile band has gained a nationwide following performing both originals and tribute shows.
Remember Jones - photograph by A. M. Saddler.
The evening, which was capped by the return to Light of Day of Richie "La Bamba" Rosenberg and his Big Band, followed typical LOD structure of full-band main stage performances interspersed with emcees and acoustic performers like Gaines, whose melodic cover of Sam Cooke's "Twistin' the Night Away" was one of the highlights of the evening.
Rob Dye (left) with Danny Clinch on harp - photograph by A. M. Saddler.
Over the years, Light of Day performances have also become fitting moments to pay tribute to those who have passed on. This year was no different, as D'Urso honored recently deceased Smithereens singer/songwriter (and former Light of Day performer) Pat DiNizio with a set-opening "Behind the Wall of Sleep," and Nile opened with a cover of Tom Petty's "Running Down a Dream." Willie Nile was his usual ebullient self, and he had the audience up and dancing for the duration of his set, while Grushecky and band turned in a workmanlike performance that included standards like "Code of Silence" and "Pumping Iron, Sweating Steel" along with a couple of new songs from his upcoming album More Yesterdays Than Tomorrows.
Willie Nile, workin' on a mystery - photograph by A. M. Saddler.
But the night belonged to La Bamba and his band; this year's iteration included both current and former Asbury Jukes like guitarist Bobby Bandiera, trumpeters Rich Gazda and Mike Spengler, saxophonist Stan Harrison, and keyboardist Jeff Kazee. In fact, there were so many exceptional ex-Jukes in the extra-large horn section that one hardly missed Ed Manion (who was just up the road in Red Bank with another ex-Juke named Van Zandt) or Rosenberg's onstage foil and partner-in-crime, Mark "The Loveman" Pender.
La Bamba has always used the Big Band format to satisfy his eclectic musical taste, and in typical fashion, Saturday night's set veered from jazz instrumentals to jump blues like "Let the Good Times Roll" to Curtis Mayfield's "Move on Up" to '70s urban soul like Bobby Womack's "Across 110th Street" before switching gears to honor Clarence Clemons with a rousing "Paradise by the C." Always a natty dresser, Rosenberg cut quite the figure in a shiny purple suit and matching fedora as he ran around the stage directing traffic.
Joining the festivities later in the set were Greg Kihn — who dropped in after his headlining show at nearby McLoone's to treat the audience to a couple power pop tunes including his cover of the Springsteen gem "Rendezvous" & mdash; and the irrepressible Gary U. S. Bonds, who was in rare form. Having spent most of the evening backstage waiting to go on (and consuming a glass of wine or two), he proceeded to rile up the crowd with snarky comments before getting down to business with "New Orleans," a rowdy audience sing-along on the Springsteen-penned "This Little Girl," and his classic "Quarter to Three."
Bonds fronts the swinginest band they'd ever had - photograph by A. M. Saddler.
But they weren't done yet, as familiar strains of Jackie Wilson's "(Your Love Has Lifted Me) Higher and Higher" began to echo through the dusty rafters of the Paramount. (What good is a big band with an extra big horn section if you're not going to play some Jackie Wilson?) Bonds, ably supported as usual by his wife and daughter on backing vocals, enthusiastically traded verses with La Bamba as other performers meandered onstage to help close out the night. Indeed, the end was near, but not before an audience sing-along/band introduction on "Havin' a Party."
It was a long evening and a long week. There were plenty of late nights and drafty venues from Convention Hall to Cookman Avenue. And between the weather and a little thing called Springsteen on Broadway, this year's Light of Day Winterfest could easily have been overlooked by music fans. But the strength and durability of the idea, driven by its indomitable founders and staff, by the countless artists who year after year devote their time and efforts, and by the fighting spirit of its inspiration, Bob Benjamin, have turned Light of Day into an essential annual ritual. After 18 years, it's about time.
- January 17, 2018 - Lisa Iannucci reporting - photographs by A. M. Saddler.
42 years after Bruce jumped the wall, Zimny & Landau take us inside Graceland.
Finally, the world is ready for Thom Zimny's Elvis doc. Of course, you might remember Thom from such films as Wings For Wheels, The Promise, and The Ties That Bind. As we've reported previously, Elvis Presley: The Searcher is his latest directorial project, an extensive HBO documentary he's been working on with producer Jon Landau, and we now have a premiere date: Saturday, April 14 at 8pm ET/PT.
This three-hour, two-film presentation focuses on Elvis Presley the musical artist, taking the audience on a comprehensive creative journey from his childhood through the final 1976 Jungle Room recording sessions. The films include stunning atmospheric shots taken inside Graceland, Elvis' iconic home, and feature more than 20 new, primary source interviews with session players, producers, engineers, directors and other artists who knew him or who were profoundly influenced by him. The documentary also features never-before-seen photos and footage from private collections worldwide, and includes an original musical score composed by Pearl Jam lead guitarist Mike McCready.
Bruce Springsteen is one of the many interview subjects represented in the film, along with late greats Scotty Moore and Tom Petty.
One month prior to the premiere, Zimny and Landau will appear at the SXSW Festival in Austin, for a March 14 panel discussion also featuring executive producer Priscilla Presley. Further details in the HBO press release.
New single and new Springsteen cover from Jersey-based duo.
Nalani & Sarina have started off 2018 right with "Young & Inexperienced," the debut single from their forthcoming album. They also kindly recorded another Springsteen cover for us to share with our readers: "We Take Care Of Our Own," in a beautiful arrangement for two guitars and voices.
The twenty-something Flemington-NJ-based Bolton twins, who perform regularly both on their own and backed by a full rock band, recently talked to us about "Young & Inexperienced," "We Take Care Of Our Own," and the connections they make between the two songs.
"'Young & Inexperienced' was based on some of our closest friends, people we've known since at least high school," said Nalani. Finding decent-paying, meaningful work after college has proven to be much more difficult than their friends expected. Of course one of them eventually uttered the oft-heard complaint, "I can't get the job without the experience, but I can't get the experience without the job." For these people, it was "a real punch in the gut," added Sarina. "This is the real world." Yet Nalani & Sarina themselves have known about that world for quite some time, since deciding to pursue full-time careers in music right after high school.
Writing and recording "Young & Inexperienced" was a way for them to give voice to all-too-common concerns about finding work, money and, most important, respect.
As for their recording of "We Take Care Of Our Own," first and foremost it's one of their favorite Springsteen songs. "Being younger fans," they told us, "the first Springsteen album we really got into was Wrecking Ball . The version of 'We Take Care of Our Own' that opens the album, of course, just rocks, but we also were bowled over by his solo acoustic version, like the one he performed at Stand Up For Heroes." They also agree that Springsteen's line "Where's the work that'll set my hands, my soul free?" connects especially well with the issues raised in "Young & Inexperienced," and both songs take phrases that have become clichés and convert them into meaningful pleas for recognition and dignity.
Their FREE mp3 of "We Take Care of Our Own" is on our Downloads page , where you also can check out other recordings that Nalani & Sarina have shared previously. "Young & Inexperienced" is available from online music services including Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon. For more, visit NalaniSarina.
- January 12, 2018 - report and photographs (from Light of Day Philly 2018) by Shawn Poole.
Originally available as a digital download, Nils Lofgren's Blind Date Jam is now on DVD for the first time — and Nils will be autograping copies just for us. Click here to pre-order and reserve yours!
Blind Date Jam is an 80-minute impromptu jam session that we recorded to capture the magic of the moment at Cattle Track gallery in front of a small group of friends.
Featuring Greg Varlotta on guitar, keys, trumpet, trombone and tap dance, Gary Bruzzese on drums, and John Willis on bass. You'll see me presenting ideas on the spot, talking through the chords brießy and launching in to each piece. It's primitive, rough and inspired jamming that I feel and hope as music fans you'll enjoy. Amy designed a beautiful southwest set for us to play on and produced the adventure with me. I hope some of you decide to check it out.
I'll autograph copies of this limited run DVD ordered through Backstreets. If you try it and enjoy it, please spread the word for us as this is a grassroots, homegrown endeavor. Best and enjoy! & mdash; Nils.
Thinking of Clarence Clemons on his 76th birthday, we can't help but smile at this series of images shared with us by director/photographer Nick Mead (click to enlarge). As work continued on his Who Do I Think I Am? documentary, Mead put this triptych together from a personal shoot he did with his friend.
"It's another example of Clarence taking me out of my comfort zone — even when he's no longer physically around," Mead tells Backstreets. "Two things I avoid when photographing are color and laughter. Here they are in all their glory. Blessed to share this image on his birthday. Miss him every day."
We hope Clarence Clemons Day brings you color and laughter, too.
Greg Kihn makes his first appearance at Light of Day this Saturday night in Asbury Park, playing at McLoone's Supper Club along with the Ben Arnold Band. Showtime is 7pm; it wouldn't be at all surprising to see him turn up later that evening on the big stage across the boardwalk at the Paramount Theatre for the LOD Main Event (aka Bob Benjamin's Birthday Bash), headlined by La Bamba's Big Band featuring Gary U. S. Bonds.
Kihn covered Bruce Springsteen's "For You" on 1977's Greg Kihn Again, his second album. He also famously released Springsteen's "Rendezvous" way before Bruce ever did, on his 1979 album With the Naked Eye.
Always curious about the backstory, I was excited to have him on the Bruce Brunch on 105.7 The Hawk at the Jersey Shore this past Sunday. He delivered and then some. Plus, he talks about playing Alcatraz with The Big Man. Tough to beat that. Listen below.
Light of Day hits New York City tonight, with Bonds headlining the Cutting Room, and then takes it to the streets of Asbury Park on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The festivities will include a live broadcast of the Bruce Brunch on Sunday morning from the Anchor's Bend in the Grand Arcade at Convention Hall, including plenty of bleary-eyed special guests. Come hang with us!
Full details about this year's festival at lightofday.
- January 10, 2018 - Tom Cunningham reporting.
Max Weinberg is flexing his acting muscles again, following his recent recurring role on CBS's Hawaii Five-0 with a guest spot on Blue Bloods . In a new episode on January 19 called "Erasing History," the Mighty One is featured as a character by the name of Mario Vangelis.
"I play a mobbed-up New York real estate developer who is 'liked' for a hit on a guy," Max tells Backstreets. "I had an absolute blast doing several scenes with Donnie Wahlberg and Marisa Ramirez, who plays his partner Baez — both fantastic actors and people!"
Above, Wahlberg and Weinberg rehearse Mario's interrogation; below, Mr. Vangelis speaks with Detective Baez.
Tune in to Blue Bloods on CBS, Friday, Janauary 19, at 10pm Eastern. Also visit Max's new site at maxweinberg for tour dates (including Jukebox, Big Band, Quintet, and speaking engagements), as well as news, videos, and photos.
Tonight, Bruce Springsteen returns to the stage for the first time in 2018, to resume the regular Tuesday-to-Saturday schedule of Springsteen on Broadway after a holiday break. Last time Bruce performed the show, shortly before New Year's, Patti Scialfa had been out with the flu for five shows running (see 2017 setlists here). We hope she's feeling tip-top and back on the boards again tonight.
Springsteen on Broadway is currently booked to run through June 30 at the Walter Kerr Theater. In addition to the ongoing Lucky Seat lottery for each performance, the Bob Woodruff Foundation offers another chance at seeing the show: their donate-to-win contest includes not only tickets for one of the show's final performances, but also a meet-and-greet with Springsteen, an autographed guitar, travel and lodging.
Benefit show with "new" band is a 35-song stunner.
As hard as it is to believe, we're more than 25 years past the time when Bruce Springsteen released dual solo records, Human Touch and Lucky Town, and undertook a year-long tour to support them — his first without the E Street Band. Today's archive series installment marks the first complete show from that era to emerge: Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey, June 24, 1993, a benefit billed as "A Concert to Fight Hunger." It touches all the bases that made the music from that era compelling and features a guest segment that shook the building. And the recording restores a moment that many know about but few actually got to hear.
This performance came at the end of a time where listeners found themselves divided over Springsteen's bold new step. No band can match the power of the E Street Band, which for my money is the best there ever was. In 1992 and '93, many fans wouldn't accept anyone on stage with Springsteen except the E Streeters. Sprung from his comfort zone, however, he basked in the freshness his new backing musicians brought. And he worked his ass off, playing more lead guitar than on E Street tours in the '80s and huge performances throughout. Full disclosure: I loved it. I saw 21 shows in 1992 and '93 and had a blast. To this day, two remain among my personal favorites: the Count Basie rehearsal show on March 23, 1993 and the one released today.
A year earlier, Bruce had played 11 nights in the same building, the first ones in the U. S. with his new band. Then, setlists combined material from the new albums and earlier classics. Some fans who otherwise were accepting of the new band thought the shows didn't depart enough from the E Street era. Among them was Los Angeles Times rock critic Robert Hilburn, who laid out his thoughts in a provocative feature during the New Jersey stand. When the tour resumed in Los Angeles (perhaps not coincidentally the writer's home base) in the autumn, sets included more '92 material and less from before, meeting Hilburn's challenge. He wrote again, stating, "I never thought I'd again see a Springsteen performance as stirring as the one he put on Thursday at the Los Angeles Sports Arena." Yet more change came when the tour headed back to Europe in the spring of 1993.
That model carried the June 24 performance: ten songs from the new records, the new opening acoustic set, more prominent use of the backing singers, and of course the surprise appearances by Clarence Clemons and fellow E Street Band members who joined for a long encore. There was no debate about direction or which songs belonged: it was a night of celebration. Judging from the resounding crowd response, all fans were on board 100 percent and loved every minute. It was the best performance of the 1992-'93 tour.
The sole New Jersey date was something of a homecoming one-off (the tour would end two nights later at Madison Square Garden, a concert to benefit the Kristen Ann Carr Fund), and fans anticipated something big would happen. The afternoon of the 24th, Clarence Clemons went on WFAN radio with Mike and the Mad Dog and revealed that he would be in the building. That fueled the fire even more: as the lights went down, there was a buzz in the air.
In keeping with the evening's theme, Springsteen opened with a beautiful take on Woody Guthrie's "I Ain't Got No Home," with Bruce's friend Joe Ely joining for a verse. Three solo acoustic numbers followed, including fan-favorite "This Hard Land" & mdash; the outtake wouldn't be officially released until 1995, and its debut at the Count Basie rehearsal show had stunned fans. Otherwise, the first set stuck to the 1992-'93 standards, starting with fiery takes of "Better Days" and "Lucky Town." It concluded with its customary trifecta: "Leap of Faith," "Man's Job," and "Roll of the Dice." One notable addition: a gorgeous take on Emmylou Harris' "Satan's Jewel Crown." This arrangement shone, just the kind we'd waited to hear with this new cast of players.
At intermission, rumors of guest appearances by much of the E Street Band circulated. Buzz gave way to shock when the second set opened with Bruce and Roy Bittan on "Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?" (Its surprise performance at the Count Basie was the first since December 31, 1975.) "Because the Night" followed and brought the energy higher. Patti Scialfa joined for "Brilliant Disguise" and "Human Touch." Later, a spine-tingling thematic sequence began with "Who'll Stop the Rain" and tour staple "Souls of The Departed."
Usually, "Souls" led into "The Star Spangled Banner"/"Born in the U. S.A.," but on this night, Bruce dropped in a note-perfect version of "Living Proof," with a powerful vocal that was stunning. He was a new father, and the song's theme clearly translated — and from a unique place, too: except for this night, the song always appeared in the first set. Normally "Souls"/"Born in the U. S.A." made for a dark pairing but here, he brought light to the sequence with one of the era's pivotal songs. On "Born in the U. S.A.," listen for an altered vocal delivery, distinct from other performances on the tour. The set closed with the standard "Light of Day," capping the best set of music I saw the 1992-'93 band play.
Joe Ely returned to open the encore with a blistering version of his own "Settle For Love." The opening line "You say you want drama, I'll give you drama" would prove prophetic: there was much drama to come. "Glory Days" followed with special guest Little Steven, the first confirmation that the buzz might be true. "Thunder Road" was next, which Bruce and Roy played, as they had every night of the tour. Then the cavalcade of guests continued: Bruce introduced Southside Johnny with some gentle ribbing about the South's move to Connecticut. Standing together at center stage, Bruce, Steve, and Southside launched into "It's Been a Long Time," singing about decades of friendship together. At its conclusion, Southside thanked Bruce for all the help over the years.
Then Bruce turned back to the mic and counted the band into "Tenth Avenue Freeze-out." The crowd let out a roar of recognition. At the back of the stage, the Miami Horns appeared. A quarter century on, I remember this moment like it was yesterday. I was in the fourteenth row, and the entire crowd on the floor was standing on their chairs. As the horns burst in, the crowd's energy rose even higher, like everyone had just received a shot of adrenalin. And then Bruce arrived at the middle of the song and sang, "Well, the change was made uptown…" Suddenly, the building was shaking in a way you wouldn't think was possible, with the most thunderous ovation I've ever heard. If I close my eyes, I can still hear that roar. The Big Man had joined the band.
The song came to a close. The ovation at that volume continued for a full minute. Bruce and Clarence hugged. Bruce remarked, "Damn, can't have the Big Man here without doing this one. It's the Jersey set here. Only for the Garden State!" and launched into "Born to Run." The crowd's frenzy continued.
Now, as exciting as "Tenth Avenue" had been, there was one minor problem: Clarence's sax was pretty much inaudible. Bruce was aware of this, so as the "Born to Run" sax solo approached, he stuck his mic into Clarence's sax. This time, the classic solo, perhaps the signature E Street Band moment, boomed throughout the arena. In a way, it was fitting. Fortunately, today's release includes the "Tenth Avenue" solo, and whatever problem kept the sax from being heard in the monitors and PA is gone. Now, all these years later, this important moment in Bruce's performing history is fully audible and accounted for.
The guests left the stage. A beautiful version of "My Beautiful Reward," the closing track from Lucky Town , gave fans a chance to catch their breath. Joe Ely came back out with Patti and Soozie Tyrell for a foot-stomping "Blowin' Down This Road." The Jersey theme continued with a rollicking "Having a Party" with Southside, Steve, and the horns, making an arena in East Rutherford feel like a hot summer night on the Shore. It was now after midnight but the show wasn't over yet: another E Streeter, Mighty Max Weinberg, took the stage to drum on "Jersey Girl." As the final notes faded, Bruce thanked everyone for coming out and slid right into Curtis Mayfield's and The Impressions' "It's All Right." Incredibly, it was the 35th song of the night. The song's refrain "it's all right to have a good time" was the perfect note to send people out on, ending a night that lucky fans will always remember.
Aside from a live version of "Leap of Faith" (recorded on August 6, 1992, at Brendan Byrne), the only official material released from this tour was XX Plugged, recorded at Warner Hollywood Studios on September 22, 1992. Today's addition replaces an audience recording that fans traded (and Crystal Cat released as Meadowlands Night ). Different versions of the recording shared a glaring issue: "Born to Run" cut off just before the final verse. Now we have a complete account, the first from the 1992-'93 tour, and hope the series finds a spot for the March 23 rehearsal show at the Count Basie in the future!
- January 5, 2018 - Hal Schwartz reporting.
Editor's Note: As we finished today's review, news broke that Brendan Byrne, who served two terms as New Jersey governor, passed away last night at age 93. Springsteen played the first concert in the arena named for Byrne in 1981; this release documents the 28th and final time he played there before the name of the venue was changed. Backstreets offers its sympathies to Governor Byrne's family and friends.
If you're snowed in like we are, this could be the perfect time to settle in with The Story of the Big Man, a fan-made documentary that runs more than five hours long. Created by Dennis P. Laverty, who has also posted lengthy docs to Vimeo on Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes and Elvis Presley's Influence on Bruce Springsteen, his new labor of love similarly culls and compiles extant footage to tell the story of Clarence Clemons. No need to fall down a YouTube rabbit hole when Laverty does it for you, sequencing an abundance of obscure footage to recount Clarence's life and career.
Thanks to Jay Lustig for pointing us to the film — read more about it at his site, njarts.
Courtesy of NHL Studios, Max and Jay Weinberg at Monday's Winter Classic, where Max Weinberg's Jukebox served as house band.
Bruce Springsteen may not have released an album or a single in 2017, but he still made Barack Obama's list of his favorite music of the year. On Facebook, Obama shared "the books and music that I enjoyed most. From songs that got me moving to stories that inspired me," and he included a live performance from Bruce as a bonus selection: "'Born in the U. S.A.' by Bruce Springsteen (not out yet, but the blues version in his Broadway show is the best!)"
Though Springsteen on Broadway is dark this week for a little New Years vacation, Springsteen will get back to playing that "Born in the U. S.A." blues and all the rest of it, Tuesday through Saturday nights, beginning January 9.
Backstreet Records is the mailorder division of Backstreets, delivering Springsteen merchandise to fans for more than 25 years. We carry numerous collectibles, tour shirts, books, magazines, and imported CDs and records.
The world's best selection of Springsteen collectibles, all available by mail.
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Oprah "moved to the marrow of my being" by Springsteen on Broadway [Oprah]
We also post all known concert dates for some of our favorite Jersey Shore (and Shore-adopted) musicians:
Joe D'Urso. e mais.
For more information on upcoming shows such as these, check out our Concert Calendar.
Many from the Springsteen community banded together to preserve this Asbury Park landmark. and Tillie has now been saved!
Check our Save Tillie page for the latest developments.
Organized by Backstreets in 2001, this storehouse of Boss books and magazines is the largest such collection outside of Bruce's mother's basement. Thanks to the generosity of fans around the world, total holdings are now well over 15,000. But the collection is by no means complete.
Check our Fight the Monopoly page for the latest developments.
©1998-2018 The Backstreets Publishing Empire.

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